What kind of television is the best?

What kind of television is the best?

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50 inch 1080p flat screen

14 inch CRT

Presently, either the Q9FN or P Series Quantum X. If you're fine with spending $2k a year to replace an out-of-warranty TV for burn in, then get a C9.

the one you have with you

They are basically the exact same shit for the past 15 or so years

I bought the C7 almost 2 years ago and there is not hint of burn in.
It is only a problem if you are an old person who has news on 10 hours a day.

One that’s in a dark room and above your eye line
/p/ what are you doing here?

I believe movies are mastered for Panasonic, as they're the only ones who actually conform to a particular standard for colours and brightness, the rest is just focused on making things pop.

Either wait for MicroLED to launch in 4-5 years or get an OLED if you are not in a really bright room or get a good 4k LED from Sony.
Don't buy the cheap models though.

resolution for movies/shows
refresh rate for vidya
crt for retro material

Reminder that a proper sound system setup will change your viewing experience far more than a "bigger brighter" screen.

Get a curved one

what 4k tv should i buy?

>watching talkies
>watching silents with a prerecorded sound accompaniment
lol do you read novels too

who watch tv with the lights on?

I got the 65" Sony x900e for $1499 on Black Friday a year and a half ago and, though I initially went through a phase of wondering whether I should've gone OLED, it's proven over time to be a stupendous set!

the vigilant

An OLED by LG or Sony till microLED gets better

Who watches kinos on Television anymore? Just watch it on your mobile phone.

You overpaid for that TV.

Is 65" too big for a living room?

get real

>too big
no such thing

depends on the size of your living room and the distance you would be watching it

that's the inherent nature of the thing! However, there wasn't another set on the market, in that size, at that price point with comparable contrast ratio and brightness. Have a great day!

Are mounted tvs just a meme?


I have a 65’’ LG OLED E8. Got it for $2000 6 months ago. It changed my viewing experience. Along with my Sonos Playbase i now prefer watching movies at home. Kino gets kinoer when you invest in a good setup

65"-75" OLED. How is this even a debate? why are people posting otherwise?

Yeah. Destroys your wall forever and is only for people with small homes who thinks it means anything to decrease the space your TV takes with 5 cm

microLED my dude

>destroys your wall forever.
imagine living your whole life without knowing about drywall filler, or patch panels.

In scandinavia most people (myself included) lives in modern homes with beautiful white panel walls that will be ruined no matter what you do to cover it up.

Pic very related. Looks like my home

Attached: 5BA5068F-BF01-44F6-90E2-62AE95786155.jpg (1300x731, 111K)

about 3.5 metres away

that is not modern. That was the popular aesthetic in NA 50-60 years ago (the panels I mean) Those panels are a bitch to remove. But you can replace them. They are probably glued on so shittily though, that you will probably have to pull out and re drywall parts. My personal advice, based on life experience. Is never put wallpaper or panels or any shit on your wall. It just creates a huge headache when the fad dies. Just do drywall and paint.