Story is set in Egypt

>story is set in Egypt
>it revolves around Cleopatra VII

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Why is Cleopatra so worshipped? She was basically a prostitute that had sex with important and powerful men. Wow, how strong and independent.

How is the woman you just described any different than literally any other woman in history?

Exactly, so why is Cleopatra worshipped?

Because she appears in stories with other people we know lots about (Caesar and Augustus)

knowing people and being a playball in the power struggle of a foreign state makes you a curiosity and interesting, not worthy of worship.

Feminists: cleopatra was a powerful and successful woman

>fucks some powerful men
>sucks their money
>kills some roman emperornigga
>wHaT a POwErFUL woMaN

>still no Apis Bull Kino

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Because her time alive was also the peak of the Roman empire

my boy Trajan would like to have a word with you.

>story is set in egypt
>it's the best bro roadtrip adventure of all time

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Thats greek

>story is set in Egypt
>not about their gods like Anubis and Bastet

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She might have given birth to the first Roman Emperor had things turned out differently

She was the last ruler of Egypt - the last of the pharaohs. After that, the 1st and one of the longest-lasting empires, has fallen.

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Egyptian gods >>>>>>>>>>>> Greek soap opera sky people

If she’s the last then she should be remembered as a failure, who destroyed a 2000 year old civilization due to her incompetence

That's how she's remembered. Yet still sort of romanticized. I think it happened in 1800s when Egyptomania became a thing. Novels like this sexualized Egyptian aesthetics.

Attached: rommummy.jpg (907x1360, 260K)

And then paintings like this

Attached: 800px-Cleopatra_and_Caesar_by_Jean-Leon-Gerome.jpg (800x1160, 173K)


>If she’s the last then she should be remembered as a failure, who destroyed a 2000 year old civilization due to her incompetence
There was nothing the Ptolemies could have done to defeat Rome and stay independent. And it's not like Egyptian civilisation evaporated the second Cleopatra died, you can blame the Christians and Muslims for the death of Ancient Egypt.

I doubt many worship cleopatra. Maybe some weird cults somewhere.

>could’ve remained a client kingdom with some level of autonomy
>instead break all ties with Rome and go to war against it because of your ego
>lose all independence as a result
Hm, if only there were a way to avoid such an outcome.

Lol, she wasn't even a real egyptian, they had been in a downward spiral for a thousand years by this point

Christians made Egypt great again. it was mudslimes that killed that.

>He doesn't know just how much of the annual roman budget came from Egypt alone.
Nah brah there was no way of avoiding that.

>instead break all ties with Rome and go to war against it because of your ego
Octavian is only considered "Rome" because he won in the end. At the time Cleopatra was siding with one of Caesar's most trusted generals with decades of experience against a kid and Agrippa.
>could’ve remained a client kingdom with some level of autonomy
Doubtful considering how Egypt was treated as a personal possession of the Emperor during the Principate. If Roman pro-consuls weren't trusted enough to govern Egypt why would a degenerate Greek family be given that much honour and power?

Egypt was a great power and beacon of science under many muslim rulers

>against a kid and Agrippa

Absolutely based Agrippa

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Because she was better at being a fancy prostitute than any other woman in history, and then she killed herself in a really distinctive way.

doggy and kitty

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>beacon of science
Thats a meme user

>he said on a website that uses algorithms

I think her story is really interesting
it literally reads like a shakespearian drama

brainlett here, to lazy to read wikipedia. could you elaborate?

>the 1st

Attached: origins-of-human-beings.jpg (1200x630, 87K)

>Cleopatra is the seventh of her name of the Macedonian Ptolemaic Dynasty that ruled Egypt for centuries at that point
>she was described as plain to beautiful
>her most striking feature was her intelligence though
>she spoke several languages and was well-read in history and philosophy
>she starts murdering all her brother-husbands and starts a civil war to become sole ruler of Egypt with the assistance of the Roman Republic because they think an Egypt under Cleopatra is more stable and more dependent on Rome
>she courts Julius Caesar and he fathers a child with her
>Caesar is killed by the senate
>the Roman Republic has like 12 civil wars
>eventually the final Roman civil war is happening between Mark Antony (trusted general of Caesar) and Octavian (Caesar's adoptive son and heir)
>Mark Antony is also the husband of Octavian's sister
>Cleopatra sides with Mark Antony in the civil war and starts courting him as well
>Mark Antony fathers twins with her
>Mark Antony loses the war and he and Cleopatra commit suicide in Alexandria
>Mark Antony stabs himself with a sword
>Cleopatra famously gets bitten by an asp in her breast
>Octavian is now the sole ruler of all of Rome and Egypt

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The egyptians were black

Reminder: we are closer in time to Cleopatra's death than we are to the time of the pyramids.

I know what you want to say, but read again what you wrote.

I like this version: Cleopatra is chronologically closer to the construction of the Large Hadron Collider than to the Pyramids.

>peak of the Roman empire
>before it was an empire
>before Augustus
>before vespasian
>before the 5 good emperors

Based Augustus and Agrippa blowing the FUCK out of roastie and those who blacken their eyes with soot like a prostitute

and worshipping dogs and reptiles!


>Cleopatra is chronologically closer to the construction of the Large Hadron Collider than to the Pyramids.
How old are these? Goddamn!

the big, famous ones are from around 2600 BC +-100 years.

>the big, famous ones
as opposed to... ?

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because her life is a better story than 99.99% of other women rulers.

there are over a hundred of them throughout Egypt and they continued to build them from until around 1400 BC, the ones built after around 2400 BC were small, shitty, most were never finished or collapsed and only look like natural hills nowadays; some examples are so shitty, we only know those were pyramids because we excavated them and found the tombs, inscriptions etc inside them like the big pyramids had.

They "forgot" how to build them properly after 2400 BC and it's a mystery of Egyptology and archaeology why that is?

Pic related is one such example from around 2200 BC.

Attached: 1280px-PiramideTeti.jpg (1280x960, 290K)

TY! This doesn't look like pyramid at all, indeed.

We need amasis/apries warrior pharoah kino. I wrote a treatment for a story in that era.

There are more than these 3.
I think they dropped pyramids because of tomb robbers. Hidden tombs = less attention.

>I think they dropped pyramids because of tomb robbers.
very possible.

Only because of the men in the story, Caesar, Antony, Augustus, etc.

>There are more than these 3.

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>story set in ancient Egypt
>the pyramids aren't covered in white limestone

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>story is set in Egypt
>it isn't just a mute film of geometers surveying a pyramid site

Wouldn't that depend on when it takes place. I doubt all the pyramids were maintained tip top trough all the dynasties.

it was looted off for mosques and palaces by the more modern egyptians

Araki's depiction of Egypt was actually the most accurate I have ever seen in media; everything was on point especially the rich beggar which amazed me.

>white limestone

It was ebony, bigot.

She literally fucking saves Cesar

>how the decision to keep the white limestone on the Pyramids is a symbol of the white supremacy of this current Pharaoh-administration - Papyrus, 1100BC

>story set in Egypt
>completely whitewashed
Imagine wh*Teoid cucks being so insecure they actually rewrite history and claim other cultures achievement to appear competent.

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>Jews claim they were enslaved by Egyptians (something with no historical evidence whatsoever)
>the Jews in Hollywood cast all Egyptians as white Europeans instead of North Africans and/or Copts

Really gets the noggin' joggin'.

I think you got that backwards.