>Brad Pitt is 56 years old
This boomer is one year older than my dad and looks younger than I do and has the hairline of a seven year old. How the fuck is this possible. And when he took his shirt off in the theater a girl literally moaned and another screamed "YES". His body looks incredible unlike other old ripped guys like sly and Arnold that look muscled but saggy and gross. And his face is ridiculous. This guy could go out and routinely fuck 16 year olds if he really wanted to. Somebody explain.
Brad Pitt is 56 years old
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Just bee yourself like Brad. Self improvement is masturbation.
>How the fuck is this possible.
It's almost like he's being favorably lit by professionals with an entire makeup and wardrobe department to make sure they look good.
Not to mention when you're job is to work 4 months out of the year at most, you've got nothing to do but hit the gym with your personal trainer.
>How the fuck is this possible.
Work out, eat well, cook. It's not that hard. You just have to get interested in being hot and healthy.
healthy = hot
>Self improvement is masturbation.
Well, masturbation is great. So is self-improvement. You morons never understood that movie correctly.
>Well, masturbation is great.
No it's not, retard. It kills your fucking serotonin along with your drive and focus to do anything.
Prove it.
You can't.
eat healthy, exercise, don't be a fat fuck
>genetics helps of course
Its human growth hormone, your body stops making it, if you replenish it you keep your looks and possibly even improve them.
he’s rich stupid. he can do whatever he wants
It must be his lifestyle choices! I bet he works out religiously, wears sunscreen everywhere, only eats non processed foods, tons of vegetables, the works!
If it was just his genes than how would genetic vermin like myself cope with my sub humanity and the fact that I was born, will live as, and will die as a subhuman? It can’t be true because it would mean my nofap streak and cold showers were all in vain.
>Hollywood millionaire looks good
What a surprise
it's partly his genes, sure but he most definitely has hairplugs and probably uses hgh like said. uber rich people can afford to stay young. we can't.
Baby foreskins
What went wrong?
>hairline of a 7 yo
>sex with minors
You’re a superficial pedo and you’re posting some serious cringe
He's a good looking man, who when was younger could get away with things we can't and still remain fit. However, he's a rich actor, and they keep you looking good, it's not supernatural, it's hard, but achievable. HGH is pretty common, roids more so for capeshit actors. However, it's his genes that keep him handsome af
One: did he finish college? And two: hoe come he drinks so much but rarely looks bloated?
Leo looks better with make up. Harsh reality.
found the incel
Because he is Brad Pitt
Oh come on, you're not serious. He's pretty much old man mulder in this.
Look at X-Files season 11, at times Duchovny's age really shows and it makes all the effort put into making him look like the character pretty silly.
Jeffrey Dahmer masturbated a fuckton and that creeplord was ultrafocused on what he wanted to do.
You mean old people's zac efron?
Girls have periods at 13. 16 definitely isn't pedo you're just a brainwashed retard
>No it's not, retard. It kills your fucking serotonin along with your drive and focus to do anything.
Are incels actually believe in this bullshit? Did they even tried not to masturbate for a month a see what gonna happen?