Alita bluray arrived 4 days ago

>Alita bluray arrived 4 days ago
>Haven't bothered watching it cause already seen movie 27 times
When is the sequel getting announced?

Attached: 15521.png (720x480, 536K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Have fancy steel book
>Cant play any of the discs

Ill get a blu 4k player at xmas perhaps

>have alita bluray
>no have bluray player
Same. I got the BD, DVD, digital set. The BD is staying in the box till I have a player. I'll wait till my DVD player blows. Gonna watch the DVD this weekend.
Does the steel come with a DVD too? or just BDs?

what for? do you want another sin city 2?

I read the comic, the next part is where the action goes to 11.

>implying Alita and Shit City are similar

objectively, the chances of a hollywood sequel being worth watching are almost nil, no matter how good/shit the source material is

>source: my ass

I've already watched my Blu Ray twice. Can't wait to watch it again.

Attached: 1563297704717.webm (640x478, 818K)

They're shills, you're not going to talk sense into them.

blues only, and not every country gets a digi code either.

where my alita bros at

Attached: 1551298870196.jpg (480x480, 21K)

Sin City 2 had Eva Green tho

no; another Spy Kids 2

Attached: spookids.png (818x440, 479K)

Is there mass viral marketing for Alita all over Yea Forums or have weebs become blindly obsessed with it? It's not a great movie in general, and it misses a lot of the character of the original manga.

Attached: 1558361701871.gif (490x490, 399K)

i literally just watched it tonight. i guess because it hit bluray all the pirates are finally seeing it.

it's not just Yea Forums

Its a handful of braindead retards from discord.

If they'd just finished the movie instead of making it sequel bait that part would already be in the movie.

>have weebs become blindly obsessed with it

Attached: where do you think we are - 4chan.jpg (258x195, 9K)

>trolling with stale baut
Get back in your Alita hating Discord you dickless trannys. Don't come back till you have fresh bait.



>27 times
imagine if you would have used that time to get laid

/trash/ with your dead general

the theater has a no-singles policy user
he got laid at least 27 times

I don't know why sneedposters were fucking Alita threads but I liked it.

It's been scientifically proven that watching Alita: Battle Angel detracts from your sex count by 1 so I'm thinking he is an incel 28 times over

for some reason i thought Nova was just Jim doing a cameo until he took the goggles off and it was fucking Norton

I miss the generals because you had TONS of lolcows crying over sneed spam acting like it was captain marvel fans attacking their precious waifu.