Closest capeshit has ever been to being kino, prove me wrong

Closest capeshit has ever been to being kino, prove me wrong

Attached: dust.webm (558x360, 2.69M)


That is some ugly mise en scene

The rest of the series is reddit shit, but anything related to Thanos and The Guardians is kino

where did all the dust go?
major plot hole, all that dust would still cause problems for Earth for decades

Because a battlefield after an all-out war will obviously look beautiful

Be born earlier

Looks like a bunch of cartoon vomit


Not even Yea Forums was shit talking this one when it came out.

Attached: BB86C7CC-BE47-4584-B44F-ECB3FF312AC4.jpg (780x438, 36K)

Why didnt he wish to kill all the villains in the universe?

infinity war's dust scene was better

That's just the compression of the webm due to this site's retardedly low file size limit

he didn't want to be known as the guy who wiped out all black people


>Could have reshaped the universe into anything he wanted. Could have made made a perfect world where everyone is happy for eternity
>"Nah, just kill the aliens. GG"

What happened to Tony Stark's big brain

Attached: 1492015260783.png (500x500, 222K)

it's like a birthday wish, you only get so much time to make it

*blocks your path*
true capekino scene coming through

Attached: 1510773921255.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

It's shit

Don't think it's possible to wish for something like "a perfect world where everyone is happy" without some serious monkey's paw shit happening.

because he was a capitalist and then he would have to wipe out his own class, which the rich will never do, rise up workers of the world

Yes, real life battlefields full of dead bodies are obviously really beautiful


why did you post a video game cutscene on Yea Forums

I don't like MoS and BvS since these movies ruined most iconic capecharacters of all time beyond repair, but there are unironically few more kino scenes than this trash.
Superman vs terraforming machine comes to mind and pretty much almost every BvS scene with Batman beating others.

based and fpbp

Want me to use a different descriptor for that webm then capeshitter? Poor, dull, uninspired, shallow?

Came here to post this
Infinity War is ESB
Endgame is RotJ

they'd be thanking him after like a day


Attached: 220px-Watchmen_film_poster.jpg (220x326, 25K)

yeah but he wanted to go out being loved now, not later