Are we witnessing the end of Sneed as we know it?

Are we witnessing the end of Sneed as we know it?

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formerly the beginning

Yes. Sneedfags are already desperate and trying to merge with the meme in repeated epic fails

Stop shilling your new shit movie here marketing faggot

Two forced memes competing for relevance on a dead board. What a time to be alive.

forced discord meme

mask posting has already died down see you in a week

Btfo maskfags

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don't think i'll still be sneedposting in august boys...... it's over

Bañé Will forever be King.

Maskposting has been around for three days tops and it’s already made me laugh more times than sneedshitters ever did. What does that say, hmmm?

You'll be maskposting in October, dontcha just LOOOVE Halloween?

You're a discord group pushing a narrative

No, it wasn't me! It was the one armed man!


Based IMOGENsfavoritepage dabbing on the sn**d shitter


Its only been a couple days though

that you probably arrived three days ago

i'm okay with purging the sn**d nonsense, but the new forced meme ain't really a big improvement
weren't these things supposed to happen organically over the course of the years?

why the FUCK is this shit being forced so hard?

discord trannies