Best of Yea Forums

Best of Yea Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Sneed/Chuck joke
What joke? I don't get it.

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This is honestly beautiful. Made me remember the good times.

Good times of what? Yea Forums?

That's why I use both reddit and Yea Forums.

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>Shilling for Reddit

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reddit is circlejerky though

At least here people speak freely

please, someone post something before 2015, make me feel again please

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This is best of Yea Forums, not retards of Yea Forums

OP is from 2012


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Every comment on rebbit reads as if it was made by a bot or paid shill

Yea Forums personified

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And every post on Yea Forums reads like it was made by a cynical and depressed autistic teenager. Your point?

Reddit is exactly the same as here except all the based people get banned or downvoted

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Reddit is the same except the teenager is also wearing a fedora and is a tranny

So I don't have to see people acting like assholes just because they're anonymous and have an audience reading their shitposts? Why is this a bad thing again?

Jesus, Yea Forums really does just constantly go for base level humor, doesn't it?


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You’re talking about a board that unironically finds sneedposting funny

why come here if you hate it so much lmao I don't understand why people come here and bitch about the quality of posts, people breaking the rules, or people posting things they don't like. lmao it's the internet, go somewhere else retard

No, it's more like anyone with any opinion that isn't the mainstream one gets banned. People are just as cynical except they pretend their cynicism is righteous because it's popular opinion

sneedthing lol

>lmao autism
cope and dilate, I wasn't trying to be funny, I was being accurate

>No, it's more like anyone with any opinion that isn't the mainstream one gets banned.
Can you give me one example of this? Prove to me that you aren't just parroting what every 4channer says about reddit.

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Go back there yourself faggot, I'm not your fucking reddit researcher lmao. It takes five seconds

people come here for the one nugget of free thought that nowhere else has, even though most of it is shit

why reply to my post if you hate it so much lmao I don't understand why people come here and bitch about the quality of my posts or people posting things they don't like. lmao it's the internet, go somewhere else retard

oh no...

>>why reply to my post if you hate it so much

is this your first day here

>I can't
I see.

>n-no u!
No seriously, redditfag, why are you here? You just cry about the fact there are no upvotes? Wtf

t. triggered redditor

>4 years later, baneposting is almost dead

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There's nothing I need to prove, it's obvious

Kys yourself kid

Not him but there are upvotes and downvotes on Yea Forums. The difference is they aren’t tied to an account.

Definitely, you nailed it.

Yea Forums is reddit, Yea Forums, trannyEra in one place. It means to be a shithole.

Yea Forums couldn't be funny even if they tried.

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trips of truth

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based as always

The point is that it's sterile and boring as fuck. Even the main content is mostly provided by bots and paid shills. Consequences of doubling down on free speech I suppose.

Yea Forums is worse

I can't be convinced that niggers are not orcs.

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Formerly alive

>actually believing this

user I'm sorry but the zoomers have taken over already

Imagine the neckbeard virgin that posted this lol


Imagine no more.

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The Fire Never Dies brother. It may become embers, but it only takes one crash to return to a inferno.

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Baneposting died when the "WHO DO YOU WANT TO CATCH, A BIG GUY OR HARVEY DENT?" thread poster disappeared.

No, because I want to fuck an orc woman

Yeah this is my main problem with reddit and why I keep coming back to Yea Forums, everyone is trying to get imaginary internet points that it makes everything outside the status quo is so taboo. There's also powerhungry mods that are so hung up over their authority. I thought they were bad here, but reddit mods are just so much worse.

>baneposting is almost dead
then show me its body

This is a fucking copypasta you dumb fucks

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>I hate your post. Where's the downvote button.

Jesus. If you get offended by every stranger on the internet. You're the one need to go outside, have sex and get AIDS not us.
Quit being a s0i. At least Yea Forums offers unfitered opinions unlike the hypemind that's Reddit.



i hate how every single comment thread absolutely has to have a pun of some sort and everyone kisses ass
the mods are so cringe, at least most of our mods can take the abuse for the most part

only worth it to sort by "top" on a couple of subreddits, no value in checkign it "regularly"
>4channel (Formerly Yea Forums)
generally shit but when it's good it comes off a lot more organically then reddit

Did you get banned from reddit or something? Where do you get all this energy to hate on a meaningless website?

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its too late for that...its far too late...

t.browsed near daily for 13 years

Shut up you kike shill

Most of the top submission are made by the same few accounts, at least for the biggest subs.

Then don't browse the bigger subs. Yea Forums has bigger boards, and those boards are shit. Browse the more niche subreddits.

Yea Forums is for shitposting, everyone knows it.
Yea Forums is just shit.

I took me at least 15 seconds to get it.

Yea Forums was shit and then you faggots turned it into being about shitposting. Every board on this website is in a similar state.

What are some good niche subreddits?

Yeah that meme you used is totally organic and not just annoying spam at all

What are your interests?

And that's a good thing.

Reddit is like a bunch of strangers sitting at a table making lame generic jokes. At least Yea Forums is honest.

Why are you here then?

why did /pol/ have to become so r*ddit? not even stormfags were like this 4 years ago.

I never said Yea Forums wasn't shit.
But Yea Forums is where zoomers think Yea Forums is their secret cool kid club. That's why you got so many tourists from other sites in that place and it's heavily moderated unlike other boards. Yea Forums is the definition of nu-Yea Forums.

>Yea Forums's only purpose is humor
Wow, think before posting, retard.

/pol/ officially went to shit with the election, the amount of newfags and redditfags is insurmountable

let's say television and film

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/pol/ is ironically what everyone feared what people said Yea Forums would become after gamergate and no one wants to admit it. guarantee you a Ron Paul or Dorner thread there would be alien at this point.

Favorite movie or TV show?

>not saying the carpool plan only has me, my friend and one of you.

bill and ted's excellent adventure
king of the hill

>Two fastest boards on 4chin are Reddit.
Yeeish I wonder why.


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This. Reddit is boring as fuck. You can almost predict what comments are going to be posted for what content. At least on Yea Forums you get a chuckle at an original joke or two. Before you say “b-b-but all that’s posted is sneed!” You are retarded.

I'll be honest. I'd never even heard of Reddit until anons started accusing each other of being Reddit on this site.

I also learned what TIL stands for on Yea Forums, too.

Whenever someone posts a thread, you can already predict that the first few comments will be sneed related. You calling someone retarded for stating the truth is moronic.

If you want quick information like for a game, go to reddit. Information you need is easy to find due to the upvote system

This is true however out of context it’s a bit gay


Ironically redditors are coming to Yea Forums to escape the echo chamber the op hails as being good

Samefagging nigger

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A vampire ?

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The future is now, old man

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Don't you just love halloween?

sneed isnt funny or even amusing

>assumes user only hates reddit unironically
Your naivety is astounding

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I admit that /pol/ and Yea Forums are both as shit as everyone says they are.

The fire may not be rising, but it still burns bright.

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Not yet

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If I turn that aim assist off, will you die?

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reddit is artificially produced entertainment that lacks soul. Its best attribute is that it is persistent and can host large amounts of more often than not accurate information, such as guides to taking steroids.

Yea Forums is like a compost pile, or a test tube, where new forms of life/content are created from waste

Will I?


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cringe but based

this desu

This is why you are a faggot.

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okay i actually kek'd this time

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based list

That’s why fuckers like you need to be hanged by barbed wire

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>its time to bash the no no board sistas

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Good pasta, well done, well done HOWEVER reddit sucks and its a step away from being facebook.

The joke here being the missing father?

I'm glad that this shitty reddit meme is finally dead. Banecancer newfags have ruined this site enough.

Thank God

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Have dilation.

Sneed gets people more fired up, that's why it has taken over

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OP meant best as in "not the cringiest threads to appear on Yea Forums since MLP blew up"

Good this is a sneed bboard now old man (formerly a bane board)

Theres another screenshot like that from askreddit
>why do people think the holocaust never happened? Where is the evidence for that?
Locked and nuked from orbit

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>Virgin mobile

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(i have my back turned to the camera, a sharply tailored dress shirt with suspenders, I can be seen mixing a drink at the personal bar)

ME: Well, well, well... It seems I have you right where I want you Mr. Davis.

(Warwick Davis is tied to a chair, hes calm but focused)

WARWICK: so you think, Yea Forums.

ME: shhh... I'll let you know when its your turn to speak Mr. Davis.

(I sip my drink and sit down in a chair next to the bar)

(slowly untying my shoes dress shoes) ME: do you know why I brought you here?

WARWICK: enlighten me.

(taking off shoes) ME: truth is Mr. Davis, I find your kind repulsive. (points at WARWICK with shoe)

(brings out steel toed caterpillar boots from under chair) ME: your beady little eyes, stubby little fingers, gigantic disproportionate heads, and worst of all your inflated egos. to think such diseased creatures have the audacity to reproduce. i mean, really mr. davis, look at your children. why would you condemn them to a life of suffering just to fulfill your own misguided desires?

WARWICK: so you're saying i have no quality of life? that i don't deserve to live? why? because i'm a little person?

(tying off boots) ME: little person, dwarf, midget, gnome; it doesn't matter how you brand yourself WARWICK, you are still an abomination. you see that don't you?

(tears in his eyes, clenching his tiny fists) WARWICK: what gives you the fucking right!? to.. to pick and choose who deserves to live and die? i am a good person, i give back to the community! what the fuck do you do!?

(standing up and working into the boots) ME: enough WARWICK, you're not a martyr. you're a midget. you cannot talk your way out of this.

(disgusted) WARWICK: oh fuck off. this is just a charade. you havent got the balls you ignorant little pip! bigot!!

(lining up the shot) ME: steady now, Mr. Davis...

(panicking) WARWICK: okay! okay! please okay wait please!

(stopping and loosening cuff links) ME: hm?


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WARWICK: money.. I have money. I'll give you whatever you want..

(throws drink on warwick and smashes glass on the floor) ME: CUNT!! despicable little goblin fuck! you think I want money!? the chair you are tied to is worth more than the shoebox you live in.

(spitting drink and catching breath) WARWICK: then what!? what do you want!? please dont do this i have kids please! my wife!

(reaches into back pocket) ME: yes your family, i almost forgot.

(pulls out polaroids)

ME: this is your wife (still of mrs davis walking into house where warwick is now)

(warwick is visibly distressed, wide eyed)

(shuffling through photos) ME: i guess she prefers normal men as well (stills of me and mrs. davis having sex)

(smirking) ME: I made her call me Willow.

WARWICK: motherfucker! (desperately tries to free himself from his binds, thrashing about) AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

ME: relax Mr. Davis.. you are embarrassing yourself. that's clear scotch tape i tied you with. I didn't even need duct tape heh.

(reassuming punt position)

ME: and now Mr. Davis, any last words?

WARWICK: I-I- I wa..

(interrupting) ME: Christ, it was rhetorical Warwick. I couldn't give a fuck about your last words. (winding up punt)

WARWICK: no. no. NO! WAI-

(warwick is punted so hard in the head he and the chair fall backwards. a grotesque split welt already formed on his temple. i stand over him stomping his head into the floor over and over. the blood drops splattering my face and white shirt. gripping the bar for support and i stomp over and over and over. i stop and quickly pick up the chair with warwick still tied to it, and scream while slamming it against the wall until the chair splinters into pieces and Warwick falls into a pile on the floor.)


Was he an autist for Halloween that year?

>kill you're self yourself

Hello summer-reddit.

Absolutely true. You can tell by the amount of replies that it struck a nerve.

for you

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Where's Homer?

This explanation honestly made me understand the joke for the first time.

>anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they have the last word
shit, that's me

The way this is written makes me think the writer believes we fought against snow giants as well

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It triggers my autism that they put Bane's face on Tucco's body but used Angel Eyes' place in the title for him.

you did, WHG's were 6'+ considering the stories of 7' vikings and the level of isolation that some of those HG bands must have maintained there were undoubtedly small enclaves of titanic killing machines lying in wait for the sweet lily white steppe nigger migrants.

>reddit is circlejerky
>you're free to make your own subreddit and almost all of the shit you'd get banned by admins for is the same shit you'd get banned by mods for on here
>just a coincidence the majority here spout the same political views and accusations of discord trannies on every board
sure okay faggot

>Nobody posted the pic of Icarly crying while Dan Schneider was all over her


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Very true and very based.

this was unironically me

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>that one autist

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jesus fucking christ this is so fucking true

You’re a faggot killjoy go away

>dad missing


Reddit always looked gay and it’s layout stopped me ever looking at it but lol if anyone thinks that any better than Yea Forums

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Don't you fucking retards get tired of the same shitty jokes? How fucking old or stupid are you?

>assmad non-white detected


Was that song actually in any movies? I can't think of any.

Don't you ever get tired of being outraged about everything?

nah jk lol reddit is patrician

People who post shit like this genuinely need sex.

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Stormfags have always been this bad. /pol/lacks have just gotten worse, too (most likely because of stormfag influence). You'll find deluded, cringy LARPer crap like this all over the internet, especially YouTube.

90+ percent of people here also use reddit. The sekret klub motif is only to reinforce the various info campaigns held here

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Imagine how shallow and empty is our culture that the jokes are repetitions of absurd phrases that have no meaning at all. And the only funny thing about it is that you keep repeating it and it's absurd and also because you bother other people that think that it's stupid...

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> implying they wouldn't have better sex then the rest of us

satanic trips

they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother

Wait, where's Sneed?

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F, he was a big guy, for me.

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were it so easy

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never understood the layout complaints, its not so far gone from Yea Forums

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the autism sneedposters have is amazing
it starts because someone didn’t like the way normies kept on talking about the scene from the episode as some secret epic adult joke
autists got over it very fast have decided it’s “reddit” to enjoy the show now

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>Orson Welles as Bane

Holy fuck is this real?

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You gonna sneed my feed or am I gonna have to seed ya?

well done user

That's interesting, obviously not a rule but a trend. Most places with a hands off attitude lean right.
I wonder what the comments said to invoke the wrath of the mods there?

Fucking hell sneedposting has already doubled since last year and we're only in July.

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Dude, I'm literally on /r/strangerthings right now.

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>Dude, I'm literally on /r/strangerthings right now.

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>*ironic switcharoo post*
>*blog post about a users GF baking them a cake themed to the video game*
>*pun thread with 40+ children*
>quality discussion

Honeslty, I have way more productive conversations on Yea Forums than I do on Reddit. Even though it has a better reply system, all Reddit does is scream and ignore your arguments if they go against the narrative. Not to mention downvotes encourage circlejerks.
At least Yea Forums addresses your points, albeit in a snarky manner.

I use Reddit for news and information, but Yea Forums is way better for opinions and conversation.

God that is just sad. Politics in particular are significantly easier to discuss on Yea Forums. The only sub where political discussion is barely is r/Libertarian since they don't just ban/downvote everything they see.

This is the "quality discussion" happening on the top thread in plebbit gayming:

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Sneed is an unfunny forced meme, very few find it amusing. Robertposting is where its at.

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I'd rather see that type of discussion then see 'sneed' posted over and over again with the attention of simply to annoy other users.

Not even last night's sneed could feed you.

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totally and unequivically true. except evrrywhere else is the same and also populated by bots and boring people. Theres no place on the internet where you can discuss any topic you feel like (or browse for random topics where you can find anything) that will grant you unfiltered and raw honesty. yes most post will be just unredeemable and useless bile spit out from a retard half a world away, but that's because that's how people are. posting on more "civilised" or "constructive" forums is just fooling yourself about what the actual response to your thoughts is.

you won't grow as a person until you have been insulted out of being a cringy autist with bland and borrowed opinions. Yea Forums creates superior individuals to any other large forum on the internet, and the testament to that is that almosy all people who get exposed to this trash website almost mever leave and lose the ability to find other popular web forums entertaining or evem bearable through all the bs in them.

Yea Forums is the least shit website on the internet.

I don't care if someone already posted this.

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>retards actually pretending 4chins somehow isn't a giant circlejerk
You can literally predict responses to certain posts and threads with 99.8% accuracy.


>ABAG wasn't the most comfy threads full of OC Yea Forums has seen in a long time
Get back in your Alita hating dickless tranny Discord faggot.

Predict THIS
*whips out dick*


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you just know Wolfhard gets constantly abused by Hollywood jews.

for you

It may almost be dead but remember the heights it reached. All other memes that came after it will be in its shadow forever.

How Many upboats do you have, kind stranger? XD

>mean words hurts my feelings :'C

Bane as we know it was created in 1993 and Welles died in 85. On the other hand, the old Batman show aired in the 60s, so no way as long as it happened to be a villain with the exact same name and a similar gimmick.
Still, curious about it and thinking that maybe the script could have influenced the 1993 debut or something, I looked for the source of those pics and found it.
... The script reads like a huge Banepost so I think someone fooled these people

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>[Blocks his path] Now, look here, you can’t do that. I’m CIA.

Definitely not real.

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