this got really bad at the end
>only ONE scene with the brownshirts
this got really bad at the end
>only ONE scene with the brownshirts
Other urls found in this thread:
wolter did nothing wrong
and weimar was truly a shithole
I only saw a few eps. Does it stop being mainly a showcase of degeneracy and move on to other things?
no not really
i agree the twist at the end of season 2 was tacky.
but the atmosphere was great, and knowing where the country is heading in the coming years is half of what makes it thrilling.
i'm still going to watch the shit out of season 3.
charlotte ritter a qt.
>show about weimar
>not expecting degeneracy
yes it becomes more of a detective thriller.
but remember this is the weimar republic era of germany.
>child prostitution
>brothels everywhere
>commies going insane on the streets
>more sexual freaks
>trannies and lesbians accepted
no wonder hilter gained power
did the black reichswher even exist in real life or is the entire coup plot made up?
based and kaiserpilled
>time is a flat circle
What did he mean by this?
unironically the royalists did nothing wrong
Ratt or whatever his name was was a by the books nerd who followed orders from his jew boss
Yeah. Even after annexing Bohemia, there were quite a few generals who just wanted to get rid of Hitler and replace him with a Kaiser.
You need to understand that most big generals were still nobles who by their very nature hated Hitler not due to anything he said or did, but due to the fact that he was not a noble. The issues Hindenburg had with him were issues many high industrials and generals had.
>Ratt or whatever his name was was a by the books nerd who followed orders from his jew boss
i celebrated when the bomb went off
fuck nobles, fuck the upper class and fuck the royal family
I honestly really fucking hate Nobles, Kings and all that shit. They hinder more than they help.
I was expecting more in addition to it
im talking about the coup from the show, the one where they want to assasinate the president at the theatre
nobles and kings are spoiled brats who are borned into a life of luxury only because they have a special last name
>charlotte ritter a qt
Although she should've died in that car
she is a whore (literally)
yeah the car thing was so fucking unrealistic
how can any human survive holding their breath for that long
But her heart is pure
This is also rooted in christianity. Even Stauffenberg would talk about being on a mission for the "Holy Germany", The Holy Roman Empire (1st Reich) itself was supposed to succeed the Roman Empire due to the whole "four kingdoms of Daniel" thing where Rome was supposed to be the last great empire before the end-time. It was "holy" because it was seen as a demi-manifest of the Kingdom of God on earth already by Germans. And every christian empire would have an emperor "by God's grace". Anything else would be an indication of apocalypse or at least disturbance of the holy order. To them both Weimar and Hitler literally seemed like the endtimes (especially Weimar for obvious reasons).
>only ONE scene with the brownshirts
Technically there's more, they just aren't explicitly revealed to be SA until the end.
powerfull image ngl
i thought they were communists who converted
From retrospective it seems more like they were spying on them.
High talk from a bunch of faggots who do nothing but fuck their Court all day. This whole “Muh Based Kingship will keep the land pure and Christian” meme is shit.
>there was another form of German nationalism
>it was pretty fucking cool, too
no the problem isnt christianty
the problem is narrow minded individuals (usually posh, nobles and higher ups) who want something else than the best of all people
now that you mention it yeah
the way otto and fritz are introduced is that they talk about a quote and the one guy asks if its from hitler, the other one then corrects him and says its from lenin.
almost like they were preparing to larp as communists
Well those generals were against trying to get Danzig back. They were fully content with Austria and Bohemia and wanted Germany to slowly become a great power again without a war.
>this got really bad at the end
It got it really kino at the end
>>only ONE scene with the brownshirts
Season 3 is coming out
what a convoluted plan to get a jew killed
>find random girl
>make girl fall in love with you
>hopefully this random girl works as a maid for the cheif of police
>stage urself being killed
>convince girl to bomb his boss
Am I the only one who loved that anime style duel on top of the moving train?
no it was fucking unrealistic and didnt fit in with the rest of the show
german enginuity
The protest/riot scene was pretty kino
It may just be me, but I thought they were rather unsubtly hinting at these lads being nazis from the very beginning. IIRC, the first conversation we see them hold is quite literally about Hitler.
hopefully the communist bitch got hanged when hitler got power
>complaining about the train fight and not the trotskyite russian surviving multiple assassination attempts
i thought it was just communists making fun of adolf
Sounds like they saw an opportunity and seized it.
what was he doing in paris at the end
>it was fucking unrealistic and didnt fit in with the rest of the show
That was what made it so great
Paris was basically ground zero for Russian emigres that had fled the USSR, so I assume it has something to do with that
>only have to shout to make a man die
how powerfull were they
i can't believe how far this show flew under the radar. Is it just me or is this one of the better shows to be on netflix for years? really, really enjoyed it. It was solid all the way through. The only complaint I have is the ending of s2 was a bit campy
why did they have to kill off wolter
they literally have nothing left for season 3, everyone is dead
was it autism?
It's a show full of goofy nonsense and soap opera plots anyway. Luckily the production quality and actors make up for it.
Sell me on this show.
his mom was a bitch, imagine throwing ur own son under the bridge like that
weimar era germany showing what a shithole it was
la noire like crime plot
a lot of tits
Wolter was a fucking bro.
and Rath was a fucking spaz
>what kinda arc u want
>just fuck my shit up
>not even a mention of hitler except for once
>only scene with brownshirts is at the last episode
wast the SA extremley big at that time?
>"The Art of War in words and pictures"
How fitting.
he was a beta cuck from the begining to the end
before the nazis took power their art was super comfy
NSDAP was a literal who party until late 20s when it suddenly exploded in popularity.
how was she allowed into the soviet embassy looking like that
not gonna lie
weimar berlin looked like a shithole
yeah, youre the only one
That's why Hitler spent so much time with his architect planning to remodel it.
>those gigantic doors
absolute kino
its beautifull
why was the traffic police cheif such a asshole
the scene at the morgue after 1st may was kino
>put the corpse at the left
>yeah that is where he belongs
>oh for fucks sake put him at the centre
The specific coup from the show is not real, but there were several attempts to turn Germany into a military dictatorship in the early twenties. Hatred for the new democratic order was absolutely ubiquitous in the officer corps.
It was alright
Was weimar the most failed democracy in history?
Not counting the democracies america tried installing in the middle east
Well, the Russian Constituent Assembly was couped out of power two months before they convened for the first time.