Hank figuress it all out because he finds a random book in Walts bathroom

>Hank figuress it all out because he finds a random book in Walts bathroom
Shit tier writing

Attached: key_art_breaking_bad.jpg (900x350, 64K)

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>read a book in the bathroom
>starts with the very first page instead of a random passage
Fucking bullshit.

Wrongo bongo jingle jangle

Attached: Breaking Burry.png (1794x1000, 1.49M)

>Walt destroys the book like his character would have seasons ago
>Hank never finds out
>S5 isnt shit tier
Fixed Breaking Bad

>hank tracks down the missing chem lab mask
>doesn’t dust it for prints or anything
>arrests some redman for weed

You now realize that criminals are often caught in real life because they make stupid mistakes.

Hank would have let it go, he loved the kids and Skylar too much. He would have let Walt go as long as he left the business, and he already had

Its just shit tier writting

Letting go his moby dick?

He loved he kids and Skylar and Walt too much

He would have given them a pass

He was a big man , big shits.

Wasn't Season 4 supposed to be the final season?

lol absolutely not

it sure as fuck had the best finale

>Breaking Bad thread gets 12 replies.
What world am I living in?

I think it was referring to the 3 C's that was in the investigation video in season one. Repeat offenders are either cocky, careless or comfortable. Thats when they get caught. S05 did suck, but not because of the book. Its extremely possible, and to your point
IIRC it was hardcover, and I usually go to the first page on hardcovers for some raisin.

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Its because the book was written by Walt Whitman. Hank knows that Gale liked his work so that's the only reason he started to read it on the can

>The entire series takes place within two years.
>Starting producing the show in the 1990's so smart phones don't exist.
>But Gale voted for Ron Paul (a 2012 candidate)
>And the Nazi guys in Season 5 make reference to the Seal Team 6 finding Osama Bin Laden. (approx 2010)
>The whole show is still ostensibly in the 1990's.

for you

The show isn't in the 90s tho

It was supposed to be the early 2000s. They didn't even have flipphones in the 90s.

Okay, but substantially my point remains.

It takes place before 2010, the Bin Laden line was acknowledged as a mistake

Ron Paul was also a 2008 candidate

Were Gale's "Ron Paul 2012" stickers acknowledged as a mistake?

This, it wasn’t some totally random thread

Who cares, vote Ron Paul

>Implying shit like this doesn't happen irl all the time

It had to my other W. W written in it and it was signed by Gayle

Would that do any good?
Would he be any better?

>S05 did suck
Fuck no

My mum finding my hentai on my laptop and Hank finding a very important proof in the fucking bathroom out of all places isnt the same thing.

walt was a sociopath towards the end. though he liked the kind gesture made to him it didn't really put him off that he ordered the gift giver executed. that's what fucked him.

Hank's entire point is that he's a hard headed son of a bitch when he is determined to get shit done. Have we been watching the same show?

I hate how the Nazis were supposed to be more evil than the cartel.

that's because you are a Nazi and you don't like your kind portrayed in an unfavorable light

get used to it because literally everyone hates you except other Nazis

>doesn't dust it for prints
that's because he's not a fucking detective and this isn't some NCIS fantasy land, you queer

What the fuck spoiler alert

I love the hype of season one.
Then I love the cold atmosphere of season five. The Robert Forster scenes are incredible.

Could you imagine Walt controlling some gang of Mexicans?

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It ended like six years ago. You only have yourself to blame at this point.

>get used to it because literally everyone hates you except other Nazis
And the Japanese
And the Iranians.
And the Indians
And Kennedy.

Our message is so unpopular that all the big tech companies need to collude to suppress our message.

>inb4 offtopic
I didn't bring it up. did.

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the idea is that they were ten times more dangerous because they are even more reckless and unscrupulous. not that they are "more evil", if you want mustache twirlers then you are watching the wrong show

The nazi bikers felt rushed indeed, but it makes sense that when a mayor player is completely fucked the small fries crawl up to take over. Really season 4 should have been the end of it

>Our message is so unpopular that all the big tech companies need to collude to suppress our message.
[citation needed]

>if you want mustache twirlers then you are watching the wrong show
What's a good moustauche twirler kino?

Neo-nazi prison gangs =/= /pol/ spergs

I don't know, something with blue spandex

Walt was a brainlet

It takes place in the late 00s

no all those people hate you too
>JFK was a Nazi
top fucking kek

But there's nothing wrong with collusion, remember? It's not even a crime! :^)

I feel like it could have been the end of the fourth season with gus' death happening earlier. Showing the whole network of Gus and Mike made me like Gus even more.

bad show, i'll never understand why people like it

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maybe stop posting in threads about it then


>Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter and other leading technology companies are joining with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the world’s leading organization combating anti-Semitism and hate of all kinds, to establish a Cyberhate Problem-Solving Lab to counter the growing amount of hate speech online. Engaging engineers and focused on technical solutions, the companies and ADL will collaborate to exchange ideas, investigate areas of common risk and opportunity, and seek to devise new approaches to identify and address cyberhate.

I could stop there.

Project Veritas spoke with an insider that explained how they're encouraging negative results for Donald Trump and positive results for Hillary or Democrat candidates. They got hidden camera footage, that they couldn't even upload on Youtube or Vimeo. Immediatly banned.

link to the twitter video.

Google is essentially exercising the power to decide which candidate whens by suppressing right wing thought and controlling the flow of information.

>inb4 offtopic, he fucking asked.

Attached: at some point you're gonna have to explain who THEY are - xfiles - D-YRNLNU0AIQcT9.jpg (729x528, 42K)

>wow walters prints are on his lab equipment, from his lab, HE IS THE METH MAN

I know you are, you don't have to tell me

yeah, they want to crack down on your incessant harassment of strangers. It's not because they're trying to "suppress the truth", you incredibly autistic child

you are a substantial moron

A faggot that's about to get back in his cuckshed, now shut the fuck up.

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THIS is top tier gaslighting
censor all topics not supporting the narrative.

His name was Isaac Schrader

It's the left that is harassing people and filming them and trying to get them fired from their jobs.

It was Antifa that broke Tucker Carlson's door when he wasn't home and scared his wife shitless.


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>Walt doesnt just leave the country

>Walt is shown to be egotistical and it gets worse every season
>he keeps gale's book that is the only connection to him being Heisenberg
>leaves it in a spot anyone could get to
>hank finds it looking for reading material while shitting
now that's a holy crap moment

>First 3 seasons are boring bullshit
>Last 2 seasons are rushed bullshit
yeah 10/10 show for sure

Only Yea Forums would shit on one of the best moments o drama tv ever, you contrarian fucks.

>responsible for the deaths of many people
>would have let Walt go
You either didn't pay attention to the show or you're a complete fucking idiot

Walt he would of given a pass but not Heisenburg

nobody hates me at all because I’m a good looking and charming white man with pretty blue eyes. I’m sorry you’re so insecure about yourself.

>he forgot about when CNN extorted some redditor over a meme

I loved that moment...

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Yeah he’s not a detective he works for the DEA chasing a drug dealer but I guess they don’t bother with evidence or anything like that

>doesn’t dust it for prints or anything
>it’s Walt’s lab
Were you dropped on your head as a child?

Low tier bait. Apply yourself you fucking faggot