So why does everyone hate him now?

So why does everyone hate him now?

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They don't, but people like yourself are fucking retarded sheep and believe whatever the media shits out. Fucking hell its like people have forgotten about fake news and media manipulation already.

>everyone but me is sheeple

No one here hates him. The negative views you get from Yea Forums are only written because they get (You)'s and nothing more. It's why every single thread about him one of the first posts will be someone that has to mention Jackie Brown is the only good thing he's ever done. They don't actually believe it and just rush into the thread because they want replies.

no, just you

Footage has been discovered of him violently assaulting a cameraman...

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He defended a man who anally raped a 13 year old.

He makes shitty movies

I'm a Tarantino fan and Jackie Brown is absolutely the best movie he's ever done.

I didn't imply that at all you absolute fucking brainlet. But what I did outright state is that you yourself are certifiably livestock and would probably die without being shepherded about by the media.

By "everyone", you mean nobody FemiNazi journalists, right? Their shitty thinking and their deluded mental capacity don't reflect how most of the world thinks.

I actually believe that Jackie Brown is among his best along with Pulp and Reservoir dogs. The rest i don't like. Watch Mark Kermode he explains his dislike for Tarantino's films pretty well and i tend to agree with his views regarding Tarantino.

This is the most Reddit-tier garbage opinion imaginable. It’s not even in his top 5

If you read that post again you'll see "only good thing he's ever done" is written.

>Jackie Brown is not top 5
Shut the fuck up. Stop baiting.

>nearly lets uma thurman get killed (possibly as revenge for her rejecting him back in pulp fiction production)
>strangles actresses
>defended a pedophile in 2003
>retracts his claims when the video surfaces
>knew about weinstein but only confronted him when he thought it would make his chances of getting with uma thurman higher
Sounds pretty based if I say so myself

who's everyone?

Then give me your top 5 and I'm tell you why you're wrong.

Holy shit how did he get away with all the foot shots

Don't forget
>farts on national television and covers it up by pretending to laugh

Yea Forums hated QT before feminazi journalists, now they're backtracking to be contrary. Anti-sjws are the ultimate NPCs.

It's his top 3.

He's legit what happens when you give one of those JROTC kids from highschool fame and money. You know the ones who are weird as hell always hold the door open every single day.

Jackie Brown is top 1 lmao it's his only 9/10 movie every other movie of his is like a 3/10 lmao the worst scene of jackie brown is still better than the best scene in shit fiction

Yea Forums never liked this faggot.

Idk about other ppl but I hate him because he ruins his own movies being a overtly self indulgent dirty minded prick.
I liked Hateful Eight but THAT scene ruined it forever in my eyes. It's just a disgusting boutade of a clearly ill minded deviant that has to mark with a gross shitstain everything he touches, no matter what he HAS to do that apparently.

i'm surprised tarantino hasn't delved into transgenders yet. it seems like he has featured most other relatively popular degenerate acts.

No, he sucks nut.

>he ruins his own movies being a overtly self indulgent dirty minded prick
This is why Jackie Brown is his best.

Fuck you for trying to speak for me, he's garbage.

>I liked Hateful Eight but THAT scene ruined it forever

Which one?

That's oddly specific. Someone must be living in your head rent-free.

I’ve only heard the hate here, mostly from twitter screencaps of randos. The movie is getting good reviews and most people I’ve talked to are looking forward to the movie.

Armond White released his review and called Once Upon A Time his best film

this but unironically

He's correct. The contrarians on this board won't accept it though.

not that guy but if I had to guess it's the gay black dick sucking scene

There’s some kind of reverse shilling going on here. Not sure if it’s business or personal, but from what I’ve seen the movie is getting great reviews.

>This is why Jackie Brown is his best.
Basically, yes. Jackie Brown is his more self disciplined movie. Too bad he didn't follow that direction.

He's winning


That's saying a lot because Armond hates Tarantino.

Because he is a based man

what's going on there??

Basically this but i really enjoyed Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Pitt was amazing in it.

Sony had to give him final cut

He went batshit after the 90s and starting making weirder shit.

He told a feminazi to fuck off during a press conference, so the media is out to get him now.

Member when he completely rewrote the entire second half of a movie because the script leaked?

>told a feminazi to fuck off
Projection. All he did was reject her hypothesis.

It's not hatred, but every single film he has ever made is just him taking old westerns, samurai/kung fu movies, 70s blaxploitation films, and general grindhouse films, tossing them all in a blender, and serving them up as a smoothie. The longer his career goes and the more films he makes, the more evident this becomes. He does not create anything which is groundbreaking or innovative, he just assembles cool things other groundbreaking and innovative people did. He does not write unique and original stories, he assembles cool story elements from unique and original people.

It may sound like I'm belittling him but I'm not. His real talent is in taking other people's good ideas, stripping out the fat and bullshit, and making films people will enjoy and want to see. He's a good filmmaker, he makes what people want. He's just not original. Somehow stating this bothers people, as if the director/writer/producer of their favorite films has to be unique and original. Most of hollywood is hack frauds stealing ideas, elements, and techniques. Tarantino is just way better at stealing them well, to the point that nobody cares that Kill Bill is an absolute blatant rip off of about 25 different things, because it's a fun movie.

He's a goy with a questionable perverted history.

Inglorious Bastards > Every other one of his movies

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood hit too close to home and the press is punishing him for it.

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