Why is Rorschach being smeared by HBO when he was right? He never cared about race. Only punishing the wicked

Why is Rorschach being smeared by HBO when he was right? He never cared about race. Only punishing the wicked.

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Because the have to put down the unintended consequence of most folks considering Rorschach to be the hero of Watchmen.

I don’t think it will work. Oz is a murder of innocence and the other watchmen were cowards.

Yes he was right. Right-wing. So his popularity has to be undone.

I’m sure that will work out as effectively as people no longer idolizing Luke Skywalker and the conservative orthodoxy of the Jedi Order.

I don't think it will either, but that's what they're trying to do by leapfrogging into the future and making all of his "followers" extremist right/racist murderers. because that's what the left wants people to believe the natural consequence of following Rorschach would be.

>acting like the comic had logical, psychologically consistent character motivations

the material isn't very good, so why expect the show to be.

>t. 85iq

>the other watchmen

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"Punishing the wicked" has an underlying logic and logical conclusion that opposes what these people believe in

the comic was all about character motivation. all of it was deleted for the movie.

all I can remember is that he makes a remark about a character possibly being homosexual but I don't think it was clear he meant that was a negative thing

It's not about race in the show either. The dudes wearing the rip-off mask are attacking cops, not black people.

Rorschach, why does he wear the mask?

if you really know how insidious and institutional racism is, when you watch the movie you'll see pretty clearly that most of rorschach's lines are racist dog whistles. as a rule if someone talks about crime without sympathy, with no consideration of the context of peoples lives, they're probably just racist

neither hbo nor lindelof give a fuck about watchmen, they just care it's a brand they can exploit

It's Ozymandias he's talking about.

>The misanthropic characters' popularity has led author Alan Moore to proclaim Watchmen's failure as literature.
Imagine being an anarchist, creating Rorschach, and seeing your fans unironically agree with him.
Imagine Rorschach becoming the most popular character of your career.

Because no one cares about watchmen. Normies will think it’s a new ip

It's just another skinwalker of a known franchise stuffed with propaganda. Don't consider it as a Watchmen series. That part is the lie. Coolaid with cyanide.

how come despite being 13% of the population blacks still accounted for 50% of Rorschachs victims?


>20k likes and 12k retweets

who makes up the wicked? Are the wicked made disproportionately up of certain races?

>punishing the wicked
this is evil in 2019

That is so backwards. No wonder they are all freaking out about the death penalty while also saying are jails are over crowded.

because they themselves, are part of the leftist elite which tend to be the most wicked.
Who's agenda is always against righteous folk.
Today's society is becoming more aware of what is happening, while the other part is blindly following the media spiel day by day.
So by portraying his followers as racist white males, the wicked gain an army against the people seeking their heads tied around the rope

>Rorschach, why does he wear the mask?
He thought it was nice how the black and white parts always remained solid and never mixed.

Why, what are they doing with him?

that's a moral stance not a racial stance, dimwit

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Anarchist feminist faggots like Moore deserve all the suffering that the universe is capable of delivering to them. Moore has produced a few quality stories, but personally he is a disgusting degenerate deadbeat who was literally cucked by a lesbian. Fuck that worthless hippie - curb stomp him into the ground.

why do people like this character so much
mr. a was a terrible comic

The leftists/liberals do appear to wish for a world where blacks/non-white people can literally do whatever they like and not get punished.

>that's a moral stance not a racial stance, dimwit
You're the one who mentioned race.

>The leftists/liberals do appear to wish for a world where blacks/non-white people can literally exist and not get punished for it.

>mr. a was a terrible comic
irredeemably corrupt soul detected

morality is not black and white. it's not even hard to think of a situation where even committing first degree murder would be justified, but mr. a says all crime is bad. it's retarded

oh fuck you

>morality is not black and white

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Did he really deserve it.

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because is 2019
if you are not a libtard you get #cancelled

I think Rorschach hates degeneracy including gays but he doesn't attack them or anything, only actual criminals who hurt people.

In a sane world this would be a perfectly fine position to have but we're in clown world so mask man bad

the whole comic is just ditko soapboxing about his political ideology. it conveniently paints his views as good and righteous and everything else evil and corrupt

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

imagine being a twitter leftist
my pea brain would have so much to focus on

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I don't think that a guy wearing a fedora and a trenchcoat going around killing people is perfectly sane, especially given his characterisation based on mr. a. that he is the good guy and everyone else is evil

yes and...?

he's wrong

why didn't he proclaim himself a failure instead? The book was fine, he just fucked up trying to convey his message

What the fuck is The Watchmen even about? Some faggot with a mask pretending to be a super hero while actual super heroes like Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan did every thing?

>as a rule if someone talks about crime without sympathy
I have a lot of sympathy for the Nazis found guilty of war crimes by the corrupt Nuremberg court. I assume you do too ;)

maybe he still likes his other comics. can't fret over every egg when making an omelette
cold war angst

or at least willfully ignorant of the context.

More like hes too much of a cuck to realize his message is retarded.
Rorschach was supposed to be a criticism of vigilantism and warning tale, but instead hes the only sane man in a world thats about to destroy itself and is only saved by one mass murderer and a blue glowing asshole.

dr manhatten and rorschach were so good in this movie

What, you don't like comics that where a fedora wearing autist has 5 page monologues about objectivism and occasionally beats up a couple of criminals?

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>your mind on wokepill

the implication of the ending is that rorschach's autism ends up destroying the world anyway despite ozymandias's master plan working out
>the only sane man in a world
that's only according to his own diary. he's nuts
it's entertaining but retarded

>This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion
Not for many years, user. At least, not in Yea Forums.

I'm going to be making an omelet later. How did you know?


Omelet du fromage

>t. Dexter

>the implication of the ending is that rorschach's autism ends up destroying the world anyway despite ozymandias's master plan working out
>that's only according to his own diary. he's nuts
It would only be just for the war to start anyway rather than for ignorant greedy rotten masses to live on corpses of millions.
American and Russian citizens got off easy after the cold war despite all the shit both countries did and the number of proxy wars and invasions they did, boomers were fucking retarded.

Rorschach was right, there is no justification for genocide and mas murder, especially only so few fat fucks can keep on eating burgers and watching shitty tv instead of facing consequences of their idiocy.

at the time watchmen was written the cold war was still going on and ozymandias's plan at least made some sense
>Rorschach was right, there is no justification for genocide and mas murder,
he released his diary that implicates the U.S. in a false flag operation at the height of a nuclear crisis. he was the one creating a justification for WW3
ozymandias took a calculated risk
rorschach went full retard

>at the time watchmen was written the cold war was still going on and ozymandias's plan at least made some sense
Yeah, and? Does that make the plan right?
Killing your neighbor and stealing his shit makes sense, if you get away with it you get richer and hes fucking dead so who cares. Cant build a society that way though.
>ozymandias took a calculated risk
He didnt risk shit himself. He just traded lives of others for his own comfort.
>rorschach went full retard
By being the only one not willing to compromise, the only one to care? Americans wanted war, there would be no innocent side in it.

Get fucked commie

>Yeah, and? Does that make the plan right?
no, but out of all the characters in watchmen he was the only one trying to prevent doomsday.
>>rorschach went full retard
>By being the only one not willing to compromise, the only one to care?
yes. a compromise is preferable to the end of humanity. it's also worth to note that rorschach didn't actually care about the outcome as it was his pride that kept him from going with ozymandias's plan. rorschach hated mankind and thought himself perfect because of his opposition to what he perceived as evil

>no, but out of all the characters in watchmen he was the only one trying to prevent doomsday.
Then maybe its a sign that the doomsday was well deserved.
> rorschach hated mankind and thought himself perfect because of his opposition to what he perceived as evil
He was perfect though.

>Then maybe its a sign that the doomsday was well deserved.
how so?
>He was perfect though.
he was an ugly manlet raised by a prostitute single mother.