>Pullman however has characterised the Narnia series as "blatantly racist", "monumentally disparaging of women", "immoral", and "evil".[12][13]
How will Netflix's Narnia deal with the racist, sexist, Christian themes?
Other urls found in this thread:
just remove all the Christian themes and imagery lol
The showrunner is Jewish btw
all black cast including the lion
Sounds kino and Christpilled to me. Horse and His Boy when?
The lion is evil and the kids are right in rejecting him (and the fantasy land they think they found in the wardrobe) in the end.
>Anti-Christians, non-Christians and Jews making a series about a Christian allegory
oh dear.
Cringe and gnosticpilled
>Pullman lies about a series to promote his own
Phillip Pullman is an idiot who hasn't read the books and just believes the bullshit "Susan wasn't allowed in Narnia because she slept with someone" narrative.
She wasn't let into Narnia because she didn't believe in it and just thought it was a childish fantasy. CS was pretty outspoken about people who dismissed things as childish.
It has nothing to do with "slut shaming" or sexism at all.
two boys will be black and two girls will be white
Pullman is the worst kind of fedoratipper
They will all be gay
That's the most underrated book in the series but I think it has the best story
>Upon discovering the religious beliefs of C.S. Lewis, Del Toro has stated that he no longer feels comfortable enjoying his work, despite doing so beforehand.[52] He describes Lewis as "too Catholic" for him, despite the fact that Lewis was never a Catholic.[53]
They will deal with the racism by erasing all the characters of a certain race, religious bigotry by banning themes of one religion only, misogyny by emasculating and erasing men, because they are tolerant and liberal :^)
>Horse and His Boy
Impeccable taste user
>degenerate doesn't like something that's pure and moral
imagine that.
And trans
Probably my fav in the series. Didn't realize so many others thought the same
>"blatantly racist", "monumentally disparaging of women", "immoral", and "evil"
>The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
>disparaging of women
Just replace all the Muslims with white people, simple
>yeah so like theres a bunch of wheel deer things and then the young teenagers fuck a bunch lmao
based opioid addicted pedo
weird, catholic religious symbolism is all over del toro's work.
The best book and I don't want it turned into a movie. Only anglos should be allowed to touch this specifically Anglo Christian art. Fuck I already hate it.
So they'll do what the "A Wrinkle in Time" adaptation did?
>The writer of Disney's "A Wrinkle in Time" is defending her decision to remove Christian themes from the movie. She removed references to Jesus and various Biblical passages, from the film adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's popular book by the same name, she says, for a message of inclusiveness.
>L'Engle, who died in 2007, was a devout Christian and said she used A Wrinkle in Time to share her reflections about God.
>"At one point, one character mentions every spiritual, religious and historical icon, but seems to exclude Jesus Christ, as if Christianity was the one thing they didn't want to include," Movieguide wrote in a review for the film. "In the book, however, Jesus is the iconic figure."
Wow, a dumb, anti white spic doesn't understand Anglo art. Shocking.
Hmm weird Jews are a small population so why are so many dealing with these projects?
Who cares, Netflix is making it so it's guaranteed to be shit. Also, the cast will be black.
That one, Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair are the most kino and /classicist/ of the novels.
I assume they’re talking about The Horse and His Boy, which has a not!Arab civilization which is portrayed as very cruel and immoral. This civilization is a perpetual enemy of Narnia.
The only thing I can think of for “sexism” is that Susan does not come back to Narnia in The Last Battle. Strawman version is because she slept with someone, but it’s actually because she rejected the idea of Narnia as a childish fantasy.
Honest question: do any of you people who don't acknowledge the Jewish problem actually not see it? Do you really see this happening time and time again and just think that it's another coincidence?
Most people have at least the very basic ability to recognize patterns and expect things. Is this something that you just fundamentally lack or do you just not want to admit what you see?
>hate christianity
>adapt literature that specifically deals with christian themes
That's dumb. It's like if a Catholic was adapting His Dark Materials.
They are portrayed as evil specifically because they worship what is more or less the devil with a few characteristics borrowed from various pagan cultures. There are examples of righteous persons from there as well so there is nothing inherent in their race which causes them to act as such.
when did he become such a liberal beta male?
>His Dark Materials will keep its anti-Christian message
>Narnia will be stripped of its Christian message
>christianism bad Satanism good
mmm it's geting too obvious damm it
slow the fucking down
I thought Susan didnt die with the rest of them on the train so that is why she didn't come to Narnia.
No I agree with you user, the guy from The Last Battle being the most obvious example, but you have to remember that to these types that making a non-white civilization an immoral opponent is problematic.
Why yes, I'm an atheist, I love Narnia, and Dawn Treader is my favorite book. How could you tell?
I’m just starting to notice this too, what’s going on?
You also have to remember that the people worshipping the Devil sincerely are actually worshipping Aslan somehow.
really get's the noggin joggin.
People tend to concern themselves with visceral issues and racism/snti-semitism has been drilled into people's heads as the almighty no-no thought.
His Dark Materials is full of themes about intellectualism, truth, freedom of ideas, fighting repressive institutions, and fighting misinformation.
So it can rightly be read as anti jewish-conspiracy, anti sjw dogma and a book against the horrific religious persecution of honest conservative white christians and the intelligent and honest ideas they spread.
From what I recall the thing was that if you were doing good deeds it didn't matter which god's name you were doing them in, you were serving Aslan
Same for evil deeds and Tash
does peter have sex or is he an incel?
>racism/snti-semitism has been drilled into people's heads as the almighty no-no thought.
This. People who don't recognize the jews are literal non-thinking NPCs.
Princess Caspian will be MtF triracial
The religion in HDM doesn't even feature a Christ. It's just 'The Authority'. So if anything it's closest to being about Jews anyway - albeit with a Catholic aesthetic
How do mild mannered Christian British Writers like C.S. Lewis and Tolkien manage to trigger so many people with their works?
Holy fuck. All this fucking time I thought Narnia was just some randomass kids books, with adapted movies which I remember watching 10 years ago when I was 16. I never thought about them until this thread, now I'm inclined to buy a hardcover boxset and see for myself just how 'evil' and 'immoral' Lewis' fictitious books are for myself, though I sincerely get the feeling I won't find neither of those things.
Lewis' Space Trilogy is for true patricians
The problem with Narnia has always been that people liked Edmund because he's three dimensional and has something going for him, while hating the other Pevensies for being Christians.
The women, dryads, mermaids etc were all over his dick when he was king but her spurned them to concentrate on higher pursuits.
One (or all) of the siblings will be adopted, with one being black.
Stop twisting your minds around a stupid coincidence. Go out, party, have sex, get a job and settle down guys. Just saying this for your own good...
If they hate it so much, why not make a film on something they enjoy like the Holodomor?
They’re pretty thinly veiled Christian allegory but there’s also a lot of fun adventure. I’d read them in publishing order but it’s not a big deal overall.
Agree. Perelandra is my favorite Lewis book besides The Great Divorce.
>they worship what is more or less the devil with a few characteristics borrowed from various pagan cultures.
So Islam?
Lewis does because his Christian themes were too much in the face to the point you can point the obvious allegories. Tolkien’s work, despite being thematically influenced by Christianity (among others), still doesn’t have that problem among leftist circles because the average critic is just too stupid to understand applicability within a work, or to differentiate it from allegory.
And of course, the Silmarillion being one of literature’s greatest pleb filters also helps keeping Tolkien’s legendarium safe from progressive’s shit-flinging.
People like the Narnia books. It's just that Edmund is more popular than his siblings.
I was thinking the same thing
In reply to a question, Pull man told an audience made up largely of children and young people that he had first read the Narnia books when he was a teacher. He added: "I realised that what he was up to was propaganda in the cause of the religion he believed in.
>"It is monumentally disparaging of girls and women. It is blatantly racist. One girl was sent to hell because she was getting interested in clothes and boys."
Narnia bros, what is he even referring to? I read them, but as a kid, i can't remember much.
How can an atheist call something “immoral”?
But the Bible is a good source of inspiration for fiction. Lewis just went for the basic stuff instead of doing shit like the Song of Solomon, or entire Book of Judges
>He added: "I realised that what he was up to was propaganda in the cause of the religion he believed in.
Absolute projection
Yep, atheism has now officially become a cult. Well done reddit.
>though I sincerely get the feeling I won't find neither of those things
You won't, the only "sin" Lewis committed was being more on the nose about his Christian themes than Tolkien. Though even LOTR has Gondor fighting Arabs/Turks who worship Sauron/Morgoth and Aragorn later fucks their shit up after the War of the Ring.
why didn't they make this with raimi malik before he turned 60?
Susan didn't die with the others which is why she's not in heaven. Shes still alive though she didn't believe in Narnia anymore. Pullman has shit reading comprehension.
Fedora tier atheist really remind me of white people who scream endlessly about racism. You can present them to a hebrew isrealite, who is essentially a racial supremacist who advocates genocide and they'll never bat an eye but the second a white man says something off color, they go balistic.
They lie through their teeth when saying they have no ulterior agenda and that their biases aren't obvious. I doubt you could ever make these faggots see the light of day because everything they have is bound around this simple fact.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know not all atheists are anti-christian cargo cultists but, actions spesk loader then words my good anons.
Here’s the text from The Last Battle
I think a catholic would do a decent job honestly because they aren’t horribly insecure about their beliefs like liberals
Pullman is a retard who doesn't understand that God has pretty high standards for purity. I think he's referring to the one Pevensie girl who wasn't going into heaven because she liked earthly vices.
God only want 10/10 god tier women in his kingdom and doesn't want it to be tainted by a roastie.
>Pullman is a retard who doesn't understand that God has pretty high standards for purity. I think he's referring to the one Pevensie girl who wasn't going into heaven because she liked earthly vices.
>God only want 10/10 god tier women in his kingdom and doesn't want it to be tainted by a roastie.
is god an incel?
>Stop twisting your minds around a stupid coincidence.
How many times does it need to happen for it to not be a coincidence? Seriously.
Is it also a coincidence that a certain race has been expelled from countries over 100 times?
I don’t remember that, I just remember it being kinda boring
The Lord of the Rings is the only good fantasy book
They will all be transexual gay "minorities"
How is this even propaganda? Aren't the Pevensies literally WWII Era British kids?
Nah, God wants women to be more like his consort Asherah. Watching women from Eve to the Whore of Babylon fucking up pretty much lowered his expectations.
Dune is certainly up there desu
Lewis stressed this in a letter to a girl who asked about Susan and specifically said that people who said Susan was "damned" were being silly and incorrect. Also stated her entire family dying off had a profound effect on her and she had reformed
That Hideous Strength is about a secret illuminati-tier organization, controlled by a Satan-possessed decapitated head of an ex-con, which has infiltrated the highest echelons of government and academia to achieve their ultimate goal of inventing technology that will allow them to open up the world to demonic invasion. Dr. Ransom, a professor of linguistics, (modelled after Lewis' friend Tolkien), stops them with the help of a resurrected Merlin.
Lewis was prescient, blessed by God with foreknowledge or instinctual knowledge of the state of things to come.
I feel like incels want sex though really and that’s the cause of their anger
>How will Netflix's Narnia deal with the racist, sexist, Christian themes?
Like they always do. They'll make 50% of the cast non-white, cast twice as many women (originals already have a bunch anyway), and then in this case they'll just ignore the Christian themes and turn it into some sort of pozzed Pan's Labyrinth with a lion.
It existed back then too and Lewis was calling them out.
When he moved out of Mexico
>“The books don’t tell us what happened to Susan. She is left alive in this world at the end, having by then turned into a rather silly, conceited young woman. But there’s plenty of time for her to mend and perhaps she will get to Aslan’s country in the end . . . in her own way.”
That is from a letter that CS Lewis sent a reader who asked about it.
>repent sinner or you shall not go to heaven
and her actions were similar to
>getting interested in clothes and boys
even if it's a slightly worse version of that, it's certainly allegorical for it what is more or less normal teenager behavior now.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
>oh but don't talk about the people who make television and film
Jesus fucking Christ, this is way too good for modern television. This needs to be a thing made by Joe Rogan, Jamie, Joey, and Alex Jones as the leads.
I can only imagine Lewis and Tolkein becoming redpilled upon seeing teenagers getting into instagram thots.
Should I read the books, lads? I remember watching the first movie in the theater and thinking it was whatever, but maybe the books are worth reading through.
if you like that story you should read the space trilogy. the first two books are the best and they are so well written it's impossible to put them down. Dr. Ransom travels to other planets and encounters aliens that exist in a pre-fallen (no sin) state. The third book is a lot different than the first two but completes the story.
best book covers?
I know more Christian authors who are able to portray a pagan, non-Christian view more accurately, even a secular one, than I do for Jewish authors or secular ones who have to depict a Christian perspective. The non-Christian authors always almost get the Trinity or a religion inspired by it wrong and depicting the mainstream Christian view as a form of Sabellianism or Modalism. GURM's portrayal of the Faith of Seven as the Christian stand-in is a recent example of this. No Trinitarian Christian would ever describe the Godhead as several aspects like the Faith.
C.S Lewis fans will rip the series to shreds if they try to misrepresent his work.
t. hasn't read Last Battle
And I think it is sexist to single out and exclude Susan to teach children this lesson. She's a beloved character in the stories. An original protagonist. How many fucking children's stories assassinate characters like that?
Instead of modelling virtuous behavior or showing the struggle but ultimate goodness in people, Susan gets fucking shafted.
I don't particularly care, but I think Pullman does have a point. Even if you disagree surely you see where he's coming from.
Someone should show Pullman the Ainulindale, and then watch his head crack open like an egg.
>Most prevalent Anglican writer of the 20th century
>Too Catholic
Pretty based, what’s the problem here?
Cast him.
In what sense is sexist to exclude Susan, considering that other female characters do get into heaven as well?
its getting pozzed, nextfix will destroy every little christian theme in it
Christians had the greatest education. You don't just learn about the bible, you also have to learn more about other religions to explain how they don't really work at all. From a Christian Perspective, Hinduism, Bhuddism, and Shintoism doesn't inspire people to do something based on faith and relies on a series of rules to keep the general population in line.
>deal with
they would change content to fit their agenda... are you new on this or soemthing?
It's not a blanket defense of promiscuity
Christianity is the one religion where you can't use loopholes or technicalities to escape God's punishment. He's pretty thorough in judging people by their sins and actions. Modern Society just sees him more as Robo Santa from Futurama
>HDM gets HBO funding
>Narnia gets Netflix funding
It ain't fair bros
I really liked "That Hideous Strength", and I think it has one of the best titles in all of literature.
>just enjoy your bread and circuses, wagie
Lewis would pitch a fit if Narnia got adapted by HBO.
This doesn't answer your question, but before i'll even try:
Do you think heavily preferring to complain about women lacking virtue, rather than men lacking virtue, is sexist? Especially in regards to sex.
Do you think that's common?
Who is the most based character in Narnia and why is it Puddleglum?
reminder all of this shit is outrage marketing.
where you faggots do their job for them, FOR FREE.
>And then Tolkien was Doomguy
Lmao zoomer you weren't around when the original movie was going to be released. It was controversial as fuck
HBO would have subverted it way worse then Netflix.
I thought Tolkein would be Law Space Marine from Strange Journey Redux
Aren't Anglicans closer to the Catholic church than other protestants like Lutherans and Calvinists?
Why is this guy even deciding to adapt a fictional property he hates so much? It's like expecting an Arab Muslim to accurately describe Israeli politics in a documentary. You just know you're going to get a very bias negative point of view. Get a Christian or at least a person who is a loyal fan of the work who doesn't hate Lewis' religion to produce it
>He describes Lewis as "too Catholic" for him, despite the fact that Lewis was never a Catholic.[53]
how do these people even remember to breathe properly
> 'I hate the Narnia books, and I hate them with deep and bitter passion, with their view of childhood as a golden age from which sexuality and adulthood are a falling-away.'
Is it possible to empathize with Pullman's view, if you didn't have fun and sex in high school?
Moreso she has let consumerist hedonism supplant her spiritual nature.
Philip Pullman isn't adapting Narnia you retard. He's having his OWN series adapted by HBO and it will be a hundred times more kino than the netflixtrash narnia
arent most south americans catholic
is del toro going to build the wall
The guy adapting Narnia is a Jew
Teenagers are cunts though, and they behave badly, and they make mistakes re sex and freindship. That's natural.
But a fundamentally good child, like Susan, from a good family, will become a fundamentally good teenager. Not 'on the path to hell'. Or atleast they deserve to in a story.
And the adventures of a teenager are just as special as those of a child or a childlike mind.
Philip Pullman is a fedora who wrote His Dark Materials because Narnia made him seethe
Depends on if its high or low church Anglicanism, CS Lewis is definitely on the low church end of the spectrum as evidenced by his general disdain of authoritarianism as well as institutionalism, hence his massive popularity as a theologian in certain reformed (especially radical reformed/anabaptist) and evangelical circles.
ah I understand. You want Susan to not get into heaven, and the explanation is that men lack virtue? muh victimhood
Or is it that you want things to be 50/50, for every 1 female character that explicitlt didn't enter Narnia you want the same for a male character? muh wagegap
Morality is inherent to humanity and not something religions invented. You might disagree about what's moral and what isn't, but morality is not exclusive to the people who you agree with.
>“When you look at what C.S. Lewis is saying, his message is so anti-life, so cruel, so unjust. The view that the Narnia books have for the material world is one of almost undisguised contempt. At one point, the old professor says, ‘It’s all in Plato’ — meaning that the physical world we see around us is the crude, shabby, imperfect, second-rate copy of something much better. I want to emphasize the simple physical truth of things, the absolute primacy of the material life, rather than the spiritual or the afterlife.
In Pullman's opinion, CS Lewis is the fedora because he was a misanthrope who had contempt for our world and yearned for a spiritual 'purity' in fantasy. The vastly talented creative version of an otaku.
I don't know if i agree because I loved both of their books as a child, but I do see his point.
hey bros let's get all worked up like 19th century women pretending to be concerned over harm to christian themes we don't even give a shit about
heavens to betsy
She's an adult by that point. She's supposed to be a young teenager during the first novel (set during the blitz) and the final novel is set a few years after the end of the war.
I do not hold every story accountable for 'equitable' representation, I think that is an absurd position. So taken in abstract, Susan being made an example of instead of Peter, could be arbitrary and therefor not misogynist.
However I believe that CS Lewis would never have assassinated Peter's character in the same way, to teach the same lesson. Maybe I am wrong.
I think even Tolkien told CS his stuff was too obvious and condescending.
Can you just answer my questions though please?
Cast her.
>I don't care at all ahhah
>But stop discussing this
>But seriously, I don't care at all ahhaha
Ok sorry I don't remember the other books although i think i read quite a few.
Some Ugly Niggress.
CS Lewis estate has pretty high levels of control so I imagine this would not be pozzed. It's a blatantly Christian story so I imagine normieflix ironically wants to diversify with them despite all the blatant anti-christian original programming to date.
Susan didn't get denied heaven because she liked boys. She was denied because she saw it as childish and stupid and didn't want to be part of it.
>so I imagine normieflix ironically wants to diversify with them
that's not how it works
christians and white people are negative diversity
>On the individual level, there are good religious characters in La Belle Sauvage (Philip Pullman book): the kindly Sister Fenella, the brave and upright Sister Benedicta. At the same time, there are characters in the resistance movement who pursue their ends by any means, no matter how morally dubious. And yet, whatever the strengths and failings of individuals, there is no doubt that there is a right and a wrong side to this war, and the church is the wrong side. In the Pullman universe, religion is at best a mistake, at worst, a tool for oppression, guilt-mongering and thought control. The good people who support religion are dupes and enablers. When Malcolm asks the sweet sisters of the priory how they could be on the same side as the odious C.C.D., they urge him to accept the mystery of the Magisterium and not to ask too many questions.
>In a roundabout way, Pullman does Christians a service by writing his anti-Christian books. He reminds us, vividly and trenchantly, of what we do not want to be, what Christ would not want us to be. His earlier books charged the church with sowing sexual guilt, a criticism that struck me as both warranted and wrong—warranted because you do not have to look far to find bad theology on sex but wrong because any Catholic who disapproves of the body or of sensory pleasure has a basic misunderstanding of sacramentality.
Was Del Taco always anti-Catholic? Seems like he used a fair amount of catholic symbols in his films (in a generally positive light)
Is this some new thing he picked up to win the oscar ?like how he said he loved Mexico because trump was "racist" despite never going back to visit after he left?
It all feels a tad forced
If you're not going be faithful to at least the themes in an adaptation, there's no point in adapting it
It'd be like optioning a script for a coming of age story in revolutionary Cuba, and turning it into Dirty Dancing 2
>La Belle Sauvage seems to be setting the stage for a conflict between religion and science, which is sure to be both warranted and wrong. (The church did persecute scientists; the church now teaches that faith is not antithetical to science.) Still, Pullman forces us to ask: Does our faith make room for science? Are we open to new ideas? Can we accommodate dissent? And do we, unlike the priory sisters, ask enough of the right questions?
>Pullman’s criticisms may be one-sided and exaggerated, but even his most heinous portrayals are not without some historical precedent. Sure, Christians might want to protest, but they might also want to pay attention. Pullman is pointing out all the most dangerous traps.
tldr - This Christian thinks Pullman is wrong but ultimately enjoys his stories and respects his perspective
I feel much the same way about CS Lewis myself.
His most acclaimed film is the story of a young girl attempting to escape the oppressive Francoist society she lives in through the help of a variety of mythical, pagan creatures. What do you think?
she wasn't send to hell just she wasn't send to heaven instantly like the others because she didn't die thanks to lion jesus making the train wreck
wes he always so cucked bros? i don't really feel comfortable enjoying his earlier works anymore
His most acclaimed film is probably the one where the lady fucks a fish monster
Del Toro reminds me of Leo. He was never going to win an oscar while in the Pussy Patrol banging sluts on his yacht so he had to pretend to like the environment and native Americans to win
Basically the Same with del Toro. I doubt he believes anything he says, he just wanted an oscar
>His most acclaimed film is probably the one where the lady fucks a fish monster
Oh yeah, I forgot that exists.
i dont get it. why even tackle it then? why not actually create something of your own you rotten jew you?
Del Taco is pretty fucking pale for a spic
Philip Pullman is a cultural terrorist. He fervently wants to destroy Christianity so there is no reason for Christians to negotiate with him as though he's trying to help.
is he being retarded on purpose? has he always been like this? what is happening to people?
they cant help it they have to subvert culture its in their blood
sweetie Pullman wrote one of the greatest fantasy series ever
much better than narnia
holy cringe
When was the last time you went to a church? You're not a Christian. You're just an edgy kid larping because you think Christianity is some bastion of whiteness and 'western' culture. Pullman has contributed a vast amount to western culture. Far more than you ever will by being sanctimonious.
It's good to have criticism of Christianity, or at least toward toward the behavior of Christians. One of the seven churches in the New Testament was praised for basically double checking their beliefs because it made them spiritually stronger and healthier. Pullman flipping out about Narnia and writing his own kiddo propaganda was pretty silly though. He was super triggered.
>Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Such a great name for a book and a ship.
Perelandra has two fantastic scenes: Ransom's debate with the Unman and Weston's transformation into the Unman. There is zero chance that anyone in media would do these scenes justice.
Well the Catholic Church is almost synonymous with Christianity in latin American countries since it is so widespread there.
I'm not a Christian or a big fan of Christianity, but I'll take Dali over Piss Christ Guy, no question.
Have you even read His Dark Materials?
It's a fantastic story about bravery and adventure.
It's not like Pullman made this thread either. You're literally crying about him crying about CS Lewis. Do you not see the irony? Atleast Pullman actually did something with what he thought about the world.
>We shouldn’t live as if [the Kingdom of Heaven] mattered more than this life in this world, because where we are is always the most important place.
I don't think that is a bad message either.
>"That's a very dangerous phrase, 'Jews control Hollywood', What is true is that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood." Instead of "control", Foxman would prefer people say that many executives in the industry "happen to be Jewish", as in "seven of eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish".
>I appreciate Foxman's concerns. And maybe my life spent in a New Jersey-New York-Bay Area-L.A. pro-Semititic cocoon has left me naive. But I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them. Los Angeles Times.
How do we wrest control back from these kikes, bros?
and no one else is going to watch it, so I'm not entirely sure what their endgame is with this one.
If they strip the series of its message than there is nothing left to even show. It's not particularly exciting or action packed, but it is a beautiful, simple representation of the virtue of character and faith in a Christian mode.
It's basically The Pilgrim's Progress for the 20th Century.
i liked it when i was a kid and didn't even realize it was religious or what it meant
isekai have a pretty low baseline anyway. For an isekai it's pretty high quality.
and train-kun > truck-kun
>where we are is always the most important place.
The problem is that people who express that kind of sentiment tend to have a real lack of perspective regarding the past and future.
Stop letting food, water, and fuel into urban areas until the pollution stops. It's the only way we can solve global warming.
And it looks like I triggered you, in turn.
Not sure what you're so hung up about. Lewis' books reflected his beliefs about the merits of the here and now (basically prepping a person for a later eternal life) while Pullman had his own version. But the fact is he did get buttmad at Narnia and he did write his own books in response. Not sure how pointing that out is pissing in your cornflakes.
Wait a minute. Are the Narnia movies pro-Christian?
>tfw no spunky runaway aristocrat arab waifu
aslan is literally jesus
The lion is Jesus right?
Mexican with greencard here. You sure you aren't a mudslime? Cause I don't trip when I see only asians have dry cleaners or that it's mostly other mexicans cooking chinese food or some other thing concerning racial stereotypes and certain jobs. Only a retard would think that, or a suburbanite. Visit a city sometime.
Traditional Christianity (or at least Catholic) or full on heretical like Jehova's, Pentecostals, Evangelican?
I should give it a watch.
He is enduring the desert sitting calmly.
In the third book Dr. Ransom is an eternally virile man touched by god who only needs to consume bread and wine to live.
It's an adaptation of the bible, are these people braindead?
Yeah if you missed the obvious crucifixion parallel the lion pretty much spells it out for the readers later. I don't think Jesus gets name-dropped but the lion says the kids already know him byba different name in their world.
Sounds heretical af. There is no adaptation of the bible. The Bible is the Bible.
No it isn't.
C.S. Lewis was a member of the Church of England.
You should read his books, I grew up on his fiction and nonfiction.
This, it's literally the Christ story in a fantasy world.
>didn't realize it was christian
I was raised catholic, up until around 10 or so when I turned JW for a time. Narnia, Aslan, etc reminded me instantly of christianity. Is this the reason why many people consider the imagery of Neon Genesis Evangelion deep? You people need to read more.
You're not merely pointing it out and I'm not disputing it. You're part of a cohort of people who ruin/will ruin every single thread talking about the new His Dark Materials HBO show, which will probably be kino, by making them extremely uncomfy whinge sessions about affronts on religion. Which most of you cunts don't give a shit about.
CS Lewis and Pullman both viewed stories as propoganda tools but I don't. I loved both their books as a kid and the only value i read in them was adventure. I don't care what stories 'mean'. And I certainly don't care what creative people might have said outside their work which triggers you.
Cause they're tribal and nepotistic as fuck, and honestly white people should probably learn from them given how demographics are going to change in the future.
Dude, if you read all the books it's pretty obvious. I figured this out when I was like 8
There is literally nothing immoral or evil about disparaging whores and being blatantly racist
The bible is a story, whether you think it's true or not
Yes. Not "like Jesus", but actually Jesus. Aslan is God incarnated into an alternate world as a lion, just like He incarnated on Earth as a human.
Really wish someone would adapt the Scretape Letters. Great opportunity for a lot of humor while getting the Christian ideas across in a more practical, less heavy handed way than usual.
Go to the reddit discussion threads if you don't want to see criticism
Top fucking lel, what a mongoloid.
There's zero chance that someone would do them justice. However, if it were done correctly it would be fantastic.
lol what makes you think i'm not widely read? I'd recognize it now of course. And I read a LOT as a kid. But I just wasn't raised religious. That's nothing for you to be arrogant about.
I hope they consider the conservative seething and coping when they write the series. While I don't personally care for it, I hope they throw as much homosexual globalist anti-white agenda as possible
You didn't answer me when I asked if you'd read it or not, so i'll assume that you haven't. And even if you have, the vast majority of people crying about it, haven't. Shitposting about something you haven't read isn't 'criticism'.
>You're part of a cohort of people who ruin/will ruin every single thread talking about the new His Dark Materials HBO show, which will probably be kino, by making them extremely uncomfy whinge sessions about affronts on religion. Which most of you cunts don't give a shit about.
Not sure if this is projection or just really angry paranoia based on some deep seated insecurity. Maybe stop flinging accusations for a second and chill. I really don't care about His Dark Materials getting an adaptation and I'm not sure why you think I should.
we know you do
>anti catholic
>lives in latin america
he'll be killed in a month if he keeps talking about this openly.
Have you considered that some people may just enjoy the bible and Christian iconography because it's a huge part of being in the European diaspora? Christianity hugely influences our culture and that's a fact even if you're an atheist.
Narnia has strong Christian themes and lessons, but it is not an adaptation of the Bible.
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe includes the crucifixion, and The Last Battle literally is the book of revelations dude
And, I think, that was kind of Lewis's intention. He didn't want to bash children over the head with it, but he did want to introduce the concepts. He was an apologist, after all. If you read those books and didn't think that you better get down to the nearest church and repent, but did walk away seeing that there is value in courage or loyalty or sacrifice, then, I would think, Lewis would have been satisfied.
Obviously elder eyes can see more clearly the Christian parallels throughout, but its target audience was not meant to necessarily make those connections upon their first/second/third readings.
Which is why Netflix trying to adapt this particular property is almost certainly going to lead to a more or less neutered story of dull adventure and in-your-face diversity instead of a story about the importance of character in a world increasingly hostile to those who value it.
you sound like you care
Now go ahead and tell me what A Horse And His Boy is an adaptation of. The Magician's Nephew involves the creation of Narnia and pulls a fair number of themes from Genesis, but it is not an adaptation.
What do you think of the 2005 film adaptation? I found it utterly dull. Even though it's 'accurate' enough, isn't 'pozed' with 'diversity', and has all the morals themes and religion of the original.
Quality has nothing to do with what you think.
He's still buttblasted about his film adaptation under-performing against the Narnia films I see.
Calm down, newfag. Yea Forums shits on everything
Giamatti or Seymour Hoffman when he was alive
Seems to be an allusion to the story of moses but somewhat flipped around.
It really is bullshit
Because they are the most intelligent people and thus always end up on top in every society they are in.
They were the top at guilds in the middle ages. They were at the top of Soviets in the Soviet Union and they are at the top of international banks. Scientific institutions and entertainment industries now.
It's only natural that the smartest most competent people end up on top, don't you think?
I enjoy some christian iconography as well, specifically because it's such a fundamental part of my countrys history.
I just fucking hate social conservatives, especially American ones, so anything that makes them froth at the mouth is a wonderful thing.
I meant that I don't care about the Narnia series, I'm not going to watch it, I just want it to piss some people off. Like Watchmen having an anti white surpemacy angle, or any other "woke" series these days.
>I just fucking hate social conservatives
I'm not arguing with you on that, but take care as not to cut off your nose to spite your face.
Guy you were actually arguing with here. I haven't read the books, which is irrelevant to the point at hand. Even if they are masterworks of literature, that doesnt change their motivational origin or their purpose. Pointing that out isn't shitposting just because it makes you upset.
There are more white people with an IQ over 120 in America than there are jews in the world.
Reminder that Lewis struggled with his sexuality all his life and “Turkish delight” is a euphemism for sodomy in addition to being an inedible confection.
Impossible, only ethnic Jews have IQs that exceed 120
Yet Jews hold 54% of global PhDs and 44% of scientific nobel prices have been awarded to Jews despite them being only 0.006% of the global population.
Why do Jewish people have to carry the entirety of humanity on their backs? Jews are pulling everyone into the new era while everyone are kicking and screaming.
Imagine a world where everyone was ashkenazi Jewish. We would be a galactic empire by now. Instead we live in a world filled with subhuman whites, niggers and chinksects.
Sure white people have a higher IQ than black people but do you personally make a distinction between africans with 60 IQ and 80 IQ or do you think they're both retarded?
That's how Jewish people see white people and asians. You're all just subhumans leaching off of the efforts of Jewish people.
Without Jews Europeans would still live in their stone castles and wooden hutts as the only reason humanity reached the industrial era is because of Jewish scientists and people with Jewish ancestry such as Isaac Newton
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, and Dawn Treader have a great tone, but, I agree, are quite dull, but the books are that way. There is a quality that the first movie captured from the books that just felt, untouched. It was very innocent which is how they ought to be produced. I thought Prince Caspian tried to counter the dullness of the first one, which sacrificed the tone. It was a war movie--a really bad one at that, but none of those books are really about the fighting. It's about why they are fighting and what they are fighting for.
The lead cast wasn't particularly good, though I would say that Swinton and Mcavoy are excellent in their roles in TLTWTW.
You're right that the quality isn't necessarily outstanding, but they, in some sense, mimic the books in that way. The Narnia books aren't top-tier prose, but they are simple and clear. 2/3 of those movies did a decent job of retaining that.
So you want a non Christian version of Narnia? That can´t be done matte. Narnia is Christian propaganda written to indoctrinate kids with shit taste.
there's really nothing special to ruin
Don’t forget that the most important thinkers of early America, men including George Wythe, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, all had Ashkenazi heritage.
just because pullman was tsundere for cs lewis doesn't mean that's the main reason he wrote his books or that their main purpose isn't to entertain people with a cool fantasy story.
>leech to society
>calls others leeches
typical jew behaviour nothing new here
>kike is mad about what he perceives as propaganda
>Says the guy that has never amounted to anything, sits inside his home every day and is an incel and the only thing he has worth of note is his racial identity.
You are a literal leech. You wouldn't be alive if you didn't have someone providing everything in life for you.
nice projection there my man.
Narnia has always been the poor mans LOTR
Ice cold pasta
And even LOTR is an extremely shitty book with trash worldbuilding. I know the autist worked years in isolation and only wrote the books to give some background to the fantasy world he created. But he still sucked at worldbuilding.
They shouldn't adapt it if they don't like it, simple as that
Also what are some examples of such elements in the series?
Have sex.
>the industrial era
A mistake for the human race.tedjeg
Also, no Isaac Newton is not Jewish lol
How so? I can't think of a setting with richer world building, though I suppose a group literary project could exceed it with a decade or two of work
>exclude christian symbols
>as a message for inclusiveness
1984 was 25 years ago.
Jewish ancestry. He was even largely ignored from participation in the English Academy due to his Jewish ancestry until he found a sponsor that caused him to publish his works on calculus and his famous three laws that started modern physics and indirectly caused the keys of industrialization to be released into the world.
Men walked on the moon thanks a Nazi scientist.
Del Toro BTFO by Barron
>I enjoy some christian iconography as well, specifically because it's such a fundamental part of my countrys history.
>I just fucking hate social conservatives, especially American ones, so anything that makes them froth at the mouth is a wonderful thing.
>Enjoy thing
>hate the people who want to practice and preserve and embody that thing.
I don't think you even enjoy it. You just tolerate it because you're to lazy to invent or explore an alternative that that actually appeals to you. Actual pagan tier conan/lovecraftian larpers have more admirable to their spiritualist approach. At least they're up and honest about the might-makes-right backstabbery.
>"blatantly racist", "monumentally disparaging of women"
honestly go to /pol/ and get btfo there instead of trying to use it as a label you filthy fucking pig. also KYS.
they don't, that's why we call them mouthbreathers
ironically, discovering what a retarded pleb this man is, is interfering with my enjoyment of his work, though to be fair the only thing I ever liked from him was Pan's Labyrinth
The Nazi scientist used physics invented by Jews though.
Every single important scientist of the 20th century was Jewish. Einstein (electromagnetism, relativity), Heisenberg (quantum mechanics), Von Neumann(computers, nuclear bombs, AI)
The movies are better then the books imo
Uh oh, mine is 141
good goy
Polar bears are more hardcore and impressive than lions.
White devout Christian
>Von Neumann
Converted to Christianity
But the Jews didn't actually do it, though, did they? Please remain focused on my point.
All the science was worked out by Jews in the 1920s and 1930s. But only the white team member got funds during the Nazi's reign.
Did you know that all scientific papers up until WW2 were written in German globally? There were so many scientists in Germany that they completely dominated the globe. Know what stopped it? Since 1933 when Hitler became chancellor there was a massive brain drain and all scientists and intellectuals left in droves to work in the UK, US and Soviet Union instead. Mainly Jews.
If Hitler never ruled Germany it would be possible that the language of science was still German until this very day.
Hitler was the biggest disaster Germany has ever seen.
weak bait
Imagine listening to the words of living fedoras like Phil Pullman and GDT over based scholar CS Lewis
Why do you have to always bring up other things when the simple fact remains: A non-Jewish German scientist put non-Jewish men on the moon and took modern rocketry to the 21st century. None of the scientists you enumerate ever achieved that.
every time
That's how intelligent but immoral people express petty jealousy.
The lead scientist for the Soviet space program was Jewish.
Werner von Braun wasn't a scientist he was an engineer. His science was Jewish science.
If I buy computer parts and build a computer did I invent that computer or did the suppliers of those parts make it but I just combined them?
Werner von braun did nothing unique except get funding from the Reich to put Jewish theories of space travel into practice.
They weren't his ideas, they weren't his designs. He merely was the first person that got the budget to actually put it into practice with the V-2 rockets.
Germany would have had access to nuclear weapons in 1938 if Hitler didn't scare away the Jews working on the first atomic bomb (which were all german jews)
The one where aslan = Jesus is laid on thick
He even comes to deal retribution for once whipping a slave
The one i enjoyed the most as a kid was 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' or perhaps 'The Magician's Nephew'
>Hollywood is literal propaganda machine
>jews literally run Hollywood
haha just turn your brain off bro
So what's racist and evil to women in Narnia? I know it's highly Christian but it doesn't really get into oppressive shit, does it? It's hopeful as fuck
That Netflix meme is real. Seriously, the only reason I can see them doing this is to shit on it. I'm just waiting for the sassy black girl in WW2 Britain or worse the adapt it to modern day Britain.
too many wypipo
It isn't just leftists are easily triggered by Christianity
they've also been kicked out of 300 separate nations for being lying, money grubbing goblins who view non jews as literal insects, but okay, I'm sure book smarts make up for that, at least you got that holocaust sympathy still running strong
Forced inclusiveness to fuel the audience's ever growing feeling of exclusion. One day it will come out that some group infiltrated Hollywood and promoted shitty decisions, to implode its Tower of Babylon.
All the pale bro did was sit there and then that little spic ate his shit.
How the fuck was he in the wrong?
ok mr 45%
Why are people so insulted by the idea that you should hold order sacred, seek a communal narrow path, and proliferate? Yes I understand Christianity is much more specific than that and is full of dogma and often odd operations, but why do people absolutely refuse to acknowledge any potential for non-corrupt, normal, personal human faith according to our classic religions?
I think I've heard somewhere it's considered racist because of the Calormans or whatever the Muslim people were.
If you had sex, you’d be less obsessed with Jews
Just saying
Seethe brainlet tranny
Que? I'm not sure what you are trying to say.
Why wasn't he The Orange Man???
CS was a true manchild
because we're ruled by evil people
>Christian this, Christian that
Oh, for fucks sake. What Lewis was going for with Narnia, was writing a world divorced from Christianity.
>Aslan will be a troublemaking heretic who is rightfully killed for it and gets boiled in shit for eternity
Calling it.
I guess it is too vague to warrant religion or calling it Christianity. I don't know, I guess I'm disappointed all people see is groveling and worshipping and going to church. when Christianity is something anyone can take into their own hands and do properly according to the values they obviously have. I guess that's what people do, but honestly we've got a lot of post-Christian iconoclasts, people of the Christian pedigree trying to secularize it's ethics for the new world. Honestly the whole modern white phenomena is Western Christendom trying to transcend the church while retaining it's successes in ethics and civilization. So it's more than a little schizophrenic when you see these people try to destroy anything Christian, while deliberately trying to adapt a book SPECIFICALLY because it provided an 'unexplainable spark of hope and wonder' that they're in denial was always overtly Christian!
What do you think?
No one is obsessed. They just never shut the fuck up about anything.
Sorry I talk like a fag and say 'honestly' too much
Okay, sorry I figured it out what you meant. New day leftists are weird bunch. It's combination of many things, but suffice to say it's the beef with the religious right which had an authoritarian sanctimony to it.
I understand, again like my last post states I think it's mostly cuz of the left history with Christianity in America anyways.
>5'5 manlet jew with curly hair and a little hat
go watched blacked and enjoy your cuckold fantasies, you know, that site that was made by a fucking jew with a hairy disgusting chest, fat and wears gold chains?
>writing a world divorced from Christianity
giving Jesus a prominent role is a strange way to accomplish this
>We wuz geniuz high IQ scientists n shieeet!!!
>Not smart enough to avoid destroying their host countries and getting shoahed and exiled en masse literally every 150 years
Can you smell the zyklon yet, you hook-nosed cocksucker?
Who rules the world?
>5ft 220lbs tranny with waifu pillow
It’s not the Jews fault you love cuck porn
tfw you realize after 10 years of narnia fandom that the best doctor plays puddleglum in the BBC series