Now that the dust has settled, was it his masterpiece?

now that the dust has settled, was it his masterpiece?

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>now that the dust has settled
it's just out

No, it's shallow self indulgent tripe with nothing to say like all of his other movies. Sure, I love Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill 1 and Inglorious Basterds but after making movies for over 25 years QT hasn't developed as either a filmmaker of as a human being. Another arrested development wanker like Bay and Spielberg who never learned how to be a man!!!FACT!!!

This was the first time I noticed that Tarantino has a massive foot fetish. Jesus fuck.

what movies do have something to say?

It was an entertaining love-letter m/nostalgic piece of the 60’s. Top notch acting from Leo and Brad, absolutely great chemistry between the two. Movie was too long for no reason. Too many extended shots of Brad driving and Margot Robbie’s scenes were a snooze fest.
None of your usual Tarantino dialogue, which works well for this movie.

The feet shit was laughable, though. What the FUCK was he thinking?

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He does it every movie what do you mean

Taxi Driver
The Thing
The Iron Giant
The Spongebob Squarepants Movie


It was done WAY more often this movie. Like, four different scenes where the feet were so focused.

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>yet another fluff piece about how much Tarantula loves old movies
Wake me up when he does something original

Jackie Brown is far and away his best still, obviously. This is better than Hateful 8 or Inglorious Basterds though, about on the same level as Django

This is my third time watching any of his movies. I saw hateful eight when it came out too and didn’t notice it then, and didn’t notice it in reservoir dogs. But I don’t watch a lot of movies anyway.

it’s his third best behind JB and RD

>he thinks it's possible to make original fiction in 2019
his screenplay is original, as in not a sequel, prequel, part of a franchise, or an adaptation. that's as original as you can get in Hollywood these days.

It's Hollywood sniffing its own farts the movie. No thanks. Tarantino can blow it out his ass

I don't think he does it in either of those films to my recollection. Not a lot of female parts, and he wasn't going to show Daisy Domergue's scabbed toes under all that fur.

The scene in Inglorious Basterds with Diane Kruger's shoe being taken off by Christoph Waltz is a pretty blatant example

>what movies do have something to say?

Network, Taxi Driver, Tokyo Story etc... QT, like Spielberg, was raised on TV and movies and understands nothing about the real world. Guys like Scorsese or Sidney Lumet lived a life and developed as people. I'm reading Lumet's book Making Movies and it's great. It goes into detail about his thought process about what movies he made, how they got made and the ones that he didn't because of various circumstances.

QT is a child making stuff to amuse himself. Entertaining? Sure. But they have no vitality that makes them stand the test of time, lacking any substantial weight which reflects his mind!!!FACT!!!

>not rating Bastards just because some /pol/tard notions

was not what i was expecting at all

loved it personally but i can see some ppl not liking it too


>Nice to meet yo Mr. Schwartz.
>It's Schwarzs.


>Inglorious Basterds
I thought that was just some ww2 schlock movie, didn’t know it was by him.

I’m by no means a film buff, but I don’t have much else to do tomorrow... so what tarantino movies would you recommend watching?

Kill Bill truck scene is peak tarantual feet insert

How about you take a fucking film class and don't come back until it's over.

I think you have a point in terms of his movies not being about the real world but rather about other movies, but you're wrong in thinking movies made in the first half of this century or in the 20th century will be watched in the following centuries. The rate of information and population makes that highly unlikely. The test of time the 20th century movie passed is being watched these days. Also, lots of other factors are at play when a work of art or fiction is popular long before its release. "Vitality" is only the tip of the iceberg.

my dumbass only just realized that rick dalton and cliff booth weren't real people

>pulp fiction
>jackie brown
>kill bill
all enjoyable

You might be confused because there are two movies named Inglorious Basterds. The original is a shitty Italian ww2 schlock movie.

>It's Hollywood sniffing its own farts the movie. No thanks. Tarantino can blow it out his ass

The worst thing is, as I've said before, is that something could have been said about that era. Peter Biskind's Easy Riders Raging Bulls is my favorite book and it's about the end of the old studio system and the rise of new Hollywood. All of that hope and optimism undercut by Manson and his family which represented the dark undercurrent of that time. A better Director could have made it about a burnout actor (DiCaprio) learning to adapt to the times while Pitt's character could have been someone tempted to join Manson, who tells him he's been a slave to Hollywood and never got his chance to shine, only serving the elite as a punching bag stunt man. Manson was good at manipulating people and this could have shown that. This could have been used to build up resentment in Pitt's character who initially planned on luring DiCaprio into the Tate LaBianca massacre, say Pitt's character was the one who knew of the party and off handedly mentioned it to Manson while the initial idea was simply to rob them while Pitt was unaware of their intent to kill until the last minute which is why he warns DiCaprio not to go.

I'm just jerking off here but this could have had soo much more weight if in the hands of a better Writer and Director!!!FACT!!!

Naw, it's just okay. No desire to watch it again anytime soon. 5/10 really.

the italian one is spelled correctly

Thanks, user.

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>I'm just jerking off here but this could have had soo much more weight if in the hands of a better Writer and Director!!!FACT!!!
Like who? All the other Manson flicks suck major cock. Who's the genius you want behind this project?

Still a nose below JB as far as my preferences go, but ONLY A NOSE. Very nearly my favorite.

As far as the "best" goes, however, PF is yet to be replicated

Basterds is a bas-turd

you wish you've made it, let's be honest. the dialogue is kino.

how has he not gotten his dick under control after twenty years?

The dialogue not driving things was good in this case though, because it matches the hangout/conversational tone of JB

Where the FUCK were the Nigger drops?
Not a goddamn one

Nice any with good feet or all of that nasty main actress

he didnt write jackie brown though

He wrote the screenplay, you turd

I'm aware, I just figured that was what user was thinking of

>but you're wrong in thinking movies made in the first half of this century or in the 20th century will be watched in the following centuries.

I have to disagree with you. Movies like Citizen Kane, The Seventh Seal etc... are still revered and watched to this day and will continue to be so forever. Sure, the general public doesn't give much thought to them but for people like you, me and a small percentage of people here on Yea Forums, we're the ones who truly care about movies and know how important they are in the medium and people like us will keep their memory alive passed from one generation to another until the end of time.

Pulp Fiction just doesn't have that sort of longevity. It was the film du jour of the 90's mainly because it was entertaining but also because of it's structure which made it stand out compared to the Hollywood studio corporate product of the time. In that case you could feel that it was a movie made from a point of view of someone which captured the zeitgeist but it really doesn't have anything to say which is why it perfectly reflected the 90's.

It was the "indie" version of Star Wars but, unlike that film, Pulp Fiction doesn't have any sort of mythic resonance that makes it reverberate within film circles the way other classics do.

Just the way I feel!!!FACT!!!

he actually did. check wikipedia.

Reservoir Dogs. Also, you should learn about Laurel Canyon and why the CIA was behind the entire Hippie Movement


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was less for you and more for the dude who hadn't seen the tarentino film

>Like who? All the other Manson flicks suck major cock. Who's the genius you want behind this project?

I don't know. I can't think of a single Director and/or Writer who could have made it. This was QT's chance to really say something and he blew it!!!FACT!!!

It's a masterpiece if you're a degenerate nasty fucking footfag shithead
There are several scenes where Margot Robbie and other women put their nasty ass dirty feet up and the camera focuses right on them
Footfags are the fucking worst

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It was good. but probably his weakest film. Also people who don't know Spahn Ranch will have the film go over their heads.

watch all his films in release order. No idea why user skipped reservoir dogs.

>he didnt write jackie brown though

>He wrote the screenplay, you turd

I don't like Jackie Brown. At the time that movie and LA Confidential were being released, so I read a bunch of Elmore Leonard's stuff along with James Ellroy.

I can see why QT loves Leonard's work. It's about scuzzy characters just hanging out and talking shit. The problem is that his books meander and there's no drive to their stories. It's why both JB and Get Shorty have that sort of languid feel that I don't like in crime fiction.

I much prefer Ellroy who's much tougher while his stories have much more agency to them which is why LAC is a better movie than JB!!!FACT!!!

>Movies like Citizen Kane, The Seventh Seal etc... are still revered and watched to this day and will continue to be so forever.
I wish I had your optimism, lad. But sadly, at this rate, I don't they'll be watched in say in year 2189 or 2355. Maybe in history books or as trivial curiosities, but not watched as the true art that we now know they are. Zoomerfags don't even read books these days, and I'm not talking about children but grown adults. The same destiny awaits to films. I don't have any hopes for the future of art. And yes, Pulp Fiction is a product of the 90s, and everytime some faggot says its non-linear storyline was "revolutionary" I think to myself "Well, fucking William Faulkner did it first like 70 years before."

death proof was better

Where to start with Ellroy beyond LAC?

Fucking Hell that bitch is a goblin and her corpse feet are atrocious!!!FACT!!!

spam this along with your kino hashtag, fren

Well, it shows as to why QT's films before this were pulpy flicks. He's not smart enough to copy directors like Altman, and this movie makes that readily apparent. Wasn't very good.

Their shape is distorted because they are pressed against the windshield. Try watching a movie before posting in the thread.

>but probably his weakest film
you havent seen death proof, I gather.

>Where to start with Ellroy beyond LAC?

I didn't think much of his work past LAC. Could just be me but I LOVED his first novel Brown's Requiem, which covers a lot of the same story beats that his so-called "masterpiece" The Black Dahlia did. The difference is that Requiem is lean and tight while Dahlia drags on and meanders.

Ellroy feels like Stephen King who's best work was also at the start of his career when his prose was lean and focused. But as time went on the books got longer and duller.

Oh and if you want to see what is IMHO the BEST Ellroy adaptation, watch the 1988 film COP starring James Woods, based upon his novel Blood on the Moon. That's Ellroy at his best, super tight, no bullshit and Woods is fucking magnificent while the ending is fantastic!!!FACT!!!

it is good for Grindhouse.

>Their shape is distorted because they are pressed against the windshield. Try watching a movie before posting in the thread.

You were saying?!?FACT!!!

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death proof is 10 times better

Fuck no. From a feminist perspective it's awful, and from a non-feminist perspective it's just okay at best. QT has films that pleased everyone, and those are better.

It's a mediocre film peppered with great moments.

please do not out MASH guy in the same league as QT. it is embarassing.

some of you faggots say it's a top 3 QT movie and some say Death Proof (his shittiest movie) is better. who am I supposed to believe? I have to wait until August to watch it and form an opinion REEEEEE

just go in with low expectations and watch Helter Skelter first.

This movie managed to be worse than his last film, so more embarrassing for QT than anyone else. I don't know why everyone makes such a big deal he's only making 10 movies, he needs to stop if he keeps making garbage like this.

i enjoyed dp more than this but yeah you should just check it out for yourself

dust has long since been settled, user. NEXT

I'll never burn up a woman with a flame thrower

you may not like it, but it will go down in history as one of the best films of 2019 and one of the best in QT's filmography.

wont be surprised if it wins a Oscar bcuz hollywood loves jerking it self off

Just got out from seeing it. I kind of feel like crying. Anyone else.

? It is his weakest film, but still miles ahead of Mash. Hateful eight was great.

That just goes to show you how shit mainstream movies are now in general, am I supposed to be impressed?

>b plot is pitt being lured into the cult
sounds like trite

Youre a pleb if you dont like feet

Case closed

Fuck off footfags have the shittiest fetish in the history of fetishes you degenerate shithead
Everybody fucking hates you, you fucking addled fuckwit.

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thank god im a pleb than

Girls love it when i give them a foot massage

Stay mad virgin

No. It sucks.

Inglorious Basterds is his worst by far, this was tied with Hateful Eight for one spot above it.

That being said, I enjoyed it. Cinematography, Acting, Soundtrack, Sound Design (especially all the radio cut ins and TV stuff), Wardrobes, Sets, all 10/10. Story was mediocre though.

Triggered scatfag
Project more, you literally have shit on the brain

I don't like scat either.
Keep giving them foot massages and not getting pussy in return, fetish fuckwits,
They'll always love me more because I can pound their pussy like no other, I don't even need to touch their nasty feet.

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I'm 70% assman and 30% titman so fuck off

You do know that soles are a huge erogenous zone for women and make them want to fuck you even more right? I sniff a girls feet while fucking their pussy.

If that helps you sleep at night because you can't please them with your little dick I guess you can keep telling yourself that. They may even tell you that to make you feel better.
Nothing beats a good fat dicking, dicklet, a real man doesn't need any help. Just the fact you have to resort to that tells me a lot about you, little man.

>having to resort to kissing/sniffing/licking a dirty whore's foot because you can't please her with your dick
The state of footfags
You're a weak little man, and you have my pity.

QT just tricked everyone into watching his "AU where nobody dies" fanfiction
and I'm OK with that

So all guys that like feet have small dicks?

An insult to the great Bruce Lee.

not necessarily but you don't have to resort to gimmicks if you can give her a good dicking and leave her exhausted
Believe me no woman ever said "gee I wish he had kissed my feet" after she gets dicked so well she can't even walk right

fuck off bruceleefag
Bruce would've gotten killed in UFC and by any skilled boxer heavier than him and by all accounts he liked to walk around like a cocky little manlet because MUH KUNFU IS UNBEATABLE HURRRRRR


Btw Jackie Chan is infinitely more likable because he doesn't walk around with a huge ego and taking himself too seriously

I see you know nothing about Bruce.

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>muh dick
low iq


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>thinks that whores deserve to get their feet kissed/worshipped
>this is an indicator of high iq

You're the one arguing that you have to grovel down and worship a dumb whore's nasty dirty feet to please her, you have no right to ever mention IQ

>le jew defeats bruce lee xD

>Average Tarantino fan

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ALL manlets deserve to be put in their place user
Specially cocky little faggots who think they're tough shit because MUH KUNFU

good goyim!

Does Bruce Lee make you seethe this much you have to post this in literally every thread about this movie?

An Asian fucked his mom

I hate jews but I hate uppity little twinks who think they're tough shit even more

pitt is only 5'11

So we see with your seething. cry more and go prep your bull.

>Its true

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yeah well lee was 5'8, aka munchkin tier, and he thought he was hot shit
At least Pitt doesn't walk around like a cocky little twink telling ppl his fists are lethal weapons

Bruce Lee was hot shit. Go do some research. Or better yet just KYS.

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>he thinks movies are real

get off his dead and buried mummified dick.
He brought something new and different from another land and that's all he did, his ego wouldn't let him admit that bigger guys could fuck him up, even his student Kareem Abdul Jabbar could easily fuck him up.
I'm tired of Bruce Lee being a god for manlets, making them believe that any amount of training and black belts can compensate for your stature.
Tick-tock time to face reality, little men.

LMAO so much rage that a short person accomplished more in a day that you could in 100 lifetimes
so sad..

You know what he never accomplished?
being tall

ouch I must have hit a nerve.
Take more time for a comeback against a dead guy loved by millions, user! Its might make you feel better for the next 10 secs.

lol what? It's true isn't it?
Tell me if I'm lying

also his fans are fucking retards, if you don't realize his limitations you're no better than retarded Hulk Hogan fans back in the day who took wrestling seriously.

I'm only responding to this to inform you that most people have you autofiltered and you should take the trip off to keep this an anonymous content-focused community.

I lost a round of sparring in boxing to a vicious little Mexican once and im 6'0 had at least 50 pounds on the guy. Dude would simply not stay in my swinging range and he was pretty nasty in the countering phases. And I was in decent shape too but i later found out he had a few sponsors and was basically about to graduate from amateur boxing.


How did this dreck cost 90 million
Isn't that expensive attaching old shit and neon to buildings in LA
Or licensing three dozen garbage 60s songs

Fighting is an equation, you have to factor in several things including but not limited to size, endurance, speed, strength etc etc
Obviously you can't get a 230 lard ass who's never fought in his life off the couch and expect him to beat 150 lb. Manny Pacquiao, but the scales tip more and more with the bigger guy training and working out, improving speed etc.
What you lacked was skill, with the right amount of training and practicing against quick manlets it would have been a different story.

The magic of a fight and the human body is that while a bunch of things determine the fight, everyone knows that one good punch is all it takes to rattle your brain and put you on the canvas. And the craziest part is anyone can do it. The body is just made like that. And some people out there, short or tall, have a keen sense of what it takes to put someone down. You cant teach that shit. Mexican boxers are notorious for their heart in fights and why is that? No one really knows. Some say its because of culture and wanting to live up to it others think mexicans are naturally predisposed to be good boxers. But the numbers dont lie. No other country comes close to producing world class boxers like mexico does. The pure quantity of quality boxers is more than anywhere else. And most of these guys weigh no more than 150 lbs.

Could it be a cultural thing too?
It's a very popular sport in Mexico.
Here in the US maybe a kid who could've been a great boxer became an NFL player or even a baseball player or something. There's so many options here, in Mexico it's more Soccer, then boxing, then what?
Also why are Mexican MMA fighters so rare, yet so many Brazilians?

Books and films will never die out, friend.

Watch the credits of a film, user. Lotta people involved.

Reportedly Leo actually took a $5mil pay cut to $15 million but will make $45 million because he's taking a cut of the profits if the film does well, having big name stars in your film isn't cheap user. You think Kurt fucking Russell just walks into your film set for free? What about Al Pacino? Even Margot Robbie is getting pretty fucking expensive nowadays.
Then like user said you got cast and crew and filming locations, expenses, effects unless you think they really did set a fucking person on fire, etc etc etc.