
What did I just watch?

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Pretentious garbage

Presumably you just watched Synecdoche, New York

Pure unadulterated kino

Memes aside is this movie considered good?

But what does that mean??


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sminem ducky new york

It's the most pretentious piece of rancid dog shite that has ever disgraced the silver screen

Parts of it were interesting. The ideas are interesting. I dont know if it works as a whole.

In my view, it's intended as a surrealist representation of one man's personal subjective experience of his life, arguably similar to Joyce's Ulysses. It wanders back and forth between the reality which the protagonist actually experiences, and the subjective meanderings of his own pessimistic mind. Most of the scenarios presented in the film are fake - speculations that Caden makes about his present & future, usually the worst possible scenario which could probably play out. It's like a dream, full of messages and even subtle semantic 'jokes' (e.g. where he gives his nose to his daughter in a box - the idea that "I got my nose from my father" etc.) I love it and think it's one of the most amazing films ever made.

I was way too tired and I drank some whiskey while watching it. I got really fuzzy about half way through. It does seem like a nice movie though. Some individual scenes were heart warming.

The German lesbian daughter which was groomed by his ex wife new lesbian lover was kind of creepy.

How do you pronounce this? You could hold a gun to my mother's head and ask me to pronounce or to spell this correctly and I'd have to tell her I love her and that I'm sorry. Is it Cinnadouche? Sinnadoke? Sin-neck-duh-dee?

You have to go back

I thought it was cine-doh-shh but YouTube tells me I'm completely wrong.



what happens when you dont experience dasein

Well now I'm curious. How DO you say it?


I've been saying that this entire time. What the fuck.

That sounds so queer. While fitting for this film to anyone with taste it sounds a little too gay.

>he doesn't pronounce it sinna-doch
I can't be alone in this.

Kaufman was trying to make a movie about how art and life interrelate. it doesn't really work, and definitely doesn't work as well as other plays/novels/movies that have used less elaborate approaches.

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The personal purgatory of a weird guy named Cotard.


Co-incidence? I think not. Pure Kino by this fact alone.

I didn't understand half of the movie but I got the message that it was about regretting the things you haven't done because you were scared or insecure and then you kept dwelling on those missed opportunities until you become bitter and die.

Perfectionist and anxiety kino