If Sneed bought Chuck's then is neither one Chuck? Is Sneed actually the store owner? Have we been living a lie?

If Sneed bought Chuck's then is neither one Chuck? Is Sneed actually the store owner? Have we been living a lie?

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Sneed chad here/


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Chuck sold his store to his best friend sneed and still enjoys sitting out on the porch to drink beer and razz city slickers with him

Attached: realassad.jpg (680x1066, 229K)

Let's get to the real question.
Who is limbo Frankenstein?

Attached: limbo.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

Seriously, what's the joke in "Sneed's Feed & Seed, Formerly Chuck's?" It's just saying it used to be Chuck's Feed & Seed. What am I missing?

He was the man behind the counter.

The joke is that Feed and Seed rhyme with Sneed, and therefore Chuck would rhyme with Fuck and Suck. It's a shitty joke that doesn't run on much logic and that's why people are obsessed with it here.

This is definitely bait, but on the offchance you're some lost soul, I'll explain it to you:
Because "Sneed" rhymes with "seed" and "feed", that means that the building used to be called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

More funny than anything from the soprano or the wire, fuck off back to those threads then

Why is Homer so small compared to Chuck and Sneed? He's like 1/3 of their size

The joke is that Chuck Sneed didn't realize his last name rhyming with feed and seed was good for branding until one of his sons pointed it out.

This ain't news

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How do?

Attached: ahhem.webm (1280x720, 746K)

Lets get this right.
>Sneed= old store owner inside
>Sneed Jr.= thin goateed man out front
>Chuck= portly man out front

well pardon us mr. mask


>If Sneed bought Chuck's
Pretty big if there. It's just as likely that Chuck changed his name or passed ownership, or the guy who owns it isn't named Sneed or Chuck and it's just branding.

Is this Chuck a descendant of THE Chuck?

Attached: 1529207341380.png (1405x1080, 955K)

I think it wants to communicate!


What a silly city slicker

i want to

Sorry fellas, meme was rabid, had to put it down

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Well I'll be darned mr. Park Avenue manicure

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formerly chuck's


Attached: babysneed.png (1271x589, 1.02M)

Formally doubting it

>Is Sneed actually the store owner? Have we been living a lie?

Yes. Those two guys out front are just idlers or farmers, which is pretty much the same thing.

Almost right.

Sneed Jr is the fat farmer and Chuck is the narrow faced one, however he's probably a Sneed (last name) too, but it's known as Chuck.

The fat farmer seems to be simple and innocent, owning a Feed & Seed, while the skinny one seems more spicy and sicko (voice and expressions), like a Fuck & Suck owner.


Attached: Awooga.jpg (480x360, 14K)

They're big old rural boys. Homer is 5'11. They're 6'1


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>Simpsons threads will now be double spammed for the next week until the mask discord burns out of steam
I'm looking forward to working with you maskbros

Attached: 1561217841058.jpg (640x480, 44K)

maskchads will never die. Sneedvirgins (for that is what they are) will never touch titty

Sneedposting and Maskposting should combine forces.

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If I take that feed off, will you suck?

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Kill yourself sneedvirgins, you cringey bitches.

Mask is here now.


I give maskposting a full week, two weeks if I'm being generous.

>posing as maskbros while singing to swine

Attached: godmask.png (485x584, 423K)

we’d be formerly alive


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wouldnt it be funny if it went on for years and became a new meme though haha

don't forget, sneed's here forever

Based. Maskbros and Sneedchads will rule Yea Forums once and for all

>hating on based sneedChads
>pretending to be a maskbro
We don't want your kind among us.

Attached: Jim-Carrey-in-The-Mask-1994-Premium-Photograph-and-Poster-1008939__18982.1432431304.1280.1280.jpg (550x687, 77K)

What if we combine Sneed, Mask, Bane, Pest, JUST, Sheev, and Raimi’s forces into one?

Why don’t Maskposters and Sneedposters combine forces? It would piss of the Jannies to no end.

Chuck is in jail for running a brothel

We need more mask/sneed synthesis ASAP

Hey guys I have an idea. Why don't Sneedposters and Maskposters join forces?


Attached: chestcold.png (638x439, 526K)

Some of the mask posters are trying to be vindictive torwards sneedchads which is pretty funny considering they are doing our job for us

>maskslickers already realizing their shitty meme has no staying power & backpedaling with "haha w-we were just gonna join you all along! y-y-you're welcome!"
farm chads can't be stopped

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Who died?

>trying to validate your two post old falseflag
Green with envy.


Neither one of them are the owners.
Why would Chuck hang around a store that he no longer owns?
Why would Sneed the owner harass paying customers coming into the store?

rivalfags are yellow with fear

formerly alive

Based Sorbo dabs on Jew Carrey

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German cope

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Should've put a cute and funny tv up there somewhere.


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This. Sneed and Chuck are wealthy local businessmen that take part in many different ventures. Chuck wanted to explore another area of local business so he sold his thriving store to his friend Sneed. Sneed out of respect to Chuck specified that the store was formerly Chucks. They still uphold their tradition of sitting on the porch of the former Chucks store drinking beer and joking with customers.


Attached: 906C3F22-E070-4AC3-81BF-FAAA863C9F30.jpg (960x720, 237K)

How young are you?

>This. Mask and Mask are wealthy local businessmen that take part in many different ventures. Mask wanted to explore another area of local business so he sold his thriving store to his friend Mask. Mask out of respect to Mask specified that the store was formerly Mask. They still uphold their tradition of sitting on the porch of the former Masks store drinking beer and joking with customers.

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Younger than Sneed

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What is the Mask's relationship to Sneed and Chuck? How does he fit into the Sneedsons Cinematic Universe?

Ultra based DROPPEDposter

What if old man Sneed is the Mask, and Sneed Jr. is the Son of the Mask?

sneed jr. is the portly man out front, and chuck is actually the thin goateed man.

The mask meme

Mask is eternal.

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it’s called perspective
get some

“My bad”

Based and sneedpilled

Attached: sneakymask.gif (360x196, 1.9M)

>Why yes, I am a SneedMasker. How could you tell?

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Yeah, I'm thinking sneedmask Chads are pretty fucking based


That’s Ciddy Slikur Rollins, the second guy is Upinhizfan C. Gurmancarr

cringe. reminder that maskfags are simpsons posters who got BTFOd by sneed and now are trying to get revenge. and its not even working

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arent you forgetting someone?

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Conspiracy coping again user? Keep calm and seethe in disguise.

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>Mass replies with cringe
Sneedposters are now moeposters of the maskchads. What a crazy timeline

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I give it 7-8 weeks max.

It will have a bit longer of a lifespan than pestposting considering it is being done in spite and not an earnest desire to lower board quality

>muh sneed vs mask
I don't care, I just wanna give janny a run for his money

I give it anudda dime.

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I dont even get what is funny about sneeds feed and seed

>outnumbered in your own thread
Sharp wince mate.

>implying sneedposters and maskposters are enemies

Nice false flag there moeposters

Talk shit get hit, chucky.

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Mask is part of the sneedverse though

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the mask posters are getting out of control.... mods, shut it down

Attached: hq.png (279x375, 189K)

True maskbros know that sneedmask posting is the way of the future. Salty moecucks need not apply

Attached: 1562709961289.png (617x588, 335K)

Nice false flag there moeposter. Sneed and Mask are friends

Today I will remind them.

Attached: SneedXD.png (1637x138, 19K)

sneed has been a thing on this board for over three years
stay mad that no one gives a shit about your forced discord garbage (formerly waste)

youre schizophrenic, formerly sane

fuck off with your cringe sneedsons threads
everyone agrees

Wow with a credible source such as this I have no choice but to stop sneedposting forever so I can stick it to the lefties

Attached: 1561179189039.gif (320x240, 495K)

""my bad""

>trying to absorb The Mask

This is now a "Times you acted like The Mask" thread
>Go to the club
>Bouncer asks for ID
>Give him HIV

Attached: mybad.png (388x517, 294K)

Might want to check the thread again sneedie

Attached: 1560732708829.jpg (476x346, 62K)

>waltz into the archive
>search filename
>50 posts in two days

>the mask consumes sneed
>sneed becomes part of the mask
Based sneedmask poster

Attached: 1560388744834.gif (500x277, 345K)

The first ever mention of sneed was from circa 2010, it wasnt a meme back then but pulling the " thing i dont like made by tranny discord communist" wont work, moeposter.

we're getting raided by a facebook group dipshit do you think this unfunny meme happened organicly

>go into the thread
>told to post either Sneed or Mask
>post both

Attached: 1564182792169.jpg (716x720, 61K)

Sneed is a maoist meme, gay sparrows are NOT welcome here

"My bad."

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Attached: maskpop.jpg (360x368, 11K)

I deleted FB a long time ago.


Maskbros just come across as really butthurt
"OH YEAH you sneed posting fucks how do you like it when I ALSO spam Simpsons threads with dumb unfunny garbage, hahaha I bet you are SEETHING right now, not so funny when the shoe is on the other foot huh!?" Its like dude the more the merrier lol

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At last long love has arrived
I thank Lord I'm alive
You're too good to be true
I can't stop watching you
Can't take my eyes off you

Attached: sonofthemask.png (800x1253, 731K)

>get pissed that your alita faceberg raid gets leaked day one
>chimp out and claim communists are taking over Yea Forums

Embarrassing tbqh.

Attached: quotemybadunquote.png (692x150, 13K)


No! It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man!

Attached: sneed.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

You do sound really mad though. Trick r' Treat.

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I maskpost and sneedpost. Sneedmask is the wave of the future, I'm just laughing at the salty moecucks who think there is a deeper meaning to my shitposting


It was me okay, I did it.

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Sneed/mask/shitposting general?

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this is an interesting meme war. my ideal scenario is having the board descend into mask vs. sneed chaos for 2-3 days, running the entire catalog, before the mods shut it down and ban sneedposting and maskposting altogether. what will really happen remains to be seen

more like remains to be sneed

>become so enraged over sneedposting that you try to force a meme
Yikes check on aisle 3

Attached: 1560357549006.png (640x480, 222K)

All right, I confess! I did it, ya hear? And I'm glad, glad I tell ya!
What are they gonna do to me, Sarge? What are they gonna do?!

Attached: sarge.jpg (300x168, 4K)


you're such a fucking sneed
I love it

A meme with this much controversy is a sign it will last. No one is losing their mind over TRY THE WINE

Alright I sneed! I'm sneed sneed sneed!
Sneed, sneed sneed sneed!
Chucks fuck and suck? Sneed!

Attached: 1559352052899.png (583x357, 312K)

>No u
Excuse me "my bad."

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are bane and the pest allowed in the meme war?

The dead can't fight.

hello reḍdiτ

i saw a bane thread get made earlier and it had crickets in response

it's cool dude i'm kino

If you weren't mad you would accept that the mask and sneed are natural allies sneedie, sorry your Simpsons threads are never coming back :^(

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why must you fight, Yea Forums? why cant we all just unite to dab on jannies?

Attached: BhijHgZ.png (599x398, 344K)

You are loved mortposter, don't forget that.

>Yea Forums has reasonable amount of Simpsons threads
>autists invent “sneedposting” with their announced goal to “drive Simpsons threads back to Yea Forums where they belong”
>actually accomplish this goal, only Simpsons threads made unironically are made on Yea Forums, no unironic Simpsons threads left on Yea Forums
>sneedposters however, can’t let go
>first start sneedposting in literally every thread they can find, even if it has literally nothing to do with the Simpsons
>get shit for it because it proves their just autistic spammers who don’t care about “proper board discussion” and just want to be annoying
>sneedposters try to CTR by inventing Simpsons threads, almost always just a quote without context from the Simpsons
>use them to bait other sneedposters and to spam sneed themselves
>but its still not enough
>keep spamming all other threads but have to constantly make new fake Simpsons threads for sneedposting
>now there are more Simpsons threads on Yea Forums than there ever were before sneedposting was a thing

Cringe, but redpilled. Jannies need to just delete the simpsons quote threads on sight.

You forgot to pretend to not be angry while posting a picture of the mask

Annoying people and shitposting is based. If you dont like it FUCK OFF BACK TO REBBIT DUMB NIGGER

>Everyone who responds to me is the same person
I don't give a shit about the shitsons.

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Who hurt you?

Attached: AAAaaaaaah.png (713x579, 805K)

>C-Can we be friends now
Nice change of tune once you realized the power of mask posting.

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Attached: 1563129567499.gif (252x263, 2.99M)

>rats! You sunk my battlesneed!

Attached: images.png (246x205, 5K)

Chuck fuck and sucked me

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>cohesion between boards
>when shitposting is literally the essence of Yea Forums

Uh oh moecuck, scared your meme might join the sneedverse? Better keep posting or it might lose the anti-sneed flair you so desperately need it to have

>sneedposting caused so much asshurt that a meme was born out of it to try to counter it
This is a first.

All the proof you need

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"My bad, nigga."

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Moe has been a meme for awhile

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Once they fuse it will cause them so much more asshurt. Just look at this thread.

What would happen if Sneed got MASK'd?

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What if one of them is Chuck Sneed?


The most disposable and derailable threads on Yea Forums with a more obnoxious set of macros that send sneeders wild. You're easy targets and most of Yea Forums already hates you, but we get to enjoy hating you.

All you retards are doing is helping to disrupt Simpsons threads, fucking moron. But thanks for the help!

No, the meme started from people reminiscing on the movie then the dance scene got posted several times. Don't believe moecuck's lies.

Shhhhh let them think we are "mad" at them for giving us an excuse to sneedpost

Do you think I give a shit about upholding the quality of simpsons threads? It's fun pissing on sneeders with superior smugness.

I mean if I get to post sneed and you get to pretend your headcanon is true then we are both happy right?

Nah you're shitting up Simpsons threads, which eases the burden on us.

>Sneedfags are so desperate to keep their reddit garbage relevant they implode over reflavored Pestposting of all things

Attached: 1564120177276.jpg (481x720, 38K)

>maskposting got hijacked to be a sneed-counter
>all of the maskposts now have to do with sneed just days into its infancy
lmao already absorbed

>add fuel to the fire
>they are imploding
You guys are just making it worse, like previous user said hopefully it just leads to a word filter for sneed and a ban for maskposting

You wanna test who can be more obnoxious? We've seen all your tricks.

>word filter for sneed
it’s hopeless, there are so many references and little ways of getting around it

Formerly not part of the sneedverse

Moe's ethics are a laugh, but masks only come out after sneed has been posted, derailing the derailers is better bang for buck. Trick or treat cunts.

Attached: revenge.jpg (600x450, 28K)

I mean go for it I love obnoxious shit, it's why I sneedpost. Maybe I'll maskpost if you guys get a really funny zinger of a meme started but so far...ehhh... it's not concise enough to be truly obnoxious. Needs to be narrowed down to the second movie and maybe a select scene or two that you really start spamming hard.

I'm genuinely loving this Mask vs Sneed war.

Oh wow I'm so mad that someone... derails a thread I'm derailing? You got me I guess?

Come on guys! We can have both here!
We're all friends here at Yea Forums!!

Attached: sneedmask.png (1214x450, 87K)

By all means. All that matters is sneed gets posted before a serious response to a Simpsons thread is made. Anything extra is just icing on the cake.

You'd have to be really dumb to think there are any genuine simpsons threads on/tv/ now.

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Sneed only works as a collective, hence the Reddit-sync chains, I don't prioritize the feelings of any one sneedcunt. DADDY'S GOT A SWEET TOOTH TONIGHT.

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Why yes I do think Sneedposting is the superior spam.

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Someone should make his face green in this one to symbolize the Mask and Sneed unity.

The threads are set up to be derailed. That's the joke. They dont have to be "genuine" to be derailed.


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Mask is funnier as spam, only salty cucks use it in a vain attempt to counter sneed. Mask is sneeds cute little brother who needs a bit of nurturing to mature into a true shitpost legend


No, sweatie. Mask-posting is on a whole other level of chaos. You ain't seen nothin' yet. Mask has NO alliance.

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high quality

>le grudging respect then subsume meme

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>Mask meme was made because people are mad at sneed
Oh really? Let's take a look then

archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/Sneed chad here/


Seems to me it's quite the opposite

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Attached: 1538957560765s.jpg (249x249, 8K)

a thread about sneed lore. only on Yea Forums

go back to the first “sneed chad” here, and you find a thread about maskvirgins mad at sneedchads


Christ, Mask is getting proverbially btfo

>sneed meme was made because people were mad at the mask
Sneedspiracy or not?

Attached: 1497784292539.jpg (384x384, 34K)

holy shit the seethe, case in point, sneedcels have to steal memes to seem potent.

Now read this thread, look at the times and youll see sneedposters were mad at maskchads that post "bruh" soijak spammer was at it all day.

What do you see?

Attached: 1534374502609.jpg (320x500, 9K)

Before that post*

Attached: sneedville.png (1011x1407, 548K)

why were they even there, they would only keep customers away

How does Homer make a profit selling his tomaccos at such low prices?

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My friends, I believe you know them, franklin, grant and J-J-J-Jackson!

Attached: 3784658-movies_money_screenshots_the_mask_jim_carrey_1920x1080_65497.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)

maskposters brought up sneed first even in that thread
i formerly thought you’d have a leg to stand on but you aren’t helping your case

This thread is literally just moecucks spamming the mask and getting upset while sneedchads do their thing.
Oof. Big oof. No clout.

formerly tomato and tobacco

>This thread is literally just moecucks spamming the mask and getting upset while sneedchads do their thing.

Did we kill sneed bros?

Attached: coy.png (473x259, 199K)

>maskposters brought up sneed
>even in that thread
That's a soijak in the first post. Seethe more

Formerly alive.

Sneed is probably the guy inside, those two are canonically just called farmer.

what the fuck are you talking about?

Man, Maskposting has so much more potential. Sneedposting really can't hold a candle to it.

I'm the guy who makes 99% of the simpsons threads with quotes. the trick is to choose a quote that has a word that rhymes with sneed or chuck

We all knew that's why you chose the quotes.

A failed forced meme like this could only come from the semen incrusted mind of a redditor

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at this point there's no way you can quote the simpsons that won't make us think about sneed, the simpsons have been dead for a long time and sneed is its elegy


"My bad."

Attached: 1564079921416.jpg (908x912, 235K)

green with envy of sneedposters

Where this nig at he gave up ?

Attached: 2DEB11E5-4A24-4078-984F-4BD2CEA4DBE8.jpg (125x111, 2K)

pay attention faggot

“My bad”

well la di dah

formerly yellow

>TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY NINE (259) replies to a sneed thread
how will mascucks EVER recover?

Sneedposting has ruined my life. Every second of every day I think "SNEED SNEED SNEED!" I've lost my job because of it. I spent too long sneedposting, and my boss asked me what I was doing. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SNEED IS?" I yelled at him. He was not pleased. Shortly afterwards, I lost my girlfriend. She said it was because I was "neglecting her" and "spent too much time sneedposting." Of course, many other girls have asked me out since then, but I always have to turn them down because they don't know what Sneed was. Why would I date a pleb who doesn't even know what Sneed is??? So it's official. I'm the world's first Sneedcel. Laugh all you want, but you know that I'm Sneedpilled. Deep down you wish you were this Sneedpilled too. In the end, it was all worth it. SNEED!


I think it's trying to communicate!

Attached: underage.png (481x460, 328K)

i’m putting together a team

Formerly remaining silent

Sequel expections my fellow /mort/icians??

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Attached: 1564184435809.gif (375x304, 872K)

>simpsons threads will get rid of sneed
>jannies and mods will kill sneed
>moeposter will kill sneed
>reylo will kill sneed
>redditors will kill sneed
>baneposters will put sneed in its place
>it will die any day now
>mask will kill sneed

have no fears
we’ve got sneedposts for years

dammit bros I just can't decide which side to join

Attached: 3DB89E63-0FDC-4DCF-A093-EA92EF370E00.png (548x400, 155K)

I'm a sneedposter but I made a couple of mask threads before I knew it was an enemy of sneed.

Maskposting will die in about 4 days

Attached: 1563482379843.jpg (640x480, 73K)

Thursday they were just a new meme by friday their intentions got more clear

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>no video
Fuck, I wanna know how to upset Sneedies

rent sneed

Formerly chuckflix

>sneeders are now moeposters
“My bad”

Attached: lisa_sneedson.gif (345x259, 450K)

look at this city slicker

oh that's just superstition

It seems like you c ant take your eyes off me

the fat guy is sneed, the guy on the left is sneed jr

is the guy inside chuck?

The sneed inside mask?

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you’re not gonna grow nothin under the old mask place

formerly ignoring





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Don’t you just love feed and seed?

formerly chuck


farmer #1

Sneed is a comfy meme.

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Wtf is this mask stuff? Is this supposed to deter sneedposters? I don't know how to react to this.

>somebody feed me

church of sneed

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well la di da mr gucci loafer


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Fuck this hick piece of trash.

formerly feed this hick piece of trash

Only burgers with their underdeveloped brains could come up with such a garbage joke. Literally anyone who has graduated from junior high would read it as "Chucks Feed and Seed" leave it to the genius writing team that brought you such gems as "what is matter" and "have a cow" to come up with their magnum opus which boils down to "chuck sound same fuck suck haha"

That level of 'comedy' writing is simply subhuman, and it's no wonder it caught on with the plebians on Yea Forums

sneething yuro cityslicker

Who was in the wrong here?

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>enter sneed thread
>post son of the mask instead

Attached: AE0EC2EB-FD5D-434C-A251-A93164C07E7D.jpg (281x346, 122K)

>my bad

>thinks thats a facebook filename



It’ll destroy Yea Forums

Does this board do anything other than shitpost?

World War Sneed

well excuse me

>Sneeds and Mask chads are going to war
What a time to be alive

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go back

It should have died like yugi posting.

Attached: sneed.png (1140x1128, 2.16M)

thanks i will save this for future use