Is there any essential Ted kino out there?
Is there any essential Ted kino out there?
Dude was smart but retarded at the same time.
So everyone goes back to agrarian lifestyles. What now? People are naturally going to want things that help them create more output with less work and then share that tech. It's a losing battle to fight against tech because ironically, it's natural for humans to advance.
i believe you have misinterpreted him
I know he believes the industrial revolution is responsible for all of modern man's woes. So what, did it all just happen too fast for his liking?
supposedly sharlto copley will be playing him in an upcoming movie
it isn't just the circumstance of the revolution that he despises, but the mindset that generated it
it is his belief, in some way, that we must so radically change our lives, that we will pursue a new course
of course, this course will come to us in time, regardless--the end is actually nigh, man
Ted was too smart for this world. He's an inspiration.
do you think they will try to undermine him by focusing on his mental health issues, and his sexuality/gender issues? i suppose they will omit that he was MKULTRA'd to fuck
wow a lot of words that say nothing
you haven't taken the tedpill
just read his manifesto
you can actually read it all in his words, instead of asking some user to type up a brief summery of what is actually a genius-tier thesis
I've read it already. Your word salad still hasnt shown me how I misinterpreted anything.
clearly you didn't read it well enough
go read it again
Are there any actual collapse cults around today? Seems with so much evidence, we'd have groups organized worshiping the end and accelerationism.
>I've read it already
>and i think it said the industrial revolution just happened too fast
you're some combination of lying and retarded
You're worried about undermining him in relation to his mental state while simultaneously being concerned they'll omit that he was "MKUltra'd" which is another way people try to minimize and invalidate his ideas.
>still cant tell me what he meant
and now Im know Im being rused
good day
I don't think it invalidates his ideas, but there's actual reasons that would suggest he underwent some shit akin to it. Regardless, his deteriorating mental state would not be handled in the way it should be. He overcame his obstacle through strength of will, when those around him only led him astray. But they will turn this to be that he was a madman; not that he had incredible internal strength.
absolutely cringe
just go read his fucking manifesto again
why do you want people to feed it to you? anything people write would be insufficient, because nobody is going to write out 5 fully-filled posts to explain it to you
he was a madman becuase he mailed bombs to innocent people
his stuff about leftists makes sense.
but otherwise he's just pissy about how fast tech evolved because it screwed up how we attain fullfilment
thats literally it. No reason to reread it.
>i'm going to define madman as doing things i morally disagree with instead of having a poor grasp of reality
ok but your word games don't do anything to invalidate his ideas
the part where he was bashing leftist was the least interesting and half the shit sounded like he pulled it out his ass, the rest was kino user
no but attempted murder will keep anyone sane from listening to that person
>the rest was kino
is my summation correct or not?
You definitely didn't read him because he actually talks about the possibility of people eventually building up technological society again and said it really doesn't matter as far as we can be concerned. His point is that in the relative near term if humanity doesn't consciously choose to fall back onto a less resource and tech reliant way of life we'll be forced to by the eventual collapse of industrial society which may bring about the extinction of the species. So to ensure the survival of humanity we would need to regress back into earlier lifeways on our own accord. This is just one aspect of the critique.
unironically that is a narrow mindset
many great men throughout history are also killers, have been in a position to hurt others, or are willing to wage war
why do you single this character out? his internal morality is very well reasoned, regardless of whether it is acceptable
>people that agree with me morally will never consider ideas we heard about from people who do things with we morally disagree with
people you agree with morally sound pretty dumb
You may not think it invalidates him but that's the angle that is always taken when people bring up the psychological experiment at Harvard. Which btw had nothing to do with MKUltra.
ITT: people rationalizing the behavior of a crazed wannabe revolutionary who had an above average IQ because they have no role models
No. The speed at which technology developed is not a concern of his. It's about technology in and of itself removing human agency and that while we think we're adapting technology to our needs and desires it's actually shaping our desires and behavior to itself. The medium is the message and all that.
>no role models
Good thread. Have a rare Teddy wojak.
Ted wasn't the first or the last person to critique industrial society or technology. The manifesto itself is basically a distilled version of Ellul's Technological Society.
Hal from Malcolm in the Middle was the only father that i ever knew...
what a faggot
Two Years at Sea (2011)
name a better reason to kill people
Uncle ted was pretty basedpilled
>Decided to read Ellul because of Kaczynski
>He makes even more good points
It's worth a read. Only Ellul's focus is less about technology and more about a specific phenomenon called "the technique" which is hard to describe. As I understand it, it's the idea of using a rationalized and efficient system to achieve an end, which Ellul describes as dehumanizing. I find the idea fascinating.
self defense
He also thought the right was full of retards.
he was acting in self defence
>le based centrist
against society
>falling for the vacuous political dichotomy delineated by the spectacle
wow bet you'll change the world with your free thinking
he probably will more than you
That cope
suck his cock already
i would
but my point stands
I think the thesis is very well articulated and I couldn't possibly presume to be anywhere near as smart as Ted, but I have to honestly disagree with large chunks of it. It seems like Ted is afraid of losing the human spirit, the essence of what made us apex predators for thousands of years, in exchange for something he sees as unworthy of the trade: the evolution of the human tool. Yes, we sacrifice some strong willed industrial spirit for ease of access, but I feel like this change is more than necessary. It's required. If the goal of the human race as a whole is survival and we take the long term into consideration, the technological singularity has to continue if we have any hope of surviving some very fast approaching extinction events. This comes with a more streamlined society, where our primary day-to-day goals become less essential and survival based than our forefathers. It seems to me like Ted wants to reverse progression out of a fear if the unknown.
Like I said, I'm nowhere near as smart as the guy and I could be completely retarded and misunderstood the thesis completely, but that's just my take on it.
No many people regarded it as genius knowing full well that he was a madman
>The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values. Technology is a more powerful social force than the aspirations of freedom.
>I at first favored Hillary Clinton for president, but after she was out of the picture, I favoredObama. I mean, I don’t think any of our politicians are worth a damn so when I say I ‘favor’ a politician for an office, I just mean that I think he or she is the least of the available evils
“Above average IQ”
>Mathematical prodigy
>Went to Harvard at 16
>Earned PhD in Mathematics at 25
>Became the youngest assistant professor in the history of Berkeley
Oh and
>167 IQ
>doubling down on the very thing that got us into the predicament we find ourselves in
>banking on some goofy scifi techno solution to save humanity
That is technically above average, but yeah that guy is an arrogant brainlet
You think people who approve of Ted are conservatives? Top fucking kek, conservatives are useless so thanks for confirming that he indeed is based and redpilled.
Tulsi for president btw.
How about you adress the points made in the video about leftists instead of changing the subject.
Anyone seen his interveiw he sounds like tarintino
>>Went to Harvard at 16
How can people go to college before graduating from high school?
The stuff he says about technology making us its slaves is pretty on-point. I don't remember the exact words, but he says "In time, men will be to machines what dogs are to men".
What predicament do we find ourselves in, exactly? Grocery Stores made food too accessible? Also, how is the earth being on the precipice of natural disaster at all times considered "goofy sci-fi"? Is your post just the equivalent of a furrowed brow and a disatissfied grunt?
>It seems to me like Ted wants to reverse progression out of a fear if the unknown.
You misunderstood him. Ted - and everyone else - knows where industrial society leads us: to enslavement under an increasingly more complex, centralized, authoritarian and ubiquitous form of governance. Ted wants to reverse progression primarily due to it disrupting what he calls "the power process", which - in his view, and probably in the view of many a thoughtful reader of his works - is essential for the wellbeing of h umans.
A man who has very little direct control over the circumstances of his life, be it on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis, is an unhappy man. Industrial society "outsources" many task that are essential to our survival (growing food, ensuring protection against the elements etc.), or of potential great consequence to us (such as our personal safety, which is in many countries now officially the "job of the police", i.e. the carrying of arms for self-defense is forbidden and we are instead expected to call police when confronted by a deadly threat); these developments are - in his view - not desirable.
>However, some psychologists have publicly expressed opinions indicating their contempt for human freedom. And the mathematician Claude Shannon was quoted in Omni (August 1987) as saying, “I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.”
Where does he say that?
He skipped two grades and went to summer school to graduate from high school early.
You can do that in America?
>>banking on some goofy scifi techno solution to save humanity
Are you not aware that, no matter what, on the biggest time scale, humanity's ONLY savior will be space travel?
You can do that almost everywhere, but you need a special authorization from whoever is in charge of education in your city/state.
I jumped 2 grades back in 1991.
On those points I would tend to agree, but that just means that the manner in which we go forward needs to be considered carefully and with consideration of those facts. Burning all technology to the ground just as a preventative measure is like tearing a house down because the bathroom might have mold.
>You think people who approve of Ted are conservatives?
No but conservatives like to use his words as cheap shots against the left while ignoring his distaste for them. Regardless, outside of some very fringe groups most of the right champion capitalism while bemoaning the loss of traditional life. So whether they describe themselves as conservative or not is rather meaningless.
>How about you adress the points made in the video about leftists instead of changing the subject.
I mostly agree with it. It's a cogent critique.
Are you not aware that, no matter what, on the biggest time scale, humanity has no savior?
Star Trek "warp drives" are not real. The world as we know it, defined by mathematical truths and empirical verification (physics), has severe limitations, and so do the raw materials available to us. There does not exist infinite growth in technology; a copper wire can only transfer so much electricity.
>What predicament do we find ourselves in, exactly?
>the earth being on the precipice of natural disaster
>humanity's ONLY savior will be space travel?
Some people can't comprehend anything regarding the human race more complicated than lower level statecraft. It just seems like comic book fantasy to them, they're on par with flat earthers.
>muh space
Reddit techno/scifi fetishism will doom us all.
>technology got us into this predicament of the earth being on the precipice of natural disaster
>natural disaster
>greentexting instead of actual dialogue
based somehow knower of all things
I couldn't imagine being this arrogant thinking humanity somehow knows everything already
(I really hate that stuff)
Case in point. Go drink your beer, Billy-Ray-Jean-Bob Jr.
these people probably would have been on talk shows in the 60s decrying the moon landing as a waste of money too
>decrying the moon landing as a waste of money too
>implying it wasn't
>implying it happened
I love you Yea Forums, you guys are the wisest dudes
Yes. The looming natural disaster that is global warming was brought about by technological society.
actual retard not even worth giving a paltry (you)
Imagine your knowledge of science being limited to a shitty idea of how electricity works but still being arrogant enough to make assumptions about the ultimate fate of earth and its place in the universe
>my sci-fi fueled vision of the future is actually real it's everyone else who's living in a fantasy
That is not the disaster I had in mind, and the fact that you thought it was shows me you're not mentally equipped enough for this debate.
I would say Varg/ThuleanPersective is pretty ted pilled
>implying it will mirror sci-fi 1:1
there's that arrogance again
>Imagine your knowledge of science being limited to a shitty idea of how electricity works
I was not presenting how electricity works with that example, but rather the limitations placed upon us by our materials. Brainlet. Furthermore, one does not need to be a great genius to understand the insurmountable problems that physics has proven to exist.
>pretends he loves science
>doesn't understand the scientific method
>being a blind follower of the pseudo scientific pop science trash "culture"
I'm not surprised
wew good thing we have you to tell us about our limitation so we never have to try anything new or learn anything else about physics
close the books boys this guy already gets it all.
Alrighty then chief, where do you see humanity in a thousand years? Dead? If so, youre no fucking help and you should go back to watching Jerry Springer and leave discussions like these to the grown ups.
Reminder that Mathematics is the best science
Well what did you have in mind?
Humans are biological beings booboo head
You are corrupting science by your Abrahamic biases
>Alrighty then chief, where do you see humanity in a thousand years? Dead?
With people like you at the helm? Yes.
I can understand how it's hard for a lot of people to see the big picture, but it baffles me how much anger and disdain they have for those that do. It actually physically hurts me somehow and I wish I could see people like you with posts like yours and not die a little inside.
Yes, were biological, and let's try to stay alive.
You dont even know me faggot. Just because I'm not some down to earth simpleton who cant carry a thought past what my next meal should be doesnt make me the sole purpose of the death of all life. It just makes me an arrogant prick that's smarter than you are.
love you too, lad.
now stop typing like a faggot.
The natural disaster you had in mind was "alive"? Interesting.
>You dont even know me faggot.
I don't have to know you intimately to know what ideology you're captivated by. You've demonstrated that you're a technophile throughout the thread and it's technophilia that will doom the human race.
>It just makes me an arrogant prick that's smarter than you are.
You certainly are arrogant.
Mislinked your post. Internal cooling, rogue asteroids, solar flares, magnetic pole reversal, and disease pandemic just to name a few. Those are things that could happen any day now, but they don't. Thats not even considering the things that are in the "within a couple thousand years" category.
Haha this is so pathetic.
Remind me again why we don't use incels for scientific experimentation?
>fearing technology for the sake of fearing technology
what a shitty thread
>technology good because good
>rogue asteroids, solar flares
If we could only be so lucky.
>magnetic pole reversal
>happening any day now
You're worried about all this but not global warming? Which is happening and worsening, with no signs of reversing course, as we speak. Seems like your priorities are misaligned.
His critique of the liberal "left" was years ahead of its time and spot on.
Not sure about all the techno-babble though.
Alright, what technological device are you posting from? If you were doing anything but playing devils advocate, you'd be innawoods trying to get firewood and meat. Get off your computer/phone, it's destroying the world.
In this scenario, what would solve global warming quicker and easier
1. Research into technological solutions for air filtration and cleaner industrial methods
2. Destroying everything with a circuit board, everything that generates or uses electricity, everything that involves a chemical or scientific reaction, plunging the entire world into a second Dark Age and encouraging pillaging, raids in the streets, rape, theft, murder, and a massive loss of information that the human race worked hard to acquire. Fuck it, let's burn all the books too so nobody tries to start again. All because you don't like stopping at traffic lights.
>but at least the air is clean and we have ice caps
also Nuke Power, but that dovetails with what you said about cleaner industrial methods so nvm
You can't point at any technologically advanced country that isn't full of mold, though. It's possible you can build an advanced, moldless country but no one has, technology contributes to mold growth where it exists, and his description of a causal relation between the two seems plausible.
and yet technology allows us to get rid of mold with chemicals wow
>i'm going to start mixing metaphors as an argument in response to someone doing it tongue in cheek
The second scenario.
If in this analogy we mean mold as political corruption or just plain ineptitude at the state level to govern and ensure the choices made in leadership are sound, then society has had mold for far longer than weve had technology.
I just jumped in I don't really care
no one's mind is being changed in this shit thread anywho
>word soup with a dramatic ending
>If in this analogy we mean mold as political corruption or just plain ineptitude at the state level to govern
we don't. read the manifesto. we mean dissatisfaction due to a lifestyle further removed from evolved human drives
>i'm just going to say retarded shit because none of this matters
any chance you could get a trip?
Is this what evil looks like?
>all this intelligent philosophical debate
>just another shit Yea Forums thread on par with the blacked and twitter posts and "what did they mean by this" threads
It's not so much that we should not advance, it's that we should not base our lifestyle around those advancements. Like when a favorite nature spot of his was torn up to build a road, he wasn't mad because he hated roads. He was mad because cars made it necessary to destroy something beautiful as a consequence
Evolution is progress though, right? Can't our needs evolve again?
>>all this intelligent philosophical debate
an user doubted the legitimacy of the moon landing
This I do agree with. I believe in technology and its progression, but we should avoid destroying the useful and enjoyable along the way at all costs.
Yeah but theres more in the thread than that.
>Evolution is progress though, right?
no. those are just vaguely connotatively related words. nor is equating them a relevant argument
>Can't our needs evolve again?
i guess you could selectively breed people who are satisfied with society or drive the others to kill themselves before they reproduce. many people wouldn't see those as desirable
It's not possible. Human society and behavior shapes itself to technology. This has been demonstrated throughput history. Our wants and desires are irrelevant.
The freeze is the only real one, in terms of it being relevant to life. No evidence for 1. and 3., i don't understand what the slurp one is going on about,
our wants and desires can be suppressed just other primal drives
Yes we should go back to living like literal niggers, thanks (((Ted)))
Its very poorly describing false vacuum. The idea is that the most stable state of all particles is metaphorically akin to being a ball that always rolls to the bottom of a hill. The higgs boson, from what we can tell, is not in its most stable state but instead on a small plateau of stability somewhere in the middle of the hill.
The kicker is that because all particles very heavily depend on the current behavior of other particles, if a single HB were to "roll" into its actual stable state, it would no longer have the behavior that other particles depend on. The theory is that this would unravel the functionality of the universe at the speed of light from the point that the first higgs boson achieved its prime stability, as all interactive particles would have new interactions incompatible with the current state of the universe.
If its already happened, we wouldnt even know - the unraveling would occur at the speed of light, and we wouldnt be able to see it coming until the chain reaction hit us.
Manhunt Unabomber was great
Thanks user, helpful explanation.
I see a lot of people attacking Kaczynski ITT and I myself do not agree with his goals necessarily, however his analysis of man's ability to guide the fate of his own culture and civilization is devastating and thinking about it is kind of unnerving. I highly recommend at least reading the first third or half or so of Anti-Tech revolution if you are into ideas about cultural evolution.
>all of modern man's woes.
Hyperbole. The issue as he sees it is that humans are not in control, the technological system, driven by the natural tendency of systems of sufficient fitness to maximize their power, is in the drivers seat itself. You should really try reading things before commenting on them.
His experience of the MKULTRA program was filling out a questionnaire. There was not 'to fuck' about it.
holy shit lmao
Yeah, too bad cuckold Paul Bettany played him.
It looks like cellular mitosis.