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post the hitler edit

>Spend tens of thousands of dollars going to CalArts.
>Still draw like shit.


>tfw no asian milf wife

crazi how all he wanted was to be a painter and get into art school

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>gets upset daddy wanted her to get a real job
>still trying to prove him wrong 30 years later
>maybe when you get that movie deal in your 70s daddy will finally notice you

father has right idea, cartoon waste of time, she get in university, study job that earn money

I bet he'd be happier if she gave him a grandchild.

Okay, now name an instance when that has ever happened.

t. kahn supinoosinpong

Anyone that has the talent and drive to get into Disney at that level will get there regardless

If i was the dad id just give her a link to deviantart and make her realise she's another generic nobody whose art is an irrelevant contribution among the endless thousands of people who have already saturated any need for mediocre artists.

Encouraging someone doesn't guarantee their success, and discouraging someone doesn't mean they won't succeed in either what they originally wanted to do or something else. Hey, maybe that kid, if encouraged to do art, would become yet another failed artists living at home and making less than minimum wage through commissions on deviantart. Meanwhile, discouraged, the kid goes back to her studies and becomes a great doctor that saves lives and does things way more important that "Dinomites" (which sounds dumb as fuck).

OK but if you just encourage someone blindly you get shit like Yoga Hoosiers, which is worse than nothing.


Sometimes a person needs to hear that they suck and they will never make a profit. That's the reality of it. I don't think that person should ever be a child, but you do reach the tipping point when they would be utilizing their time much better finding another practice or skill to develop than continuing to do something they are incapable of succeeding at simply because it was your first passion. You can get new passions.

the contemporary art scene is literally a money laundering front for the child pornography industry

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This. Parents have been told to never say no to their kids, which is why you have this generation of useless twats with useless degrees that got them so deep into debt, and they're doing all this deviant sex and drug shit, all because they were never told "no, that is a bad idea."

>support your children creating empty consumer products! We need a new Pokemon to sell toys of!

The worst thing one can do to an artist is lie and say their work is good when it isn’t. They’ll never be able to grow if you do.

Good job, OP!

Awesome digits, bros! Keep up the good work!

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isn't there a version of this comic where she turns into hitler?

that was pretty funny.

Name literally one time when this happened

I hate art so fucking much

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Please, all of you, if you know an artist, tell them to give up their hobby, it's embarrassing.

I'm a game developer and make game arts, am i an artist? or just autist?

People want actual creativity less and less these days. Look no further than YouTube, where literally three quarters of the shit people watch is: let's plays, reviews, video essays - essentially commentary on other people's art. And obviously Hollywood is all capeshit these days, so the creativity is dwindling there too. Of course, that makes this image all the more relevant in a way. If there's a person who legitimately wants to make something original and not appeal to the lowest common denominator, which is now lower than its ever been, you gotta encourage the fuck out of that.

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What was the joke here?

You're definitely autistic, they don't need artists for games lol. Some jap will do it for basically nothing.

>they don't need artists for games lol
What are you talking about?

I once went to a "Drink & Draw" party. It was TERRIBLE. Artist are a bunch of pretentious assholes, every single one of them.

>Drink and Draw party
God that sounds like so much fun. Everyone in my life has always been “OMG I wish I could draw”.

Meh, she's better off as a kitchen steward anyway, trust me XP.

how much alcohol had to be in their systems before they started shitting on minorities?

Moreso human trafficking but you’re certainly not wrong.

Literally when have you ever seen art in a game that isnt some jerk off visual novel

what's with the panel about the creepy stoner kevin smith? There is literally no reason to include that.

my game? and like about thousands of them since 1995??
What are you getting to?

you're retard

Dinomites looks shit.

How so? Please enlighten me, I have studied art and practice it, i have done 4 year of life drawing just to be able to make art in video games and now i'm making my own game and i've earned 500K this year. So again please tell me what you mean by they don't need artist for games?
Don't you need artist to do art?
Are you so far up your own ass and used to eat shit media serves you and being a victim of ultra consumerism makes you blind to what art can be?