/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: Holly
Veto: when is the veto meeting?
Noms: Nick/Sam

Previously on /bb/: feeds in 5

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based grod using twists to make the opening and middlegame of the season completely academic

>this season

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sam and nick the only ones moving about

what 2000s emo rock song best describes this image?

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speaking of, what music did holly get?

break stuff by limp bizkit

this season of big brother is so boring it makes me want to get a job

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not sure but I suddenly have an urge to listen to Panic at the Disco and Dashboard Confessional

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>I'm nottttttttttt oooooooooo kkkkkkkkkk
>you wear me out

>"Yes, oh great and mighty Grand Champion?"

analyse went aggro on production last night cause it was too hot in the target room

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that fucking mattress is trying its hardest

nick complaining to nicole and sam that jack and sis are the most powerful duo in the house

how can he still be this clueless?

born in nj

why couldn't she have lied like this in the house??

gotta do what it takes to win some twatter cred back

i think its a fake account

did alex get add-ons too?

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she got dat sister envy

that's because the real game just started for her

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jackson made some comment about mole being hot

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it’s not

er jack

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>Michie - I doubt we'll get Brett. We already saw him (for the Love Island promo).

>Jack - Haleigh would be dope. I'm sure she's so hot in person.

She's not hot, she's very cute mole

For some reason I thought the sweatshirt said Markyland. I need to get off of Yea Forums.

oh christie and tommy cant even shower for 4 days


imagine if the field trip is to love island and one HG stays...

I saw that on twatter 2 days ago

i just read it on twitter from a 2 day old repost

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Man, that's a real stompable face

swamp ass

look at dis dudes feet

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jfc christy stfu. she has been shit talking about nick and sam and bitching since she came into the hoh room

based and vcmpilled

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Jackson needs to piss himself every comp if he wants a shot at final two

> "Jackson, please reset your board."
> "Just a second, Julie. I'm not done yet."

If they did that I would actually be impressed because I thought only Disney would be capable of that much synergy.

What could be awesome is if they just did a fast forwarded game of like back to back to back double eliminations and then added 3 people from Love Island to the BB cast and kind of restarted the game again.

u da man user

i started working on the exploitable as soon as he pissed himself. he earned it.

now christie is bashing nicole

Jack called Nicole stupid for not making moves that benefit Six Shooters even though she's not in their alliance.

Well he's not entirely wrong. I'm not sure what her game plan is. Either play ball with the six shooters and try to exploit cracks in the meantime or form an opposing alliance.

sounds like production gave holly some info about the comp

hay involved in veto. holly told to take allergy pills because she's allergic to it

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do you have a clip of it going limp?

Imagine being stuck inside a house with Christie.

I’m still rock hard

christie finally capitulated to the rest of the house wanting nick out so now she is going into full overdrive talking shit about him so she can make herself feel like it was her choice all along

god shes pathetic

@igif does

i dont know what that even means

>jack: how are you feeling today sis?
>sis: my groins are killing me

even kat laughed at her

it’s a twitter handle you retarded boomer

>he's still watching

>he doesnt know we are all girls here

you're still a dude when you're an ugly tranny.
only cute 10/10 shemales and pure bimbo shemales are allowed to exist


im tapping out on live feeds until something interesting happens
hoping its like bbcan7 whee most of the game sucked but the alliance turning on each other was pure kino

it won't be kino because this cast sucks.

sam with the jesus talk again


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so? I haven’t showered in two weeks.

>my ex would never cum


sam noms -- jack/holly

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getting pegged by bimbo

>Sat 11:20 AM PT Jess walks in and now they're talking about how cold the room is. Jess says she was fine but Sam and Nicole said it's really cold at night

those extra layers tho

Other guests have complained about the house being cold. That's why Vanessa wore a beanie all the time.

Still funny about Jess, though.

vanessa wore the beanie because of the rule that only elder god tier female players can wear beanies inside the house

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whens jury?
after this eviction?

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based soccer player anal didn’t realize that two yellows = a red



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>coasts to the end and sits next to jess to win


>i pretended to pretend to be dumb because i wanted you to all think i was a genius mastermind
>but i really am just dumb
>and that's why i deserve to win big brother

reminder that devin started the cancerous trend of forming a big alliance on day 1 and steamrolling to the end. devin killed big brother

wtf did you just say about me you little bitch?


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cant wait for her to win and the history revisionism that will inevitably follow like with kc

i think you mean devin reinvented the game and is still waiting for the next great houseguest to reinvent it again

When will feeds be worth watching again?

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couple more evictions

once its just six shooters

i hope sam wins the veto cause i want to see him vote to evict kat and yell SEND IT!

kaycee played a solid game
only legit idiots can't recognize her strategy

see what i mean? lol

this, unless 2-3 of the outsiders start winning everything and sending 6S home.

good job convincing me

can’t fix brain damage

meh i dont feel like going over it again

>tfw six shitters will be the most dominating alliance in history of bb winning almost all the hoh's and even when not winning, eliminating their targets
truly epic

kaycee played a game watching BB17, 18, and 19
she socially integrated herself into the top alliance
she was never in any danger of going home

it's not the flashiest game ever but convince me her win is worse than steve, ratcole, or josh

i thought the pretty boys were dominant but having a 6 person alliance and having ALL of them make it to the jury phase is insane

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post tommy memories

KC played a middle of the road game and got lucky the better player fucked up jury management with two players

those were strategic losses lmao wagie

>loses a bunch of comps when winston & rockstar are still in the game
>suddenly gets really good at comps late in the game

wow, it's not like someone would throw competitions in big brother, would they?

she knew the right answer both times and guessed wrong, tard. If everyone else got it it was likely a retardedly easy question

Nicole was a much more active part of the majority alliance than steve, josh and kc

>shuts down the camp comeback twist by telling the house to not talk game with the evictees
it was such a power move that they didnt want to show it on the show

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scottie is just a salty cunt. period

that doesn't explain the last one bro

if the battle of the block twist never existed, devin wouldn't have had to adapt and counter act it

kc won because of tyler fuck ups, he really should have evicted kc during the double eviction. i think evicting brett was a big mistake.

wrong, tyler fucked up managing him and made him salty

yup, tyler was going on and on about the power app he never used.

if you couldn't easy beat KC and her terrible final speech and answers, you didn't deserve to win kek

tyler was too good bros, just like paul

>last one
>she got one answer wrong in one comp

lemme spit some shit at you
kaycee does fucking nothing til week 7. Just coast, throw comps, build relationships, but subtly build yourself up as someone boring as the drama shits like aura fuck their games up

week 7 she's in danger, so she starts winning. Technology power to take herself off the block, but she goes back up

week 7 and 8 she stays 11-1 over rockstar and scottie. Scottie will be the lone vote to evict Kaycee the entire season

Rest of the game, 5 of the last 6 POVs. The one POV she didn't win Tyler was HOH and wasn't putting her up


scottie was mad at level 6 as a whole because of his on sorry gameplay and he took it out on tyler. he claims to be a superfan but then gives a bitter vote at the end... nothing more pathetic

name our alliance

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awesome dude. still doesn't explain the last one.

Tyler is Natalie Martinez plus comp wins minus any opinions about anything

her getting one answer wrong in one comp?
im explaining my case and you aren't saying shit in return
i'd crush you in a f2 kid ;)

head in the cabaña

the black sox

>your case
for what? i never made an opposing case. kc is braindead.

Florida Men

the fags

any pics of josh + fessy?

Is there anybody that Cliff can make a final two deal with? Or is it too early?

cliff has the old guy sympathy card. no one is taking him to F2

tyler could have prevented that
he also could have easily gotten sam's vote by forcing a tie so angela voted sam out

just sloppy endgame jury management

sam if he survives eviction and wins the next hoh

not him but getting one question wrong in one competition isnt that bad.

cliff confirmed its sam

veto pick time

veto picks?

cliff just needs to survive two more weeks, make sure jess or anal are still around, collect info about the 6 that they tell him, and then use that info to cause a civil war between them and slip through the cracks


They have super AC because of the studio lighting it gets hot during the day so when all the lights are off it gets cold

Why the fuck did cliff not nominate christie when he had the chance

never leg day

Because then he'd be out of the door next week without a doubt.

a 50% chance of going home this week

Fruit Loop and The Dingus

yeah it would have been a flashy move and he could have made it work, but I think he recognized that bella, nick, and sam would all be targets before him

hopefully by then the six is broken and he can use his "word" to make a late game deal or something

its cowardly but its not the worst game move

not true. with 2 of six OTB one of them goes for sure and then they dont have the numbers. without christie tommy would play with the other side. also the power is gone. terrible terrible move

hindsight is 20/20. cliff nom's christie, jack goes. all cliff's allies fell early in the endurance comp. you're looking at holly's noms being nick/cliff this week

beautiful pic. a muslim and a jew living in harmony

That's assuming Christie goes, plus who's the say Jess/Kat won't just slide into the sixth spot in SS?

>Winston, Caro, and Cormac enter the BB house
>Jack, Analyse, and Nick enter the villa

How does this change the season for BB/Love Island, bros?

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i don't think bella/nick/sam would have gone against the 6 had bella stayed

>putting in nick and not turbochad jackson


cliff, jessica and tommy playing

so cliff throws?

Tommy's going to throw it because he secretly loves Nick.

ya its basically sam and nick vs tommy and holly

like in a homo way?

is there an exhaust fan in the bathroom?

Well, Nick/Sam couldn't have asked for a more open field. holy shit. Tommy is the only person that could beat them but he's 100% throwing it.

in a heterosexual way in which he's the girl

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damn veto picks is full of jobbers



I guess Sam is getting his 3rd veto.


>anal microwaving eggs

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imagine walking in there after spencer clawson takes a big dump

watch jess win

she was just defrosting them

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How fucked is she if she doesn't get together with a rich husband in the next 5 years?

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That would be a terrible idea. She is so far off everyone radar she could slip into a coma for the next month and still be in the game.

you say that like it's not a sure thing

so its pretty much jessica and holly vs sam and nick
cliff can also win it

It involves hay so she can easily win a barnyard type comp like pretend you're a pig

soo im guessing anals mom doesnt know her daughter is getting dicked down by jack?

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Big Brother needs to cast more lesbians

Too many all girl alliances break apart because they lose to the dick

Survivor Vanuatu proves that even lesbians can't counter a true Chad

sam is under the illusion he has a chance to stay if he's on the block with jess

wtf how is anal cheating at big brother?

Sam is finna win his third veto and dab on that dyke hoe.

i won't :^)

Because hes a retarded faggot. Hes a simp fag playing for jury, any true gamer backdoors the dyke bitch.

he thinks if she gets put put, there won't be enough room on the block for him

If he backdoored, he’d be on the block and voted out this week

Who goes up if Sam or Nick come off though? Nicole or Jess?

And /BB/ racists will pretend to enjoy it because they're brainlets.

These kinds of things every year make me really sad for some reason


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bimbo, to hide she is working with SS

Wow he delayed his fate for a whole 2 weeks at most, such a big brain move :) Sorry, even if it sends me home i'm not letting some crazed dyke hoe control my hoh. I'll never play a bitchmade game like James or Cliff.

so what's the comp?

hide and go veto

That crazed dyke hoe will just send you home the week after. Putting her on the block does nothing.

>holly is allergic to hay
uhh........ what?

honestly this. im probably one of the few who would rather get evicted pre jury than jury. i think cliff just wants to make it to jury

strip poker

You don't have to backdoor her, he could have put Analyse up and made sure Jack went home. Hes a cuck loser that was happy to be at the bottom of a group that just voted his ass out.


i have awoken from my slumber. would any kind user give me a quick run down? why is bimbo trying to get quarky on the block as a replacement nom?

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hay fever

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bimbo is jealous of nicole's sex appeal

what a cunt. i hate bimbo now

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she offered herself as pawn last night if one of the boys wins the veto and i think she realized how dumb it was so she is going after nicole. also, sam is pushing hard for jess renom scenario and she is also trying to avoid that

This really is a good strat in modern BB. Josh's meatball mist and Goodbye message slandering were the best game moves of that season.

Alright guys, I’m waiting at the airport and I’m hungry. I have the choice between Panda Express and McDonald’s. Which do I choose?

5 mcchickens

Get that orange chicken my guy.


I'm at the shore I ate wawa


think about which one will be easier on your bowels.



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McD fries and beef and broccoli with extra gravy.
Dip the fries in the gravy.

A daring synthesis.

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Leg Day

Russian Roulette

Has Jackson eaten all the food yet?

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Serious question, how is Jackson not fucking fat? the dude is consuming like 6k calories daily.

Either laxatives or purging.

I'm actually a little concerned about his mental state. between the binge eating, 3 showers a day, deodorant on the balls, american psycho motivation speeches and "it's not a lie if you believe it". how did he pass the psych eval? I still want him to win

not the first time they casted someone that is mentally ill

He passed the same reason Raven passed. There is no failure.
CBS and Grodner don't give a shit about the HGs.

>"it's not a lie if you believe it".

That's from Seinfeld, when did he say that?

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was maybe second week of feeds or around there. i think he was talking to holly when he said it. and she was like, wow you are a sociopath.

*wins bb21*

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lets go yessica!

they all thought she was a retard bar girl till they found out she was a lawyer

i got in argument in some youtube comments about kemi and i ended up asking "why is she iconic? what did she do?" and the responses ended lmfao

>i got in argument in some youtube comments

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yeah, not super proud of that but my point still stands that all you have to do is ask what kemi did in the house and the retard stans stop responding

>i got in argument in some youtube comments

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>i got in argument in some youtube comments

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i got in argument in some youtube comments about devin and i ended up asking "why do you like devin? he didnt even form the bomb squad" and the responses ended lmfao

There are 12 people left and the feeds are dead.
CBS should just evict everyone and start over with a better cast.

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I'm thinking/hoping that post-jury will be better, but probably not

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they should just turn off the feeds from bb and turn on the love island ones

what did you expect from a holly hoh

i wasn't able to watch since thursday night really. and i find myself not even caring to watch now. maybe its cause the week is decided.

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If only this season had been:

BB:Northern Invasion

Canada players:
Poutine Papi

U.S plaers:

By the time the six start going after each other, it will just be a game of BB Compball. This season was DOA when they cast Misty &Tommy and Holly & Bimbo without it being a twist.

reminder this season was supposed to be a couple twist and was gonna include victor/nicole
just be happy that it didnt happen

swaggy/bayleigh too. thats why the first HoH had two people hanging from each log, they didnt even bother to change it

If you're going to have a North American BB, then invite the Gran Hermano players as well.

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Season was DOA when they recruited 75% of the cast from Instagram, twitter and golds gym again. Everyone was a total game brainlet except for Jackson, Nicole, Cliff, and David. Tommy picked it up pretty quick though.

How is this? any good titty slips? gameplay decent?

imagine believing evel dicks uniformed tweets

>they accidentally got 2 duos in the house
yeah sure

It uses trad BB rules, so it's trash strategically. But if you know Spanish, it's no worse than Love Island.
I wonder if the international rules would be good to watch if they let the HGs scheme and form alliances like Survivor.

why else would the first HoH comp have two people hanging from each log? it makes no sense if its an individual game

How was it going to work?
If one fell off the log the team was eliminated?

>Jackson will never piss himself on live feeds again

If I had to guess there would have been no hand holds and you cling to the log by grabbing each other. winning couple shares HoH and that duo comp gimmick lasts all of pre-jury.

kat and holly just have mutual friends as in they have hung out in the same circle at the ho bar

yeah cause they have never done that in any season before

holy shit it must be quarky-fag time...

Kat and Holly conspired before sequester.

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anal just made a final 2 with sam
wants nicole to go this week

i want becky burgess to sit on my face but it's not going to happen

another one? whats the name of this one now?

I don't know man, her face looks like it got hit by a train.


you mean sam? analyse had no f2's with anyone

ladies of /bb/

would you go to prom with no beard paul?

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Post some rage inducing Jessica quotes

her and sam had the joke F2 called boohoo final 2. just wondering if they made a "real" F2 now

Sorry Paul

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Literally the Allman Brothers' worst song, which is amazing considering how incredibly shitty their entire music set is to begin with.


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To be so full of love and light, Christie always seems to be in a negative mood or mental state. Funny how the people who profess the most joy show the least of it

who you got winning, /bb/?

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nick talking to himself again

she sucks

Unironically the best feed today

nice blogpost

Any ideas on how Grodner can save the season?

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stop shoving twists


this. just run a vanilla season and if its a steamroll THEN put a twist or two in

Sure. Hes a hunk.

Blue Shell twists, most of the ones Grodner comes up with only strengthens the majority alliance.

analyse has been eating a lot this past week

i think she might be knocked up

>2 summers of the 7 day game of jenga

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Don't be ridiculous, you can't get pregnant through anal sex.

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I wonder how different the season would be if BB21 had the same door as BB20.

who did nicole tell about holly and jackson being part of the flip?

When will they learn?

also told him bimbo knew about it

replace ovi with paul, how would this season turn out?

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He would make it to final two but lose to Cliff

gets backdoored prejury

so him and sam are just throwing quarky utb to try to stay. got it. thanks.

...by Tommy
...in the shower

*wins veto*

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Ian, let /bb/ die just like the season.

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justin did nothing wrong

christie planting seeds in anal about jack now