Season 7 must be a fat stinker. This isn't even being advertised on Netflix front page

Season 7 must be a fat stinker. This isn't even being advertised on Netflix front page.

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3 episodes in. Still doesn't feels like they have established a main storyline yet.

pretty sure your front page is based on an algorithm

haven't watching since midway through season 3. is every brown/black person a super genius who dindu nuffin and every white person super evil like everything else on netflix now?

The final season has some jabs at ICE detainment facilities about how they are a hundred times worse than regular prison. Two latina prisoners got sent to one of those.

>Straight men bad!!!

I'm on episode 8. I'm so sick of the lesbian soundtracks on these shows (throaty vocals, whispering, always sounding like they're whining). I thought the first five season were good with a noticeable drop in quality in season 6; 7 is all over the place. We still have to endure Piper, but she's not as annoying as in previous seasons. I'm skipping through every scene with her brother and his wife and the flashback scenes of characters I don't like.

>ICE detainment facilities
This fucking unnecessary stupidity, although I'm happy with what they did to Ramos so far. She's hot, but she's so obnoxious and irredeemably stupid that it's painful to watch her and flaca in any capacity. Also, the "metoo bullshit with that rat-faced bitch everyone long since forgot about is a thread this season. It seems like they want to force cameos this season. I won't be surprised if the guard that knocked up Daya pops in.

I hate pic related so much, I find myself grinding my teeth when she's on-screen. I hate her face, her voice and even the actress that plays her. She's such an unlikeable Dominigger.

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I watched until season 4 and I can safely say it is a fat stinker because what I watched was a fat stinker.

Wasn't a gay guy the main antagonist for like 3 seasons?

Shit, I'm episodes in and I'm not sure what's the main plot yet.

7 episodes in.

>when the show goes on for few seasons more than it should've cause some how dykes and niggers still watching it

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I have no problem with her (only 3 episodes in). I am happy that they got rid of that fat trashy bitch introduced last season. I have an irrational hatred for people like her in real life.

I liked the last season with the flashback arcs.

Does she get her tits out? That's all I care about

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>rational hatred
I felt the same.


Daya is fucking gross. Literally the worst body I've ever seen.

Body shaming incel

>Season 7
Wait. 7 years?

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Really, I just noticed today there was a new season released. I wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't for a lesbian friend of mine. And this is someone who binged the whole series until some months ago.
I haven't started yet as I have no longer time to do it and I got stranger things as a priority, but I was told the season was full of drama but lacks the stupid shit that made that show enjoyable

there isn't any. it's just a long goodbye

wtf was that shit with small children in front of a judge without any adults?

Started yesterday morning. 8 episodes done. The immigration stuff is a slog. Maritza made it fun but ugly-creepy girl cant carry a storyline

Zelda was cute, reminded me of C.Hendricks in Firefly

If you were still watching after the BLM prison riot shit, you deserve to have your time wasted, I loved the series but never looked back after that

how is she still in prison
i stopped watching after s2 or 3

she got out end of season 6

I don't know if it's. Shit's been going on too long for it's welcome. Not gonna even bother downloading.

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Fuck, seven seasons? I dropped it like 2-3 episodes in S2. Do you anons really like it?

Once I start a show, I can't drop it. It's why I don't watch a lot of shows. The Walking Dead was the only exception where I had to drop it.

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I hate how they hace to put progressively more liberal political commentary every season and ruin what is otherwise a pretty good show.
But I guess the whole of mainstream american media needs to spin around Donald Trumo now because #resist or some shit


Did they just flip a coin on who got a good ending or a bad ending?

North america isnt just the USA

Are you retarded? Maybe even blind? Do you have fucking EYES?

nah, you've just become a fascist pig. 4chin does that to people

yeah. also the straight guy is basically responsible for saving everybody.

>no maritza tits
>no mccullough tits

Fuck this dumpster fire.

it certainly isn't central and south american countries either you stupid fuck


The riot season killed the show. Idk why people are trying this "every episode is an hour" formula, outside of 24 it never fucking works(and it only worked there because the show was batshit insane), it literally went from one of the most talked about and acclaimed shows to disappearing completely out of pop-culture after that season

i think the user point is that they mixed central america and north america. Like all in one big bag of north and is not.

it's been very consistent. For me this is a show I can watch with the women in my life, which is pretty rare. this season is slow at times though.

i think i stopped watching this when poussey died. the first two seasons weren't horrible

Everyone in this show is a lesbian; it's like half-life 2 RP.

Although, I'm happy we got to see some minor lesbo stuff with this one cop.

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Central America is in North America you fucking brainlets

not in MY America!

I'm glad this is the last season. The preaching is worse than ever and the most boring characters get all the spotlight. It's hard to believe they're even in a max security prison at times.

>Once I start a show, I can't drop it. It's why I don't watch a lot of shows


Well, it is masturbation fantasy Jeni Kohan created for herself.

Caribbean user here. You're a central american with a complex my dude. Don't lie to yourself

That's some kind of autism I wouldn't hope to my worst enemies...

Any good tits this season? There was fucking none last season.

>Piper's brother and his family
How the fuck do people have the energy for lifestyles like that?


Yeah but then you remember that most of these people are in prison for doing stupid/horrible things. Really shows how irrational these people get over things they dont understand or were at the root of the cause by themselves.

why did they cancel sense8 but kept this on for almost a full decade?

What made you drop TWD

Kohan is actually straight lmao. She's been married for like 20 years and has 3 kids. Apparently they had to hire a consultant for OITNB because she was confused about lesbian sex. I couldn't believe it when i read it too, she sure looks gay

I'll watch it, eventually. Johan is really good at setting up a series, but she's shit at endings - Weeds was fucking great, and then just slid slowly to shit by the end.
There were some good characters along the way, but it should have ended after 3 seasons. Maybe 4. A lot of shows just go on, too long - Weeds, Shameless, Breaking Bad, they could be cut in half, rip out the boring shit - perfect shows.
I'm interested to see what they do with Joe, too. Great character, great actor. I started watching this because of Laura Prepon, so at least she's still on the show, even though they ruined her character.
If you want a laugh, go find the premier pictures of the cast. Most of the white actresses look fine. The rest? LAWL.

They musta spent all their advertising budget on the photoshop.

I stopped watching in Season 3. Is this fuckboy still a character?

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No IIRC he abandons Daya after seeing how trashy her family is.

The blonde guard shows her milkers partially and this a thicc puerto rican stripper in his flashback

A lot of people have that issue. It's pretty common actually.

Sense8 was really fucking expensive apparently.

When Andrew Lincoln left.

They wrote him out because he moved to a new show. The character just leaves town, lol.

The Trump bad/immigrants are the new holocaust shit was annoying

I thought this show took place in 2013, what's with this #MeToo shit?