Uses the last hour of his life to engineer his escape from death row by emotionally manipulating his most hated enemies...

>uses the last hour of his life to engineer his escape from death row by emotionally manipulating his most hated enemies daughter's desire to live up to her father's legacy, and then ensures his escape by literally erasing her from existence


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He was better as JD's brother

>Wasting a whole season on Cicada to make it happen


hey i think that guy was on an episode of home improvement. possibly shitting all over the tool man and his famed show tool time

Name of the movie?

How can a capeshit villain be so based?

>"SpiderMan Far From Home"

He's one of Mysterio's lackeys

The Flash

If you're interested in Reverse Flash, watch Season 1. It has a lot of CW-tier acting, effects, and writing but for some reason Reverse Flash manages to be the most compelling and well-written capeshit character to be put on film since unironically TDK's Joker.

Literally pure austimal hatred

Also CW-tier qts

>when your greatest enemy has time travel powers so he wrecks your fucking life

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turn your brain off

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I mean it's supposed to be very very very very very cold though

Arrow S1+2, Flash S1 and Legends S2-forward are unironically kino

Is Tom funny in this show? Mike and Tom Eat Snacks is one of the greatest podcasts ever made

>Barry is not allowed to undo any of this or the universe literally ends

That is the most retarded plot convenience I've ever seen. if you can't use time travel to undo anything bad, don't even include it.

Dangerously close to SS runes there

It's trash but it's delicious trash, and the playing Captain Cold chewed so much scenery it was fun, he was clearly having a good time

did based King Shark ever come back

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The universe doesn't end you dumbass, it's just that time travel is super complex and it's almost impossible to predict all of the effects your actions will cause

What the fuck are you talking about lmao

>if you can't use time travel to undo anything bad, don't even include it
That's fucking retarded and has no basis in storytelling or even the time travel genre

>Barry is not allowed to undo any of this or the universe literally ends
Except that time Barry undid it and the universe literally did not end.
>hurr but flashpoint!
Consequences of someone not knowing how to use time travel trying to undo the work of someone who spent his whole life autistically calculating and manipulating the timeline

There's literally an episode in the last season called King Shark vs Gorilla Grodd, and it's exactly what you think it is. Also, patty spivot acted really stupid at times, but the actress has a great ass.

I just find it to be stupid that the timeline just magically becomes worse if Barry even tries to undo anything Reverse Flash did. Flashpoint was a POS because of it.

>yeah I killed your mom in the past and eliminated every single timeline where you could rescue her, get fucked

At that point it's not even interesting. It's just plot convenience with no logical basis.



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Theres an ep called King Shark vs. Gorilla Grodd in this most recent season.

>yeah I killed your mom in the past and eliminated every single timeline where you could rescue her, get fucked

That's literally not true
Barry can rescue her at any time, but it changes so much that he can't keep his original current timeline AND save her, because her death is so integral to what made him the man and eventual hero that he is in his timeline

>>yeah I killed your mom in the past and eliminated every single timeline where you could rescue her, get fucked
I don't think that's what happened. If you read The Button, Reverse Flash finds a fragment of the Flashpoint timeline in the note that Barry gave to Bruce, but doesn't find significance in it other than as a weapon. I honestly think it's just >Consequences of someone not knowing how to use time travel trying to undo the work of someone who spent his whole life autistically calculating and manipulating the timeline

Makes more sense to me that Barry tried fixing his mistake, fucked up, and swore off time travel as a result. Also this.

And please correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't read silver age flash in a while but Pre-Crisis Flash didn't have this origin and was wiped from continuity (this last part may be totally wrong someone please explain what happened with that)

Was anyone else really disappointed to find out that Thawne is nowhere near as kino in the comics? Cavanaugh's Reverse Flash is easily my favorite super villain

From what I gather, there was a timeline where Flash's mom didn't die, and the world didn't end from the butterfly effect, so there's no reason why he shouldn't be able to undo it. I guess the equivalent would be this:

>reverse flash goes back in time to help hitler win
>somehow undoing his work makes the world go to hell in a handbasket
>the original timeline where hitler lost and the world DIDN'T go to hell somehow no longer exists

I'm not gonna shit on the show or the characters because of it. In the end I guess it's just a nitpick, but it's one that irks me.

The version Matt Letscher portrays in Legends of Tomorrow is pretty much comic Thawne transferred to reality, down to the look.

>this last part may be totally wrong someone please explain what happened with that)
Honestly fuck that try wik I guess, DC has rebooted shit so many times it's impossible to tell who's around anymore. If he's gone they will probably just have superboy punch reality so hard again it's brings home back to life like they did with Jason Todd

>I guess it's just a nitpick, but it's one that irks me.
Plus, you're asking CW writers to think seriously about time travel. We should be grateful they could put together villain like thawne even half as well as they did.

>We should be grateful they could put together villain like thawne even half as well as they did.
They didn't. Their Thawne was lifted from a cancelled film script.

and still manages to run a successful bowling alley and lawyer practice.

>Manipulated entire Hitler universe to fuck with the Flash and his friends

Is Thawne Jewish?

>aw I missed the spare again
>you know the lawyer you hired who did a terrible job negotiating your divorce and let iris rape you for everything you were worth?

>>Manipulated entire Hitler universe to fuck with the Flash and his friends
I forget what did he even get out of hanging with Nazis for long enough to become top dog? How did he come back (I'm assuming this is the S1 Wells we saw get erased)? Normally I wouldn't give a fuck that RF comes back out of nowhere but they made it a specific point that he couldn't time travel during S1

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I thought Cold was dead.

Barry and friends have been feeding info about the future to S01 Thawne since S02. Maybe we'll see it go full circle and find out what he concocted during that time.

They borrowed him from a point in time when he was alive. Appearancea from cold after this point are from his gay doppleganger from Hitler earth

He's not hahaha funny or anything but he's definitely entertaining. He plays a conniving autistic asshole really fucking well.

Is that JD's brother?

Some might say he's the reverse

Thawne was socially cunning

yeah but by 30th century standards hes a fuckin nerd

Sucks that the price to pay was a whole season of American Pie dude

JD's bro?