The Anunnaqi, Eloheem, were acting as intermediaries between Earth and NIBIRU. They came to the planet Earth in order to find gold and other resources, to take back to their planet which is the 8th planet—Rizq, of the 19th galaxy called Illyuwn meaning “on high,” which was on its way to destruction due to constant rays from the three suns UTU, APSU, and SHAMASH. They were supposed to deliver the processed gold to spaceships that would be stored on the dark side of the moon called (Kingu or Shesqi), and Lahmu (Mars). This is where they constructed and loaded the 30 mile long cylinder shaped crafts. They used Lahmu (Mars) to assemble crafts to launch. The Anunnaqi arrived on the planet Qi by way of passenger crafts called shams. Their planet-sized ship Nibiru, which means “planet which crosses the skies, or planet of the crossing” travels at 1,008,600,272 feet per second, the speed of light. Nibiru is about 2½ to 3 times the size of the planet Earth. Nibiru has a crystal dome giving it the ability to break down light, it has solar panels that are the size of pin’s heads or less than that and can generate millions and millions of watts of energy. Nibiru was set up for holographic inter dimensional transport and manned over 144,000 crew members headed by 24 elite beings called YAHWEHANS, 12 agreeable and 12 disagreeable. Nibiru is also called Merkabah meaning “the movable throne.”
These extra-terra-astral (extraterrestrial) are aboard the mother ship Nibiru. The Anunnaqi’s descriptions are dark-greenish brown skinned olive toned beings, with supreme 9 ether hair texture or what you’d call “kinky” or “kingly” hair. They look like humans with a few exceptions, such as their eyes. Some of the Anunnaqi’s eyes are exceptionally larger than that of humans. They are of such and advanced state that if you confronted one of them with a weapon, they would let you shoot them rather than hurt you.
This group of insane cave dwellers were called Sumuwnean meaning “the obese ones,” or Saamiym, and Abandonderos or as they are called today “Deros,” which is a combination of the words “detrimental” and “robots.” These Sumuwneans or Deros really exist. There Chief is Yabahaan. The Sumuwneans are constantly in conflict with the group of beings called the Duwaanis who hold the same belief, that they too will take over the planet one day. They are born by hatching from eggs that are four to six feet in diameter. They grow to seven feet and are extremely obese. The Deros who live in the caves are degenerated so much that, they don’t have much intelligence. They have two stomachs and their digestive system is the same as that of a cow. Deros and cows both chew the cud, meaning when they eat, they chew their food and it goes through the initial stages of digestion where it reaches a large sac that is before the true stomach. The food is then regurgitated to the mouth for further chewing; this is called chewing the cud. The Deros have no fingernails, toenails, nipples, navel or rectum. Their eyes are silver grey and they glow in the dark. They have blonde eyebrows and a pinkish grey color skin, much like the corpse of a Caucasian, and a pig, having not being exposed to the inner or outer Sun. Other than their eyebrows, they have no hair on their bodies because of a disease called trichotillomania, and are responsible for the diseases trichinosis and trichiniasis. They have no teeth. Their mouth appears to be full of a gummy, slimy substance. They are nocturnal and hear extremely well.
They’re not very peaceful and have a strong dislike for human beings. They are very human in appearance, yet far from it. Their noses are long, trunk-like which is very similar to that of an elephant. They contend that the Planet Earth was theirs originally and will be theirs again one day. Many people today who are obese are descendants of the Deros. I’m talking about those people who have a serious weight problem, weighing over 300 pounds, which is abnormal for human beings. It is obviously a hereditary glandular problem and is caused by over active glands. Certain endocrine gland disorders, such as hypothyroidism or tumors of the adrenal gland, pancreas, or pituitary gland, can cause obesity. It is a trait of who they are from, the Deros.
The Teros, which is short from integrative or constructive, are a subsurface race that usually keep the Deros in check. The Teros, were the original tribe of the Lunarians who came to this planet to dwell beneath the surface of the Earth. They are referred to as the Sunaynans, meaning “The Yearly Ones.”
The Deros were for disagreeable people and the Teros, were for agreeable people. Their chief is named Laamsa (the photo). The Teros came from the planet Jomon in the star constellation Arcturus which is in the Bootes constellation. Arcturus, the red giant, the fourth brightest star in heaven is where much mixing took place.
The Sunaynans have 48 chromosomes instead of the normal 46 that Earth people possess. The Tero’s chromosome structure is so different from Earthlings that when mixed with certain humans, it caused a defect of 47 chromosomes which today is called “Down’s Syndrome.” Their children are usually born with breathing defects as well as congenital heart disease and they also have poor digestive systems. Their immune system is unable to function properly and they are more apt to developing leukemia.
The Teros that have an abundance of pigmentation in their skin are descendants of the Shuyukh. Those who are lacking pigmentation are descendants of the Halaabeans, Flugelrods or Hulub. The Teros bored further into the Earth and were able to keep their sanity. Because of cross-breeding, the Teros took on different forms. Some look so human they can come to the surface and not be noticed.
The Ashtar Fleet, also called Ashtar Command are originally from Aldebaran constellation. The Ashtar Command are among many entities that come to Earth and have been circling above it, for the most part invisible to the naked eye, since the early 1950’s A.D. Their height ranges from 5 to 6 feet. They are humanoid and have less water in their bodies and are “pasty” in appearance. The color of their skin is very pale, and rubbery. They have blonde hair. Their heads and eyes are similar to humans. The color of their eyes are blue or gray.
They say they are here to help save the planet Earth, they communicate through speech. Their leader is Ashater Sheran, who is also Aruseak. These blue-eyed, blonde haired beings came to the planet Earth and are still here. They have been known to wear insignias from Arcturus and Venus. You may see an insignia and it may confuse you, because some of these beings are sharing planets, since they were cast out of the 19th Galaxy, Illyuwn, (that which encompasses Pleiades).
The PROCYONIANS are originally from Procyon. Their height ranges from 7 to 9 feet. Their skin texture is human like and their complexion is brown to albino as well as their hair that’s wooly brown or blonde and straight. The Procyonians have traits that are very similar to humans such as the head, face, nose, mouth, neck, body which is very muscular, arms which are also very muscular, feet, hands, torso, and they have strong legs. Their eyes are also similar to humans. There are two races. The elder’s eye color ranges from blue to gray. The male have very large sex organs, and the females are very developed or voluptuous. They say to humans that “they are the Earth children.”
They want to communicate with Earthlings and try to overstand human emotions. They breed primitive human beings, thus Cro-Magnon man came about. They have the ability to travel within time frames. They depend on beam crafts for interstellar travel. The Procyonians “astrally” travel from place to place as a natural function. The name of their home planet is translated as “those who travel through time.” The word “Procyon” is a Latin word from the Greek word Prokyon, which literally means “before the dog.” It is called this because it rises before the star Sirius, the dog-star.
Yakub is said to have been born in Mecca at a time when 30% of original black people were "dissatisfied".[3] He was a member of the Meccan branch of the Tribe of Shabazz. Yakub acquired the nickname "big head", because of his unusually large head and his arrogance. At the age of six, he discovered the law of attraction and repulsion by playing with magnets made of steel.[4] This insight led to a plan to create new people. He "saw an unlike human being, made to attract others, who could, with the knowledge of tricks and lies, rule the original black man."[4] By the age of 18, he had exhausted all knowledge in the universities of Mecca. He then discovered that the "original black man" contained both a "black germ" and a "brown germ". With 59,999 followers, he went to an "isle in the Aegean Sea called Pelan", which Muhammad identifies with Patmos. Once there, he established a despotic regime and set about breeding out the black traits, killed all darker babies, and created a brown race after 200 years. Yakub died at the age of 152, but his followers carried on his work. After 600 years of this deliberate eugenics, the white race was created.[5] The brutal conditions of their creation determined the evil nature of the new race: "by lying to the black mother of the baby, this lie was born into the very nature of the white baby; and, murder for the black people was also born in them—or made by nature a liar and murderer".[2]
What ever happened to that 1-Annunaki movie? Didnt the director disappear or something?
Tyler Roberts
Came here to see based Yakub posted. Not disappointed.
Jacob Jenkins
OK but why have you cast blue and green eyed Persian deities as sub Saharan Africans?
Brody Roberts
Tom Hanks in the leading role and it could actually work.
John Ortiz
So was Yacub and his followers evil? Why would they create an inherently evil being with a destiny to rule the black man?
Henry Cooper
you fags do know that 90% of black people don't actually believe this shit, right? only hoteps believe this.
Dominic Cook
Miscegenation is really weird
Camden Campbell
Being black and hearing someone actually believe this is quite surreal. Apparently the true first Americans were black people that native Americans killed off and replaced. The white man taking over America was by the will of their creator, Yakub.
Robert Sanders
reptile lies. if you're so desperate for info from a black then listen to credo mutwa.
I need a good Annunaki doc or soemthing like that or some fraud spouting this shit on a panel/convention these things are so comfy to listen to if done right help a brother out Yea Forums
Icke is such a goof ball love how jessi ventura got him to storm off the set
Luis Butler
blacks are cucks
Joshua Martinez
Blacks in Western Countries are probably the only group on the planet that would willingly manufacture a creation myth where they become easily misled slaves with no foreseeable way away from this fate. Even the Hebrews had warriors and heroes like David and Moses.
I can never take any ‘they came for resources’ shot with aliens seriously considering there’s tons of whatever you need floating around in space. Especially something like gold which is rare and hard to mine on earth