We can’t stop winning Disney chads

Another billion for our beloved mouse.

I remember flopzilla fans claiming that piece of shit was gonna destroy Aladdin at box office

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>It's utter fucking garbage but just look how much money it's made

Based Micky

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Reminder THIS trash also made 1 billion. It's nothing special. Plus Universal makes dillion dollar films yearly.

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Based Disney destroying cinema for good

Box office gross stopped being a metric for success when Spider-Man 3 and the Transformers movies made billions. It's just whatever.

this world no longer makes sense to me. honestly, I don't understand how such dreck like this or that new multiculti Spider Man or Lion King can easily rake in $1 billion like it's nothing. meanwhile movies such as Alita, BR2049 or Dredd are struggling to make their budgets back. Also 007 is a female gorilla nigger now.
ever sine they launched the Large Hadron Collider reality has gone amiss and it feels like we have slipped into a bizzaro parallel universe where everything is upside down

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"Hey guys, Disney made a lot of money!"
Yeah, but they also spend so much money that it hardly matters. They're the biggest winners and the biggest losers. They're also flooding the market and ensuring they'll be hit with another Disney crash soon enough.

Ahem. Fuck the mouse.

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there are a total of 41 billion dollar movies, 21 of them are by Disney
Absolutely based

the only Spider-Man movie to make a billion is Far From Home


Beauty and the beast made more and it was just as bad.


8 of the 10 highest grossing movies this year will be made by Disney. They have taken over completely.

The trick is realizing the billion is actually nothing. The international market is just so large that a checklist movie will generate a billion in revenue. Then realize Disney is only getting about 35% of that billion.

so you watched them both? lol faggot.

The general public are fucking stupid and Disney know it.

You don't have to watch a movie to make an educated judgment about it's quality.

I guess that's one way of dealing with our complete inability to stop Disney winning, OP. For some reason the normies even prefer a lazy, deeply cynical conglomerate over being based and redpilled like us.

>it's quality

You could do with a fucking good education to prevent this kind of occurrence.

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Oh boy the grammar nazis are here to indict the phoneposters.

In a better world this would be the literal truth.

You mean how they will start to eat themselves to death because of how many movies they release and the fact it's mainly the international audience keeping them up?