Movies with this feel

movies with this feel

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What happens in eighteen months?

Can someone redpill me on veganism?

It's amazing how it just keeps getting less and less all in the same year.

All vegans die from malnourishment.

are you telling me I only have 18 months to eat ALL OF THE MEAT before we DIE?

*record scratch*

>planet will be niggered by 2050
>Expects me to care

Oh thank god. Only 8 more months of listening to their drivel.

>dumb basic white thot with a hero complex trying to show how much she cares on social media
When will these re-runs end?

It gets less and less every year they're saying this.

18 months? ill sleep to that

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>whines about people eating meat
>sucks cock and swallows cum night and day
>uses abortions as a birth control
Yeah I’m not taking moral lessons from a roastie

Yeah babe...
And i have all the meat on the world for you

why are white women so fucking stupid

This is why women don't deserve equal rights.

post more based elefants

>18 months until the collapse of society
>no more capeshit or being stuck on 4channel
>can legally rape and call people faggots
i wish

I'm starting to believe that liberals are unconsciously religious to some sort of god that has not been named yet. This reminds me of fundamentalist christians posting about the rapture and how they are righteous as though jesus is reading their facebook posts. I feel like liberals similarly believe they have to LARP as hard as they can at caring about everything for some sort of stamp of approval from some authority figure that was missing in their life. Like any of us are paying that much attention to what they say on social media or how many paper bags they get at the grocery store. I think its getting worse because this generation actually can synthesize a god figure in the form of social media awareness. Before it wasn't actually as easy for people to feel like their deeds were being observed but now you clearly have outlets to virtue signal and have like-minded fucks like and share.

ummmm have sex sweaty......

Because they fuck niggers.



U.S. re-elections. Remember, this time if trump wins there will be gay death camps!

someone needs to tell this bitch that her life isnt a movie where she is the main hero

The rapture

The march of the Ents

Why do stupid tweets like this get picked up and beaten, but all the niggers are free to spout WE WUZ KANGZ DEY DIDNDU and they're given support over their ignorance?

melting ice causes massive methane reservoirs to be exposed and basically the planet gets farted to death

Only 18 months until that sweet release


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You are too weak to rape anything older than a toddler.

Can't argue with facts

Right bros?

The planet is dying and needs your help! The globalist world leaders have a solution but before they can, we need you to send us your credit card number and details. Hurry!


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based boomer


These zoomer doomers keep spouting this horseshit about the human race dying in their lifetimes when "climate scientists" have been saying the world was ending since before their parents were born.

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based Tomber

Based Cyclists reclaim the Crown in 18 months baybee!!

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based LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

about fucking time.

That heat wave does not seem to bother you for some reason

>o-oy vey user! the world is ending tomorrow unless you buy these more expensive light bulbs, paper straws, and go-green friendly everything! think of the turtles!

>dumb broad thinks not eating meat will somehow save the world

sneed is resurrected

who cares i want the world to end

Has Maddox still not killed himself yet?

This isn't a Simpsons thread, what do you think that meme is?

Put down that burger or else billions of Africans will die!

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People like you make me feel good about a possible collapse. When the world slowly and slowly starts getting worse it's good to know you're out there dying of thirst or being bludgeoned to death you absolute worthless sack of shit lol

Surely a mass starvation event is going to happen. One serious war and some priority shifts is all it takes for a billion people to die in Africa.

What heatwave? It's comfy here.

sneed is universal and everlasting


You're thinking of summer, which is why you're here.

>the disintegrating culture of death that is wrong about nearly everything that matters, whose entire scientific apparatus is repeatedly demonstrated to be unverifiable bullshit top to bottom, who is directed by people who hate you and want you dead, as it parasites the corpse of a once great civilization, said something is true
>what, you don't believe them???? you think you know better???

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based, I'll accept being crushed by trees coming to life

It's fucking summer

>Asian countries are shown to pollute so much that any effort in Western countries to stop pollution effectively worthless
>Still get retards that will do nothing about this and bland people in the west for pollution

That's all I need. ;)


people like you will be the first ones to get raped and beaten to death by the brown people you love so much

> heat wave
Oh no Yankees and eurotrash feel a fraction of the heat I feel yearly
whatever will I do
The world is ending

lmao enjoy being literally jewed out of your good boy points in an effort to “save” the world

And the solution to all these problems??? Higher taxes and government control of the market of course.

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Cities will go first, urbanite. Enjoy your hell.

All the world's ice will melt and flood entire continents, temperatures will be so hot that merely standing in the sun will melt your flesh, human race will be on the verge of extinction!

If only you had stopped eating meat in the next year, this could've all been prevented!

I’m going to buy more burgers if it means third world populations will decline. This has to be a study paid for by the fast food industry.

>for the world to continue to feed the 10 billion people expected to live on this planet in 2050

honestly, why the fuck can't governments just establish population control laws like china did.

Why not have everyone live in a world where there's plenty to go around instead of a world where there's way too many fucking people and most of them live in fucking squalor

>the arctic will be ice free by 2013
Not entirely wrong.

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Dimensional Merge
Based DINOSAURS man was 10 years ahead of you.

why not just tell black/brown families to stop having 6 kids when they can't even afford food for themselves?

>it's America's responsibility to feed every nigger in Africa

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But first they'll be fleeced out of every single penny they own for expensive "green" alternatives to products they already own

Because they need brown people to breed like roaches so they can flood the west with literal subhumans

Cos they're women.

What a way to go out

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Based Sooner

So, any jackass graduate student can just make up any assumptions and predictions they want about the future, and every news outlet has to take this all as gospel?

haha, I've been here since at least 2016
fuck off newfag

can such a smell even be imagined?

there already is enough to go around but it all gets thrown out due to government regulations.

And you're still acting like a summerfag? That's pathetic. Nice "no u," though. You've got me on the ropes.

>wild predictions tend to not come true

Who would have thought? Though they're right about weather becoming more extreme. We got forest fires up in the Arctic for fucks sake. So bad the smoke can be viewed from the ISS. Also the permafrost is melting at a record rate which release more greenhouse gases trapped in it. So yeah, global warming is real, will cause major issues around the world (which we ARE seeing) and IS being unnaturally sped up by us pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. You'd pretty much have to be utterly retarded and incapable of processing information to not get it at this point.

(((they))) are only trying to stop global warming so the ice wall won't melt and we won't be able to escaped to more based and redpilled worlds.

>If you put out the fire the fire wins

Why would you not want billions of Africans to die

Drumpf will be defeated and we can go back to our regular programming.
Notice how little talk was about this during Obama?

Dirt and methane. That's what you'd smell.

If you starve to death in 2019 you deserve it

wtf I hate beef now

Because Obama put in regulations that made things harder for the ((()))), but don’t worry Don has fixed that!

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poo poo pee pee sneef

the wall will be standing by then

the poor roasty has been completely and utterly btfo by based boomers

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instead of eating insects, why not just nuke Africa?

Do you even know quick and devastating forest fires can be when everything is dry as fuck? You're also talking about the Arctic which doesn't have the same access to resources as the rest of Canada. Even in areas closer to civilization, it can still destroy lots. Just look at California not too long ago. An area that deals with this all the time still had trouble dealing with it.

Sneedposting can also be used for off-topic garbage threads like this.

99% of Yea Forums fantasize about it

bluepill me on climate change then ridpill me on climate change


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blessed and redmeatpilled

Because Africa is rich in resources, nuking it would ruin a lot of what we could use to progress the rest of us. A little more time spent removing the populace would be better overall.

This was never true before summer.

I'll care when they start executing the people starting them.


Anyone with a brain could tell that the current climate is completely natural. People freak out about carbon dioxide in the air when that’s literally what plants need to survive. The earth is greener today than it was 10 years ago. If anything manlets might be a thing of the past with the increased oxygen levels the next coming 100 years

Americans are autistic.

Heatwave my arse. It was three fucking days.

>We need to prevent human extinction.... by not having kids

We've not been accurately measuring weather for long enough to be able to say what is a normal rate of extreme events.
Besides that, land use changes are the driving factor, not CO2 emissions. You can't cover half of the land surface of the planet in concrete and crop monoculture and not expect it to have massive effects on the climate after you radically transformed the surface albedo, infrared absorption/emission, not to mention the ways we've manipulated the hydrological cycle via irrigation, dams and the effects of urban areas on water flow and direction.
We literally can't stop the climate from changing, ever. We can only react to it and manage the effects as best we can. The alternative, "prevention", is a death cult's lust for power over mankind.
there is no such thing as an exclusive herbivore, vegans have an eating disorder

Most of the world's oxygen comes from the ocean, you know.

Lord willing

Based. All vegans must hang

Black women are more stupid, are you just excluding asian women?

If you're an environmentalist and you're not talking about closing the borders and spreading man-made diseases across Africa then you're just a huckster or a Jew

the most retarded argument i've ever seen on Yea Forums

Unironically off yourself

So you are telling me that I can kill niggers by eating burgers?

>why are women so fucking stupid
Fixed that for you

not an argument, nigger

literally seething

>how to win hearts and minds
>argue with people on a board who gets their knowledge of soil ph from cartoon farmers about how the world is coming to an end

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only if you're white. if you're African, please have 10 children, we'll subsidize it by giving you free food, medicine and technologies.

They're not going to just die, they'll just flood into europe and America and then we'll all die.

>only 18 months left 9f chicken nuggies
Fuck I've gotta up my intake

it's happening and it's all your fault / whether it is or isn't happening, blame china

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Maybe if the Mediterranean beaches are fortified.

You know the world is literally dying as we speak. The Midwest will become a dust bowl, have you read Grapes of Wrath? Maybe you don't live on the coast but try finding food when all the arable land is dead.

How long until we're all living out Water World?

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you're right, i don't
you can't imagine how much i hate people

>always thought we were go extinct because of something cool like nuclear hellfire, supervolcano eruption or alien invasion
>we'll actually die because some dinosaurs farted a billion years ago

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Truth: Climate change is real and we're helping speed up. There is over 40 years of scientific research into this including companies involved with the fossil fuel industry that tried to keep it on the down low when they got the findings they were playing a role.

Bullshit: Climate change is a hoax or real but humanity isn't doing anything to affect it. The entire science community is full of hack frauds that have been paid off by the Democrats to increase taxes on fossil fuels to fund their liberal programs.

>Heat wave
>In summer
Fucking brainlets

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>Most anthropogenic atmospheric CO2 comes from China and India
>Majority of America's comes from cars and cow farts
>Clearly this means we need to shut down only American coal-fired power plants and let China fill the market with dirtier coal

He just got my vote.

A heatwave in the summer? Wow, the world really IS about to end!

the volcano in Iceland a few years ago had more of an effect on climate than all human contributions in history combined

Day of the rope

There is a hypothesis that herbivores are just bad predators that found eating plants easier. Explains why Pandas eat bamboo despite their teeth evolved to deal with meat.

>these two places with 10 times the population of the US produce more greenhouse gases (India actually doesnt and per capita produces about 10% the average american does)

wow yeah youre right we should totally ignore the problem then

I wonder if its wrong to eat vegans, they are annoying and basically herbivores, aka beneat us in the food chain, can we legalize?

Reminder that one of the next big pushes is to convince people to begin eating bugs because bugs have a small environmental impact

It's not about sea level rise with the ice caps melting. That's almost the last thing one should worry about with global warming. A few hundred million displaced within a hundred years...if that was the only thing to worry about, we'd all sleep better at night.

So why should we worry about climate change? Well, have you ever seen that show on Nat Geo called "Seconds from disaster"? It's never one thing, is it? It's many factors converging together to result in catastrophe, except the catastrophe in question is not a bridge collapse or plane falling from the sky, it's functional human extinction.

Presently, human society is making goods and delivering them to 7.5 billion (and counting) members, and almost all of those methods are doing damage to the ability of our environment to sustain us. Also, we expect to be at 10 billion sooner than expected, and we are also lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty each year (increasing their consumption). This creates all of those converging factors.

For instance:

We have depended, since last century, on synthetic fertilizers manufactured utilizing natural gas. This, along with agribusiness, has had the impact of farming practices degrading the topsoil, to the extent that most places in the world have 60 or fewer harvests left.
The bad farming practices also cause desertification - think American dust bowl multiplied several times over across the developing world, so much so that some models indicate we might have less than 30 years to make corrections before overwhelming food crisis.
Meanwhile, climate change means more droughts in some farming regions, and more flash floods in others, further compounding the topsoil crisis


>heat waves can't exist during the summer they just simply can't because I said so
>all summers are the same and there's no fucking way it can be hotter than other summers and there's no fucking way an observable climate system can create an abnormal period of higher heat


lol i'll fuck you up pussy


meteor and holy duke it out

>China, India and Africa destroy the world on a daily basis and no one stops them
>oy vey it’s you, goy, stop having children! Use cardboard straws!
Fuck off heebie kikeberger

>They're not going to just die, they'll just flood into europe and America and then we'll all die.
Unfortunately true, the governments are too cucked to start shooting them at the border although it's not only the most effective measure but also the ONLY way to prevent invasion

China has to feed its own people, Africans just wait to be handed free shit from whites

Read her other tweets. The way she talks shows such a deep sense of entitlement. It just exposes her own life.


Most people in the world don't even watch their diet. They don't have time to. Having the time and the resources to carefully schedule your special diet is a privilege by itself. Go tell a blue collar worker this and he will laugh in your face. She is so deep in her own bubble that his became the most important thing she has to worry about, which speaks volumes about how shallow the rest of her life is.

the third impact

god I can't wait till the real white genocide starts

Rise of the planet of the apes.

Our meat dependence, which has been, by far, the largest driver of bad farming practices, has also created massive amounts of ocean nutrient pollution, so that the bottoms of the coastal areas around the world are basically massive dead zones.
Meanwhile, due to warming waters and changing currents, the dead zones in questions are spreading, even to the deep ocean.
To compound the damage we do to the water, the world's fishing fleets are so productive that many expect us to be out of non-farmed seafood by 2050 as fish stocks collapse.
These fleets also kill up to 5X more sea life (shrimp trawling) than the intended catch.
These fleets are also responsible for perhaps multiple hundreds of quadrillions of pieces of primary and secondary plastic that has found its way to basically all oceans waters, compounding ocean suffocation with food chain starvation (as dying plankton don't sink since they've incorporated plastic).
The plastic also massively reduces, via crowding, the available space for living plankton, causing ripple effects down the surface food chain, and reducing ocean O2 output from phytoplankton
Compounding this is higher ocean acidification from CO2 concentration - while higher CO2 is good for some strains of phytoplankton, it makes calcareous phytoplankton more fragile reducing their success and impacting the ocean’s role as CO2 sink as well as O2 producer.

You mean you gonna give me diseases if i eat you? you are probably right, still i can use the lard to make soap.

Im more worried that he will kill dick at this point. Especially when dickheads fuck with him in his private life. Imagine his debt at this point. Gf left him. Losing all his friends. etc.

social media must be banned

all these retards are self-radicalizing each other because they hate each other and push themselves in the opposite extremes

people of low intelligence should not be given access to the internet

Daily reminder that the west drains Africa of $2 trillion every year while pretending they're giving aid.

o damage the ability of the world’s water and land to sustain us is threaded climate change as an impact magnifier. Warming (and more polluted and acidic) waters kill off more things and worsens overall conditions, warming land throws breadbasket regions into imbalance and eventual collapse. It’s like in supporting our modern society we are building a house of cards of just in time supply chains and we continue to add levels, but with climate change are starting to stomp on the floor, too.

How hard are we stomping? Is there an elephant in the room? Yes. Feedback loops.

As the planet warms, and polar caps melt, the following feedbacks kick into gear:

Ice-albedo feedback: less ice = darker water, more light absorbed and emitted as heat
Arctic methane release: warmer arctic = more methane seeping up from frozen deposits on sea beds
Permafrost release: Carbon release from melting permafrost (plateau collapse) and warming freshwater bogs
Peat decomposition/general decomp increase
Forest drying / vegetation change
Wildfire increases (drying + increased storm activity)
Peat fire increases (drying + increased storm activity)
Atmospheric warming / ice cap melt / geologic activity feedback loop - there is growing evidence that the ice melting causes severe seismic activity and geologic shifts - one example is Isostatic rebound - crust snapping back once weight of ice is gone = landslides/underwater shelf slides/earthquakes = clathrate melt events. This leads into...
Seabed methane hydrate release...often dramatized as the clathrate gun. Given geologic time frames and theorized to occur at two other extinction level events, opens the potential of massive methane “burps” that can raise atmospheric temperatures in short order.

Incel uprising

Downsizing. Entire movie was about the climate hoax

those clouds are photoshoped btw

fact: if all the ice in the world suddenly melted that in of itself would mostly affect Indians, Asians, and places in the U.S. that would be better off falling into the ocean

theoretical bad things: there may be natural gas mains exposed, ancient bacteria which might spread disease could be as well, and a shift in climate would likely bash the coastlines with storms

other than, everything would fine
that said, that hottest year in the U.S. was in, IIRC, 1936

What? So you can continue to destroy the earth? Dirty poo in loo cunt.

If by white genocide you mean whites genociding shitskins then you don't have long to wait

>He's never read revelations


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>Something that happened before will happen again
>This is indicative of a global trend which will end the world vaguely in a matter of months
The only thing to be concerned about is rising sea level, and let me tell you:
I don't give a shit if every population center over 5 million gets evaporated from magic holes in the atmosphere, but if what you say is true it will solve the problem.
Maybe stop warning people of the consequences if you want the correction to happen.

And so here we come to the coup de grace. At any time it seems the house of cards could come tumbling due to all these converging factors and modern society would collapse, perhaps resulting in the deaths of hundreds of millions to billions. Bad, but maybe survivable for the human race. However, in geologic time we have detected prior mass extinctions and the mechanisms for these extinctions is not well understood. Both AGW deniers and “believers” have been intimately focused on CO2: massive historical CO2 concentrations, sunspots, Maunder minimums, little ice ages. Few people focus on the methane - and we look above and see how many feedbacks with methane there are and the fact that methane is 86 times more potent a greenhouse gas in large burps as CO2 (25 times as bad accumulated over 100 year period) and we say ruh roh.

So what? you might say. Well, could methane concentrations, for example, get so high that summertime temps would kill off everything on a majority of the world's farm fields in a growing season? Again, we don’t know the exact mechanisms for prior extinctions, but we have those aforementioned JIT chains and fragile mono-cultures to worry about. Sure we are more adaptable than things that came before, but where are our limits and the limits of technology? Each day we are stumbling upon more and more candidates for our extinction, such as the potential for 6C warming of ocean waters to catastrophically “shut off” the ability of phytoplankton to produce two thirds of atmospheric O2 production. Who knows if that sensitivity is still at 6C with all the damage we are doing to the oceans? Who knows if the 6th mass extinction, the Anthropocene, will be the last for a few tens or hundreds of millions of years. I guess we’ll find out.

>the west
Pick one faggot

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Alice is vegetarian.

She cute, based and woke.

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Only because Africans are too fucking dumb to handle debt

This. Cricket flour and shit

Scientific proof

literally just bomb it lmao

the peak oilers used to do this; throw around a lot of disparate statistical projections to fit a ridiculous scenario of doom.

In 18 months they will have to push back their prediction for the 100th time. Im too old for this shit.

>ok we have all the guns and we decided mr bongo is in charge
>mr bongo wants to borrow 6 quadrillion dollars from us
>woah you got rid of mr bongo and have a democracy now?
>well you still owe us 7 quadrillion dollars darky

are whites the jews of race?

But man-made global warming IS a hoax. the only evidence that supports man-made is an increase in extreme events, like more tidal waves and the like, but you can’t exactly prove that to be human involvement. You’d be a retard to not realize that in the 21st century the most profitable business revolves around climate, electric cars, green energy, etc etc. it’s all just a massive moneygrab

I can't wait that western zoomers get in positions of polical powers and finish us. Boomers like me will probably get deported in a re-education FEMA camp in Siberia for throwing a lit cigarette on the ground. They all seem very authoritarian across the whole political spectrum.

one thing I'm looking forward to is when white liberals start unironically eating insects thinking they're making a difference.

No we're just playing by the rules on the table, git gud niggers

I think the second one sounds a lot more accurate haha

What level of education does the average climate denier have?

I feel most of you have dropped out of high school and abuse drugs and alcohol

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>mfw my country is literally 0.01% of the world's population and I hear anyone saying we have to limit our countries carbon emmissions

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who is denying that there is a climate

there are 360,000 births a day
people are the problem

le im just one person my actions don't matter

Stephen releases the demon-summoning program.

Fighting climate change is bullshit but thats nigger logic

Real irtue is the monk praying and fasting in solidarity. At least religion held society together. This literal homosexual environmentalism is completely void of any self improvement or moral virtue.

>u stoopid for not blindly believing in science!! Science is never wrong! (except sometimes like with gender but never question it, just pay poor countries so China can BTFO you)
nice try

Leds are better than incandescencent
The real solution is to build many nuclear power plants

>cooking some high quality meat that my uncle imported tonight
I'm going to be so hard while eating it.

>i learned basic geometry so my opinions are more useful

What i mean is unless the major producers of carbon emmissions do anything (which they aren't) then i'm pissing into an ocean for no reason

You mean weather?

Absolutely nothing.

Women are the niggers of gender

no it isnt


What if somehow both of these options are correct?

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well, yea, as time passes, the time interval gets less and less every year

I like property. They are fun to talk to and pleasant to be around most of the day. But they sure as hell shouldn't be aloud to vote.

I'm legit going to home school my daughter and setup an arranged marriage. The shit skins got this part right.

>there will be 10 billion people and it's up to you to feed them
>whoops now there are 20 billion and it's impossible for anyone to feed them
Shouldn't we just stop feeding them now at 7?

Mel Gibson's The Camp of the Saints WHEN??

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Isn't this considered treason in America?

are you talking about a breeding license bruh?

I'm a seventh level vegan. AMA.

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You are an imbecile
Just because plants use co2 doesn't mean an Increased level is good plants need a balance of things to grow increasing one thing by itself does not help it

People have been saying the world is going to end soon and civilization is on the brink of collapsing since the beginning of human society. Nothing is going to fucking happen because nothing EVER happens.

There are ways of pressuring international firms into using lower emission based processes that will affect the whole world even if you're a small country
Again its pointless from a geo-political perspective but I don't buy small nations don't matter logic

The world runs out of oil

>suddenly melted that in of itself would mostly affect Indians, Asians, and places in the U.S. that would be better off falling into the ocean
not suddenly enough that they would stay there and drown, if you don't like them they would just come closer to you or right where you are

Well let's do nothing then great idea

That's right Kayleigh I don't care, BURN IT DOWN >:)

it is good though, it's a positive feedback loop that sequesters a good chunk of the carbon we put out.

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They think on an emotional level and since most news pieces uses PLR filled with emotional instigation they process it on that level without questioning.
We need to desensitize women.

Best reply hahahah

A theory/study came out saying that if we do not severely slow down bovine production, the damage caused by their methane to the ozone will be irreversible using modern technology.

God I wish that were me

>98 in her username

Nobody should listen to what anyone under 25 has to say, they're still children mentally


Change the woke to redpilled and we have a partner.

>been vegetarian for years because I've been brainwashed by Morrissey
>suddenly my annoying sjw sister becomes vegetarian
>suddenly want to start eating meat again
Is there a name for this affliction?

Truth: Humanity is the most adaptable species on the planet, capable of living in polar extreme environments and can survive any weather event or change in landscape that happens. Life on earth is resilient, not fragile, and while unfit species may suffer, others will flourish. The idea of "ecological collapse" is just a fundamental misunderstanding of ecosystems. Ecosystems collapse all the time and it's a cornerstone of evolution.
Now if we stop caring about the retarded fish and bugs and failed species that do not adapt and deserve to be cut off the branch of their evolutionary tree (because they will be with time anyway), what is there really still to worry about with climate change? Desertification, rising water levels and more severe weather events (NOT more frequent). Maybe the world would benefit from the earth being a more antagonistic place to live. Maybe we'd stop having so many petty conflicts if our military budgets had to go to relief and relocation efforts.

Racial holy war

>just in time for the elections

really makes you think

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The Quickening lad, can’t ya feel it?


I'm getting diarrhea just looking at this

Climate experts are claiming that is the point where we will have basically irreversibly damaged the earth's climate.

Can you suicide today?

How do cucumbers give you diarrhea?

dog bless america

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>to lazy to stomp out a cig
You would deserve it

>le emoji
Is this how you flirt?


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In the future, we will find alternative meats.

Attached: Rat Burger.webm (720x300, 2.87M)

that doesn't stop all the meat that's already processed for sale from being worthwhile

God can't these fucks die already why are you alt right faggots on board with their death cult it's not like they care about your fucking weeabo virgins either.

who are these people

People underestimate the earths ability to recover. Humans might be fucked, but once all of us are dead it is gonna fix itself.

dunno but lots of raw cucumber always does it for me without fail, I can eat raw meat no problem though

Top kek

coincidentally at the time of the election, its obviously all bullshit to create drama to instigate you to vote for a saviour who will be chosen for you by the media.

Vote for litterally the one person they tell you not to.

Yeah /trendfagging/

You've fucked up somewhere, and it's irrevocable.

Redpill me on God's last wish

What's the plan for decreasing the number of cattle in response to lower meat consumption when livestock and other herd animals are also vital for fighting off desertification, a worse threat to climate change than the methane those animals produce and something that manmade efforts haven't been able to effectively fight.

Nice blog faggot

But omg Starbucks and snapchat thoooo

are cucumbers the arbiter of virtue or something?

Then why are carbon levels increasing

Raw vegetables shouldn't be fucking you up, period. You've got digestive problems.

18 moths until Fallout world? It better happen this time. 2012 was such disappointment.

Being this goddamn stupid

So rabbits eat meat? That's news to me. Dumb fucking cunt

how about you eat 5 raw carrots right now and report back to me in an hour

Incredibly based


Hopefully you morons have figured out climate change fear mongering is propaganda

but I thought redpill meant cringe?

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>b-b-b-but if you eat a lot...
You should focus less on arguing like a child and spend more time fixing your diet.

they said 2000 first

look, if he's only going to eat fucking water fillled veggies like a cucumber then his shit is going to be wet no matter what.

Based. Eating meat is incredibly barbaric, especially if it's halal or kosher. Halal and kosher meat should unironically be illegal.

if they get the opportunity, yes. for example they eat the young of other rabbits. meat is high protein, high calorie, high vitamin. all animals usually go for the dense food if they can

Why libtards putting modern agriculture and eating meat in the same bucket? People were eating meat even before it was invented.

can't they just put a filter up the cow's ass or does greenpeace frown on that

the dude in the video literally eats 2 whole cucumbers raw, which would give me diarrhea. obviously just eating SOME cucumber doesn't. that was my entire argument. faggot

Learn how to read

No it can't. Seethe harder LOL

I have a BS in econ and think man made climate change is over blown and that the liberal view on the topic is similar to the behavior of Christian fundamentalist dooms day cults

I support recycling, wild life preservation and all that stuff, but even the plastic ocean crap is over blown.

The main issue facing the world are dysgenic. I wonder how many climate doomsdayers think there is no intelligence gap between different racial groups?

Rabbits eat their own offspring, are they vegetables you stupid fuck?

why does that girl have a beard

I sit in my car alone during lunch break eating quarter pounders

yea, look at these natural curves
LMAOing at idiots who think humanity has had any effect on climate

Attached: 800px-2000_Year_Temperature_Comparison.png (800x601, 201K)

Do you have the gif of the walrus jumping from a cliff with the Spurdo face?

these are ww1 pics, retard

33 yr old boomers like me have guns and signed up in the military during a time if war. They are so soft it's laughable.

Attached: 1557799858803.gif (500x221, 11K)

Attached: kHJhMjW.webm (240x426, 2.49M)

Starting with you self important shit

Do you have any proof you coal industry shill?

>I have a BS in econ

Toilet paper

Super centapedes

we need to bomb china and india back to the stone age and prevent africa from industrializing in any capacity to save the earth from climate change

Climate change=self-important doomsday cult confirmed.


some vore fag has jerked off to this webm

they say that literally every 5 years (read: MSM cherry pick some corporate kike funded research) and people are such goldfish brained retards they dont even remember

So additional carbon is a bad thing?

change this, climate!

Attached: 1549020698826.webm (720x1280, 2.9M)

I bet you queer eating your uncles meat

>casually films it while not stopping the goat
no, seriously, why are the chinese so soulless?

Attached: 266BBF5A-FA79-4134-A45C-393A308411F3.png (880x824, 346K)

should have stopped at 5

San Francisco is such a beautifully diverse city.

just take a look at the scales on this graph and think about it for two seconds. Does it look like there is a 1 DEGREE change of temperature on a 100 year period anywhere there?

It's cute.
The goat's gotta eat.


Attached: 1563848628291.jpg (960x720, 52K)

Those chicks would normally get ground up for feed anyway, so he's just cutting out the middle man.

Those chick are not going in the good places anyway.


Imagine the smell

Dumn fucking retard quit drinking your dumb bitch juice fag

just eat the fucking cucumber if you're not even gonna season it differently or anything
at least he didn't try to make meat from it

Smells like freedom.

Vegas btfo

They’re already doing this


Is that IRL? Seems like you could get stuck with an AIDS needle if you weren't looking where you were going one day and bumped into someone.

Attached: B3D4FE32-C53A-445C-948C-D0B7B381D53A.jpg (736x823, 103K)

BS Network Engineering
But all you need to know is I am a white father between 25-50, because that makes me right.

>us killing off species is like totaly the same thing as them dying naturally

Fun fact: Brazi and India account for 53% of the worlds carttle. The US is only around 9%. China the same.

no they arent retard

Can I see it?

So all rabbits eat their young how are rabbits alive then?


Man, why doesn't our government care about this shit? We need to clean up our streets. I don't just mean the trash but something needs to be done about these people as well. Shove them in buildings away from society and keep them there until they die.

>b-but humans will survive! We always adapt! We wuz kangz
Do you subhumans realize animals can't "adapt" and are going extinct as we speak? You're gonna HAVE TO become a vegan whether you like it or not, and once the forests and every inch of green is covered by disgusting "smart" houses then you can finally live in your utopia of a grey, sterile, dead planet where the only trees are chinese holograms and food comes on pills. I will take out as many of you as possible when the final war begins, you're welcome

Right there on the graph

if youre a faggot why isnt everyone
stop with the strawman

Who's the guy on the right?
Some kind of partisan

Liberal policy and faggot cops in action. I love that police in Texas literally abuse these pathetic animals and throw them in unairconditioned contractor prisons.

Not being ironic. Fuck homeless people.

>off-topic bait image disguised with a vaguely related Yea Forums line
Why do mods let this shit fly?

Attached: d1673.jpg (600x602, 76K)

This alt right comment sponsored by Apple

can't you just admit you're wrong, dumb niggerlover

t. vegan

did you even read what the graph is measuring? I understand it's nice to see a graph with a line that looks like it proves your point, but you actually need to understand what metrics it's tracking.

Nope. Fuck vegans, fuck niggers, and fuck jannies.

Attached: ciamm akko.png (657x527, 32K)

Because the countries that should have population controls are deeply religious, and abhor anything other than 8 child families.

>muh mods
Fucking kill yourself and leave Yea Forums. Go to the millions of other forums with stricter rules. Don’t try and change this place, nigger.

You are a fucking retard and homeless shits are a problem here in Texas and they are coming from up north most of them are white trash drug addicted

Which they raise for export we eat less meat they raise less cows