My dog is dying and this will probably be his last night on Earth. Movies for this feel?
My dog is dying and this will probably be his last night on Earth. Movies for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself faggot
All Dogs Go To Heaven.
Maybe spend it with your dog
Chinese cuisine cooking instructionals
Fuck you, heartless nigger subhuman
Garfield 2: A Tale of Two Kitties
Catch dog AIDS you caninefucker
It's going to hurt user, my dog died almost 2 years ago and it still makes me feel like shit
Dogs are filthy creatures looked down upon Allah. Your little vermin is going straight to hell where its asshole will be stretched by YMS for all of eternity, kuffar. Mark these words.
The Rover
Why can't they breed a dog that lives as long as a human?
Fuck you, catdag sóyboys
old yeller
Kill yourself, fuck off, die and go to hell
Turner and Hooch
fucking retarded edgelord. kill yourself my man
nice selfie NIGGER
Mutts are an abomination of nature and should be culled. They literally evolved just to manipulate dumb humans for free food.
I'm sorry, you will probably never get over it
Mine died ealier this year from a heart attack or something. I still miss her.
>Merk these works
I Am Legend (2007)
American Psycho, but only the scene where Bateman stomps the dog
John Wick, but only the scene where John's faggot dog gets btfo
Halloween and Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, specifically the scenes where Myers murders dogs
The Thing, but only the scene in which The Thing murders the dogs and Mac incinerates them
And who could forget I Am Legend, the scene in which Will Smith strangles his dog
I feel like these are some good kinos to get you in the mood
As a kid my dad made be kill our dogs when they got too sick to live and bury them myself to toughen me up
didn't fucking work one bit
that sounds more like cats
Based dad and disappointing son
fuck bros, I have a 16 year old cat
Based. Fuck this reddit tier sympathy baiting thinly veiled as a thread about anything related to film.
Grow a spine faglord
That's because you have no dick
You forgot Hollow Man
>wtf things die i sad now
I overcame this when I was 6 grow up nigger
Adding to this The Hunt where someone kills the MC's soi dog and he buries it like a cuck
i'm still working on it i might be ok with it soon
Smells like summer in here with all the edgybabbies
>I am a sad, please give me pretty things to get distracted by instead of me growing a pair and facing the real world
I mean I know you're larping but it's really funny. Like, as if muslims weren't detestable enough already. They have to hate man's oldest and best friend.
I feel you bro, I had a staffy since i was 5, she died at age 17. I've never loved anything as much as her.
based faggot
kill yourself
>lgbt people dying
I know what I'm watching next
dogs are shit tier animals
also fuck niggers
>tfw my dog died while I was away watching a movie
>got a call from mom just as I was leaving the theater
lifting for OP's dog tonight
Yeah OP do this
Whoa they expanded this a lot wtf
Thanks m8.
Fuck dogs and their dogfucker owners.
Thank god for this site, I need to know trigger warnings for games and movies so I'll know when to pass on them.
>a plane crashes
niggers are shit tier
also fuck dogs
ITT: Cringy edgelords
That really sucks OP. There's nothing for it but to feel sad for a while. Just make sure you're there for your dog.
Marley and Me
S11e5 of the Simpsons
burn all niggers and kikes
Fuck dogs?
Fuck cats.
hang in there bro
maybe go give a lonely dog in a shelter a new home to help move on
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2: Turns Out They Don't- and Satan Loves Chinese Food!
For what it’s worth user, I’m really sorry. Stay strong and make sure you’re their with him as he goes, it’ll make it much easier and more peaceful for him
ITT: pic related
If you don't love dogs, you are not a man
>willingly getting attached to a pet
you're doing this to yourself
My condolences
cringe emotional isolation poster
OP here, I actually am never going to get another dog. The pain at the end is too much to deal with. We had over 12 great years together. But I think that's enough.
>to toughen me up
Why should it be about yourself and not about putting an end to the misery of a suffering living being, then showing respect in taking great care of it's dead body?
You disappoint me, son. You didn't learn the lesson. At all.
If you loved that dog and it loved you back you gave it the best life it could have ever possibly had. Don't you dare feel bad for him, he lived a good life and he died surrounded by people that loved him greatly. He loved you man, and he's moving on knowing he had people that loved him. You were literally his sole reason for waking up in the morning, I hope that makes you feel even a little better
Reminder that dogs are shit and especially Pitniggers need to be exterminated into extinction.
Here is one such Pitshitter attempting to start shit with a tiger for your viewing pleasure. Based kotties always win
>says the goatfucker
off yourself, Muhammad
This and checkum
OP here. I didn't want this to turn into a cats vs. dogs argument. Please keep it civil. I also used to have a cat who passed away a few years ago at a very old age.
I blame bad parenting
I put my 15 year old cat down a couple months ago. Just stay strong
have sex
Stop posting on /pmmm/, you manchild faggot
Damn that sucks. The pain does go away, but you never stop missing them.
this, but unironically
I am ledgene
feed it food it shouldn't eat
Tried that, he's just too weak at this point to even try. I'm taking him to a 24/7 clinic to have him euthanized.
fucking sand niggers ruin everything I swear to god
posting happy dog
If you can, stay with it while it happens, it's important it has someone it knows while dying, just like a human.
that's too bad
the vet gave my dog oreos before putting her down
she had cancer though
Sometimes there's nothing to be done, the vet will tell you this. I know it's tough but you have to do what is best for the animal.
why are you here instead of with your dog
are you retarded? you have plenty of time to be a worthless faggot after you've seen your dog off in style. give him a brandy soaked tennis ball, some bbq and go sit with him
This is also good advice
Just spend some time with him while you can. Don't let him feel alone.
get another one
i don't understand how people love pets
End of Evangelion
Empathy is generally a foreign concept to niggers.
Son of the Mask
t. brainet
Stay with him, pet and hold him till he passes.
It sucks, really really sucks. It's awful the first day, terrible the week, then randomly something will trigger a memory and you'll cry. Happened to me for months.
But then a year passes, then another, and the pain gets less and less. I still think about him some nights. I miss you, Buddy.
this movie scared the shit out of me as a kid. wasn't prepared for all the hell imagerie.
Thank you everyone for your kind worlds and recommendations. I'm going to go spend some time with my dog before I drive him off to clinic Yea Forums is a special place for me where I spend a lot of time and I'm happy to have some anonymous online friends.
i actually don't feel anything towards them
it seems like an inconvenience
>Bro, my dog is dying, I'm so sad, what should I do? I know, I'll post on Yea Forums, and watch a movie!
kys while you're there
>dog dies
>come home one day and there's a blanket or coat on the floor and you think it's him for a second
>tfw have no idea how old my dog is and when she'll die
It's just a dog. You guys always kill animals, so don't go crying about it. I honestly hate people who keep animals as pets. Dogs need jobs, they are workers.
Nobody on here is your friend btw. You don't exist here. Make real friends before you forget how to talk to real people.
then you kick it?
You ever see people you know who have died in a crowd? It happens
its going to be okay
I'm sorry for your loss, OP. I didn't spend nearly as much time with my dog as I should have as he grew old. Now it's too late . . . Just be glad you didn't make that mistake.
I hope that your final hours together are peaceful.
If I saw you crying over a fucking dog I'd kick your ass in 10 seconds flat
I just lost my 20 year old cat last month.
Good fucking luck because you're gonna get rekt and it's not gonna stop.
You're gonna start waking up in the middle of the night and wonder why your precious kitty isn't hogging the covers before it hits you. You're gonna come home after a long hard day and start looking for him because holding him and playing with him relaxed you.
You're gonna feel like a stranger in your own home because it's not right how something could feel so missing.
Always get your kitty cremated, don't throw him away. Again, good luck user, it's coming and it's not your fault and don't let him suffer if it's a slow wasting death.
>"fuck dogs"
No you wouldn't pussy.