so the people who picked asuka over rei are cucks now I'm guessing? Who could like such a shitty subhuman rude character?
So the people who picked asuka over rei are cucks now I'm guessing...
(formerly not cucks)
So is she what Japanese people think Europeans are like ?
Stupid rudeposter.
What does NGE have to do with the Simpsons?
OUT-AM I?? You've DOH'd your last EVA, Gendo Ikari!
That good D will fix that, reifags lack it so it's no wonder they cannot understand
>a doll who does whatever you tell her
>a wild redhead, waiting to be tamed
Asuka the man's choice.
What does nge have to do with tv?
seething reifags
She's so waifu tier.
She's more of an actual human character while rei isn't. Also I relate to her brain problems.
Even if you don't like asuka, rei didn't actually show affection so reifags are basing their waifu on fantasy and headcanon.
Not much, but it once again proved that you don’t care about the Simpsons, you just want to spam
>that cope
On the contrary, reifags are so insecure about their ability to keep a woman that they prefer a soulless, submissive husk of a girl to a normal person.
Us asukafags, on the other hand, are confident enough to handle a little bit of verbal sparring and even enjoy it
asuka irl
>if you had kids with asuka they would probably get her low iq.
>low IQ
>already graduated college at 14
>knows all about thermal expansion
Asuka isn't low iq
rei thinks a lot behind the scenes, the one you would need to convince the most through logic would be her not asuka who seems easiest to convince of anything beyond surface level debate
>poop eyes
yeah nah, fuck off with your fugly goblina.
Forgot about this scene.
Absolute kino.
I'd rather have a caustic bitch than an emotionless doll.
all the kids in that show probably are given comparable "genius" abilities, i laughed during that pool scene. that big brain iq served her when she jobbed repeatedly.
>>knows all about thermal expansion
lmao @ ur science classes
You don't win women over with logical debates kek. What would you even debate about?
is that a fucking booger dangling from her right nostril?
Reminder that Asuka is a half German, proving that race-mixing is good.
i mean day to day she would be more entertaining and fufilling to converse with. Would probably teach eachother a lot talking about your observations of life. Asuka only knows how to whine for attention/ verbally abuse/ or follow you around like a puppy dog. she wouldnt foster any growth and it a relationship like that would peak in a year or two.
Actually, I'm not sure of the exact percentages. Part Japanese and part German at any rate.
OP's 10 word vocabulary in full effect.
glancing at it there is more than 10, quiet honey the queens are talking. please sit down.
>not leaving the children to the pedos and waifuing the far superior misato.
It's time to move up, user
>getting cucked by your own mother
op here im a ritsuko man myself. ironically a girl i fucked who cosplays asuka was a bitch when i told her i liked ritsuko and just asked why. Life imitates art.
Probably but they're still teens so being stupid and egocentric is to be expected
seriously, the lack of Misato love is insanity. Bunch of manchildren pedo's. Straight Shota is for chads fucking grown women, loli is for pedo's who can't get laid.
I think it's because most people watched as kids or teenages, so they got attached to the characters closer to their own age.
Old hags
*old slutty hags
based hagposter
You know I know this anime is OLD and I get that its from a country thats historically been homophobic...but towards the end of the show a scene stuck out to me. Rei looks at the camera and says "Old fag." What did she mean by this? What was Gainax thinking?
please don't call her poop eyes, it's offensive
poop hag.
I am user, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the love of his waifu? 'No,' says the Reifag, 'you must love a literal doll' 'No,' says the Asukafag, 'you must love a horrible cunt' 'No,' says the Misatofag, 'you must love the drunk slut' I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Mari.
You called?
You don't choose your waifu, your waifu chooses you. Or not in your case you larping tryhard redditor
Everytime anons say rei is a lifeless, no personality husk, i disregard their post because they clearly didnt understand what happened in eva.
Turns out, majority of them are asuka fans
why are you guys obsessed with this ugly slut
Funny how it is always the Reifags whining and bitching about the people who like Asuka, and never the other way around. Guess her fans are just a bunch of insecure crybabies.
we're worried for you.
this kills the reifag
ofc they are, after all their waifu is a lifeless doll and they have a thinly veiled mommy incest fetish.
rei contemplated the nature of existance and bid her time to betray the one who was playing her. You think asuka could have done anything like that? the irony is that asuka is more predictable in the long run than rei is.
Based and Akagi pilled.
>people who picked asuka over rei
How disgusting.
lmao if i wanted a drunken slut who lives like a pig i'd get a 3D gf
nothing wrong with any of that cuck
She's kinda cute.
>tfw no kitty ear plugsuit Maya gf
Why is she so smug, lads?
i love her so much bros