What did Yea Forums think of fury
What did Yea Forums think of fury
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was okay i guess. i laughed hard at the end when that soldier spotted the kid and just kept it moving.
They over did it with the tracers, unless some historian can confirm WW2 looked like a star wars battlefront game.
Would've thought that the SS soldier would've been at least a little upset at that point but hey
You're complaining about the tracers when there's literally a fucking headshot on a guy in the command cupola off a 76mm gun?
I’m in the middle about that because it made some of the action visually striking however yeah it was a bit too much in places
nah bro its cool you just killed like 100 of my bros haha no hard feelings later man
Considering the point in the war there's a good chance he didn't even know most of the guys in his unit, contrary to memes the SS in the late war was a confused mess of conscripted troops who in many cases weren't even Krauts
Had potential but the battle scenes suck
I liked the part where the sherman destroyed 3 Tigers
I liked the part where there were even 3 Tigers in the same place at the same time, on the Western Front no less
I know I’d be like that
>tough commanding officer
>sensitive new soldier
>Bible-quoting soldier
>ethnic minority soldier
>mission into enemy territory
>team bonds along the way
>"should we kill this German POW or not?"
>get to their destination
>Waffen-SS are on the way
>"let's sacrifice ourselves in a glorious last stand"
>sensitive new guy survives, is rescued by American reinforcements
It was a fucking remake of Saving Private Ryan only in a tank.
Tanks are cooler though
wait, who was the ethnic guy in spr
Vin Diesel, though you could also count Mellish
>It was a fucking remake of Saving Private Ryan only in a tank.
no it wasnt. the theme of fury was that modern war is two grinding stones working at each other untill one is destroyed. the pure mechanical amoralistic nature of war.
SPR was a moral feel good movie, the complete oppositeof fury.
At least the only surviving running Tiger got to drive around again I guess
It was good except for the part with the girls.
>no it wasnt. the theme of fury was that modern war is two grinding stones working at each other untill one is destroyed. the pure mechanical amoralistic nature of war.
>SPR was a moral feel good movie, the complete oppositeof fury.
The moral of Fury was that committing war crimes is okay when it's against Germans because Germans are evil and that's the only way to defeat them.
I think you're confusing it with Inglorious Bastards
best job i ever had/10
>le newbie is the only one that survives
Also SS soldier letting him live even though he killed bunch of his countrymen second ago, its was shit.
You're vastly overestimating the level of commitment Germans had to it at that point, lot's of them were going to West to surrender to the guys who'd been bombing their cities and shooting their countrymen for the last few years
Movie had potential to be kino, but they fucked up for le cool war moments
It was okay. My main gripe was the needless bombing of the home where sensitive newbie soldier got it on with sensitive German girl just for a "Welp, war right? LMAO" moment.
The ending is completely stupid, I guess that what happens when kids who only know war through videogames write a script.
Also a mexican driving a tank in WW2? come on
>Tiger sniping from afar
>"Hey Hans let's drive closer against these Shermans!"
>Gets killed like a noob player in WoT
>That fucking last stand battle
>Also a mexican driving a tank in WW2?
Segregation didn't apply to wogs, only coons and Asians
literally the best scene
I enjoyed it, not really anything great though. I did have ahave a chat with the curator of the tank museum last month and he mention that fury also had a few sub plots that didn't make it into the film
I thought it was great up until that final stand. Completely ridiculous.
G*rmoids are evil though. Cry harder faggot.
I hated the first battle how the german gun crew kept missing the allied tanks advancing slowly. At leas one tank should have been destroyed to show the stakes. The Tiger battle was kinda epic, but hated how the Tiger didn't take out Fury or the first tank in the column, which is standard tactics. You take out either the biggest gun, or the tank at the front to stop those behind. There was also no need for the Tiger to keep charging after leaving the smoke. Oh, and of course a round bounced off Fury at close range when that should have destroyed it and the crew inside.
A disabled tank with no support at night. It wouldn't take much for a German guy to just sneak up with a panzerfaust that works.
there making movies about furys now
Don't even need the faust, magnetic mines would absolutely fuck it, it can't defend all its flanks at the same time
any other ww2 tank kinos?
Wasn't it shot twice with Panzerfausts? And not much happened? It was also shot twice by Tiger.
Did you not understand the point of that scene?
no but they are making games
Nope, i like Marvel movies.
apparently not. let me have it bro
No. Please tell me.
Will there ever be a movie that accurately depicts how the Soviet Union defeated the Wehrmacht while everyone else was sitting on their asses?
Yeah that germans are gay pussies
They tend to be in Russian
Mexicans are about 5'6 tall on average, they're a manlet country, no mexican could drive a tank properly.
hmmm, perhaps the Soviet Union made some movies like that? Just a guess, though.
Earlier in the film where Logan Lerman (can’t remember his characters name) is being forced to kill someone he doesn’t believe should be killed. It’s a callback to that. The SS dude was another kid just like him that didn’t want to kill him. It’s basically saying that it doesn’t matter what side you’re on, you’re gonna have people that are the same.
I think short or average men were preferred to operate tanks. Less room and comfort if you're tall. Russian T-34 were known to be some of the most uncomfortable tanks ever made.
my grandfather was a tank commander for a panther during the war. i watched with him the movie and he was pissed because of me. i stole him 2 hours of his lifetime for a shitty movie. at least he knows now why he lost the war. the SS wasnt able to handle a broken tank
>the guy that gunned people while screaming like madman shouldnt be killed
That's only true after WW2, Sherman you'd have an awful time being 6 feet
But the kid just killed hundreds of his friends, who were someones father, husband, brother, son. The SS dude pretty much agrees that it's okay if he and his buds are killed, but it's wrong to kill enemies killing you.
Well I didn't see much complaining about that from the 6 and a half million German POW's the Western Allies ended up having
>Earlier in the film where Logan Lerman (can’t remember his characters name) is being forced to kill someone he doesn’t believe should be killed. It’s a callback to that. The SS dude was another kid just like him that didn’t want to kill him. It’s basically saying that it doesn’t matter what side you’re on, you’re gonna have people that are the same.
In that case a better ending would have been the SS commander forcing him to kill the American kid. What goes around comes around and all that.
>t. Russian
Was the Panther more or less broken than the Tiger? I know Germans tended to overdesign their tanks.
Germans are only good when they're letting Americans get away.
Americans are still good even after they've committed war crimes.
Would’ve been. But the kid had a choice not to put himself in that situation.
That would have been perfect.
I dont think western allies took POWs that killed hundreds of their friends 10minutes ago.
Why do you assume every single person in his unit was his friend? He probably spent 5 seconds with most of them
>Every soldier knows and likes every other soldier in the same army as if the were as close as family.
>Yea Forums believes this.
>You care more about lives of enemy soldiers than your own countrymen
It must be US thing, where you only care about Israel in military, rest of the world have those values other way around.
>if you kill your enemies, they win
>>You care more about lives of enemy soldiers than your own countrymen
they were already dead
less broken by far. the tiger was strong but technically still a prototype. there was no time for tests
You care, I just think calling them friends is a huge fucking overstatement only a retard who's never served would come up with
>In operation since 1941
>No time for tests
I'm going to assume you meant the Tiger II
Yup two germans fausted it though one might have missed. The Germans also tossed in like 4 grenades which didn't instantly mulch the crew
So where and when did you serve? You didn't bond with any of your fellow soldiers? Or were you the awkward one who never said anything?
>you should execute everyone of your enemy
Go back to Israel Morgan
It was a very good tank, though like all German tanks had some teething issues with its front drive tank. Once that was fixed it was excellent
Oh yeah I remember the grenades taking lie 30 seconds to explode... And Brad Pitt's body was perfectly fine afterwards. Someone actually approved of both things, saying "This is fine".
I bonded with people I actually went out on patrol with, not everyone in the entire fucking army
It was great until tom cruise loses his powers
You cant discuss WW2 movies without incels storming the thread with their Wikipedia degrees
tiger 1 was broken as fuck. yes he was in service since 1941 but they never fixed the issues. every tiger they built were directly sent to the front
>Infolgedessen gingen mehr Fahrzeuge durch mechanische Defekte und Selbstzerstörung als durch direkte Feindeinwirkung verloren
> more vehicles were lost through mechanical defects and self-destruction than through direct enemy action
>more vehicles were lost through mechanical defects and self-destruction than through direct enemy action
Reminder the Tiger was originally planned to be like 40 tonnes and ended up being around 60 while the Panther was supposed to be ~30 and ballooned to 45
what's written on his forhead?
there is no such scene in the movie
Tiger destroyed 3 out of 4 Shermans then was taken out by the last one
that would've been v kino
"If you want to kill somebody, kill me, Sir..." "Nah, I think I'll just kill yer weinerschnitzel lickin girlfriend instead!" Jesus Christ Aldo
The point of Inglorious Basterds was that if you cheer to the death and slaughter of your political enemies in cinema you are literally Hitler.
The point of Inglorious Bastards was Tarantino getting to strangle a bitch.
The Tiger was overengineered and expensive to operate and maintain, but technically not less reliable than other tanks.
Considering that Tiger units were always used at places with the heaviest resistence, the number of Tigers that broke down due to mechanical errors is really little.
In 1945 when Fury takes place, the Tiger 1 is a good tank. Very expensive and very thirsty in terms of gas, but if the crew knew what they were doing (and only veterans got to Tiger units anyway) it was a good tank.
The Panther was more flawed for 2 reasons: In use from 1943 only (2 less years to fix problems than they had with the Tiger 1). The early Panthers had many mechanical problems which were fixed somewhat soon-ish, but some remained until the latest versions (the final drive being very weak and easy to break by lack of experience/skill).
In the hands of good crews, the Panther (Ausf G = later versions from 44 onwards that is) was an even better tank than the Tiger because of its bigger agility, better range, higher muzzle velocity and angled frontal armor.
The 2nd Problem was that Panthers were meant as a replacement for the medium tanks. i.e. they were handed to regular tank crews, not only the elite, and therefore many fresh recruits got to operate them resulting in unnecessary losses due to engine failures (and ofc also due to enemy fire because after D-Day for example they often drove through narrow villages in normandy where a better skilled crew would have avoided that)
Bullshit, see my explanation.
because human waves and slaughters aren’t interesting
>guy murders countless numbers of your friends and countrymen
>find him
>do nothing
It was decent but the ending was pretty ridiculous.
This was not the problem of the Tiger itself, it was a general problem of the turn in the war.
If your army is advancing, you can recover your broken down or damaged equipment.
If your army is retreating on the other hand, even a tiny thing like a broken track means that a otherwise fully operational tiger has to be blown up so the russians can't recover it.
This has nothing to do with the reliability of the tank. Mobility lost = loss of vehicle in this cases, no matter of Tiger tank or a simple truck.
I didn’t even think about that, very true.
It was nice seeing the last tiger tank in action, but then it starts doing really stupid maneuvers. After that it went downhill fast
Its even worse because some scenes earlier they showed the marching germans being equipped with a shitton of man-handed anti-tank weapons.
t. Tankietard
easily the worst movie I've ever seen with Brad Pitt in it
Contrary to popular memes, the imperial guard shit the Russians did was mostly due to the chaos and disorder from Stalin's purges of the upper command, combined with their complete unpreparedness for Nazi aggression. As the war dragged on, the Russian figured out really fucking fast how to fight. Mass executions of soldiers happened well after the battle, almost never during it. Enemy at the Gates is a great movie, but read up on the way the actual battle was conducted, and you'll realize how much of this shit is just mythologized and exaggerated.
>In 1945 when Fury takes place, the Tiger 1 is a good tank.
The tiger was great and feared when it came because the allies lacked the firepower to fight up front. But by 1945 both the Americans and Russians had upped their tanks firepower so that Tigers were less of a throat.
Then take him prisoner. Seeing an enemy combatant and choosing to leave him where a shit ton of your guys will be (are) passing is straight retarded. The options weren't limited to shoot him on the spot and leave him to kill more of your own.
>But by 1945 both the Americans and Russians had upped their tanks firepower so that Tigers were less of a throat.
True for sure.
Just because the commies used Russians as cannon fodder and got millions of them killed by ordering 19th century-style charges directly into German machine gun fire doesn't meant that they technically did more to defeat Germany. They just fought dumber, not harder.
>starts really interesting ideas and questions about the nature of war and man
>shows american soldiers raping women
>goes full retard at the end with one tank crew that has endless ammo and no reloading taking out like 3 german platoons
>doesn't meant that they technically did more to defeat Germany
It literally does, you massive dumbass.
Realistic tank combat would be unwatchable in a feature film.
I give them major credit for having a romance scene which wasn't cringe. I haven't fully formed an opinion if the movie would have been better without it, but I didn't get mad watching it. Also, it was kind of a nice break from the carnage and you need that sometimes. If you'd like to know why, watch Hacksaw Ridge with normies.
Please show me where the Russians strategically bombed Germany night and day for almost 3 years straight. Also show me where they destroyed any warship >10,000 tons. Also show me where they built the most powerful computers the world have ever seen to break cryptographic ciphers.
It was pretty cringe to be quite honest excpt for Brad Pitt
It's an 88
Stopped at the tiger scene, how can you not know basic tank tactics when your making a ww2 tank movie
Nazis cant win the war if they waste all their ammo on insect swarms
> Czech tanks
kek commie faggot btfo
You're fucking retarded. If there's a meaningful scene in fury it's that one. Holy shit are you an actual NPC? I completely understand why that happened and would have probably done the same thing unfortunately.
Brad Pitt was great in this. Much better than he was in Inglorious Bastards and World War Z. Great Performance. Shia Labeouf as well. Too bad the last half hour detracted from everything that came before and made it ultimately be classified as a forgettable piece of shit.
> t. Rommel
Look out, tank commander here.
FUCK you just ruined the movie for me. Based idea. I may steal it.
relax bro its just an opinion
Had absolutely nothing to do with furries. Very disappointed. It's actually something to do about World War II and a tank. Whatever.
It's a gay opinion based in ignorance. If the scene bad actuakly been funny I could see laughing at it. I remember we watched the Joan of arc movie in 6th grade French class and we were laughing at how overacted the deaths were. To the point the teachers stopped the movie and gave everyone detention.
But this is a 18+ website so that shouldn't be the case here.
you're a faggot
Stop taking it seriously after the goofy bit with the crewman on fire.
Absolute kino. Only flaw was the obvious tracers.
Yet ironically, everyone who went to watch it in theaters cheered the poor Wehrmacht NCO who was beaten to death with a baseball bat for refusing to give away the positions of other German soldiers. Was Tarantino telling the retards who went to see this movie that they were the real Nazis?
You're an infant.
>The point of Inglorious Basterds was that if you cheer to the death and slaughter of your political enemies in cinema you are literally Hitler.
This, except unironically.
Bad story, dumb characters, but entertaining enough. 5/10. Better WW2 movies out there.