ITT: claim your grannyfu

ITT: claim your grannyfu

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She was so qt as Diane.

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For me it was Mamma Mia.

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Why do you guys keep doing this? I'm miserable enough already.

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For me it's Katheryn Winnick

Patrician taste

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What an absolute mog

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Hellen Mirren 10 years ago

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What's the starting age to be considered granny?

50 and up

For me personally around 60-65.


More like mannyfu lmao

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Ok, I'll take Gina

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For me it's Alison

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That dude she's roleplaying with is a lucky motherfucker.

this is the most brutal domination in recent memory. everything is bigger, tighter, smoother.

She's not even 40!

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I know, so sad.

For me, it's Andi James

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Catherine Deneuve

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Raquel Welch

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I am in love with her

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>41 yo

My granny is 38

based 6yo poster

Jane >

damn is that sansa stark on the left


people get knocked up early in your family huh?

Gonna have to strongly agree with this guy
Surprised it took this long for her to appear

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Yo... Link a brother...

her majesty ofc

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Fugg, I'm too late.

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Wow really 69? Holy shit

Dr Quinn hnggggh.

A challenger appears

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That's the aunt

any used up cunt over the age of 25

All that work and still just an ugly dude in drag.

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Fuck off, Sven

I have more femenine arms


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