I can't stand this level of comicity in these movies...

I can't stand this level of comicity in these movies, everytime I try to watch some capeshit I'm underwhelmed by its constant stupid irony and jokes throughout the movie. It's like watching comedy but with superheroes and lots of special effects.

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It's probably hard to write drama about characters devised to entertain 12-year-olds 70 years ago. You can't be too serious about a woman who flies around and shoots superheated beams out of her hands at alien baddies who look like they've just teleported from a Star Trek episode. Also, I love smug Brie so much.

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It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, mostly man children, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite ‘universe’ presented by the MCU. I would also observe that it is, potentially, culturally catastrophic to have the ephemera of a previous century squatting possessively on the cultural stage and refusing to allow this surely unprecedented era to develop a culture of its own, relevant and sufficient to its times.

>It's like watching comedy but with superheroes and lots of special effects.
there is nothing inherently wrong with this

That is functionally a Jackie Chan movie. Even his fights are funny.

Fuck off already, Alan, will you?

Try the 2nd or 3rd Captain America movie, They're probably the least tone deaf out of all the movies.

Her original comic character is so much better

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>people in spandex punching aliens should be SUPER CEREAL

fuck off. superheroes are an inherently ridiculous concept. marvel was smart putting lots of humor in their movies.

This was based and deep

Nolan and Zack Snyder shown us how make them realistic, but WB happened

Snyder's movies where shit. He's the exact kind of brainlet who thinks you can do straight edge superheroes and everyone hated them,

Nolan, sure. Though his style would only work with Batman, a pretty grounded character.

You can still make movie about superheroes without being ridiculous and cheepy; see Watchmen and Batman trilogy for example.




No, Snyder was being realistic, as Mark Millar.
They got it, they know how the world would really see superhmans

Watchmen was a subversion of superheroes. Dark and edgy and everyone is a piece of shit, where normal capeshit is the opposite.
It doesn't work if you try to do normal capeshit like Watchmen (see: Snyder's DC garbage)

Nolan's movies where about Batman. He can be done realistically because he's "street level" capeshit. Like Daredevil, Punisher etc. Just semi-normal dudes fighting crime. No aliens, gods, alternate universes etc.

Still, the batman trilogy is way better than anything marvel's ever put out.
That's why I'd save DC if it came to one dying.
They may currently make absolute shit, but at least they had three good movies unlike the ocean of mediocrity marvel is.

Mark Millar is shit, too.

Uhm....Didn't you read Batman vs Aliens and The Dark Knight Master Race?

Mark Millar and Snyder are underrated eniuses whose genius can't be comprehended by normie

Shame she has ugly feet.

Were those comics realistic and edgy like Nolan movies? I don't think so.
Let me rephrase then. Batman can be done realistically IF you keep him street level.

Alan Moore and Frank Miller had already done that in the 80s when it was relevant. You are a brainlet.

Don't watch them then.

This. Snyder and Millar are hacks, aping 80s edgy comic book tropes without any of the class, quality, themes, context, zeitgeist or relevance of these comics.

Foot fetishists why do you think you can have opinions?

>Don't watch them then.

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If the movie doesn't take itself seriously than you can't criticize it

Her face looks like a blocky potato. I wouldn't wish such a face upon my children. Hope she never conceives any.

>It's like watching comedy but with superheroes and lots of special effects.

worse, its like a twitch stream being narrated by famous people as they play the story mission in "Superhero:The game"

You can't consider yourself a real man if you're unable to appreciate the refined shape and soft soles of a female. You're missing something.

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Go back

Listen, feet are like hands, good for some people.
But then why can't appreciate Brie Larson's feet? Aren't ugly feet beautiful for foot fetishists?

You can

You aren't forced to. Rocketman was neither of those. Raimi's Spider-Man was nothing like the Batman trilogy.


It's "comedy", user.

based OP

No, there are beauty standards even for feet.

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Are you for real?
There are foot feitishists that jerk off to extremely dirty feet but Brie Larson's feet fungus is what kill your boner?

Yes I prefer beautifully shaped and tapered feet.

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And ultra clean*

>Snyder's movies where shit
how to spot the filtered plebs

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I can't really understand how some people could like clean and non-smelly feet (since feet are actually something that gets naturally dirty and smelly, so basically if you don't like foot smell, you don't like feet at all), just as much as I can't understand all the tickling/funny/cute factor some people attribute to feet.
Naturally smelly, fungus and dirty feet are what makes feet....feet!

Every parts of your body get smelly and dirty if you don't wash it in general, doesn't mean we are attracted to each other for the natural dirt of flesh. Same thing specifically goes for genitals, during the day they are sweaty and piss-smelling, but we want them clean and fresh when we fuck and suck them.

i like where this thread is going

god tier feet, literally sexual tools for the pleasure of the male

her entire development in this movie is “i was perfect the entire time but i just didn’t realise it!” instead of actually becoming a better person through struggle. the movie also makes no effort to get the viewer to like carrol. she just acts like a cocky asshole the whole time as if they looked to tony stark and strange as inspiration but forgot to make her seem human.

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how can you tell the difference between men and women’s feet?

they are comedies with superheroes and special effects
is this bait?
it's bait

Men feet are sometimes stronger and have more solid soles, female feet are have mostly a mix between hard and soft soles

Then why do the raimi films work? You can have comedy without sacrificing drama but modern capeshit writer think quips sell do they double down on that.

The first avenger is light on quips too but isnt as good as the others

Hi, is this a Brie thread?

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Brie is perfect, Captain Marvel is perfect, the entire rest of the MCU is pure shit and Disney is shit

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Reverse day was 3 days ago

are you ok Brie Larson? sounds like you've finally snapped

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Foot fetishists stop posting your kinks there and go to another board!

she cant even take care of her toenails, her vag is probably crawling with centipedes

Nigger Raimi constantly poked fun at comic conventions. Fuck, i don't know why Yea Forums is so insistent on comic movies being all serious yet they ignore movies like Black Panther, Logan, etc.

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I just don't want foot fetishists to jerk of to Brie Larson's feet. How do you even jerk off to fungus?

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She fixed them a long time ago. I find her feet to be pretty easy to fap to.

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This makes me happy!

wonder which one of those guys would take time out of his life to draw those strips

Cope zoomer, enjoy being cucked by your gf while she fucks the actual chad who watches Tarkovsky.

In what way do you think these images defend the reputation of capeshit?