Black Widow will be Marvel’s first flop

Black Widow will be Marvel’s first flop.

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>most useless avenger gets a movie
oh boy, can't wait to not see this.

What is its production budget?

ugly hag

Nah if it's struggling they'll just buy seats so the numbers look good

Hopefully. Who the fuck wants to watch this?

No, it will do fine, it'll be Eternals that bombs by Marvel standards. Of course if won't make much difference because Marvel have so much money most of what is locked in for the next 5 years will be happening anyway.

after what they made in the last 10 years, they can afford flopping for another 3

>ant man will flop
>black panther will flop
>thor 3 is going to flop
>guardians of the galaxy is going to flop
and so on and so forth.

Do you guys all live under a rock?

amazing considering all the trash they shat out over the past decade

I'll watch it for my waifu Florence Pugh

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her man face makes her look like a pug. gottem!

>every marvel movie since the avengers will be a flop capeshit is dead fatigue any day now

why do you do this to yourself?

>stand alone prequel about a character you just killed off

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Anyone who works for Disney is a terrorist

It wont. I wont be watching but it wont flop

The anal scene will be kino

Lol wtf you guys

why are they shilling this fucking character so hard?
nobody gives a shit about black widow. she's eye candy and nothing more

I'm convinced most of these are flopping and soros and co and buying out the tickets.

It just seems like a reward for ScarJo at this point. Like tossing a bone to a faithful dog before Phase 4 really starts with Eternals

...Of many

No marvel movie ever flops though.

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Why didn't they release Black Widow instead of Captain Marvel? She barely was in Endgame anyway and they wouldn't be making a movie about a dead character.

>White hair

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Hulk flopped

Because they had to trick people into thinking Captain Marvel was important

holy shit kind of looks like pic related lmao
fucking old ass scarjo looks like a trannny why the fuck didnt they get a new actress

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>grounded pre-Avengers spy flick
Scarlett herself will be 90% of the budget

After everyone on Yea Forums said Captain Marvel was going to flop I dont belive it anymore

No Marvel movie will outright flop out of nowhere
If the fatigue happens it will be slower, diminishing box office returns for sequels first

Antman and Wasp was their first flop.

>Marvel's first flop

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If this movie don't get political this movie will flop because Marvel/Disney always buy their own tickets only when the movie have some political narrative of race bait or identity politics that they want to sell as sucess, and increase the numbers in some cheating way to say sucess, they have a agenda of narrative until the end of elections of 2020 and they will not change since the corporations of silicon valley are on this to sell this kind of narrative and perception

Democrats will try to put a white woman as candidate, or try to make the white woman fantasize that the white woman is the same thing than a muslim living like shit, black women single mom and beaten, asian women forced to be nerfed and inferior because asian men don't want asian women being attractive, wanted and desired

But if this movie don't get race bait news using the word "white men" as negative by a "white woman" character and try to sell white woman like a opressed muslim woman warrior who is disgusting and bizarre, maybe this movie will flop since they will not buy their own tickets for some propaganda and narrative

And could be a normal movie with woman to watch, but since we developed disgust for the latest race bait news of captain marvel from USA, they removing the dislikes, buy their own tickets to increase the numbers, put the movie in the right time without other good movies to watch when people go to theater

The idea of american social engineering by corporations of democrats, is try to sell white men as negative, enemy, and white women as opressed, victim, this is why white women is the only white people who is not removed from the things, this is why white women is represented like the most opressed women of all races to try to make propaganda of white men as worse men of all races,hide the men of other race, lie pretending that the women of other race never lived worse, and try to sell the white women the most spoiled race of women above everybody like some identity poltiics

She’s a Jewish actress that has nerds drooling since 2011, it’s not going to flop don’t be so naive.

if it was up solely to scarjo it would flop

Because ScarJo’s nickname in Hollywood is The Mattress, and because it’s “progressive” to pay homage to the vagina cult.

yes those didn't flop


What's her superpower?

I’d agree with everything but Spider-Man, that character is well loved and his solo films are beautiful spider-kino.


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I think it will be spun as a feminist shit fest so it will make a bazillion.

>Homecoming will be Marvel's first flop, guys
>Ant-Man and the Wasp will be Marvel's first flop, guys
>Captain Marvel will be Marvel's first flop, guys
>Far From Home will be Marvel's first flop, guys

>hey guys, I think I might be full of shit.

hahahahahaha, funny stuff.

who is she?

Queefing so powerfully and stinky Sebastian Stan almost died, according to the crew of Winter Soldier...


>needed 450 million
>needed 420 million
>no sequel

>Ant-Man and the Wasp will be Marvel's first flop, guys
Where's the third movie?

I'm not gonna hold my breath but I can believe it. Who even cares about Black Widow? The character is also dead. Plus this is post-Endgame so the hype won't be anywhere close to as big.

It will probably make 500 million, won't be one of the 1 billion darlings

It underperformed, but didn't flop, made its money back, all it needed.

It just feels pointless to me being she’s a dead character now

fucking yuck

This, same shit from Solo, killing a character and then giving them a movie is retarded marketing. Who gives a shit if they're dead, why bother then?




It takes place between Civil War and Infinity War. My guess is we find out she was a Skrull in Avengers 3.

Daisy Taylor. Her new POV scene with short hair is hot as fuck.

I feel like out of all the "she's gorgeous" actresses that look like shit she was the first

They have to double-down severely into all their bullshit with cameos and appearances. This is a really strange sell right now. It probably should have been the movie to get made instead of Captain Marvel. It would have been way, way more successful if they had done it then. Captain Marvel didn't ACTUALLY do anything particularly relevant in Infinity War. She also didn't know the other characters so she was just sort of tagged-on instead of being part of the story already.

It was a dumb move. Captain Marvel would have even done better as a reboot that involved the X-men or something. Both movies should have each other's respective release dates but Disney is fucking stupid.

Marvel logo will save it prove me wrong

the future is female

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Scarlet is ugly

people said the same about spiderman far from home, and it has earned more money than any other previous spiderman film

dilate more

A good many of you don't understand what flop means.

What are the chances this will be like a Bourne movie set in the end of the soviet union with only hints of capeshit?

If Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant Man, Black Panther and Captain Marvel weren’t flops then this film definitely won’t be one.


You faggots keep saying this every single movie.
Stop posting capeshit.
Have sex.


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>guardians will be Marvel's first flop
>ant-man will be Marvel's first flop
>dr strange will be Marvel's first flop
>black panther will be Marvel's first flop
>captain marvel will be Marvel's first flop
>black widow will be Marvel's first flop
You're legit retarded

what to expect from DC's NPCs?

not if it's R rated

not really an avenger(yet), but she's more useful than Bucky

Honestly pretty crazy how much money the Avengers made considering how many of the movies leading up to it didn't even make their money back or barely did

I care more about BW as a member of the OG Avengers. However her status went up for me during each film she was in. Plus the movie is basically described as female Winter Soldier which is an easy $11 opening for me. Also I wanna stick to the faggots Briecels that think I hate women because I thought Captain Marvel was shit.

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Black panther's global earnings. Watch it or Bee Lairson will come to your house and stomp on your sexist pig-balls

If they keep it like winter soldier it'll be mint

She was perfect in Winter Soldier.

I'm starting to think either Yea Forums is always wrong or they always fucking jinx it.
Either way we need to stop talking about them.

>no one's heard of guardians of the galaxy, it'll flop
>no one's going to see a black super hero, it'll flop
>no one's going to see brie larson, it'll flop
But this time's different, right?

I like when she says "The truth is a matter of circumstance." I've used that line in my personal life. And I like how sexy she looks when she pulls up in the corvette.




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sooner or later its bound to happen and a BW movie is their biggest wildcard since the first GotG movie just minus all the superheroey shit.

Really though Thanos being hyped up for countless movies for over a decade was really what kept the reigns on this cocaine train of a movie series, phase 4 is very well likely to be the period where shits gonna flounder and die out as they go full on experimental stage with replacing characters and bringing in C tier and below characters to be the stars