American """news"""

>American """news"""

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What is going on at MSNBC?

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How can they be so stupid?

>trump literally became the president and they're still underestimating him

I still remember polls in 2016

99% Hillary, bro
trust me

do they really fucking think pete buttgeg of all people would get the same amount of votes as trump

lol who cares, it's no like trump is changing anything; texas is gonna go blue in 15-20 years tops and then republicans will never be elected again (not that they are real opposition anyway, if anything it may be for the best that there won't be any more controlled opposition at that level)


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I almost want it to happen just to see all the normies not vote for a faggot and btfo the libshit narrative

Biden is going to win the election.

>99% chance of winning means she would get 99% of votes
Didn't the orange retard win by something like 70k votes in a couple of states? And Hillary had millions more votes in total?
You're retards.

Polls like these are way too early for anyone to tell what's going on. Once Trump gets on the campaign trail and the DNC assassinates everyone running against Biden maybe these polls will give info that is even remotely accurate.

the only thing european news are slightly better at is hiding the fact that it's propaganda

Fox News have some of the worst commentators I have ever seen.

>Once Trump gets on the campaign trail
He never stopped going to those rallies tho.

they probably have some of the worst commentators; but then, they also have the only good one

That's not the mathematic error friend, look at who they rank 3rd and his results


>still coping

Clinton leading in nevada, clinton leading in north carolina, Clinton leading in new hampshire i can go on and on and on

Millions more in California where the RNC spends literally $0 on the presidential election and most republicans don’t even bother voting. That’s your difference right there and I can’t believe we are still talking about this.


america is fucking doomed
our best option is still this clown

Headline in 2020 : Kamala Harris Campaign may have been too Popular to Win

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and that means he's on the campaign trail...?

They aren't even hiding their obvious anti-sanders bias.

Who's the retard? Yeah ballot stuffers in NY and CAL should really decide the president. No one cares how many times those assholes voted. They dont represent the country or even their shitty states as they look to leave the first chance they get.

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>Trump is going to get 232% of the popular vote

dang son

You all seem to have missed the point here
Sanders is ranked third here: despite scoring higher than Warren - he is 50% and she is 48%
Sanders is ranked fourth here: despite scoring higher than Harris and Warren - he is 49% and they are both 48%
(you'll also notice that he has a higher approval poll among Trump supporters than Biden does - overall he is the highest ranked among both sides of voters in that poll)

They are deliberately ranking him lower than 2nd place

you now remember nate silver

maybe polls should take into account how the election they're polling for works then

>Trump 43% against Biden.
>Bernie listed 4th despite being better than 2nd & 3rd
>Including gay pete at all.
MSNB and the neolib/centrist "resistance" are going to get Trump elected by pushing the Biden/Warren meme.

why cant the dems just put bernie?
the morbid curiosity i felt imagining a trump presidency has turned to insanity
i want to feel it again

>most republicans don’t even bother voting

2000 - 50,456,002
2004 - 62,040,610
2008 - 59,948,323
2012 - 60,933,504
2016 - 62,984,828

Worst.. or best at doing their job which is riling up boomers and incels?


oh boy here we go again

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I kind of hope Biden is who the Democrats choose to run in 2020 just so we get more Creepy Uncle Joe.

I read an article yesterday with the headline of "over 50% of conservatives don't think politicians should disavow racist constituents" which is basically just a headline saying "over half of conservatives are rayciss", when the survey they got this "data" from actually asked if they felt politicians were OBLIGED to disavow, not apparently not feeling like they have an obligation means you don't feel like they should at all, apparently.

Tuck is always entertaining but their 30 other generic smug people are annoying as fuck because they all come off as phony. Fox really should just be bland reporting and Tuck, they've got no other talented entertainers.

Bernie at least seems to care about the average American, considering Trump is the AMERICA FIRST candidate it's no surprise.

you make it sound like the electoral college was a surprise rule that nobody knew about, they were aware of how the system worked but still gave her ridiculous chance of winning. I personally believe the reason Trump won is because liberals were so convinced Hillary would win that many didnt bother to vote, whereas republicans felt more pressured to vote.

Mondale led Reagan 53-44 at this same point in these silly hypothetical polls. Reagan won 49 states. Trump won't do that but this is a silly exercise.

>Could you charge the president with a crime after he left office?
>You could charge the President of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office?

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Because America has one political party: The Business Party
The Business Party has a far-rightwing faction (The Republican Party) and a center-rightwing faction (The Democratic Party)

The center-rightwing faction is kinda scitzo because it has to appeal to a diverse voting bloc and has a base of support among liberal/progressive voters and even a few elected representatives

The faction wants to support big business, primarily high-tech industry and finance and commerce, but gets tripped up by this bloc and base it requires

It wants to support a Biden or Harris campaign