5 weeks later

I am forgotten..

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Was a 6/10 flick

for me, it was tuesday

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They shit on Woody's character and ignored the rest. This film doesn't exist in my universe.

Bo beep/Woody is a toxic relationship that should not be being portrayed positively towards kids

I thought it was great.

Ariel and Belle are also terrible role models. Disney does this intentionally.

And it will be further forgotten when this comes to America.

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>tfw Kingdom Hearts has a more based representation of Woody than this

Kingdom Hearts also actually looked like Toy Story. The lighting in 4 is uncanny-valley tier.

But now young boys are gonna think it's ok to put hos before bros

They already do. Plenty of guys drop off from their friend group when they get a serious girlfriend.

Then she dumps them and they become lonely bitter assholes on the internet

See: failed normalfags infesting /r9k/
>she was the one, guys wtf

but jenny just made a video about it yesterday...

>kidnap man
>imprison him
>torture him
>cry a little
>all is forgiven
>here's my dick in a box


literal trash

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yeah the voice box did feel like a symbolical castration.

Why can't Disney just call Shinkai to animate their next movie?

TS1: A-
TS2: A-
TS3: A
TS4: C+

Go home to reddit, faggot.

I want to tongue fuck Bo Peeps rubber asshole

Toy Story 1 is the best one

This. Woody is the focus of the movie and all they do is shit on his character. They set it up that he still hasn’t let go of Andy and since the new kid doesn’t play with he becomes desperate for something to do which could have been compelling but they mainly use it so he can make stupid mistakes, push the plot forward and have Bo chastise him.

They bastardize Buzz making him a moron that cannot think for himself and the rest of the toys have token appearances.

It could have been a lot better and a lot worse.

Just saw this movie. Fuck happened to Buzz? He become a retard after 3 or something?

Half of this movie would have never happened if Buzz was himself, he would have supported Woody at nearly every turn and wouldn’t have let him go alone. Those two working together would mean Bo Peep would just be a third wheel.

Terrible taste

Movies are so fucking mediocre nowadays, what isn't forgotten?
Far From Home came out to much fanfare and a big box office, but within a week it was like it never existed. Movies are literally fast food now. Meant to be consumed, not remembered.

jew got a friend in me