I fucked Ted

>I fucked Ted
What did she mean by this?

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She was scheduled to give a Ted talk, but she cancelled at the last minute and there wasn't a replacement unfortunately

She had sexual intercourse with Ted Kaczynski not long after he blew up the jetliner over ABQ

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She had sexual relations with a guy named Ted


Are you literally retarded?

Walt went bad so she went bad bitch, show did a poor job portraying just how shitty that situation was for her though.

t. Cuck

>She literally broke bad, same as Walter did
>People hate her even though Walter did far worse stuff

Tell me about Ted, why does he send bombs

Poor Walt, you got cancer and you're trying to secure a good future for your family and your wife decides to fuck Ted. She is in second place for the most bitch character, first place being Jesse. Also Nigger KFC man did nothing wrong.

Walter atoned and paid for his crimes while she was treated with baby gloves


>Walter atoned and paid for his crimes while she was treated with baby gloves
nigga what show did you watch please tell me you're just pretending to be a retard

It was her based and redpilled way of getting back at the psychopath who had ruined her life and was holding her family hostage putting them in immense danger

>ideas worth SPREADING
what a fucking slut

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you can find out for yourself by reading one of his multiple excellent books!

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I'd shag her, but not be proud and tell my mates

She stood out in front of movies on opening night, and told everyone not to pay to see a movie about a CG stuffed bear. The crowd listened and walked home.

He died you idiot

She cucked her husband with her boss Ted.

She is probably the most annoying character in TV history. She was awful in Deadwood too.

wom*n are not people

So? He was given a death sentence in the first episode. He didn't atone for his crimes and his death was a victory not a defeat.


She lied to Walt first about why she originally quit working beneke. She told Walt it was the fumes but in a conversation with Marie, it is revealed that ted was known as mr. Grabbyhands. This undercuts sklyers bullshit posturing over Walt being a liar and the first one to lie in the marriage.

Its only bad when men do it. Stop being such a bigot.

nope, can’t stop won’t stop nigger

just take a look, its in a book. reading rainbow!

>never had a problem with this character
>thought this was a based line
maybe you guys should have sex?

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She was speaking in code to Walt because she was wearing a wire.
She was really saying "I tucked fed" which means she was in bed with the feds.

that she had sex with a man named theodore

Why do we all hate Skylar and not Carmella from the Sopranos? Is it because she has a resting bitch face?

I'm OP and I just checked your quads so you know


Because Carmella was on board with his criminal career from the start and looks the other way even when he cucks her. She couldn't even divorce him because no lawyer in town dared to cross him. Also Sopranos is pleb filter so people tend not to self-insert as the main character.