6 minutes into episode 1
Why did they change him into a black guy and how do they make him despicable if he doesn't rape starlight any more
guy who runs fast=black guy
not hard to understand
plus real life nigger rape statistics makes what happens to starlight more believable
Show is shit. Main character is a bitch the entire season and never grows a pair. Show is basically about female power and liberal agendas. Most importantly, the writing is garbage. There are a few funny quips and okay ideas, but end of the day it's just more capeshit.
It's an interesting premise, but the execution is pretty awful. Every movement was predictable. I never felt like something was going to happen that I didn't see coming. It could've been executed alot better, but alas, here we are.
>mfw Marvelchads keep shilling this show cause it shits all over DC and DCfag fandom
this show sucks - they turned based Aquaman into a flaming faggot and Flash is a filthy nigger
This shows actually really fucking good, too bad its on amazon. Does anybody actually use their Amazon prime to watch shit?
what's with the dolphin?
Yes, helps justify paying for Prime (it's the only tv/film I don't watch free).
I think his best friend is a dolphin, but his teammates killed it as a joke.
Haven't watched it yet but it's apparently pretty good.
I do mainly because of the better delivery services.
I still mainly go physical, though.
I really hope Sony (it's an Amazon Original but Sony produced it and is maybe the home video distributor) decides to release this on Blu-ray.
The anime series of Ronja the Robber's Daughter got a US Blu-ray release from Shout! Factory/Universal/GKIDS despite being an Amazon Prime exclusive in the US, and it wasn't even that popular in the US anyway.
okay, just got to episode 4
>that whole plane scene
jesus fucking christ
If this is succesful enough to continue, we'll eventually get to the shit-on-Marvel part. There is another very popular supes team in this universe called "Payback".
>a wannabe soldier who can't into strategy and tactics and lies about having served in WW2
>guy called viking who is just a straight out racist/Nazi
>sex addict billlionaire in a tech suit that he had built by experts
IIRC "Tek Knight" appeared pretty early in the comics and was already mentioned in the show. Dude's loyal butler even quitted after being earfucked into deafness by that weirdo.
Marvel gets shat on in this as hard as DC. There is an X-Men pastiche, too.
>don't worry I'm going to save everyone
That scene was a pretty decent job from the creators.
I swear thought it was gonna along the route of superman returns but I didn't expect it to be this fucked up
shows pretty good, i like the costume design, even a tv show can do a costume better than DC LOOK AT HOMELANDS COSTUME JUST MAKE THAT RED AND YOU HAVE THE PERFECT SHAZAM COSTUME fucking reeeee il never get over it
>guy called viking who is just a straight out racist/Nazi
How is he a hero?
Two episodes in, when is Hughie going to get injected with that compound?
In the comics, Compund V was made by the Nazis. So he is their creation, but got picked up by Vought. Then rebranded him into Stormfront.
As for why he does the bidding of a incompetent American corporation, who knows. The comic is shit and the world building terrible.
The show is much better.
Not in season 1. None of the Boys are powered, except the female. Her origin is much better, as part of Vought creating terrorist super villians. Instead of lol baby fell in bucket of compound V.
Frenchie's better too rather than just a lol so random muscle.
The show was extremely tame compared to the comics. I'd compared it to Bethesdas fallout to black isle fallout
Then how are they going to fight the supes?
>How is he a hero?
Do you know the premise of this show/comic?
If you got powers, you got fame. Now imagine the average celebrity mixed with super powers.
The show isn't even showing half the shit the comics do.
>Supes team celebrates it's victory
There is also some Russian mobster who refuses his Supes' any more girls because she is "tired of getting rid of corpses full of cum exit holes and burnt out assholes".
In the comics A-Train was specifically a white guy and the Deep was specifically a black guy so they could make jokes about how white guys aren't meant to run fact and black guys aren't meant to swim. The show completely missed that and switched them around because white guys aren't meant to run fast and black guys aren't meant to swim.
I'm sorry, but the coloring, illustrations, and composition are fucking terrible. Reason why I can't get into most American comic series. Seinen manga artists like Boichi do gritty realism better than this.
Anyone else think The Deep is the best character out of this show? I mean he's still a rapist but he's just sadness.
Also he's kinda handsome.
Dolphin-chan deserved better
Disagree. How she became a supe isn't important, the crux of the Female is her being used as a weapon turning her into a psychopathic killer and Frenchie trying to steer her away from that, and how that plays into the characters of Butcher and the Supes. Without the compulsive mob hits she might as well be a whole other character entirely.
Jesus I hate western comics it looks like amateur shit
how the show will handle this scene?
Fucking weebs.
Butcher dies? I dont get this panel
>muh superiour Asian comic books
I bet you like this shit show called Crossed
Never heard of it and just watched the trailer. Looks like a new kino is on the menu.
>turn Stillwell into a woman then make nothing her fault ever
Not all American comic artwork is bad. But this one series in particular looks pretty terrible and exhibits some issues I see in a lot comic artwork. There are a lot of garbage manga but at least the artwork is much easier to digest.
Darick Robertson is a great fucking artist, makes everything look ugly and foul in a good way.
To put it in mango terms: have you ever read Shigurui? It's that kind of ugly.
I haven't read the comics and the show kinda lost steam after the pilot
What is this expression trying to convey?
I don't know, it felt the the obvious things were handled with appropriate irony, and there were enough non-obvious things to keep it entertaining.
Will their be a second series? It has more of a miniseries last action hero feel than say watchman so I hope it gets one
Tek Knight is way more of a Batman expy than an Iron Man expy tho. The only thing he shares with Tony is his Iron Man suit. He doesn’t have his alcoholism, or scientific intelligence, or past where he sold weapons of mass destruction. Tek Knight has his own version of Robin and Catwoman. The whole strong impulse of wanting to fuck Robin is basically based on some people think their relationship was homosexual and pedo.
Only aesthetically he is related to Iron Man. He didn’t even make his won suite inline Tony as you said.
>villain is a white blonde straight male who wears the american flag
>good guys are a woman, a nigger, a basedboy and an immigrant
>whole plot is corporations are bad
Wow really subtle amazon. Fuck this commie trash
leave my boy Karl alone you twink ass pol fag
>faggot thinks the dirty jew is Butcher
>whole plot is corporations are bad
>sponsored by Amazon
Lmao I love when they send this message. It makes them look so dumb and hypocritical.
>I thought Trump would save us
sorry your boy cant lead a movie without it bombing
>boss of the villain is woman
>CIA are actually not incompetent or evil
>muslim terrorist are fucked up and a real threat
Do you just ignore this to feel the need to be in a culture war? Are you getting any pleasure out of it anymore?
Pro tip:
Corporations are bad. Enjoy your tax cut, faggot.
How's the action?
>can’t do Butcher, Baker, Candlestick maker due to the revelation with Butcher’s wife, same with his endgame plan
>Can’t do Hughie’s freakout as hes chill with Starlight
They’ve already made doing the best parts of the comic impossible, I don’t have much hope
>boss of the villain is a woman
Sends the message that WOMEN STRONK AND POWERFUL
How is the rest important?
I know you peanut-brained cultural sinkholes do not understand what power media and pop culture has, but please refrain from this kind of cringy posting in the future, fag.
Why do you actively seek to be offended? Do you suffer from actual real paranoia or something?
How do you think the cultural war started?
I am so tired of seeing these braindead posts here. It is like I am on reddit.
no point in ever weakly adapting ennis unless you're going balls out tarantino violent. either let the audience have fun or not.
Media star managers, producers, agents, publicists, A&Rs and so on can be women you moran. Just look at someone like Kathleen Kennedy, which is probably the person they're shitting on.
>Justice League Deconstructed
Holy fucking shit! Never did I ever think a Justice League series could work irl... but here we are! Everybody knows DC heroes are cringey faggots and this show just steers into the curve. Fucking Marvel just keeps on winning and guess what... I love it!
I cant wait to see which DCfag is the next to die?! Black Flash? Super Banshee? Female Lex Luthor Elizabeth Shue? WHO CARES! Kill em all! I love watching DC get destroyed!
The worst part about you is how dull you are. Shit on the jews but at least be funny or interesting, fuck. "It is like i am on reddit" hurr hurr, god you suck. I really hope there is a jewish conspiracy and a bunch of long nosed schmekels show up on your door step.
Someone hasn't read the comic where they shi t on Marvel and pretty much say all marvel characters are B listers
That ending left me bottled up with rage. GIVE ME RELEASE DAMNIT!
Boss of the villain is a good girl who dindu nuffin and gets murdered by him in the end. Complete whitewash. Stillwell was a great villain and deserved better.
second season when
It was even mentioned in this thread already: Yea Forums is nothing but edgy fags pretending to be retarded followed by actual retards thinking they are in good company.
Probably next year. I'm fucking tired of always waiting for shit
He's clearly the Iron Man insert in this world. Remember the comics are pre Downey Jr., so they probably felt they needed a bit more material, so the split the Batman elements from the Bruce Wayne ones and mixed it with Iron Man.
>i wish i could play dredd again
fuck I want another dredd movie so fucking much
Urban Dredd > Stallone Dredd.
I wish he could do another.
>villain is a white blonde straight male who wears the american flag
You want a Superman parallel to be brown or black?
>corporations are bad
So corporations are based and redpilled now?
what are you, 12?
using the a literal god of art to compare to shit tier comics is shameful
>male villain
>female VILLAIN
I didn't even the rest of your post desu. Stay mad.
she dies and he's cucked 2 oblivion
all the women got white washed
>How do you think the cultural war started?
Some faggot on FoxNews got offended by some shit and proclaimed it while no one but some butthurt conservatives cares?
Peak zoomer. Back in the day we had to wait 7 days for each new episode.
Aside from Starlight, they toned down how Maeve treated her hard but still had her act like a complete bitch in response, that was weird to watch.
tier bait bruh
>are you 12?
You're in a capeshit thread user.
You are right except
>end of the day just more capeshit part
90% of what's going on in the show might as well be about literally any other topic, like some highschool drama about a bunch of nerds trying to get to the bullies, it's fucking pathetic.
I expected to see some parody on capeshit and their routine instead I got some 8 fastforward episodes.
Is comic better than show?
It's more a grotesque parody (so the supes are less well nuanced and less developed than in the show), but the human parts (and special ops stuff) are way better
are you implying supes are well developed and nuanced in the show?
Then you're a fucking moron.
maeve is just a old bitter gangbang hag in the comics, a train is just a asshole without a life of his own, supes in general are just a sociopathic parody
until the last ep, homelander is acting 'reasonable' for his own pov, not just being a cruel cunt
That sounds ten times better than "let me jerk off to my feelings and tell you my life story" in the show.
Show homelander is 10x better. Starr's acting is on point but him being actually intelligent and diabolical unlike comic homelander whom is just a violent retard is one of the few changes I like.
it's weird because some things are "more nuanced" but in a context that ruins the plot and characters entirely
Homelander is more nuanced, but in a context where his entire premise and plot go to shit
a train's roid plot is a nice addition (not only relatable but 'realistic' in a frame of athletes and actors roiding for roles), but it's in the context of the new V compound plot where the boys are just finding out about it - so it's complete shit
Maeve is "more developed" but in utterly uninteresting ways, because they're pussies who can't say "some women are just bitter dog shit cunts"
>the coloring, illustrations, and composition are fucking terrible.
welcome to western comics
what makes a hero is the optics, they're the same shit as anybody else but their marketing and optics are fantastic.
If you think the art is bad, you should see how dog shit the narrative, characters and dialogue are. I used to think that shonen manga had an invincible stranglehold on the edgy manchild pandering market until I tried a few garth ennis comics. Shit full on try-hard, insipid garbage that knows no equal. The worst part about the boys is that it had already been done several times, way, way better.
If you want a pretentious deconstruction of superheroes with wanky philosophical themes, you got Watchmen.
If you want an xXtremeXx deconstruction of superheroes with gore and brainlet philosophical themes, you got Marshal Law.
And if you want extreme gore and sex, you got any number of mangas that don't pull their punches, unlike Ennis's wannabe edgy fare.
I was getting the impression hugh becomes super powered at some point.
not in the show. in the book they're all juiced and Butcher sneaks in a dose on Hughie (which serves as portrait of their entire relationship - which is basically missing in the show since hughie already has balls and is independent from Butcher)
What's that graphic novel/comic where it was extremely depressing and it was about all the Superpowers in the world creating their own Superhero beings and destroying the world?
the comic was like that too. Butcher was just Ennis stand in where he gets to beat up all the chads and is always The Man.
you mean the one where they were all trying to make their own God? and all the Gods start fighting each other?
Not him but yeah.
I don't understand why they made Butcher a cuck it makes no sense. He knows his wife cucked him and it wasn't rape yet he still has an extreme hatred for all supes. They could've at least made it so he was tricked into thinking it was rape.
this was the best shit i've seen from a tv show since fargo and twin peaks
>capeshit fag
>pretending other anons are underage
You might be lost, plebbit seems more your speed.
it's because they didn't want to be in the SJW news
>having to change a lot to avoid a lot more shitshow articles
It was called Supergod
yup 10/10
Homelander is basically a god and doesnt need to rape, women just crawls to him. Butcher got cucked in the end.
cuck in denial
such a odd choice to make a whole season more sjw-friendly and end up ruining the main plot with a "she was asking for it"
Yeah, but it's supposed to be a "good thing" now to raise someone else's kid
>such a odd choice to make a whole season more sjw-friendly
What did they change the show in development to pander to people of no substance?
>main plot with a "she was asking for it"
What's wrong with having a woman character ending up being a whore who cheated on the guy?
well there's so much fendom and just straight female-on-male rape and female-on-male sexual violence and even sexual murder in the show that I'm sure they're happy anyway
like, every single man in the show is dominated by at least one woman
they even turned starlight's story into a straight metoo analogy about female empowerment played with only token irony from characters like homelander when he isn't busy being jealous of a woman's baby for having more access to her tits than he has
unironically the most cucked show I've seen in a while. but at least it reveals how many faggots on Yea Forums secretly want to be pegged by mommy
it's different. but the way some scenes play out do pack a ton more punch.
in the comic Hughie meets Annie on a park bench, they bond and start dating. But because Hughie was never big on supes and he doesn't follow them outside of his direct work with Butcher (who is keeping any survaillence on the Seven to himself) he doesn't find out Annie is Starlight until halfway to the story. Butcher found out first, actually, and for a while he got paranoid if maybe Hughie was actually a Vought asset they'd sic on The Boys, so he sent Hughie on a basically suicide mission (basically a "if he doesn't get killed, it means he's a Vought man") but MM talks some sense into him, and finally steps in and saves Hughie.
Then Butcher finds the footage of Annie sucking dick to join The Seven (it's a long story but they have their main office bugged, and someone on the inside changes the bugs every now and then so they aren't found). And what Butcher does is grab the tape and give it to Hughie like "keep watching these tapes of their meetings, tell me if you find anything interesting." And of course he sees his girlfriend sucking three guys (in the comic it wasn't The Deep, but Homelander, Black-Noir and A-Train). He's particularly hurt that A-Train is one of the guys she sucked. Then they have this ridiculously painful breakup.
Annie and Hughie might still be heading for a big breakup on the show, but circumstances won't be the same
yeah the sexual femdom shit was excessive, but it's ultimately what is innofensive and PC when it comes to showing sex on tv now
in the comic was rape? why change this thing?
>ywn die by having your head crushed by the thighs of a washed up fem wolverine while she forces you to eat her ass out
fuck this earth
not only rape, but the baby develops too quick and strong and kills her, Bucher has to kill the baby who's going crazy and shooting lazer everywhere
no one knows why they changed it, specially since it ruins not only the main character but the entire main plot and the villain's plot to a entire different story
My only problem with the show is that they didn't even try and make Canada look like New York. You can blatantly see it's in Ontario and Quebec
>it reveals how many faggots on Yea Forums secretly want to be pegged by mommy
surely you mean on Yea Forums
because the writers wanted to get up on a pedestal and say that they support #metoo and they couldn't do that if it was literal rape. but don't worry. if you want rape, fishman gets literal-raped by a woman later as payback. completely reverses the dynamic and makes him into the victim instead of starlight - who only gains, even growing as a person, from the whole thing - but y'know whatever I guess
two different things. the rape in the comic was homelander and butcher's wife, not annie being asked to suck dick to stay on the team
Ok so the excuse is that she was forced not by force but by the person's power position, if it was violent rape it couldn't work. He remains a cuck anyway
if they pull a "actually it was rape because of power imbalances" lol holy shit
that'd be the cuckiest thing ever, she went into the room willingly with him
>it's rape if you have more muscles than a woman and it turned her on
I feel there's going to be some crazy twist there somewhere, but we'll see
I dont know, i only watched until the end to see what would be different from the comic, but i dont care anymore
there's no real hook. There was no season conclusion or any conclusion to any of the stories (hughie and the boys, starlight, deep, a train etc), just a "to be continued"
You twitch prime free with Amazon just in case you didn't know
And twitch prime gives you a free year of switch /psn online depending when you claim
Do we have to wait a year for season 2?
yes, maybe more
I thought hughie had some timewarp abilities?
I was expecting the Mc to think of the way to kill invisible dude, like that water he gave him I thought was poisoned. Instead they had to finger bomb his bum.
no, none whatsoever. They just juice themselves enough to be able to take a punch from the weaker sups and be stronger
What, no? In the comic they inject themselves with a variant of compound V that only makes them strong enough to go one-on-one against the average cape, but they don't have any superpowers per se
Anyone think that super loud fly was intentional ?
Yes, every time they were talking about shit or brought up the word 'shit' the fly came on the screen
yeah there were 2 or 3 times (i remember in the subway and in the park) and it sounded fake as hell but i dont know why it was there
I’m glad someone else gets it
i thought only first time they were saying shit
It comes up in captions and gets mentioned in the audio descriptive service
I was expecting it to lead to some reveal this season but if it was a real fly I'm pretty sure they could have just edited it out
It wasnt a real fly. It sounded super fake (and to be included in the audio description so it's probably a plot they'll work in later with some version of ant man or wasp).
but it serves as a nice example of things being done in the show without any real conclusion
I liked the part where Homelander admitted to being a traitor
Yeah it makes no sense. It was an annoying cliffhanger but I am curious to see how the confrontation with his wife goes. The no rape really fucked up butcher's character.
I found homelander legit scary after the ending i don't even know if he's a bad guy or not
Wife is a shapeshifter.
no, she reacts to Butcher as if she's real and the kid really is HL's son (the eyes)
they fucked up their own show entirely. It's as if they made Preacher and God died in the 1st season
Are you saying the wife has the power of shapeshifting or the woman we saw fuck Homelander was a shapeshfter.
Can Yea Forums please go and stay go.
The tv show is going to be it's own thing so we don't need y'all here.
Why is Stargirl still with the 7? They don't have any dirt on her so why? Fuck this
shut up retard, even those mongoloids dont consume shit like you do
So Butcher blew up the baby (or if he didnt, he was willing already) so the ending about his reveal doesnt work anymore lol
Anyone else distracted by how ugly the main character is?
I legit thought he was like 35 trying to play young, but he's 27
I mean she died like was shown in flashback, but the kid wasn't really drowned in her blood. Anyway, somebody got to turn out to be shapeshifer at some point.
I was kinda okay with fem stillwell until I finished the season. they seemed to have abandoned my two favorite bits of the comic regarding stillwell and butcher, although they could save butcher with some bullshit.
the plane scene was a tiny bit disappointing. didnt feel as clusterfuck as the comics, and it wasnt a hard enough 9/11 replacement. should have taken out the bridge or something.
hugie is okay, mm is okay. frenchie is really well done, very enjoyable actor.
the show has also kept the kafkaesque evil corporate bureaucracy bit up pretty well, the modern updates where a nice touch. I hope it gets a second season just to see where they are going with this.
6/10 if you liked the comic, 8/10 if you hate capeshit and have never read the comic.
>Stuck doing nothing in a no-name shit hole your whole life
>Beloved by the whole country and swimming in money
Gee I wonder why she chose what she did.
it was intentional. how can people be this stupid
The Deep is fucking A.
So you'd blow people for some instagram followers? lol fag
>none of the plotlines get wrapped up
>Ends on a hard cliffhanger
Fuck this show.
well, she sucked dick for it
the actor did a good job, and that is kinda how you should feel about him to a point. read the comic, you do feel bad about homelander.
>The Boys is literally Romeo and Juliet with extra steps
Apparently the old guy lied and Homelander went back to get the full truth out of him. The wife also says Butcher's name at the end.
>guy wants his rent from the poor super hero
did rami spiderman create this trope, or was it in comics before. i honestly wasnt expecting to see a female wolverine being hassled by her landlord
I actually liked what they did with him. I hope the poor retard gets to escape to the ocean and rejoin his dolphin fuck buddies and just give up on trying to save anyone
She reacts like she would, not as a shapeshifter would react when Butchie's not looking. It's her.
hassled? she didnt pay her rent....
Jesus christ, I agree with you so much. I fucking hate this board but I have nowhere else to go.
Finished the first two episodes and I'm really liking it
HOWEVER I'm a a nerdy white dude like the main character, I even look kind of like him, and now I really want a cute mulatto gf like he had.
How do I go about achieving this?
She's not perfect, the realization of her own shallowness is a thing in the comics.
But that's why, its understandable, and also a character flaw.
Perfect characters are bad characters.
just keep watching, you wont give any fucks about robin after a few more episodes of best girl annie.
yeah, he also knew she was a fucking super human. there are laws in place that dictate how you go about when people dont pay their rent, and when your renter has claws and super strength, you dont bug her, you have your lawyer or the sheriff bug her
There was/is supposed to be a Dredd series with him at least partially involved.
The problem is its not just Ennis being Ennis. It's Ennis trying to be Millar, who at the time (and still does) was making self-owned edgelord comics that were glorified storyboards - with characters modelled after celebrities - he was pitching to his Hollywood contacts to have made into movies/pilots.
Ennis and Millar are both garbage and the superdickery gimmick got old fast. I'm glad Brightburn showed that it's not a lucrative gimmick on which to spin more capeshit.
he just wanted some of that sweet former teen hero pusi
So did Ennis look at X-Statix and think "this needs to be way less subtle, a million times more edgy and it needs to be obvious who the good and bad guys are"?
Anyone else find the part where the deep get his gills fingerbanged really gross
poor dude, all he got was some stinky old asshole on his face
Imagine how fat and ugly you are
That looks really gay
Ennis at least has the jokes, no homo bro stuff, and special ops genre
It was so you feel bad for him since in episode 1 he comes off as a jerk but not a rapist
And this was to contrast what a real rapist actually is
I bet you are physically repulsive
>When your arch nemesis casually proves that the last 8 years of your life is a fucking lie
women can't rape sweetie
i dont think thats the point, it seemed like a constant joke of him getting more fucked up as karma and "us laughing at him" (except not, because he becomes endearing)
his plot also has no conclusion. He just shaves his head.
I think the implication was that he fucked off to live in a pond somewhere
As someone who had there tummy licked against their will yes they can ...
>Terrorist isn't Russian
>Terrorist is actually a Muslim
How will Amazon survive this?
>mfw his dolphin bro that was in love with him
i really wanted that to go somewhere, not last 30 seconds
pretty much the entire premise for this was stolen from comic books a decade earlier and just made more edgy
Alot of women cut off their hair after being raped in a type of dissociative disorder
Or it could be seen as a Brittany spear tier break down I'm a bit confused on it still myself
The show is really good, the aggressive marketing makes it seem dumber than it is. But when I look back on it I dont know how to advertise this show without being as blunt as the commercials were.
yeah the other dude might be right, he could just be going to live in the water (he was shaving his chest too)
but at first I thought the same as you - and that we were supposed to be laughing at how he's becoming a raped girl with the cheesy REM song
an adult with the mentality of a child with powers of a God ... mmmm I don't know
Women can't rape
get over yourself
Real life statistics also says whites are serial killers and mass shooters fact
I really like how this is pleb filtering Yea Forums
If this was reddit, the mods would have removed half of the posts without letting the posters know that they were even removed in the first place.
>seething tranny
they really dont
>dude suck my cock and overly saturated violence
This is one step below Crossed. Shtick gets fucking old after 1 issue.
I'm surprised a lot of people here have actually read the source material. Or is it just Yea Forums leaking in?
goddammit I hate this netflix shit. can they stop dropping whole season at once. discussion will be dead in a week.
It's just Yea Forums raiding
>id rather have to wait 2 months to watch a show, then be able to watch it at my own pace
hey there boot licker, where does it end? would you be happier if someone told you what to eat and at what time? told you when your bedtime was? stop being such a whiny fucking bitch
are you retarded? Why would you space this out and forget most of what you watched last week and take so long to be disappointed?
He is either gonna come back eventually as a villain or try to redeem himself by helping The Boys.
Wasn't there some study that shows people prefer bingeable tv ?
Honestly i don't watch much television and like it this way
>people coming to discuss a thing is now considered raiding
Yea Forums is starved for attention, but still interesting how the capeshitters are outing themselves.
never visited Yea Forums but i read the comics years ago
>people prefer bingeable tv
only netflix cucks like this shit.
this way is much better. Imagine being a GoT fag watching that shit for 8 years and getting pranked at the end
im not surprised. i hate the standard formula of 3 episodes a month for a few months, then a month and a half break then 3 episodes a month then season over
have consensual sex incel
The actor is fantastic, and you can't help but feel for his character a bit since he has never been treated as anything other than a movie character pretty much. He was raised as a lab rat, turned into a god, and everyone who ever met him only felt fear or awe towards him. You can't expect him to have any humanity by that point.
>Terrorist was actually created by the USA
there is literally no downside to having all the shows available at once. i dont get what your problem is, you can still watch one episode a week if you want, no one is forcing you to binge you dummy
I read it yesterday because I was watching the ads.
back to plebbit breaking bad fag
sex is gross, thank god i'm still a virgin
I dont want to watch this gross shit can someone just tell me if they kill the superheroes or not
He kinda look like Karl Urban in this page.
Im not even him and I get what he's saying, you people are idiots. It just feeds into the larger point that discussion will die out in a week. You guys have such short attention spans you cant comprehend spacing out a story. Discussion dies out because the week the show drops discussion immiedietly begins as if EVERYONE just stayed up for two days watching the entire show. Posts are made off the assumption that everyone has seen everything already, no room for opinion, conjecture, friendly discussion, just facts of what happened in the show, who is wrong and who is right. No generals because there's nothing to talk about, everyone already knows and people who dont know are just stupid for not having binged and in typical imageboard fashion it becomes a contest of correct information. Imagine, just fucking imagine, if Game of Thrones dropped the entirety of season 1. The show would of tanked in ratings as soon as it went to shit in season 3 rather than people saying to themselves "well... MAYBE it will get better"
Yes, it makes a better viewing experience. But at the cost of discussion, which is ultimately more enriching for a show and meaningful to the viewer.
>discussion will die out in a week
there are still got threads and terror threads daily, you cunt
yeah maybe because those shows didnt drop their entire fucking season on the same day, how am I wrong?
>spacing out a story
there's a reason why shows need constant shitty exposition to remind you what's what and who's who ("oh hello my dear sister"). Because you go to work, live your life and then sunday you need to be reminded of small shit - when the story could be moving foward
>"well... MAYBE it will get better"
you realize that's a bad thing, right? You're not supposed to be a fat woman addicted to a tv show, thinking about it for 8 years
Hughie has balls in the show? He is just a whiny jew in my eyes, worst character of the show.
theres still 20 stranger 3 threads a day
by the end he decided he'd prefer to be with starlight and doesnt care about Butcher - and even acts without butcher to save the boys. He's basically independent already
They kill one early on. But so far only The Female has compound V in her body, so the others can't really go fighting and killing supes yet.
capeshit that's actually good, what the fuck is going on here?!
as compared to the overwhelming majority of shows where this is not the case. Exception is not the rule, you're not making any kind of point by using the most popular streaming shows on the planet.
And 99 percent of them were complete, self contained stories.
I get what youre saying and my entire post was based on me thinking what you said when I was 15. Once you grow up and realize nothing changes, all shows are shit, the same stories and plot contrivences are regurgitated every ten seconds, you stop giving a shit and value the discussion more than the actual plot. So I stand by my point, instant seasons on demand kill discussion and only newfags disagree. Yea Forums IS "women addicted to a tv show, thinking about it for 8 years" and the very fact that you dont perceive it this way tells me youre a newfag.
>anime people are not asi-
just look at that flat face
Does the Christian blonde superhero give out blowjobs on her introduction to the main superhero team? Did they cut that out?
Can you imagine being a genuine shill and advertise your product on a site that is racist and sexist as fuck? No one is gonna subscribe to your shitty streaming bullshit you moron.
Lol, no. He tricked a naive idiot into a blowjob. He's a piece of shit, no doubt, and he pretty much gets all he deserves but he didn't rape anyone that we know of. All she had to do was walk out of the room and speak to literally anyone else about what gill tits just said and she would never have found out what his fish stick tastes like. What reason does she have to believe the guy who dropped his drawers in the board room minutes into the grand tour? You want real rape, we got that later on in Ohio when princess fish fingers ignores him when he begs her to stop.
On a different note, I was really hoping he'd go all undersea king and fuck off to kill all those Japanese fishermen or some shit.
You like asian capeshit, you have no room to be smug about western capeshit. If anything capeshit proved itself more well written and thoughtful than shonen ten times over
I want to protect her smile.
I like the way you put words in my mouth
What... she's a slimy manipulative cunt right up until she dies. Homelander gets away with all the shit he does because she never does anything concrete to rein his crazy ass in. As far as I know even her male counterpart had a contingency plan in place for that blonde bastard. All she had is the mommy routine, which was barely a stopgap at best.
More beautiful than the actual Wonder Woman, truly a clown world.
Homelander did nothing wrong
to fags every corner of the internet is "sexist and racist" and they still advertise on them
>I really miss that helmet and never having to actually emote...
cute egg
Well the series ends with a massive cliffhanger poorly disguised as answers, so yeah they'll probably do one more season at least.
There are no 'good guys' in this show. That's the point. Everyone is corrupted or being corrupted.
If there's a moral it isn't that corporations are bad its that great power with no accountability for how its used is fucking scary.
>But at the cost of discussion
Imagine giving a shit that you can only talk about this show for a week after its release.
>Pic Unrelated.
Actually this show takes A lot of jabs at the Superhero genre as a whole, not just DC. There's even a scene where Seth Rogen shows up talking about making a movie for the "Vought Cinematic Universe"(a not so subtle parody of the MCU).
Also if you look at the costumes, they're given a very MCU vibe.
Hell in the comics, the boys have to face off against the the G-Men(an obvious Xmen parody), but the catch is that they all started off as kidnapped children who are molested and injected with drugs by a literal pedophile.
I’m mad they nixed the whole homelander being a good boy being driven to insanity because black noir wants an excuse to kill em. Homelander being a psycho from the get go was very underwhelming.
Hughie and Annie despite individual behaviors, over all are good people.
g men is prime kino edge shit, i hope they do it justice
>There are no 'good guys' in this show
At least not until they introduce Super Duper
wheres my super duper tv show?
Does anyone have Popclaw facesitting webm?
The Stallone movie wasn't even remotely Judge Dredd.
Dude they already gave me a corner office a raise and i get to bang the female Secretary now
Deal with it
>There's even a scene where Seth Rogen shows up
>look it up
>executive producer
and just like that my desire to see this series evaporated when I found out that fat weed jew is involved
>seeing stool shadow on tv
would unironically pay for amazon prime to watch her
yeah I was so so with it until the end, now I'm kinda disappointed. the. best part of stillwell was how he kept himself above the supes with his coldness, manipulated the shit out of everyone and in the end we finally get to see him break down. this was kinda meh. looked good tho.
How much is it different from the comics? I enjoyed reading them a few years ago, Butcher was a great character
>being corrupted
but yeah them and a handful of babies really
Go ask Yea Forums and get the fuck out of Yea Forums.
Same concept and characters, different structure and plot
Imagine trying to blend in with a crowd of losers by proclaiming you have better things to do
I hope they keep the Frenchie's personal back story tho
Butcher is a mix of tyler durden and jack sparrow, with the exception of when he's beating one defenseless supes at the end
>More white mass shooters
That isn't even remotely true. Its just that blacks are shooting OTHER blacks and nobody cares about that and certainly isn't going to make the news.
Who the fuck is blending in, dipshit? You're the one bitching that a passable super hero show 8 episodes long can't have two months of on going discussion. You're retarded.
I liked the part where he got cucked
The terrorists were created by Homelander because he's arrogant as fuck and batshit crazy.
Maeve is what Annie would have been if she hadnt met Hughie
Yeah, like how Al Qaeda was originally funded and trained by the USA to help against the russians.
>and batshit crazy.
Or he's a real man who would do what any man with his power would do and try to take over the world!
its weird how funding and training a millitary group that isnt an ally ends up biting you in the ass, isnt it
Im posting my opinion, same as anyone else. I just dont get your "imagine giving a shit" comment. I feel something, I post it, why not?
So, you're saying we should expect a Super Terrorist that is stronger then Homelander in a season or two?
based post brother
You're retarded, I post it, why not?
Neither of them were even people, they were just walking, talking stereotypes; shitty stand-ins for the viewers to project themselves into.
Only characters I even remotely cared about were the antagonists. All the "boys" were retarded, pathetic fuckups who had no idea what they were doing and I'm 100% sure if this wasn't based on the comic they wouldn't even be in the show. The way they butchered Butcher in particular was most atrocious, but the rest of them weren't much better. Hughie & Starlight were, as stated, not even characters; they may as well have been cobbled-together by a computer from tweets and reddit posts they were so shallow and inoffensive.
At least the "heroes" had personalities. Fish man was a retarded fuckup and his story was a huge waste of time, but at least the darkly comedic trainwreck that was his life was more entertaining more than more fucking scenes with the boys or Butcher trying to act tough in situations where he has zero control and no fucking idea what's going on.
A-Train was the least entertaining of the seven, and his trainwreck took a more tragic rather than comedic framing (for the worse), but again, still better than the fucking protagonists.
Translucent was just a boss, died too early, R.I.P.
And top billing goes to Homelander himself. Totally different character from the comics, but at least they went somewhere kinda interesting with him. He also gets his Happy End by finding his long lost son, ending it with the soul-sucking harpy controlling his life, and leaving his rival for dead. I'm speaking of the toddler, in case that wasn't obvious, because Butcher sure as shit wasn't anybody's rival except his own.
i want stormfront in season 2.
Nah, they retconned that on Frenchie having an abusive dad that kidnapped him and tortured him daily.
This is your brain on Yea Forums
Would you blue goo?
didnt say you shouldnt or couldnt, but the only thing I can gather from your reply is you take issue with me "bitching" in the first place. I say you can bitch and moan as you please, your opinion and mine are equally worthless.
but based Aryan strong jaw superamericaman kills her in the most MGTOW way possible
Idk they made the Deep do the rape so there's more reason to hate more of the seven.
he "raped" her as much as that slimy hollywood jew raped jennifer lawrence. which is not at all
Deeps friends keep dying... I can't blame him for being so fucked up
unsure about how they'll play it out in the show, but in the comics most superheroes are turned by compound V. but Homelander, Maeve, Black Noir, the big ones, they were genetically designed from scratch with V already as part of their genetics, so they're much stronger than anybody else
IF you could kill one sup which would it be?
>The comic is shit and the world building terrible
Best case scenario would be Ellis does worldbuilding and Ennis does everything else that isn't art
>kill one sup
ennis please. everyone wants to have powers. i wish i got some compound v
wait, did they really ruin stillwell? he was the best character.
damn that's good
You're projecting onto the antagonists says more about you than the story, honestly. Everyone has that time in their life where they give into that anger and it overshadows the simple things that you used to enjoy, which ends up narrowing your view.
Hughie was a slightly more intelligent everyman and annie was the woman you're supposed to want. The reality isn't always that simple but being that dismissive says more than you think.
well, does he pull him limb from limb?
Does the blond girl get naked?
dont stop
Homelander, if only to help prevent him from harming humanity.
no, but you see some fat fucking dude riding some 70 year old senator.
Why are there no brap post of starlight i thought this was Yea Forums
Mind fucks the villian into small dick syndrome
user, it's 2k19, female nudity is haram.
That was probably it lol
god mommy pls
Who played Translucent?
This guyy\
>watch whole season in a day
>now i gotta wait a year or more to see what happens next
I think bingewatching sucks!
so how was homelander a badguy again?
Calm down, coolville.
based cat
What's with the fly you sometimes can see buzzing infront of the characters? I'm on episode 5 and it happened like 4 times
well, for starters he's white
I got yelled at for asking this
I thought it was going to be an Ant-Man type character, but seems to be an actual fly, so no clue
who yelled at you, user?
yoooo, the deep taking off his shirt was fucking disgusting