One of the greatest comedies of all time

>One of the greatest comedies of all time
>No one will fund a sequel
Why is this allowed?

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Maybe they don’t want to admit the existence of ironic spoitation films.

I don't think there's a market for it
It's a miracle the first one was made and is as great as it is

Attached: image.png (613x463, 639K)

Some things are better left alone instead of turned into franchises™ and milked dry
Also recc me blackino, I've only seen the OG Shaft so far

Dolemite for one

super fly
black caesar
sweet sweetbacks badass song
the legend of nigger charley
foxy brown
the human tornado
disco godfather

there was an animated show

Why Black Dynamite, why?


The animated show had some quality control issues and was pretty hit/miss. I'm kind of OK with there just being the one movie all things considered. It was great.

the m&m’s scene is god tier

You made some these up, right?


>>One of the greatest comedies of all time

By what metric? Shit movie

I watch it every now and then, amazing that after like 4 watches I'm still discovering layers

You can love each of the movies as singlularly, but this one, Napoleon Dynamite and A Fistful of Dynamite are the most disconnected trilogy I have ever seen. And not only the fucking story.
Themes, direction, cinematography. What the FUCK.

have sex incel

Thanks, brehs.

not him but those are all real

also checkout boss nigger

Black Dynamite, Hot Rod, and Kung Pow: Enter the Fist are the funniest comedies of the 2000s.

Prove me wrong.

It starts very strong but the mid section drags, thankfully nixon gets it back on track.

But thats a common trend with this type of American humor, McGruber suffered from the same strong start then dropping off hard.

>tfw we will NEEEEVVVVEEEERRR get Black Dynamite v. Blackula with Terry Crews as Blackula

i'd take napoleon dynamite over hot rod

Superbad, Hot Fuzz and Tropic Thunder should be among them

Kung Pow is dogshit and everyone who likes it should be ashamed.

It's up there with Logan's Run, Logan Lucky and Logan.

Fuck you and your baseless trips.

>My momma said my daddy's name is Black Dynamite
>So did my momma
>Uh hush up little girls, lotta cats have that name

Not an argument.

superbad is about as far from funny as you can get whilst still being in the milky way.

"First Lady, I'm sorry I pimp-slapped you into that china cabinet."

I forgot I made this thread I'm surprised it took off

They tried to kickstart it during the meteoric rise of Black Panther and the height of "uz KANGZ need more movies just for uz" but blacks are too fucking plebian to care about actual good films.

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All these movies suck ass

Honey Bee was hotter but the show was a little shitty, a lot of recycled jokes.

>The animated show had some quality control issues
What do you mean?

They dont want to create and popularize their own characters, they want OUR white characters

it's very uneven and merely has some good scenes.

He tried to crowdfund a western but hasn't done anything with it

Really enjoyed this, thanks for posting friend

Loved that show. Great use of colors.

Attached: Black-Dynamite_S01E02.jpg (400x225, 35K)

Black Dynamite was trash. Blaxploitation movies were already funny, instead they ruin the joke by taking it too far and then adding unfunny gags on top of it. Same as Scary Movie and Kung Pow.