Is it kino?

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Just binged this yesterday, `5hrs total.

Man, this was actually good. Lots of good story here. And the lingering thought that it's all "based on" a real life event.

I do recommend.

It's very kino. Yea Forums told me the female actress ruins it but she's not bad at all. Pure 10/10.

Its solid. Not a game changer but still good. 7/10

I rate it 3.6 out of 4

What a strange cover, and by strange I mean shit.
the show is God Tier though. If someone came up to me and said
>Chernobyl is the best thing HBO has done in 15 years
I wouldn't argue with them. I don't agree, but it's a solid opinion.

i give it a 168 out of 177

I give it 3.5 Romkin out of 3.6. I'm told it's the equivalent of a chest xray.

Terrible cover art

Wish they'd make a season 2 following another disaster like Kyshtym

It’s decent, well made
I don’t get why it received so much hype though

ok shill

Episode 4 was so bad I didn't bother with the last one, but the first three was some of the best tv Ive seen.

>wasted the great shot with "5 STARS! BEST SHIT EVER" all over the cover

>From the guy who wrote the Superhero movies comes the best show in recent years


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>Episode 4 was so bad
How? It had the best long take in the entire show

People that like Fagnobyl literally have an IQ of 75 or less. Laughably bad performances from everyone, fanfiction-tier writing, it drags forever, the soundtrack was made for free, etc. It is literally awful in every respect.

What really happened was the Game of Thrones finale was gay, Fagnobyl aired, people wanted to stick it to GoT even more, so they proped up this show as good so they could point and say "hurr this is good drama HBO achtually hurr", and you idiot memers believed it. The unwarranted hype around this faggy o'nig of a show is even worse than The Wire, or Breaking Bad. The fans should be gassed before they can reproduce.

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That sounds autistic

How is the writing fanfiction tier?

>everything i don't like is basedreddit garbage
based retard

>Trying to suggest the explosion wasn't the cause of American pigdog sabotage
>Not fanfiction tier

I hate you tryhard contrarians so fucking much

>It's popular therefore it's bad

That scene on the stairs when they're talking about the upcoming hearing just made me fucking laugh out loud it was so awful, and also equating killing radiactive dogs with humans made me wince.

I agree that episode 4 was a drastic step down in quality, but I'll watch episode 5.
It's not close to my favourite tv show or anything but time seemed to fly by as I watched the first three.
It's a shame that it has some historical inaccuracies to build up drama but it's a rather gripping experience
Which one? And why should a long take, of many, make an episode?

>That scene on the stairs when they're talking about the upcoming hearing just made me fucking laugh out loud it was so awful
You mean the scene on the bench? How was in anyway awful?

Not sure. It's Stellan, Harris and the girl talking about doing the right thing, cringy Hollywood garbage.

>Talking about doing the right thing is cringe

Yes, if it's executed in a poor way.

Its out on blu ray already?

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It wasn't though

Based autistic retard


It fucking sounded like conversation from power rangers or dragonball you dumb retard how the fuck do you find that sort writing acceptable in a gritty historical drama? Are you braindead, watched to much capeshit, or just lacking any sense of taste?

Maybe your confusing this for another show because it's nothing like dragonball or power rangers

Unmemorable, non-person characters, self-inserts and "woke" bullshit, dialogue that sounds like it was written by an autist who hadn't had human contact in eight years, etc. It was really, really bad.

trying THIS hard

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>Woke bullshit

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>"based on"
It is supposedly extremely accurate

>be based on real events
>market show as based on real events
>conjure strong womyn out of thin air for "representation"

Pathetic. If they were going to fictionalize the actual history, I wish they'd have gone the extra mile, and actually written something interesting, too.

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There were women scientists on the team and they couldn't include all the characters cause there were so fucking many scientists so they made one up. And she's an excellent character unlike ACTUAL woke garbage nigger inserts.

You absolute fucking mouth breather

>says she's an excellent character
>no memorable lines, not even one
>horribly, cartoonishly overacted

If bullshit meme shows like Fagnobyl are going to be praised, the "golden age" for television is fucking finished. This should have been a straight to VHS movie, but they cruelly stretched it into a miniseries, unbelievable. I've never seen something drag so horribly in my life.

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>A good character must have memorable lines
I can't take you seriously when you think her performance is cartoony

Was going to watch it until I saw pic related.

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I can't take you seriously when you think it isn't. Part of your autism is an inability to recognize normal human behavior, and how far outside of it her """performance""" was. It was profoundly bad.

It's OK, playing STALKER is 10 times better though.

>hes still trying
They just combined a few characters into this chick. She didnt feel forced in any way so i dont see why you would cry this much about it outside of that you might have not seen it and are just lapring for (you)s

cause evrything is shit these days

It's actually pretty good. Surprised it's only gotten a 15 rating though

Love How Plebbit .CANCER !!!
WE WERE the First Got Kike science to the Gas Chambers .. wooden doors on all , the AIR Raid Shelters , made to be russki , Fake Gas Chambers , an the Huge lies from Kike survivors ,
They Got Palestine
this was the rallying call

NO GASSING , was Concentration camp with 1000s

THIS REAL WILL BE LOST IN a Few Years Cos , SJW .. God I hope Trump wins .. They Got Palestine .. in the end ,
Its Like they planned those two world wars ,
who woud thunk .. Dirty CUNTs

Attached: 1512846205327.jpg (412x365, 26K)

Too Old To Die Young is much better and a proper pleb filter


are you trying summatt .. ??

>"She didnt feel forced in any way"
>believing this

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Have sex

I've bought your mother's ass many times, but I don't see how that's ever going to make Fagnobyl seem enjoyable. I'd probably need some kind of brain injury for that.

Hate that JewBOY an even Our New NIGE .. i WANTED HIM HOME .. THEN ..

This was the best piece of television I've ever seen.

Did your mother only allow you to watch Lifetime movies before this aired?

Even then, I'm sure a abuse-of-the-week flick must have outdone this piece of shit at least once.

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Scene bluray is up.

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Listen Famil ily an hope you see we all Strong as Mair .

Oh you already have that sweaty ;)
Now go take your adhd meds and ill get you some tendies. I dont want any more autism spasms after that. Promise?

thank you for your time Roger

>actually says sweaty in the current year

Attached: pleb.gif (426x340, 1.39M)

it is so long as you're not triggered by the mere appearance and relevance of a female character

Whoever designed that cover art should be shot. Looks like a straight to video horror flick.

stop feeding the troll dude

Yea Forums is on fire. and every sneedpost is like a shitpost, penetrating criticism and thought, on this board and dozens of others in the immediate radius.

What a faggot you are

Nobody is half so gay as those that defend the most overhyped garbage show of the last ten years with a straight face. Fagnobyl is bad enough, but it's fans are even worse.


>haha if i shit on that thing Yea Forums liked i'll get (You)s
>i'm so clever

Liae. sten lad ,, they killed an loved Blokes Never junior Disco an ... They Top Blokes ,,
Its Right an .. an we Told ..

Attached: 10516729_839581126054033_6514723181894144634_n.jpg (500x371, 42K)

>anyone who doesn't agree with me is a troll!
>it's impossible for people to just have better taste than me!

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Too bad. Episode 5 is what I consider one of the best episodes in tv history.

>thinks a chernobyl episode is "one of the best episodes in tv history"
>fucking chernobyl


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being that cunt ..Now shush ..

listen Princess No one cares about you ok

Families an wading in the shallows an Families They loved kids an loved looking crocadiles in the lake .. I joked as walking about to get the China an Korean an fans .. lol .. It was Great Fun .. an that chink an korean stuff


Attached: tvcunnycycle.webm (711x400, 2.78M)

I should post my pics , me paddling old bloke ...with upsettting zany youyh

Fuck OFF.. I was safely coach coach I leathed / the spanish . an me Ole ., an SMILED .. an I wade thruogh Bu t some guys saw Guy an Girls .. (just stood four guys .not perving they just saw Top GF .. That Moment that was Like they real life .. I broke badkley but to think that an wink an a smile .. .. those girls were Brill ...


This. They should have used the cover from the OST album


Extremely mediocre and overhyped. 5/10, 6/10 if grading on the curve that is modern entertainment. Extremely low lows, and no real highs, just "meh".