What We Do In The Shadows

this show is hilarious, dare I say even better than the film.
Why did nobody watch it?

Attached: WWDITS.jpg (900x900, 230K)

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No gimmie some details OP

is it bleh kino?

Attached: vampire apu.png (801x527, 62K)

Shit was kino and honestly glad it got renewed since it seemed like no one watched it.

The woman sucks, Matt Berry sucks, and the energy vampire gag is only funny once before that character sucks too.

I mainly watch it for Kayvan Novak because I liked Four Lions and Fone/Facejacker.

A house of inept vampires are filmed for a documentary while they try to take over New York.
its funny

>Matt Berry sucks

Attached: you sicken me.png (394x464, 155K)

Based and blehpilled.
Can't wait for Season 2

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>none of the movie cast
Yeah, no idea.

the episode where Colin got a girlfriend who was an empathy vampire was great

this is petty much true but I enjoyed the episodes as they went on later

you didn’t watch it

everything was good except the writing. would have been better off with the cast just improvising.

it's honestly better than the movie, the shorter length suits the mockumentary style better. and if you watched it you'd know there's an episode with all the movie cast in it.

How'd you guess?

Honestly only watched the movie for clement. A cameo is great but thats one episode.

>Matt Berry sucks

ray bloody puchase

The other spinoff was better, but none of you watched it.

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literally never heard of it, did it air outside of nz?

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Holy shit, so there's two different spinoff series of this movie currently airing in tandem?

that gregor lad has no luck

Matt Berry is wasted in this.

>Matt Berry sucks
Fuck you.

Wait, is that a real thing?

>Matt Berry sucks

You fucking pleb.

Yeah, it didn’t really get any attention since it only aired in New Zealand. Most episodes are directed by Jemaine and it’s got cameos from some of the movie cast and everything too.

he's the best thing in it. the show really needs an anti-hero to get the plot moving. as it is, things just sort of happen and there's like one good joke per episode usually delivered by him. WE GET IT GUILLERMO WANTS TO BE A VAMPIRE AND NANDO IS NEVER GOING TO MAKE HIM ONE.

sounds dumb


>that fucking cursed hat

I did

and I fucking loved it, most underrated/unknown show ever

Most actors who famously played vampires were either in it or mentioned.

>comedy done in a documentary style
Yawn and Cringepilled

absolute clem fandango

I thought it was really great, plus Matt Berry is a welcome addition.
Seeing the doc again made me realize how much better it is, put in comparison with the series.

The Energy Vampire did get old really fast. In the first episode I thought they were going to have him just be an ordinary guy sharing a house with them who was unaware they were vampires. That probably would have been more interesting.

Matt Berry is great though. The orgy episode had me crying laughing watching it.

>And when the steam clears, it turns out it's all chaps... but he still enjoyed himself

no thanks
cringe kiwi shit

yeah when they introduced him I thought he was going to just be some mental guy larping as a vampire.

>Matt Berry sucks

This is literally the peak reddit-tier humour and all-out cringe.