killing myself tomorrow morning
it has been fun Yea Forums
Killing myself tomorrow morning
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tink of yur mum
good riddance
You're way too much of a pussy to kill yourself. And that's a good thing, you're not meant to be able to do it.
Post bobs and vegana
Don't do it user. Think of Denis Villeneuve's Dune, you'll miss it.
Best luck in the next life, Yea Forumsbro.
see ya next week OP for the sneedposting
Dude just be yourself bruh
sneedposting sucks
I hope you find piece in your final moments.
DONT DO IT user. Continue in this ontological expression with us! Cmon, lets watch clown world crash and burn together buddy!
Unless you browse /pol/, there's no real reason to. Man up and take control of your life. Life ain't so tough, but good things rarely happen to those who are unwilling to climb.
He's already gone anons.
Rest in peace.
Really gonna kill yourselves before Avatar 2? Come on live to see capeshit die.
wish I had the balls to do it
Stop doing drugs/alcohol
Stop watching porn
Stop browsing Yea Forums
Stop eating sugar
Start excising, even just going for walks
Start eating more healthily
Do everything top to bottom in that order, only one thing at a time, and your life will start improving. Ask for help if you need to.
See you tomorrow
Noooooo, try to find your one true love instead user.
Dont do it mate. Fuck all the worldly shit that youve been going through. You still got your MIND man!
There are people less blessed then you are stalwartly slogging through their life.
Just try doing what you want. What you really feel like! (Except killing yourself, fuck xDDD)
go ahead faggot you're too weak to live anyway
do a flip dipshit
Why not do it now? I'll tell you why, because you don't want to. And you shouldn't. Get some help, go for a walk and do something you really enjoy. Get out of your head for a bit and do something positive. Find a new job, find a new hobby, new friends, new gf, anything to change your outlook. Why do you want to kill yourself
you can't just switch from stop to start like that user
the brain doesn't recognize the change
the trans community will mourn for you
>it has been fun Yea Forums
no it hasn't
Don’t do it user, chip away at it and it will get better.
Cut drugs/alcohol, cook your own meals (not TV dinners), don’t watch porn, do more exercise (even walks), keep your house clean.
Identify what needs changing and change it.
You can do it!
Don't do it
Unless you're a sneedposter. Then hurry the fuck up
plus TENET