Captain Marvel

So I finally watched it. Jesus Christ, you incels are clinically mentally ill. Everything you said and believed, for months, was wrong. The delusions are real, strong, and you are struggling on a level I could not imagine.

>Brie is ugly
She is absolutely beautiful, sexy, and cute.

>the movie is bad
It's literally one of the best Marvel films ever made.

>she can't act
Her acting is fucking great. She is an award-winning actress and it shows. Reminder that autism frequently causes facial blindness; leave it to autists not to understand expressions (but assume they are good judges; guys, all you can judge is whether you like someone or not, it has nothing to do with acting).

>she is disliked by other actors
Her chemistry with other actors is nothing short of precious. Her and Jackson killed it consistently throughout the film.

>Disney bought tickets to make people think it wasn't bombing
Only absolute morons would believe such conspiracy bullshit. It's obvious why the movie was so successful: it's excellent.

>it's muh feminism bullshit
There was none of that. As a man, I can fully relate to Danvers and appropriate her experience. Being underestimated isn't the privilege of women. You guys can't get over yourselves and your insecurities.

>she isn't funny, the movie is boring
She's a riot and this has to be the Marvel movie that made me laugh the most

>muh 90's nostalgia
That was awesome. From the Internet café to the slow modem connection, it was good fun.

This movie single-handedly showed you and all the incels what a fraud you all are. Little mentally retarded fucknuts who have zero taste in cinema and wouldn't kino if it finally took their virginity away.

Attached: Captain-Marvel-Character-Posters.jpg (1024x535, 123K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot to add that the plot was pure fucking kino.

too long; didn’t sneed

what could you possibly hope to gain from shilling this movie months after it was released

please nobody take this bait. just let this thread die

>inb4 incel rage

Attached: incel-page-cover.jpg (600x1035, 264K)

Ok congratz

what did autists hope to gain crying about it for months?

Nothing. That's the point you should fucking get by now.

>incel can't believe people actually like this movie

Wake up.

Also this. Answer this, you incelicious fucker!

1st for SIP QUEEEN

Attached: 1560306195560.jpg (500x500, 38K)

>whines about people "shilling" (read, talking about) a film
>spend hours a day trying to sell you the mentally ill notion that it's everything it isn't
>complain about propaganda
Now that's shit-thinking.

I saw those 3 posters and my first thought was maybe they were the international posters, like China doesn't want to see a woman, so they'd use the black guy, but then I remembered China doesn't like black people, so I guess they used the cat, but then I thought a poster food on it isn't really going to sell them a superhero movie. So now I have no idea what those posters are for.

Attached: 1535085320984.gif (200x342, 2K)

>incelicious fucker

Attached: 1560490196990.jpg (1440x810, 72K)

Based post user. I guarantee years from now Yea Forums will be praising it as one the best instalments in the MCU. Probably the same people will pretend they never crapped on it

kek, calm down, little user

Attached: pepelaughz.jpg (800x450, 40K)

checked, based, and sage


Attached: 2FEDB64C-5651-4281-A94C-E8F1C6F6DBF2.jpg (749x744, 256K)

>like China doesn't want to see a woman,
China likes beautiful people, especially white people. You don't understand Chinese culture at all, trust me.

Those posters are for the inside of cinemas, where you will have material that isn't "main", to decorate in a thematic way and by using posters that aren't meant to be used alone, hence why Goose is on that middle poster.

>plebs didn't get the Top Gun reference
If you didn't get it, apologise right now.

Too hard for them to admit being wrong on this astronomical level. I can't stop laughing about it.

You're fooling nobody.

>China likes beautiful people
Yeah, so they won't like her poster

Based sipper.

Is there a chance for Debicki to get another role in the MCU? Now that she was goldwoman, could she be someone else? If yes, who?

I would love to see her as a character who makes men feel small, that would infuriate incels around here, for sure. I don't read comics and never did (I spent my time being loved by women instead), what would be a good fit for Elizabeth?

Is her MCU character even from the comics?

Attached: 1563444098253.jpg (681x1024, 167K)

>Yeah, so they won't like her poster
Here's an incel who still thinks Brie isn't gorgeous. You are severely handicapped, my dude. Or homosexual.

Attached: brie-larson-11-main.jpg (710x614, 49K)

no, just right

oh? really, little user?

tell me more about how you actually believed something Yea Forums said, then got mad for being fooled.
kek never change, my dude, never change

Attached: shakingpepe.gif (360x346, 170K)

Just give up, kiddo. You're ridiculous by now.

>tell me more about how you actually believed something Yea Forums said, then got
If that's what you understood, you overrate your brain, dear boy.

>then got mad for being fooled.
Sure, because you were all trolling ; )

Thank you for the keks. I'm still not done laughing. My fucking sides throughout this kino. As strong as Jude Law.

ahahah you fucking retard you have typed so much yet said so little

Attached: wojak.png (128x128, 12K)


Brie Larson isn't real and the jews exaggerated about the holocaust

Attached: 20190719_234648.jpg (720x897, 249K)



>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest movie ever
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it?

It's not just the Disney/Fox merger, they also had to top WB/DC's Wonder Woman which did 821 mill worldwide. Anything less than a billion would have been seen as a failure and would have made the Fox boyout more expensive.

Plus you have to take into account that Feminazi's and their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot virtue signaling lapdogs are easy marks who will white knight someone (Anita Sarkeesian) or something (Captain Marvel) using their own money like the suckers they are and all because Daddy (The Patriarchy) didn't love them and hand life to them on a silver platter!!!FACT!!!

Attached: CRYPT-KEEPER-FEET.jpg (483x720, 209K)

Aquaman worldwide box office = $1,147,761,807

Captain Marvel = $1,126,318,317

Even with the unrelenting shilling, system rigging, ticket purchasing and riding on the heels of the most anticipated movie of this generation (Endgame) that they shoved her into to create false hype while piggybacking her off a decades worth or work and effort, Disney's new flagship character was STILL beaten by a joke character whose solo film was coming off a box office disaster (Justice League) while it promoted pro-Feminism/SJW values (interracial relationships, strong female characters and an environmental friendly message) better than Captain Fungi whose message only appealed to North American white women who are the most coddled and entitled spoiled fucking bitches on the planet and hate their fathers which is the real reason why they cry "DOWN WITH PATRIARCHY!!!" because Daddy didn't buy them a pony.

Not to mention that Aquaman's cast were more likeable and attractive while the movie itself was better Written, Directed and just more entertaining that that boring uninspired piece of shit.

Aquaman is the underdog who had everything going against him but triumphed in the face of adversity while Captain Marvel lost despite being backed by the biggest entertainment corporation in the world!!!FACT!!!

Attached: AQUACHAD VS. CAPTIN FUNGI.jpg (1452x1098, 380K)

>So I finally watched it.
What took you so long?

Attached: Captain.Marvel.2019.jpg (1920x808, 124K)

Looks like we triggered one of them! FUCKING LOL


Attached: warning.png (475x488, 20K)


Claims to have dated black men but no proof of this. In the interview with her, Chris Hemsworth and Don Cheadle, there's an altercation between her and Don where he clearly doesn't want to be touched by her and yet she did so apparently to antagonize him while their body language and facial expressions toward each other suggests hostility between the two. She's also seen in the attached pic using the internationally recognized OK symbol used by white supremacists. Finally, the first female Captain Marvel was a BLACK WOMAN named Monica Rambeau, yet the supposedly WOKE Larson didn't turn down the role and publicly demand that an African-American woman play her!!!FACT!!!

Attached: Is Brie Larson a white supremacist.jpg (1196x1204, 184K)

>>the movie is bad
>It's literally one of the best Marvel films ever made.
where's the contradiction

>"I love captian marvel!! Brie is cute and totally not a bad actress!!"
>"have sex incel!!"

Attached: 1561405539703.png (454x520, 13K)

Funny you should be posting a basedjak, because the people who shit in Brie and Captain Marvel are the ones who look exactly like them

Attached: 1CA3AB6C-F22A-4EF6-8F10-F2A0BFA110C3.jpg (750x865, 439K)

This creepy dude is correct

Attached: scruffyop.jpg (625x468, 78K)

Another crazy delusion is that toe story: Brie had fake nailes glued on her real nails. It's obvious in every picture: the nail is both thicker and more elevated than every other toe nail she has. That's because it's not her real nail, which is under it.

Incels, to this day, swear that she has toe fungus. Taking 5 seconds to look what toe fungus actually looks like would have killed this months ago, but nope, incels don't care about the truth or facts, they just want to lash out at whatever scares their fragile egos.

OOHHH take that Jeremy

This is some bait thread started by a feminist or some nu male. Anyone with a brain saw CM for what it was (a joke of a film and the worst marvel movie) but Disney spun it into "like the movie or you hate ALL women" and these onions warriors fell for it because they'll say and do whatever the tv or social media tells them.

>incel doesn't understand basic facial expressions
>assumes he can understand secret deals and how an entire industry works
Sorry to break it to you, but you're projecting your own bullshit on things you know nothing about.

>Not to mention that Aquaman's cast were more likeable and attractive while the movie itself was better Written, Directed and just more entertaining that that boring uninspired piece of shit.
Just admit you want Aquaman to repeatedly pound your asshole and get over it. Captain Marvel is a great movie, you're just upset over Brie and that tainted your opinion of the film, because you are an emotional creature, user. You're a little bitch who gets weally weally mad when women dare insult you (and even when nobody insults you, that's how insecure you are). Grow a pair.

I don't care about super hero movies. I downloaded it some time ago and kept it for an evening when I didn't feel like watching something too emotional, and that evening happened a few nights ago. That's all.

In your pants. Why have a cock at all if all you can do with it is compare it to clitorises and lose?

Brie Larson is a good actress. If you can't see it from Captain Marvel, you have no business criticising anyone's acting, Larson and anyone else.

>Captain Marvel is a great movie
what about it was particularly good?
I personally found it to be extremely mediocre.

>This is some bait thread started by a feminist or some nu male.
Yeah, it's not like real men have zero respect for incels. Time to learn something new, incel: men who made a life for themselves despise you even more than women and "nu males" do.

>Anyone with a brain saw CM for what it was (a joke of a film and the worst marvel movie)
Fucking LOL. Why don't you make people laugh and flat out say it's worse than Justice League? Go ahead, punk, make my day.

>"like the movie or you hate ALL women"
That's all your doing. None of this shit is actually said or done outside of your own personal mental illness. The movie doesn't have anything that could be construed as that, and none of the advertising had it either. You're just insecure as fuck.

What a fucking pussy. No wonder women shun you. You're a disgrace to men and shouldn't consider yourself one. Having a fit over a kids' movie. Grow the fuck up, do it right now.


Attached: 1556563964348.jpg (605x658, 83K)

>I personally found it to be extremely mediocre.
Tell me what you consider a better Marvel movie, just so I can know how serious you are. It has kino direction, great acting, great chemistry between actors, and some of the more fun writing of any Marvel movies. It also has more genuine feels than the rest and expertly balances humor and gravity. Even the plot was superior to the usual shit Marvel comes up with. Name your contestant.

forest pees

I feel bad for you, defaulting to posting your defense because you can't speak for yourself. Poor man. Grow up.

>what did autists hope to gain crying about it for months?

People like YOU invaded and shilled/spammed every website in the run up to the movies release. 6 months before it came out you never heard a fucking peep. You did this because Disney pays you to and when you're confronted by any actual legit criticism of the movie you scream "SEXIST, MANBABY, INCEL REEEEEE" specifically so you could play victim and sucker white roastie feminazi's who you marketed this trash to as a milestone in feminism and a triumph against the patriarchy which is why you didn't cast a BLACK or ASIAN women in the role because white women are the most spoiled, coddled and entitled fucking bitches on the face of the earth forever bitter that they didn't have a castle for them to grow up in, a pony to ride or a trust fund given to them by Daddy aka "THE PATRIARCHY!!!".

This is why Cheese NoAss was cast as she's the literal embodiment of these women, someone who has never worked a day in her life yet STILL cries that she's being kept down by "EVIL WHITE MEN!!!".

I watched Captain Fungi FOR FREE, same with Endgame, online so you didn't get one fucking penny from me and I'll be doing the same for ever Marvel movie released fro here on out because you ruined it with your SJW shit like you have with Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, movies, TV, video games and civilization in general, enabled by white guiilt numale beta orbiter losers who also hate their fathers and secretly crave nigger cock!!!FACT!!!

Attached: brie the fungi.png (320x271, 82K)

>I feel bad for you, defaulting to posting your defense because you can't speak for yourself. Poor man. Grow up.

Except that picture is 100% accurate and applies to you, faggot!!!FACT!!!

What were the disadvantages you faced growing up with a single mom?

Attached: 1563539706902.gif (413x243, 51K)

Attached: FUNGI FEET.jpg (505x700, 30K)



This autist right about sums it up.

Also, why are (((they))) incapable of making a strong female character without diminishing a male one? Social engineering, plain and simple.

Disney is a leftist propaganda tool, they took White male chad Thor and turned him into a overweight, slovenly beta who sulks and stays in his room playing computer games.

Same thing with Hulk, a character who is the embodiment of righteousness male anger and aggression or so called ' toxic masculinity ' and turned him into a basedboy slapstick comedy character after he got his ass beat in a fight one time. They also had Black Panther's ugly little chimp sister smugly talk down to him like he was an idiot in Infinity War in order to prop her up.

They also undermined Tony Stark by having a character who got out of a cave "WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS" in Iron Man just give up and accept that he was going to die at the beginning of Endgame so they could have Captain May I Speak to Your Manager save him and give the worthless cunt something to do before she disappears for the entire movie only to show up at the end. This shows that they were determined to piggyback her onto the movie and wasn't involved until Disney mandated that she be included.

Meanwhile, in Aquaman the lead female characters are shown to be strong and determined and never at the expense of the male ones. Sure, there's some fun poked here and there but they NEVER go out of their way to make Arthur look like a moron, ignorant, sure (Pinocchio), but he never comes off like an idiot the way Thor, Stark or Hulk do.

Oh and at any point of the MCU was Black Widow ever shit on by her male co-stars or made to look incompetent?



Attached: Two Guys and a Fungi Factory.jpg (854x480, 101K)

Gotta always be sipping something to wash out the taste of all that studio executive cum she swallowed!!!FACT!!!

Attached: captain cumdumpster.jpg (1280x1280, 150K)

>This is some bait thread started by a feminist or some nu male.

Oh I know but it's fun posting the copypasta that I've written to remind them that they hate their Fathers which is why they rail against The Patriarchy aka Daddy!!!FACT!!!

>6 months before it came out you never heard a fucking peep.
Absolute lies. I was there. I remember. Fuck off. You are completely insane, seriously, seek therapy.

>he thinks Brie has no ass
You also need glasses, apparently.

You can stop shilling this anytime already, Mouse.

but after all, I love Brie more than my mother, because she's an angel in this world, good bye

Attached: 1557003986680.jpg (1493x999, 139K)

>watches capeshit

Your opinion doesn't matter

>Except that picture is 100% accurate and applies to you, faggot!!!FACT!!!

I was the child of a single mom. That doesn't mean I have to become an incel like you. Stop making excuses.

>Just admit you want Aquaman to repeatedly pound your asshole and get over it.

Only person here that's getting their asshole pounded is Captain Bitchface who lost to Aquaman and your crying wont ever change that. It's the difference between a real hit film and an astro-turfed piece of propaganda!!!FACT!!!

Attached: FUCK THIS SHIT.jpg (870x690, 117K)

>6 months before it came out you never heard a fucking peep.

Are we talking about the movie or Brie?

Because Brie was know long before as the bitchy chick who had a hissy fit at a TSA agent asking for her number after she smiled at him long before she was cast as Captain Mahvel.

Hilarious how incels think that a physical flaw means everything, as if they found the truth to some hideous conspiracy.

In reality, it only shows how self-conscious they are about appearance, and theirs in particular. Fucking lol. Brie doesn't give two shits about this, whereas you'd have a titty attack if such a photo of you was spread everywhere.

She's 20 times the man you'll never be.

You are replying to a literal schizo copypasting his incoherent ramblings. Report, let the jannies clean up, and filter out his name for the future.

Just admit you can't have sex and are upset about it. It takes less time and effort.

Poor man. This is classic paranoia and delusion. Seriously, you think Disney is doing politics, fucking lol. Disney didn't intend for Thor to end up like that, it was Hemsworth's own idea to keep him fat until the end. Originally, he was to get fit right back, and don't try telling me it's propaganda to have character flaws, because the next thing you'll whine about and think is a conspiracy is Mary Sue Rey from Star Wars, which proves how dishonest you are.

You are mentally ill. Face it.

Confirmation bias isn't rational, user. Seek the help you need and get better.

>came from a single mom
>is a basket case and lunatic spamming CM threads

You cant make this stuff up

>Absolute lies. I was there. I remember. Fuck off. You are completely insane, seriously, seek therapy.


>You also need glasses, apparently.


Attached: FUCK FEMINISTS AND SJW'S.jpg (395x500, 82K)

Mentally ill people like you can't believe anything positive that goes counter to their delusions.

Brie Larson is a great actress.
>no, she sucks cocks to get where she is!

People loved Captain Marvel.
>no, Disney bought the tickets! almost nobody even saw it!

The delusion is fucking thick.

Brie sucks, is ugly and the movie was shit. End of story

This amount of projecting is funny. You think women and feminists come and post here... We knew you were deluded, but this is on another level.

>replying to the tripfag

c'mon son

It's not an opinion. What OP says is obvious.

>Captain Bitchface who lost to Aquaman
Only autists think you win or lose by money making. Captain Marvel made more money than you ever will in your entire life. If anyone loses, it's you. Now seethe.

Attached: 1564091307517.png (475x488, 21K)

>I was the child of a single mom. That doesn't mean I have to become an incel like you. Stop making excuses.

AND THERE IT IS, Daddy didn't love you and you think supporting a kike cum dumpster and their corporate product somehow gets back at him. If he knew what a fucking pathetic loser you would turn out to be he would have kicked your filthy whore mother repeatedly in the stomach until she aborted since it's clear that there isn't a coat hanger strong enough to penetrate your thick skull!!!FACT!!!

>who had a hissy fit at a TSA agent asking for her number a
Stop exaggerating everything like a woman on her period. What's wrong with you. Millions of people write way worse tweets. Brie is completely justified to complain about this. You are not supposed to ask customers out when doing your job, that's unprofessional and you can, and should, get fired for it. If you incels ever had a job a day in your fucking lives, you would know that this is true.

Grow up, wake up, become an adult.

Not irrationally hating a film because one specific woman is in it is now being a basket case...

You indeed cannot make this stuff up!

stop using my name, please

Attached: screen_23.png (706x516, 263K)

You misspelled this word, fool.

You took to bait faster than your mom takes to black cock. Bravo.

Get some help. Unlike you, I don't have irrational hatred for women, fucking lel.

Didn't read lol

Attached: 456.png (128x128, 25K)

Get a tripcode or don't even. Fucking fool.

>Only autists think you win or lose by money making. Captain Marvel made more money than you ever will in your entire life. If anyone loses, it's you. Now seethe.

In this case Aquaman won because it was a superior popcorn flick in every way while Disney has to employ shills like you to promote it, buy hundreds of millions of tickets to boost its box office and Captain May I See Your Manager STILL lost despite being piggybacked off the biggest movie of this generation.

Nothing will change that and Daddy never loved you!!!FACT!!!

>when user trying to bait exposes himself as a khv
yeah nah you've never flirted with someone for sure

Way to dodge the question

Seek help.

Fucking BASED

Attached: 1562275613489.jpg (1338x2000, 443K)

>because the next thing you'll whine about and think is a conspiracy is Mary Sue Rey from Star Wars, which proves how dishonest you are.

Since you brought it up Captain Fungi is Rey 2.0. They take some character and scream at the audience that "SHE'S THE NEW FACE OF THE MCU/STARWARS/DOCTORWHO etc...!!!" and set up the narrative (ala Ghostbusters 2016) that if you don't pay to see this movie you're a "FUCKING WHITE MALE SEXIST INCEL MANBABY BLAH-BLAH-BLAH!!!". Of course Marvel wants you to forget that the first female Captain Marvel was a black woman named Monica Rambeau, which makes the MCU rendition of the character a subtle case of white-washing yet I don't see a single of you scumbags crying about that!!!FACT!!!

Seems like you wouldn't recognise a married man if you spoke with one. Sorry user, you're the only virgin between us.

>Way to dodge the question
I asked you what a better Marvel movie was and this is your answer. The irony. No surprises.


Attached: xfu03d2sbat21.jpg (275x183, 9K)

The fun part of this incel is that he makes other incels who are less mentally ill realise that there is something wrong.

Yes, incels, if you don't seek professional help, this will happen to you. Mental illness is real. Don't become like this!

This thread has a severe lack of Bries

Attached: 15636445533400.jpg (960x960, 198K)

>Seek help.

Interesting that NONE of you numale beta cuck faggots have commented on this....


Claims to have dated black men but no proof of this. In the interview with her, Chris Hemsworth and Don Cheadle, there's an altercation between her and Don where he clearly doesn't want to be touched by her and yet she did so apparently to antagonize him while their body language and facial expressions toward each other suggests hostility between the two. She's also seen in the attached pic using the internationally recognized OK symbol used by white supremacists. Finally, the first female Captain Marvel was a BLACK WOMAN named Monica Rambeau, yet the supposedly WOKE Larson didn't turn down the role and publicly demand that an African-American woman play her!!!FACT!!!

I guess blacks are only second to white women, eh Briefags, how progressive?!?FACT!!!

Attached: Brie 9.jpg (425x306, 56K)

>You think women and feminists come and post here
You were saying

Attached: stronk.png (1105x230, 51K)

Brie cures homosex

Attached: 15856698.gif (500x259, 2.8M)

What a waste of board space. Fuck off.

well calling everyone that hates it an incel does make you a basket case

>Are we talking about the movie or Brie?

The movie. It's no coincidence that this place got spammed with CM threads before the release and then again in the week before the Bluray release and now it's happening again because Endgame is coming out. There are actual troll farms out there employed to create false hype!!!FACT!!!

But your mind is already poisoned and you are already mentally ill

You must be baiting. Here is your (you)

Friendly reminder that you can just filter tripfags

I have no problem with women being funny and gross. The problem is most of them aren't funny and they're gross in the same way any insufferable gross man is. There's a knack to it. A guy that talks about his dick and masturbating all the fucking time is just as unbearable as "muh vagene". Most women aren't smart of funny enough, because they've never had to be. I've met funny women and they were usually in STEM, autistic, or tall with masculine features.

>I asked you what a better Marvel movie
You didn't ask me shit. That is the first time I replied to you.

>Hilarious how incels think that a physical flaw means everything

Is that why there's been a push to cast unattractive women because they're vain, narcissistic and egotistical creatures who hate seeing beautiful women and don't think they should be expected to put some work into their appearance to compete with that?

Have you see ONE man complaining about Hemsworth/Pratt/Evans (or Mamoa in Aquaman) being objectified? No and it's because when men see that it inspires them to achieve that. Take Arnold or Sly and how many men aspired to get themselves in that sort of shape.

But not women. For them it's all about lowering expectations so that they can get Chad without any effort because that's what they think they're owed!!!FACT!!!

lmaoing at the retards falling for this bait

Attached: 14638990.jpg (694x390, 34K)

Attached: tumblr_4f0834bbe89b952aca2a2d889e406b91_5f91b89f_400.gif (268x200, 1.68M)

>You are replying to a literal schizo copypasting his incoherent ramblings. Report, let the jannies clean up, and filter out his name for the future.

Why don't you fuck off back to your Chud/Trouble City/ hugbox where you can delete and ban people who you disagree with your shit opinion.

Also, the person I'm replying to is a pedophile from Chud/Trouble City where one of its members (Fabfunk aka Gabriel Toro) was convicted on child pornography charges while his good buddy Devin "Fingers" Faraci was accused of sexually assaulting a woman while he and Alan "Nordling" Cerny both worked at Ain't It Cool News whose owner, Harry Knowles, was also accused of sexual assault. Chud/Trouble city, including Faraci/Toro/Cerny and its owner/creator Nick Nunziata, were also once big supporters of Victor Salva, Director of Powder and Jeepers Creepers, who was convicted of sexually assaulting a young boy.

These people, along with whoever is left writing at AICN are self loathing closet faggot numale SJW lapdog's who virtue signal in order to impress women who wouldn't piss on them if they wer on fire and/or secretly crave nigger cock and hate their Fathers which is why they constantly suck up to blacks and cry about the "EVIL WHITE MALE PATRIARCHY"!!!FACT!!!

Attached: THE COMPANY YOU KEEP!.jpg (2948x514, 176K)

Best capeshit i've watched.
Brie elevates everything she touches.

Attached: 1561779882266.jpg (1800x1012, 196K)


Not an argument and it's amusing how the WHITEWASHING issue immediately shuts you fucking faggots right the fuck up while attached pic is you.

Are you not going to justify why they didn't make Captain Marvel black?!?FACT!!!

Attached: soiboy.jpg (680x907, 80K)

It's literally the only reason why I tolerate the creepythinman. He is a necessary evil.


Attached: source.gif (480x480, 2.75M)

When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL" or use their generic insult "have sex", because they can't form a coherent thought let alone a counter argument, it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing but herpes riddled whores!

And the so-called "men" who use those words are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!

No one self-identifies as "involuntary celibate". It's something roasties project onto men who don't put up with women's shit. As if to say "oh, if you had sex you'd agree with me and give in to my demands". This is because women think they can get anything they want with sex and believe this because their white knight lapdogs betas would do anything for a pity fuck!!!FACT!!!

Attached: soi onions.png (700x674, 810K)

>You misspelled this word, fool.

Interesting since auto correct will fix "Bukkake"!!!FACT!!!

Too long, did not read

Attached: tenor.gif (268x268, 3.29M)

>Get some help. Unlike you, I don't have irrational hatred for women, fucking lel.

But you do hate your Daddy which is why you love Captain Marvel!!!FACT!!!

I just want to say that anyone that posts these “omg you incels are wrong Brie a cute” posts should be flogged in the streets while shitting your guts out from taking 100 laxatives.

>Captain Marvel is a Mary sure
>Captain Marvel was shoehorned at the last minute of the saga
>Captain Marvel has no arc
>Captain Marvels powers aren’t even properly explained
>Captain Marvel wasn’t even liked in the comics and before NuCarol like Z-List at best
>Brie Larson’s “acting” is wooden

Attached: 8EB98EC9-7F1F-40D5-9193-463DD0946353.jpg (728x728, 104K)

Did not read; too long

Attached: download (1).jpg (210x239, 9K)

>Seek help.

Don't worry, I'm sure your Father hates you as much as you hate him, probably more so because he realizes what an abject failure of a man you are, that you suck up to women and blacks to make you feel more enlightened and noble compared to him. Fucking loser!!!FACT!!!


Attached: 1561740900739.jpg (857x793, 27K)

G8 B8 M8 8/8

So when is Brie Larson going to be fired as Captain Marvel for using a white supremacist sign?!?FACT!!!

Attached: _103447130_1537004238156_png.jpg (660x371, 32K)

Shad panders to the incels without knowing anything about them

Fuck, I love me some Brianne, bros.

Attached: BrieLarsonMarvelStudiosCaptainMarvelo3Cv0KOSG98l.jpg (285x440, 17K)

>This amount of projecting is funny

PROJECTION, the modern day version of "I know you are but what am I?"


This will go down as the only MCU movie worth the title of classic. Mark my words

Attached: brie-larson-5.jpg (1200x630, 382K)

She listens to Burzum too. I love closeted nazis.

YET STILL no comments from SJW faggots here as to why they support someone who is CLEARLY a WHITE SUPREMACIST and uses a symbol recognized as such!!!FACT!!!

>Brie is ugly
>She is absolutely beautiful, sexy, and cute.
stopped reading right there

Attached: 1534984664282.png (1316x1472, 1.81M)

>Based samefag poster seething because his bait spam threads are getting BTFO by grown men that don’t mentally jerk off to a piece of cardboard

Attached: C3581CD4-2479-4748-90E6-20FF9F859514.jpg (800x800, 27K)

Brie is a white supremacist, and that's a good thing. She's our girl in Hollywood.

Attached: white power.jpg (1296x730, 723K)

Lmao, who the fuck are those trashy hoes.

They have ARTTS.



Not him, but I just saw the thread and had to chime in. Don't get me wrong, I try to ignore Brieposting, but then I see a picture of her and I start think about covering her up in maple syrup and well..


Attached: oqfdjd4zmwj21.jpg (1080x1124, 151K)

>Too long, did not read

Attached: CUM SIPPING WHORE.jpg (1497x1497, 185K)

> grown men

Attached: hm.gif (500x200, 323K)

Mental health was invented by a jew that wanted fuck his mother.

Not a jew, but god knows I've tried to fuck my own mother at least 3 times. She wouldn't budge of course.

>145+ replies
>only 38 posters


looks like we got two samefags battling it out over loser supremacy - I'm gonna pic the side that supports sexy whores over the black nigger with a trip handle !!!FACT!!!

Attached: 1529332733210.jpg (2848x4288, 958K)

Have sex

By how many copies do you guys think Aquaman is going to be outsold this week?

Attached: Untitled.png (751x105, 11K)

Wtf I love Brie now

Holy shit lmao

Attached: BBUeXTn.jpg (624x416, 24K)

Make it three, but I joined late. Anyways, yes, I wanna pounce on her.

Attached: larson.gif (547x303, 1.31M)

I see you're a man of appropriate culture

Attached: 65e9aa2a1d5541e9ae4899376ced1132.jpg (511x703, 37K)

You again?

Attached: Screenshot_20190306-064237_Chrome.jpg (1439x1400, 638K)

Look dude. I try not to get involved, I do. But then someone makes a thread, either positive or negative, and my dick steers me into it. It's literally you're fault Yea Forums. Bunch of amateurs.

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"A load flew over a cuckoo's chest"

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There's a bunch of shots of Brie smoking out there and then like her singing career "POOF!" it never happened.
Do you think she still smokes, but just hides it??

Attached: 4ee3f8f0a4c5aaa63ecffd085a84e919.jpg (820x1000, 264K)

>One flew over the cuckold's nest.

She addressed that somewhere IIRC. It was done for the photos. She doesn't smoke cause she has asthma. Ironically, I smoke, I lift and I have asthma too. Bitch should step her game up.

Attached: thorella.gif (500x231, 2.48M)

Too much seethe, didn't read

Attached: brielarson.jpg (1936x2592, 628K)

She has a cat allergy.

Why would you believe the skeptic movement in 2019, user? Hasn't anyone told you anti-SJWs are the new SJWs?

So forgettable that I forgot she was in the league

Nonsense. It's all in the head. I'm giving brie a pack of cigarettes and a large cat if I ever see her. No excuses.

You are the only one who pay attention to a Yea Forums incels.

What movie is that from?

Attached: ird6fusw1w3wci0o5_540.gif (540x420, 2.99M)

It's a show called United States of Tara.

Just Peck. She made some moaning noises in that and pretended to touch herself in front of a teacher. Pretty based.

She has the same co-star in that, but this is from Just Peck.

Saying nuh-uh over and over again isn't an argument user.

Idk, for some reason I think she is a smoker (that includes weed). Just cause this video I saw of her back in the day before she was "an actress" - it was a short film (music video?) about a lesbian romance, and she smoked throughout. Sure it was artsy, but they followed her around casually thru her irl apartment and hangouts.

Nice cherry picking since that was the 3rd week of CM's release while Aquaman had been out for 15 weeks.

It's interesting that when I tried to look up a week by week comparison of Bluray sales on the same website you used ( there is nothing for either Captain Marvel during week 1 and 2 or the first three weeks of Aquaman.

Makes me think (((someone))) is trying to hide the data on purpose so that a comparison can't be made...…!!!FACT!!!

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1573x720, 352K)

I've seen that video, I still think it was done solely for the photos/music videos because I remember reading either a tweet or possibly a comment in her Reddit AMA where she said it was for show.
She also said on Jimmy Kimmel that she's never smoked any weed, but she could be lying.

This nigga got to touch Brie's ass, and he wasn't even coy about it. He straight up grabbed it in the end.

>I watched Captain Fungi FOR FREE, same with Endgame, online so you didn't get one fucking penny from me and I'll be doing the same for ever Marvel movie released fro here on out because you ruined it with your SJW shit like you have with Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, movies, TV, video games and civilization in general, enabled by white guiilt numale beta orbiter losers who also hate their fathers and secretly crave nigger cock!!!FACT!!!
I've always promoted piracy as a weapon against corporate and cultural subversion - finally we got some people here doing it.

I've liked Brie Larson in previous movies, but this one was kinda bad. Not terrible or anything, just disposable.

I bet if asked, she'd say her breasts are real too. Somehow I don't believe this woman. Even more reason I wanna hate fuck her.

Attached: Brie-Larson-Legs-Sexy-Celebrity-Picture-Zeman-Celebrity-Legs-00041.jpg (845x1310, 895K)

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They are real though. Look at the leaks. Seem legit to me, and if they're fake, they did a good job.


Attached: 1561059936105.jpg (1080x809, 125K)

Is that real? If it is it's proof this fucking thing was aimed at feminists who live alone with their cat

It's bedtime soon, though.

Attached: BrieLarson.jpg (696x696, 73K)

So close yet so far away.

Attached: brielarsonarchives_307.jpg (1257x2000, 331K)

dubs of owning
dubs of receiving ownage.
dude just stop, you got owned and dubs confirmed

Oh no, that's so sad about what happened to Stan Lee! CLICK HERE to win a free Big Mac & Large Drink!

Attached: akbxpuwondy11.jpg (816x1200, 126K)

>"Fuck me. I've been talking to a Briefag this whole time? All your opinions and thoughts on her are immediately discarded. Whiteknights are honestly a level worse than the thots they protect. They cuck-level."

Attached: 20151109_044504_4146_774093-300x300.png (300x300, 136K)

Seriously though, sipping pics keep emerging all the time. I've never seen this happen with another actress.

Attached: ezgif-4-1a3db7fd1cd1.gif (187x275, 1.29M)

She has a suck and fuck fetish. Formerly Chuck's.

Attached: 12153321.jpg (576x320, 61K)

When does this movie come out?

Although I misinterpreted that post and her character, that's what made me first like her.

She posted a sip pic 2 weeks ago. She does it to spite us at this point. Low level trolling.

Attached: 1124521465.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

how many people are they paying to shill for brie now?

Holy shit this desperate shilling

>I have shit taste

if you say it's worse than JOSStice league, than it's worse than the avengers.
So yes, I will say it's worse than JOSStice league.
Brainlets never stand a chance

God, she used to be so cute.
Where did it all go wrong?

Attached: giphy.gif (300x165, 272K)


Just look at the post count idiot. It's me and some other guy (perhaps two or three) discussing her autism. Before that, you had the tripfag arguing for half the thread but he vanished.


>Why don't you make people laugh and flat out say it's worse than Justice League? Go ahead, punk, make my day.
It was objectively worse than MoS and BvS. Justice League was about as bad

Captain Marcel was mediocre at best and significantly worse than many other titles in the MCU franchise.

Attached: 1555089514113.jpg (780x825, 49K)

>Don't even invoke her name
LMAO even her own universe hates her

Attached: image-asset.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

Has to be shit posting

Too much sneed and not enough feed. But I still think she's cute.
There is no arguing that a woman starts going downhill once she hits 25 (some will argue even before that) but Monica Belluci's like 70 and I still drool over her.

Attached: 1353524236.jpg (1920x1080, 167K)

Me? I do it for free

Attached: 1563992952107.jpg (400x600, 73K)

who are the people that post shit like this?

> Captain Marvel‘s Brie Larson, Free Solo climber Alex Honnold, Dave Bautista, Armie Hammer, Cara Delevingne, Zachary Quinto and a returning Channing Tatum are among the adventurers confirmed dive into Season 5 of Running Wild With Bear Grylls. Nat Geo confirmed Tuesday the cast and that its season premiere is November 5 at 10 PM.
Are you guys ready for Brie survival kino? Finally she would be able to apply her diving and rock climbing skill.

Get the fuck out, shill

Attached: shill BTFO.png (372x125, 7K)

I actually really liked that part. Not sure if they were implying exactly that, but if they are, it works.

Shazam was better

Indian people in a call in the outskirts of New Dehli center giving each other (you)s in exchange for a variable amount of ruppees based on something they call "visibility". I'm dead serious

To be fair, that's a fresh take on a god-like character.
DC is always praying for Superman to take over and save the day, while Marvel doesn't want their Superman around trying to save the day all the time.
But I guess that's why Marvel is just better, they subvert expectations and DC has no vision.

Yes. Surprised that she actually pulled it off, judging by the fact that she's alive and this was recorded a while back. It might give us some interesting insight into her, and she can possibly even address the Captain Marvel hate.
I remember Zac Efron talked about his drug addiction when he was on that show. People tend to open up when they're in the wilderness with Bear.

*Call center

why do you guys keep responding to threads like this.

i don't understand anymore if you're taking the bait or if it's ironic

Why wasn't she in Spider Man?

>both posts were posted at the same exact time so there couldn't be samefagging...
>post "samefag" anyway to ensure to illicit a rage response in a thread anti shills shouldn't even hang out in

Over at Yea Forums, we call this being...


Hahaha!!! Got em again baby! I just love winning :)

Attached: giphy (4).gif (384x286, 2.91M)

Let's not start any capeshit wars, shall we? Kind of hard to convince people you're not a shill when there's people who defend Marvel every step of the way. Both are kino to me.
If anyone deserves to be shat on it's that GoT garbage.

Attached: BRIEBR-HOUSEBROKEN2009-0081.jpg (1920x1080, 392K)

It's true, I confess.

Attached: Brie with her pajeet shill crew.jpg (1920x800, 210K)

wat, how does that line even have to do with company wars? everyone I know related that line to the CM hate lmao

Actually she not being around in the many world ending events of the MCU makes the whole thing more retarded than anything DC has ever done. I guess that's why Marvel is 22 movies in and still worse than any of the Nolan movies right?

It's just 40% brieposting, 40% shitposting and 20% """"serious"""" discussion. If you've got something better to do, get on with it.

Attached: psjlgi6Tg41y7sog8o2_540.gif (540x320, 2.97M)

>It's literally one of the best Marvel films ever made
that's not saying much

Stay SEETHING shill

Right? As implied... idk what's worse? The schillers who bump their own thread OR the haters who spend all day in said thread, getting pissed off at every new post? Just hide the thread niggas

Easy, shill threads are always for exposing shitshows


OH NO NO NO... I'm working you like Street Fighter 2!

Attached: 7b931d_21b1a217d0544322b5d71042c5b61ced_mv2.png (334x442, 292K)

There's a shit ton of videos on those indian IRS scammers getting their shit pushed in by hackers. Really entertaining, I'm dead serious.

Attached: 3Sjr1y7sog8o3_400.gif (268x310, 1.6M)

There's nothing better than ruining a shill thread. Where my /sneedbros/ at? 'Member the reylo generals? What do you say


>two more DCfags I made seethe uncontrollably

"BOOOOO YA!!!!!"

Attached: Livin in ya head rent free.gif (500x281, 1.72M)

Next thing you'll tell me the Snyderfags are shills too. I saw the reylo generals. People were writings stories and shit. Cringe, but I've yet to be convinced there are shills on here.
Give me more proof or get bent.

Attached: D9ZNNlTUwAAlr3f.jpg (887x1017, 79K)

>word salad
>constantly rambling
>buzzwords galore
Woah. So this is what mental illness looks like in a post?

user I told you not to rile them up. Be civil.

Attached: g4O1w47t9ro3_540.gif (540x280, 2.97M)

But that's exactly what a Disney shill would say!

Attached: brie-larson-9.gif (500x281, 2.23M)

lel DC is livin rent free on CMtards, I only care about the CM hate growing so I can see CMtards and shills cry while Disney spends money defending the shitshow lmao

P.S. Brie has said that she reads Wonder Woman comics + some odd Catwoman in Paris series so she doesn't hate DC.

Fuck, made me fully erect.

>I saw the reylo generals
>I've yet to be convinced there are shills on here
Sure, shill. Sure you are

I think it's coming out on BluRay soon. They could be trying to shill it to get people to go out and buy it.

>DCfags right now...

It's kinda funny, I see DC threads die left and right. Yet when a Marvel related thread goes up, all DCucks do is sit in it all day and ragepost.


Attached: ChrisTillmanIsAJerk.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 114K)

Holy shit that is some good bait

Attached: 4F3492A6-336C-434A-9D75-C955DBDBF814.jpg (792x800, 112K)


>Justice League was about as bad
Imagine being this wrong, LOLOLOLOL.

90s woman fighter pilot is cool also happy about cat representation in film it is important that these stories are being told

Not even baiting. I'm literally telling the truth, I'm also quite amazed at how fucking triggered incels get. It's crazy.

Attached: 1563987572491.jpg (800x1182, 178K)

Not me, I like both Marvel and DC, just annoyed at the negative potential the companies behind them have, especially Disney.
You have to settle with what you can get.

Attached: 393S26y1tkcy1ko3_r1_400.gif (268x400, 2.99M)

so fucking true, so fucking true

Attached: tumblr_static_dxi1ghoperk0skcsw8okoos8c.gif (245x165, 847K)

I did though. I even attempted reading that one story (reylo fags will know) but dropped it at one point. Best case scenario there's shills on /pol/ (which there aren't).

Take your meds, son.

Attached: 51e-wQYOBSL._SX309_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (311x499, 44K)

Don't you know how to make the best bait? You simply tell the truth. Then sit back and let the mentally ill folks do their thing. Like fireworks.

Damn that's a nice rack, I might fap to her tonight.




Attached: Based retard.gif (372x217, 497K)

You're right, but purposefully edging on said mentally ill folks doesn't really do anything for you either.
I briepost too but I try not to annoy the other anons.

If you look around, you will find she's extremely hot. I have seen nudes that were leaked, and holy shit, they're masturbatory as fuck. This woman has one of the finest bodies in Hollywood. Her tits are nothing less than godly.

Stop bullying DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: nggqvNG1e1s9frcro3_500.gif (500x251, 500K)

You honestly just sound like you have bad taste/reek of body odour and onions and nothing you say should be taken seriously.

>but I try not to annoy the other anons.
All that's worth doing here, my good man. But you're right, I'm trying to quit this shit hole.

I'm just addicted to company, even if it's bad company. Like most anons, except I'm aware.

I won't need this place once I have new friends and a woman.

>There are no activists trying to influence people with bait threads.
>Anyone who says otherwise is a Russian trying to ... oh.

Hey stop reporting me shill, not cool

>You honestly just sound like you have bad taste
The films that most impressed me since 2000 were:

>The Tree of Life

My favourite movie otherwise is Edward Scissorhands. I think Platoon is the best Vietnam film ever made. Now you can judge my taste.

>reek of body odour and onions
I work out regularly and shower just as regularly. I love onions and cook with them frequently.

>nothing you say should be taken seriously.
It doesn't all depend on who I am. Back to you.

you're right, we did. we broke them all.
in the end, box office doesn't matter, the war is being fought right here at Yea Forums.
and in the end, the marvelchads have won. look upon this forum and know it is true.

Attached: ReflectingOrganicFairyfly-size_restricted.gif (500x284, 1.62M)

Why do you want to get banned? What's wrong?

Lol Disney on suicide squad

What if there are activists and shills, but the twist is they are Russian themselves?

I get that, but edging others on brings out the tinfoild hat paranoids like this guy

I don't like shilling in my Yea Forums. I don't give a fuck about being banned, what can I say

Have sex

We will always win because, as OP said, you can't deny reality. Reality will always win. Incels try to change things by doing futile things like posting and convincing other incels. They're having their little hugbox and comfort zone here, but here is nothing.

Reality keeps on winning.

>Incels so desperate to hate women that they hate the only Marvel flick in years to have a non-quippy non le quirky protagonist

Does it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, nobody is actually "shilling" and you're mentally ill?

All memeing aside, if you unironically believe there are actual people who were paid by Disney to come here and create these threads/correspond with each other then I pity you. What kind of fucked up age are we living in where there has to be a hidden motive for anything and everything. I like Alex Jones, I think he's entertaining as fuck, but you spend too much time on InfoWars.

Yeah I'm sure Yea Forums suddenly loves a radical SJW activist whose only claim to fame was an oscarbait movie for which she was laughed at right here in this board and a fucking awful capeshit that was laughed at right here in this board and they show this new found love by not talking about any movie she's in or any announced project but by only posting random pics of her sipping for some reason

Or maybe it's blatant as all fuck shilling who knows lol

Just hide the thread. It's not worth your valuable time or mental health to freak out about Marvel 24/7.

Here's a starter list of everything you can auto-hide and become a based alpha like me:

>Star Trek
>Star Wars
>Friday Night Why Are You Here
>Stranger Things

And frankly. you should consider hiding DC threads too (especially Doom Patrol). I think all that faggotry and niggerdom rotted your brain user.
You're welcome.

Attached: 076.png (605x264, 40K)

This. The cognitive dissonance is a brilliant exposé on what it means to suffer from mental health. Truly stunning.

Reminder that Alex Jones has literally used his mental health problems as a defense in court. Yes, Jones is mentally ill and he is aware of it.

He just makes money from it, but the illness is real.

Pathetic. It takes nothing for you retards to label someone a "SJW activist", for fuck's sake. There truly is no hope for you to ever get better, is it?

>"shake them haters off!"

based advice user, too bad DCfags are too retarded to listen

Attached: Let's Boogie!.gif (500x281, 2.57M)

Trips of truth. The Internet has spoken.

I don't freak out about anything, I just see a bunch of shill posts, I quote them and I say "shill" and the I laugh when they try to save face. It's my thing and I have fun, leave me the fuck alone woman, geeze

>and I say "shill" and the I laugh when they try to save face.
More like you actually believe in shills and you're trying to save face right now, my delusional darling.

First off, Yea Forums isn't a singular entity. The vast majority are right leaning, but there's bound to be a few that will disagree, or even push for leftie politics. I'm not one of them, and I personally disagree with some of her statements, especially the "white critic one", but I also recognize that she worded herself poorly, and doesn't actively mean any harm to white men (something there is also evidence for).
> only claim to fame was an oscarbait movie for which she was laughed at right here in this board
That's funny, because I looked at the archives very carefully to see what the Brie situation was before all of these hate threads, and I saw A LOT of posts and threads praising the movie and her acting even before it got an Oscar. Obviously, some people disagreed and thought that she didn't deserve it, and some thought their favorite actress/movie of that year was robbed. I've taken this into account.
But the fact of the matter is, the vast majority of posts/threads containing her name PRE-POLITICS were positive. Some even feared that Hollywood might ruin her, and obviously, according to a lot of people, it did.
But just because people are willing to look past someone's mistakes and like them for their other qualities doesn't mean that they're shilling. At least I'm not. And if I've been talking to nothing but shills/bots, well that's just sad.

Attached: oscar.png (475x82, 3K)

I'm not into the whole sipping thing but I'll play along and post some nice sips for you in the future threads.

You'ing threads multiple times though says otherwise. Why not just hide the shill threads like suggested?

>Brie is hot
>incels are thirsty
>they see her being hot
>they hate her
>she becomes a super hero
>they lose their shit and masturbate in secret
>the hate is as hard as the dicks
>Captain Marvel is a huge success
>incels completely losing their fucking shit for months and become the laughing stock of the Internet
>even mass murders cannot TOUCH that absolute humiliation
Imagine being such beta cucks that even murdering people doesn't scare people from incels anymore. Lol.


Attached: mybrie.png (785x632, 783K)

>More like you actually believe in shills
How could I not, look at this thread my dear shill
>I also recognize that she worded herself poorly, and doesn't actively mean any harm to white men (something there is also evidence for).
I'd recognize it too if I was paid to shill that looney feminist here
>But just because people are willing to look past someone's mistakes and like them for their other qualities doesn't mean that they're shilling
Obviously not, that speaks well of you, forgiving is totally. It's the blatant shilling what makes you a shill, not that

>Why not just hide the shill threads
How can I mass expose shills if I don't see their threads? Are you stupid or what?

So basically any discussion that's not related to some "kino" from the silent era is shilling. Gotcha.
Funny thing is, I've actually went and did to work to
a) support all of my statements regarding her, with evidence
b) try as best I can to prove that I'm not a shill
And in the end I'll just get called a shill again in another thread. I really deserve getting paid for this, but it has to come out of Yea Forums's pauper pocket. Bonus shekels for trapping me in an online downwards spiral and semi-affecting my personal life. Pay up, Hiroshima.

Attached: 1561160974176.jpg (640x480, 137K)

Nah, you're just baiting for (You)'s. I don't believe you actually think I'm a shill. I refuse.

Attached: the-brideo-frankenste-this-rek-ghostbusters-2016-no-review-i-53858656.png (500x433, 94K)

I just finished watching Endgame and all I can say is


>As a man

all this is missing is "and that's a good thing"

>I really deserve getting paid for this
I really don't think you do, people around here still hate that capeshit piece of shit and this talentless feminist cunt. But hey it's quite an uphill battle, Brie is easily the most unlikeable person in Hollywood right now, way ahead Jennifer Lawrence god help us all, so it'll take time to see some results

Attached: OP.gif (267x199, 154K)

>I really don't think you do
Yes I do. If any actual shill/disney guy is reading this, drop a discord ID or something, if you're brave enough, and get me to join. About time I lived up to my name.


>How could I not, look at this thread my dear shill
This thread is evidence that Disney pays posters... You really don't think you overblow the importance of this place, and yourself?

What's the userbase for this board? 5'000 people, at most?


>he thinks Brie hates white men
Fucking lol. The delusion is absolute.

Sad that you missed how "privilege" was used, you dense motherfucker.

>you can't use the words that are useful to undo my shit

>caring this much about a kids cartoon movie

well, just spit in my ass and call me "jannie" cause I Briepost for FREE

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>This thread is evidence that Disney pays posters
Yeah, about that, I'm down. It's happening. I'll find a way to become a shill.

The film is shit and your waifu looks like an 80 year old.

Nobody gets paid to post anything here, you absolutely stupid person.

There are much easier ways to publicise anything. Besides, why would anyone pay anyone else when all they need to do is post an article to trigger incels and incels themselves will do the rest?

>incels call each other shills
>meanwhile, there are no chills
>incels do it for free

You guys are truly the most retarded demographic.

>keep using the word "cuck" to give power to it and make men feel bad for the bad behaviour of women
And none of you ever thinks that's a bad idea. FUCKING LOL.

You missed the point. I don't know how you could, but you did. The point is the mental state of many users here. Work on that reading comprehension.

Nah, we're getting paid for this. It's actually not a bad idea. As soon as I find a way, I'll let you know. Might as well.

Stop messing with the incels' minds: they believe this shit.

I'm unironically considering it at this point. Good luck finding anything other than Brie to shill for though. Fact of the matter is, everyone else sans the Alita fags have it easy and can like whatever the fuck they want without being accused of paid shilling/fakery.
Or I'll just follow the rest of the crowd and start "shilling" fucking Moner.

T B H I love brieposting but getting paid by Disney is what makes it so much more enjoyable.

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her entire development in this movie is “i was perfect the entire time but i just didn’t realise it!” instead of actually becoming a better person through struggle. the movie also makes no effort to get the viewer to like carrol. she just acts like a cocky asshole the whole time as if they looked to tony stark and strange as inspiration but forgot to make her seem human in the slightest .

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Nobody cares that you willingly consumed and pretended to like diarrhea, you're still a baby dicked virgin.

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The Patrician choice is Elizabeth Debicki. She is the greatest living star nowadays.

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> instead of actually becoming a better person through struggle.
Like every other superhero, right? God forbid a capeshit movie would do something new.

>tfw it's time to light up a new Brie General...


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I didn't read any of that.

I enjoyed it for what it is. Expecting something the movie wasn't trying to be is the retard's way of disliking everything.

Also my cock is a very good length and a mindblowing thickness. I have to order special condoms to fit my cock.

The worst part of this, for you, is that it's all 100% true.

no you

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people always say get woke go broke, yet most of the woke shit hollywood produced has net them so much money lol. loser basement dwellers just make shit up in their heads to cope that they're losing everything precious to them

Have you been callled a shill though? That's what matters. I'm only interested in it if it's shill worthy :D

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Hot take: movie was ok, but had too many problems to really make it worth watching again. I'd rather watch something like, for example, Mulan for "muh strong female protagonist who don't need no man" or gotg for a marvel flick. It was forgettably ok, and that's it's worst sin

sad that you missed that it's the same buzzwords retards use all the time.

>Being underestimated isn't unique to women.
>Being underestimated isn't just a problem for women.
>Being underestimated isn't an issue only for women.
>Being underestimated is faced by everyone.

all make more sense than "privilege of women" but got to get those keywords in, right?

yeah that’s why we should get more shitty non characters!

This isn't even about the movie user. Fuck the movie. It's literally just a fake war between two camps, one of which waifus her and the other that perceives her as a literal Killary-tier-feminazi-turbodike-clitoris the size of a penis-paid SJW spewing cyborg created by kike Hollywod reptilians & co.
Both sides are objectively wrong, I can tell you that much. But the former is still superior.

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You really think "privilege" should only be used by certain people? You have lost the war on words.
This still remains my favorite thread.

>thread still not dead
Fucking yikes desu. Come on already. But based jannies closeted Briefags confirmed. You are recognized as patrician.

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