With all the hype surrounding the cast of Stranger Things...

With all the hype surrounding the cast of Stranger Things, which one of them will have what’s it’s got to be a star in Hollywood?

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None of them

millie's poised to become a famous porn star for at least a couple of years

zoomer shills begone

Finns basically a cuter Chalamet so he’ll be at least as successful as him

Where is the prankster?

Maybe Bobby Brown. She’s the one that’s been shilling by the medias endlessly.

Maybe Millie Bobby Brown or Finn Wolfhard. You can see that the rest of them don't really have that level of talent.

I'd say Gaten and Noah will probably have the biggest careers. Millie and Finn will succumb to hardcore drugs and job their careers.

I love her. She's amazing and she's a great actress

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The one who gets blacked.

Gaten will either turn to stand up comedy or broadway.
Millie will go into indie films for a few years then fall off the face off the planet.
Finn will keep modeling for fashion companies and will keep pursuing his musical endeavors. He'll also probably act in some indie films.
Noah will become a Disney star/ indie movie actor.
Caleb will go into comedy/Disney as well, but his career won't take off.
Sadie's career will go the way of Millie's
As for the adult cast, none of them other than winona will have a future, unless you count Dacre in which case he'll be the next endlessly shilled Hollywood heartthrob. Sadly Joe Keery's role in ST is gonna be the absolute peak of his career. Same with David Harbour.

left to right
Small support roles until her thirties and then just disappears.

Disappears for a few years after Stranger Things then comes back to build a Cuba Gooding Jr or Tyrese Gibson kind of career. A couple of good co star performances in big movies stars in some smaller releases that are good but never go anywhere.

Big until a drug problem or rehab or sex scandal fucks him over in late twenties or early thirties. Maybe pulls it together in his late 40's or fifties.

Never seen or heard from again, you see his image on some clickbait site that reads "Guess where they are now" He's a dentist or small time lawyer.

Is pretty successful most of her career eventually slows down out of choice to pursue family or cherry picking movies that she sees as prestigious and has some recurring role for a big paycheck in whatever the equivalent of capeshit will be in 20-30 years.

MBB will have a good career unless her stage parents fuck her up before she turn 18
Finn has better taste in movies but he's acting gets worse and worse. He's laughably bad acting wise in S3
The rest will be nobodies after the end of the show except maybe Gaten

How much Jewywood producer cum do you think she can fit in her rectal cavity?

Finn is the only one who can be considered as a serious actor, he's already stepped one foot into the serious movie field regardless how good this movie will be

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>Millie and Finn will succumb to hardcore drugs and job their careers.
He does seem like the type, but irl he's actually the least type of guys who would get into drugs out of the cast

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Only girls and amerimut boy.

Kids from IT have better chances at careers than any one of them here







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Dump his ass.

like they would irl hang out .kek

One of them is in both

Maya Hawke and David Harbour. I can see Steve being in a bunch of shitty horror movies too so I guess him.

None of the kids because they're awful.

that forehead urgh

Based Finn

Too bad he can't act for shit and is only getting nothing roles thanks to his preteen fangirls. Other IT kids that are far less popular got better roles.

He's the best kid in both IT and ST acting wise, it's only inevitable he gets recruited into being serious movies


It's funny how he always gets the least hype in Stranger Things but went on to become the biggest star out of them

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>Vegan during childhood
Irreparable damage. Expecting her to get all sinewy by 25.

Kissing black guys open many doors in Hollywood.

the jewish one

Netflix doesn't like the white guys getting all the success despite he's clearly the most talented one.

Yeah so it feels fucking great seeing Finn making it in the industry despite ((them)) keeping him from being successful

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All of them

she looks like a 30 year old already, her career is dead

>the one with the bad boy look is the purest one
God this is so hot, literally like an anime troop

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The Red Head will do a bunch of risqué photo shoots for Maxim and shit, suck the right dick, and get a blockbuster lead role that will catapult her to semi-A list status for at least 3-7 years.

As long as she doesn’t get strung out first like Bella Thorne.

I want to rub my cock in her armpits my dude.

Why do people like this trash show?

Why can’t I get a bf like this

They're really trying to push Millie but all her movies fucking bomb, and they're probably getting tired, after the Sherlock one fails they'll stop casting her.

based. are girls into that?

probably the red head or the lesbian. they’re the only ones who dont look like fucking freaks

Who did he kiss there?

Finn and Caleb

Glad we’ve got a pedo containment thread

>Finn Wolfhard
He's rumored for a drama about the Shoah unironically.

>Gaten will either turn to stand up comedy or broadway.
Not only are all your predictions weak niglet but Gaten already has two new Netflix series being prepped.

>after the Sherlock one fails they'll stop casting her.
Her agent fucked up with this, Zoomers can't into British shit. If it were in the vein of Scream for Help, okay, but it won't gross $60 million here. She should have done the serious Scooby Doo reboot.

He looks like a mix between a dolphin and Phineas from phineas and ferb

I just watched the ending of Season 1 and I absolutely hated how it ended after loving the rest of the season. I wanted to see what other people thought about it online and everyone seems to think the ending was amazing?

Oakes Fegley

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Zoomer stfu

Finn kisses a boy?? AHHHHHHHHHH
