Good doco
>2 hour doc about gun violence
>no mention of niggers
Really makes you think
Even when I was an edgy teen and ate up Micheal Moore’s bullshit, I was like “why the fuck is he blaming the planet of the apes dude for some kids going insane?? Wtf!”
Best part of the movie : youtu.be
As a 12yo Europoor I believed at the time everything who was said in the movie.
Michael Moore is sensationalist bullshit yes, but Americans are also psychopaths
“Kidnapped black people”
Bought them from the other black slave owners. Why is that tiny detail always glossed over.
I never understood why this was named after the band Bowling for Soup
>still talking about Michael Moore
Anyone watched his latest about Trump's election ? I can't find it anywhere.
That's....not correct though.
didn't they mention africanized bees or some shit?
No, it's definitely true.
Thomas Sowell has written on the mass migration of southern blacks in to the northern states and california. Northern blacks were much better behaved at the time before the southern exodus. When the southern negros came up they made everyone hate niggers all over again, and the northern niggers got fucked in the process.
Course many will argue a nigger is a nigger, but there were differences in their cultures and behaviours.
>Bowling for Soup
completely forgot about them
>have a quick search
fucking hell, the singer is now as fat as the guitarist
because the bass player is the size of a high school
>I wanna move north and be a canadian
>or hang down low with the nice australians
So what was this guys fucking problem?
>white men keep gun
I didn't know that. I thought the second amendment meant all people.
>I don't wanna be another I-don't-care-ican
It was a very entertaining documentary, just cause Moore became a complete hack doesnt invalidate its merits.
I didnt care about the gun message one way or the other, it was just fun to watch all the various characters and some background info on the shooting.
>he visited my hometown of windsor across the river from detroit, even visited a gun store there that I've bought guns from
>why don't you canadians lock your doors?
>because niggers can't swim
Yep same. I bought it hook line and sinker.
>most gun crime is blacks and hood rats shooting each other
>entire film focuses on whites
>h-hey d-don't do that
based redneck risking his life to make moore uncomfortable
You say this but there is a mass shooting of some kind literally like 20 times a year. Wasn't last year some kind of record for school shootings?
>more mass shootings
>stricter gun laws
must be the guns. Think of the 1900s how many fewer restrictions there were compared to the 50s, 80s, and now today (depending on the state).
I'm not american but the same trend happens in Canada. Gun violence a huge issue now, even though in the 40s you could own whatever you wanted, no registry, up until the 70s we could own FALs many being old Canadian mil surplus.
The best bit ever made by the South Park guys imo
Overall it was a decent film. Not because of the topic at hand but because some of the subjects he chose to shoot were supremely interesting.
Nicols was one. Stone and Parker were another. However Manson was hands down the best.
>Wasn't last year some kind of record for school shootings?
And that's a good thing!
That shitty third-wave ska was pretty big in the late 90's
The chance of a school shooting is so low that the thought of one shouldn’t cross your mind. You should be more worried about the possibility of dying in a car crash, something far more likely. Also, there could be 450 school shootings a year and I wouldn’t even support background checks. Rights>kids
Which book/s?
In the 40s-60s a husband bought a two story house and had full insurance for his entire family while the wife stayed at home and never worked. No fucking shit people weren't going out doing mass shootings people had something to live for.
>Also, there could be 450 school shootings a year and I wouldn’t even support background checks.
imagine caring more about inanimate objects made for the sole purpose of killing people than actual innocent children, the absolute state of lolbertarians
it's the only ska worth caring about
the Manson interview just cemented my love for him. Antichrist Superstar is still one of the best albums of the 90s.
So I should lose my right to self defense and pursuit of happiness over some crazy fucking guy who wants to enact revenge on his school?
No but hundreds of crazy guys enacting revenge killing thousands of people is more than cause for at least some form of legislative barrier to acquiring a firearm.
M-MUH SELF DEFENSE. These are machines made for the very explicit purpose of being portable and efficiently killing human beings. They should by no means be easy to acquire in the slightest.
What machines? My AR-15? That I use to hunt with and pest control.
>can't pass a background check
what a loser
except for the part where most of the people committing murders aren't legally allowed to own a firearm already
You need an AR-15 to kill a racoon?
Just in case you're not trolling, the South Park guys did not make this and were annoyed that it was presented as if they had.
>they didn't even go bowling before the shooting
Is ANYTHING this man says true?
>"man how could people believe his bullshit one sided documentaries"
>goes away to post about the latest completely one sided crime documentary presenting everything in the most misleading way possible.
south park guys aren't retarded liberals
No, but apparently they're retarded libertarians
>cherry picked
Kek. Gotta laugh at your face.
Kind of
He mentioned Canadian blacks.
Yea but that's because of all the rapefugees we're importing into Toronto
>except him to be insane
>ends up being the most grounded person in the entire movie
What the fuck
They are, though.
i think it was in Discrimination and Disparities
Michael Moore unintentionally created the most kino propaganda of 2016
>Be American
>Partake in a culture obsessed with guns and death
>Think you're not psychopaths
ITT: People who never bothered with actally watching the stupid thing.
He talks about gun violence for a while. Then he compares US stats with places with lower violence but with the same number of gun owners like Canadialand, and comes to the conclusion that the big difference is "the culture of fear instilled by the media".
There's some animation in the middle that's pretty neat.
That's it. It's a dumb point, but at least you should get it right.
He was making a point
If you cared about children you wouldn't put them in "gun free zones" where shootings frequently happen
Most homicides happen with illegally acquired firearms by urban youths
m*Ttm*Rr*Sh*Rts *spit* are psychotic and subhuman though, have you never interacted with one?
>Shall not be Infringed
Thats all that needs to be said about the topic of guns in America
Something that foreigners don’t seem to understand is that “gun culture” in America isn’t about 1v1ing the U.S. military, on the contrary, the guncels are supposed to supplement the military in protecting the elites from the people. Say that the U.S. somehow actually elects a social democratic government which tries to reverse neoliberalism and/or raise taxes on billionaires. Corporate media can then frame this as a “communist revolution” and call on “the militia” to defend the establishment. Note how “gun culture” transitioned from rural defense and sport to building suburban armories around the same time they started dismantling the New Deal and the welfare state in the 1970s-1990s.
>Thought it was gonna be some insight into columbine and the kids there and the two faggots who done it
>It's just some fat fuck interviewing celebs and memeing on some bank then talking about himself the rest of it
Well tbqh Americans are psychopaths
I know you're memeing but for those that don't know Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community c.2000 was a landmark book describing the alienation and depression taking root in every town as our suburbs continued to sprawl further and further away from each other. This was 2000 mind you and has only been exacerbated since with the rise of technology and further atomization of the individual
But americans are psychopaths
The nuking of japan was justified. Prove me wrong. Not so much the bombing of civilian populations though
Nagasaki and Hiroshima were cities with factories and therefore valid military targets
I don't trust fat people.
heil hitler
>t. bootlicker
t. trust fund teen
Is Thomas Sowell worth listening to? everything I see and read about him is completely based but it's hard to tell with intellectuals without having read any of their books
He’s basically “based blackman” for boomers because he advocates that all of black folks’ problems come from wearing their pants too low.
>Yea Forums will try to refute this
>Yea Forums
>cannot understand a movie, quickly descends into
>muh guns
>muh niggers
overworked and underemployed middle aged white americans use guns to cope with an impotent desire to wield power in a country that routinely fucks them in the ass. It was true in 2000 and it's even more true now. this is a message you retards should agree with
aren't I more likely to be a commie in that case?
We don't NEED whiny bitches either, but here you are.
begone troll
americans are based as fuck
Why should I care when people don't care about black on black crime being thousands of times worse?
No, you’re John Galt.
What he did to Charlton Heston in this movie should be criminal.
the best part about Michael Moore is knowing I will outlive him and all he did was shout into an echo-chamber and accomplish nothing
That's a completely useless answer, but thanks anyways
>people don't care about black on black crime being thousands of times worse
They don’t? How many households have you polled in the ‘hoods across America?
You’re right, I left out the “welfare plantation” but I don’t think Sowell uses the term himself, just his fanboys.
Water balloon fights are fucking fun and it seems the kids had a blast
why did she have a cardboard box full of water balloons just sitting there
I'm tempted to watch his new doc after reading the wiki, seems like it'll be a good laugh.
>Moore also compares Trump's rise to power to that of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, parallels the Reichstag fire with the September 11 attacks, compares Hitler's hate speeches against different ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations to some of Trump's comments, and showcases recent instances of unprovoked racial violence allegedly inspired by Trump. He concludes that the United States Constitution no longer protects the people from the wealthy and powerful, and the American Dream is now nothing more than a mere dream.
fuck michael moore
That sounds dumb as fuck and you're an idiot if you think it's in any way compelling.
And I hate trump, so don't even you me
None of that is incorrect, aside from the implication that the U.S. Constitution was ever intended to protect people from the elite and not vice-versa.
>be american
>get shot
>muh moral litmus test
>be euro
>get raped by sandniggers
Top m*Ttpost
>while being stabbed and having acid thrown in face
he's worth reading if not just for the case studies he brings up as examples when talking about stuff. Talks a lot about how intellectuals try to implement programs or studies based on fallacies or agendas, and face no consequences for the actual real life results.
>Neither in nature nor among human beings are either equal or randomly distributed outcomes automatic. On the contrary, grossly unequal distributions of outcomes are common, both in nature and among people, in circumstances where neither genes nor discrimination are involved... The idea that it would be a level playing field, if it were not for either genes or discrimination, is a preconception in defiance of both logic and facts.
He did. And is not about gun violence, is about gun lobby.