sequel will be announced any day now
Alita Battle Angel
I can’t fucking wait!
Keep telling yourself that.
yeah no lol shill
lita : floppy angel
>an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced
>not liking Alita
What is it about this kino that makes capeshits SEETHE? Is it because it actually has soul?
They have low test/ insecurity issues. Meanwhile Alitachads actually LIFT
will they fix her retarded eyes in the sequel?
counting down the seconds till the weirdos that call everyone trannies arrive.
I never watched it. Is it good? Or it's just waifu b8
>OP on Yea Forums with Alita reference
>dickless Alita hating trannies from Discord arrive to troll and shitpost
Every time.
Just watched it for the first time last night. I enjoyed it way more than usual expected. The characters are lacking some of their depth from the comics but it's definitely a faithful adaptation. It manages it's own style without trying to play it safe for audiences. Great action too.
>waifu bait
I found Alita likeable and entertaining but never treated her like a waifu or thought the movie was pushing that on me.
I just asked a question you fucking retard.
it took him 15 minutes
lift your game
Based and alitapilled
Fuck off dickless.
>like clockwork trannys coming to shit up the thread the best they can
Don't you guys have anything better to do like stuff cocks in your ass?
Didn't care for the characters and the setting was blah, but the aciton was good.
Oh wow, first time someone called me a tranny here. Contain your delusions.
What the fuck are you about?
I never read any comics either. I will check them up
Alita was made for the LGBTQ community. Fuck the haters and the alt-right sòyboys, Alita is a trans heroine and you'll never change that, we love xer!
All of you bought her 4K bluray to support our waifu, right?
>Yes I did buy the 4k UHD of Alita: Battle Angel. How did you know?
Hey dickless faggots, your bait is stale as fuck and so is your whining. Get back in your Alita hating Discord.
Alita is my favorite Disney princess!
I'm watching it right now, it's a generic dystopian shit for girls, how the fuck is this rated so high?
youre sharing a board with weebs just ignore them
its a shit movie
Sorry I didn't like your husbando bad boy gangster on a motorcycle.
he was the worst part of the kino though.
They tried to tap into the YA markey but snagged the virgin weeb market by incidence. A disastrous flop by all measures.
>mfw no qt3.14 stalker gf
capeshitters are the one who like this movie tard
its literally capeshit
fucking brainlet kys
worst thread on Yea Forums right now
but only because you posted in it
Unblinking actors make me uneasy. Im really not sure why its a thing in movies when it doesnt happen IRL.
>he thinks Alita is not capeshit
It's because the alt-right like that movie.
Well i guess. But that makes The Mask capeshit...and most Westerns.
Fucking Cowboyshit go back to myspace
BluRay is almost here.
i'm conservative and i liked it but i don't get why "alt-right" would be attached to it. was it because that line about gun control? makes no sense that that would make it considering a "right wing" film.
No, it's a false narrative that they built so they could bash Alita. The access media wanted Captain Marvel to be a hit because of their personal agenda.
I didn't watch these two movies so I don't give a shit but it was disturbing to see the MSM attack the fans just because they've created a friendly community around Alita.
Nobody liked that movie
Based and Alitapilled
Would you still date Alita if she said this?
fake and gay just like (you) tranny
I can't take much more of this. I need news about the true fate of the sequel right fucking NOW.
Based Rosa. Thanks for keeping the flame alive on Yea Forums!
Better not announce a sequel until at least September 11th - let the Alita fans think we need to vacuum the store shelves first. Like they're doing in Australia.
I really wanted to like this movie when I saw it a couple of days ago, but I was pretty disappointed. I didn't hate it, didn't love it, it was just average. I thought Alita's dialogue was kinda badly written, the actress did okay though. The love interest was pretty annoying and shoehorned in, cutting him out would have made the movie much better. Action scenes were okay, if cut far too much and not all that imaginative.
I give it a solid 6/10 on an actual scale of 1-10. (1 being something like The Room if watched sober, 10 being The Thing or Aliens)
The Prince of Egypt is capeshit. Change my mind.
I think pretty much everyone had that reaction to Hugone - at least on the first viewing. A 6 to 8 score is fair, IMO.
Not happening, Terminator Genisys made the same as Alita on a smaller budget and was considered a box office failure. Alita is a box office failure as well.
Fair. Medium to strong 8 for me. The corny dialogue actually elevated the movie for me a bit, I guess.
Why did Pacific Rim get a sequel, then? 190 million budget, 411 million gross - compared to 170 million budget and 405 million gross for Alita.
based boyega
Exactly why Alita will be getting a sequel dickless.
>seething trannies
boyega used his SW money and "clout" to buy the rights and made the sequel his vanity project. do you really want the same thing to happen to alita?
Based Aussies
Except Epping.
>Epping had a population of 23,688, of whom 11,697 (49.4%) were male and 11,992 (50.6%) were female. 41.4% of people were born in Australia. The most common countries of birth were China 18.9%, South Korea 7.4%, India 6.0%, Hong Kong 5.4% and Malaysia 1.8%. 38.5% of people only spoke English at home. Other languages spoken at home included Mandarin 20.6%, Cantonese 12.0%, Korean 9.1%, Hindi 2.6% and Tamil 1.4%.
Evidently, we need the fanatical chinabros to call their cousins in Australia and tell them to buy them blu-rays.
Yea Forums couldn't be more delusional thinking that Alita wont get a sequel.