Lal, Borg Queen, or what?

Lal, Borg Queen, or what?

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Robert Z'Dar's kid?

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Daughter of Seven of Nine and Janeway




Where are people getting Lal from? The fact that Data was in the trailer?

If she's not involved with the Borg, then she has something to do with the Romulans. Could be both, depending on how much they take from the backstory of the JJ-verse.


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Won't watch it, don't care.

>Tarantino wanted to do an R-Rated Star Trek film starring Stewart and Shatner
>instead we get a Picard TV show that blatantly rips off Logan

They literally say in the trailer that she is Vaadwaur

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Former Borg drone who escaped from the Cube that the Romulans are using as a prison. No connection to the Queen, Locutus or Data. I'm sure she'll be some sort of super special former drone though with abilities that come and go as the "plot" calls for it.

>She is the chosen one
This isn't Trek. That's not a plot Trek would ever have.

Her chin was the first thing I noticed too. It really is distracting.
Also I really am not looking forward to a show about Picard babysitting some literal who Chosen One. That trope is tired as fuck.

oh no
she's not Picard's daughter is she? They're not going to pull that low-hanging fruit of no-children regret from Generations?
Because when I think Picard genealogy, I don't think a predisposition to ass-kicking action stunts

Trek would have a plot about going to an alien world where the people believe in a chosen prophecy and Picard and crew have a lengthy, philosophical discussion on the ship about how primitive and naive chosen one prophecies are and the ethics of allowing a society that's just going to replace evil monarchy with "benevolent" monarchy to continue existing.

DS9 had it as a main component. Sisko literally was the chosen one of the Bajoran people and have it be proven true.

He wasn't a chosen one. Time travelling aliens just knew what he was going to do before he did it because they could see the future. They weren't gods and they didn't choose him.


They actively sent one of their own to possess a woman to be his mother. It's all explained through reasoning, but nevertheless he's still a chosen one destined to save the galaxy.

So this is another thread of retards pasting fan fiction from a trailer. got it.

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Bryan Fuller created the story for Star Trek Picard. Then Alex Kurtzman came along and passed it off as his own, as he's a fucking hack.

I absolutely refuse to believe this is canon. It completely undermines the borg identity

Yes, well they needed a reason to get Patrick Stewart to jump around bare-armed at the climax of an action movie.


Obviously gonna be Seven of Nine's Daughter

A super native-american/borg hybrid?

Oh wow, it's another "protagonist has to Shepard a young woman (who is really a deadly killer and tougher than any male) but is super naive and has never lived in the real world. She can't fall into the bad guy's hands as it would have catastrophic consequences for everyone" story. Never seen that idea before in a fuck ton of games/films.

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Wait really?