Is he right about Star Wars and Harry Potter?
Is he right about Star Wars and Harry Potter?
Wtf I hate fascism now
I kind of want communism installed so these pretenious commie twitter fucks are forced to do manual labour for once in their lifes.
I want to rape OP, i want his juicy fat butt being rammed against the fucking wall, i want my love juice filling his fat body to the rim, bursting from his bug eyes
why is nationalism bad?
Do these people ever have a day off
Can someone explain the mentality of twitter screencap posters? It's honestly such a waste of time that I refuse to believe you're doing it without some kind of monetary compensation.
Yes, and?
it would be worth it to see millions of “worthless intellectuals” get executed like Pol Pot did in Cambodia
A fascist just flew over my house!
Especially screencaps of nobody's.
And that’s a good thing
Exactly. The reality of any ideology is that the dumb nerds who think of the world in abstracts by both the more rationally minded people who actually like fun once in a while and the powerhungry ladder climbers.
Oh i wonder how fat and greasy OP's asshole is, i bet if i licked it would taste like butter or margarine.
What is his message? Why doesnt he advise some proper action? They say teach by telling what you can do and not what you can't, what does he advise?
Wtf I love fascism now
Pathological shit-stirrers who prefer to argue they are opressed by opinions to excuse their other faults, or actual literal agents and shills trying to edit your psychology
Yea Forums was always about making people angry...Twitter screencap is a easy Tool to make people here angry.Its not that hard to figure It out.
Who is this and why should I care?
Personally id cut his neckfat first, then fry it with some olive and oil, then feed it to him. Mmmmmmh the thought of this pathetic ubermensch crying as he takes a bit of his disgusting body makes stiffy
Guaranteed replies. That's it, there's no deeper psychological analysis to be had.
You guys realize Yea Forums is a place we all started going to enable eachother to thonk thr adults in our loves where crazy oppressors to discourage porn video games and anime, right?
This but unironically.
t. Manual laborer & socialist
being a starbucks barista isn't manual labor
well what the fuck isn't fascist?
I wouldn’t know, I’m in landscaping
Sounds like Phil has some daddy issues
Dr. Who
oh wow another mexican socialist border hopper. bet you vote for aoc too you filthy commie
Descended from German 48ers actually, my people brought socialism to America. You’re welcome for the 40-hour work week and child labor regulations, by the way :3
I don't even know what definition of fascism it is supposed to be
Welcome to the true oldfag wisdom passed down through generations,
Yea Forums was always shit.
nah, go kill some more jews, you nazi.
wow thanks for nothing asshole
Sneed is fascist
Fascism (/ˈfæʃJzəm/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy[3] which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe
A form of government that doesn't give me gibmedats or let people do whatever they want even if it's detrimental to society as a whole.
No, because he has a childlike view of what fascism is
Yeah, I’m sure that will really inconvenience you when you’re a self-made billionaire trying to run a large corporation.
> doesn't give me gibmedats
You don't know what fascism is.
>a grown man tweeting about star wars and harry potter
I'm not going to have this argument with you, retard.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
because you have no argument.
wow, you're a socialist! you definitely deserve an award or something.
Star Wars basically is fascist though... inadvertently
Funniest part about it is communism literally relies on fascism to be properly implemented
How is any of that fascist?
You are a retard. You think that since communism and fascism are opposed, it must mean fascism doesnt include gibs. That is ignorant. Fascism can certainly include gibs, it just wouldn't give it to out-group members of the society. This could mean, in an ethno-nationalistic state, that it would only be allowed to go to members of the ethnic in-group. An example being, having lots of genetically ideal children could impart some compensation or benefit from the government.
> fascism is not concerned with class
> fascism is fine with hierarchy, meaning low end members exist, which is acceptable as long as loyalty to the nation supersedes standing and position
> fascism works for the good of the state, which would include the people, particularly in an ethno-nationalist nation
Fascism is good with gibs, just not to outsiders and lazy fucks that wont contribute to the nation.
Obersturmbahnfuhrer Hermione in SS Gryffindor would be kino.
What did you mean by this?
You are an autist, dude. The person you are arguing with is obviously not seriously thinking that nogibsmedat = facism. He is jokingly referring to the mindset of these twitter faggots.
Absolutely based retardposter
Fascism is nationalism for socialists.
Why are you SEETHING, all kidding aside?
why do so many people on the autism spectrum gravitate towards far left or far right politics? it's embarrassing.
Who fucking cares?
It truly doesn't make sense for people on 4channel to be pro-fascism
The entire platform is functionally communism whereas Reddit is capitalism. Everyone here gets equal and fair exposure. Everyone on Reddit gets exposure based on how valuable their comment is to the userbase.
I need a vacation from clown world.
July 28, 1914.
This is all very true. National Socialism and Italian style fascism were both ardent foes of capitalism and made sure to compensate their lower classes in a social welfare program.
The game of 8 Ball is a representation of racial domination: pure and mixed races- balls- are eliminated and finally, the black -8 ball- is put in his place by the white ball for sport
That's not true. When I browse a thread, I only really stop to read comments or view images that have a lot of (You)s. Only exception is posts at the top and bottom of a thread.
If you think "lol communism will allow freedom of expression and equal/fair exposure to all opinions" you're a retard. Communism is totalitarian and heavily moderated. Anything is allowed to be posted here. Yea Forums is not Communist, the old forums of yore are closer to that.
They're fucking exhausting
This. I grew up in eastern Europe. Communist regimes would gullag every single one of these fucks. Never mind faggots and trannies, anyone who refused to conform to the regime would eat a dick. Something as simple as not wearing your hair the way your school wanted would get you sent home back in those days. My whole family got blacklisted by the goverment because my grandfather slapped a communist officer.