It was a different time.
It was a different time
I wanna go back
So why did Rust Cohle choose Lone Star beer instead of going with Steel Reserve? Lone Star beer is only 4.65% alcohol, compared to Steel Reserve's 8.1%, in addition to this Steel Reserve tastes better AND costs much less. The writers really dropped the ball on this scene, if they were going for the "broken man" theme they should have went with Steel Reserve, it makes no sense to choose Lone Star beer over Steel Reserve when the latter is clearly and objectively the superior choice, not to mention Steel Reserve already has an established reputation as the broken man's high gravity lager of choice.
Those were the times, not now when cynical zoomer faggots mock the KINO masterpiece that True Detective is.
>Tfw there wasn't politics on every single thread.
Simpler times.
Yee Haw.
i want my old Yea Forums back, anons
Steel Reserve is literally nigger swill. Might as well have him smoking black & miles and have his hair in cornrows.
since 2012 i've done nothing but refresh Yea Forums 14 hours a day every single day
I too am ironically nostalgic for 2014 Yea Forums XD le so long ago right guys
we'll have to kill niggers first
OP here. I browse the archives a lot. Lots of feels. Pretty sure I've browsed Yea Forums since I was 14 in 2007.
it'll never come back
it might. If some other form of anonymous social media comes in imageboards will become a place where only aspies hang out again
>black & miles
First thing I did with Yea Forums was watch The Sarah Connor Chronicles and post in Summer Glau threads. Oh how I wish I left this place after that.
despite the fact I know that other people here are aspie neets like me, it doesn't FEEL like it anymore. I don't feel any comraderie or fellowship with other posters anymore.
Kek I never knew the actual name til now.
everyone is a redditor fag that watches fag shit
OP here. Don't forget you're here forever. Yea Forums may in fact be virtual Hell.
me too user but that's almost impossible now, better enjoy these sneed/mask/capt marvel/flopita threads
Strangely I've been here since I was 16(27 now) and I never realized just how many people on this board have literally never had sex I thought it was all memes at first but Yea Forums is basically /r9k/
I assume you come here a couple of hours a week
dude you are obvs underage and dont drink
rust is supposed to be an alcoholic
lone star tastes good but is practically a light beer
211 will get you rekt and what an alcoholic would get
i know that feel bro, certain boards keep their essence like Yea Forums and other slower boards, Yea Forums and Yea Forums are utter shit nowadays filled with people from other websites, almost everyone came up from different sites (including me around 2007) but back then you either got used to the board culture or you were told to leave the fuck out. Now people want to keep their faggy culture from normie cesspools like reddit, resetera (hell we used to have eternal war with gaia online and gamefaqs, people were trolled until they left).
But yeah, who cares anyway
Maybe it's because is fuckig product placement you autistic retard
Because malt liqour is terrible and Steel reserve is the worst "beer" ever produced. It is only drunk by underage plebs. Walk into a bar anywhere in the US and try to order a steel reserve and see what happens. Alcoholics are very particular about their drink and will only vary it if desperate.
I'm not underage but I don't drink (often). My uncle is an alcoholic and I only ever see Miller High Life in his fridge. 211 tastes like horse piss but fucks you up quick. Last time I drank 211 I almost got my ass kicked by my half brother who's in prison now.
want to go back but
there are new waifus every day
I did Yea Forums from ages 16-19
/pol/ and Yea Forums until /pol/harbor then just Yea Forums once the trump cocksucking started. I legitimately think the amount of virgins has increased over the years, or the people who thought they would get laid at some point just never did and became more bitter and vocal about it.
Former alcoholic here. Steel reserves used to be one of the main drinks i'd buy. Because they were like 1.25 so I could buy 7 or 8 of them and get wasted. In addition to whatever brain damage they've given me over the years they also ended up giving me painful diarrhea that lasted for a week and I had to go to the ER for. Haha yeah good times.
no way the virgins increased. this place used to be like 50-70% shut in aspies. it's now 20% at best. majority of people who come here unironcally have lives and use other social media sites and come here for the "le wacky memez"
Virginity was never an obsessive topic the way it is now if my memory serves
virginity as a topic is usually raised by normalfags as a leverage point. i'm a 25 year old virgin and don't care or post about it
My 4chins and muh Yea Forums isn't how I like it
Grow the fuck up, queer bait
that's because more women and normies use this platform and make actual fun of aspies which makes them even more insecure and fills everything with threads around it.
like this nigger here, doesn't understand board culture
>make actual fun of aspies which makes them even more insecure
Good. They should strongly consider suicide
>durr i'm so ebin and cool cos i come on 4chin to bost aboot ebin drump
you're the reason I celebrate mass shootings. hope you die in one :)
Same. I took it for granted back in 2014. I miss those nights.
Because he's from Texas. I don't expect you to understand.
Why? What is so appealing to them about this place? Getting called a faggot?
Speak English, cock guzzler
Wow. So edgy
OP again. Kinda drunk. I love True Detective. I love Yea Forums. I love Yea Forums.
Fuck normies. Fuck roasties. Fuck jannies.
Simple as.
And Maskposting will persist at least as long as Sneedposting. Goodnight.
Lonies are a cheap easy drinking beer that you can just crush all day. Go to any dive in Texas and that's what we drink.
>have job
>good pay
>ended up being the quiet guy even though I tried not to be
>already know I got no chance with any women at work because they know me as the quiet guy
>think that maybe I should find a new job or ask to be transferred so I can start fresh
>know I'll just end up being the quiet guy in some other place
>too socially retarded to go out and meet people
is a girlfriend even with it in 2k19???
There is no real kick with the mask posting. They are looking for something that will stick, but just spamming random images and catch phrases from the two movies isnt going to work. Baneposting and sneedposting work because they are simple and concise, the reposted content comes from 5-15 minutes of scene which can be repeated ad nauseam until people get really upset which then makes it funny. Maskbros need to find a scene from the SECOND movie and spam it relentlessly if they want their meme to tread water for more than a week.
T. Certified memeologist
I don't think I've ever sat through all of son of mask but its so terrible it must have some meme potential
Normie here
Your super secret club isn't secret anymore and will never go back to the way you imagine it used to be. I take extreme pleasure in this
I'm sure it does. Once they sift out the good stuff it could have some potential, right now it just seems to be mostly people mad over sneed which saps the fun out of it. The only motive one should have when shitposting is to be a shitposter
what movie is that? one where jared leto is a tranny?
Steel Reserve tastes vaguely like cat piss and every time I drink it I lose my wallet. So that’s why.
If you’re gonna play that card he obviously would’ve just gotten hard liquor and drank it straight.
Back when Infirst turned 21 I always had a bottle of tequila in my room and I would sip on it all day every day and replace it as soon as I ran out. By about the third month Incould just drink it straight and it tasted kind of like cinnamon apple juice so he would just be going to town at his liquor of choice.
Either Everclear, 151, or Wild Turkey
>2014 was 20 years ago
>this post is already 40 minutes old
not really...
they were mad back then. they still are.
>tfw work with an actual autist
he stole the weird guy crown from me thankfully
You're unironically a new fag. This place has always been awful.
>amount of virgins has increased
This is true. Look at the studys on dating apps and the 80/20 rule.
Based archivefag
F___ N______!