fuck me tony...
Fuck me tony
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What is it like having sex lads?
wincest.Tony was a fag.
like jacking off with no hands
>t. doesn't know how to have sex
Fuck me Kylo
it really isnt, masturbation is like 20% and sex is 95%
jesus i would have fucked her so hard if i was Tony
Depends on the girl and what she does during it, generally a better looking girl doesn't make sex better
This. Fapping is better than vaginal sex
Masturbation also requires like .0001% of the time, effort and commitment which would be required in even the most fleeting of relationships
Like winning.
of what?
i dont get much out of it, cant even imagine how cutfags must feel (or not feel lmao)
Based trips, my right hand also cant have me arrested on the morning after for fake rape accusation or divorce me and take half of my property after cucking me
Having sex with someone you love when compared to jerking off is like doing cocaine compared to having a Monster Zero Ultra.
Would anyone go to her saloon considering that fucking awful haircut?
imagine hugging a very soft warm body with your hard cock going in and out of a tight warm slippery hole
Lmaooooo hahahahaaaaaaaa
But seriously dude masturbate with warm lotion and your dick gets the same sensation. You don’t get to feel her hot sweaty body writhing against you, grinding away trying to extract every last drop of cum, and you don’t get her sucking the life out of you though your dick ,no, but masturbating is just easier.
then dont have sex with crazy women. its really easy to tell when someone is off kilter
That panty being bulged by the pubic hair is pretty hot.
it really isnt especially for normal inexperienced guys who are happy if someone is interested in them
sex with crazy pussy is fantastic, you just need to know how to get out of there. I have had sex multiple time with insane women and its the best sex ive ever had
Why is it that with some girls I can go for an hour and with others I am barely inside her before blowing my load?
How common is that anyways? I only know like 5 people total, so I can't get an accurate read.
Just because you lads are too tragic to attract a good woman doesn't mean sex is overrated. You're just overrating yourselves.
Utterly boring, probably the single most over-rated thing in the world.
>sex with crazy pussy is fantastic
Why do people propogate this retarded meme? It doesn't even make sense. She's "crazy" (whatever the fuck you mean by that) and so she fucks good(?). Probably the real reason it's the best sex you've ever had is because you can only attract bottom tier women (I.e. boring starfish or psychos) so the psycho would win out by default, but having sex with a normal woman is immeasurably better and you don't have to ding dong ditch like a child on Halloween.
Not common at all unless you're a famous celebrity in which case there is a very low risk, and in most of those cases that end up with persecution it's because the guy actually did do something wrong.
manolo was warned
what are some other kinos with this aesthetic?
i forgot
How old are you sex havers?
That one Alien scene. You know the one.
At times I'd rather take a BJ over sex. Sex is great but if the girl really isn't giving her effort and just sorta being a lifeless doll then jackin it is somewhat better
I thought about stipulating "anything other than Alien" in my post but I was too lazy
I know about Alien
When will muff come back bros?
When the USA declines in multimedia enough for the California beauty standards to rotate out.
Our Chinese overlords are already working on it.
>tfw bush is most common in asian porn but white women have the best bushes
Well now look at you, doing extra work because you were lazy.
It really is. You just have to not be broken.
crazy women are often far more fun in bed, they are more willing and desperate to do weird shit and just getting animated. normal basic women are the boring starfishes, the psychos are the ones you can fuck up or fuck like its their last night on earth.
Out of everyone I personally know, only 3 guys have ever been fucked over with a divorce to a woman they should have never married in the first place. Everyone else I know is actually pretty happy. Don't believe the bullshit lies. The world is a terrible place, just don't surround yourself with terrible people.
But they're not. If you're bored in bed with normal women then it's because you can only attract either boring women or psychos.
clearly youve never had good sex, have good sex
I have sex multiple times a week, the girl is really into it, i don’t care much for it
penis is its own animal man
oddly enough I last longer with pretty girls than chubbies
guessing my dick just wants to get it done with in case it's the latter
Fuck this board, can't have a thread without turning into sex or politics. Can't we just talk about Scarface?
This isn't a scarface thread this is a sex thread, learn the difference you fucking tourist
Contrary to popular belief, Yea Forums is not a board for movie discussion
I don't get it, there are stats you can look up that prove you wrong.
>people saying sex is boring
prob bc u fuck like the titanic
like bags of sand
This. I will never understand the people who claim sex is "overrated", "meh", "not that great" or whatever. I always wonder whether they're lying, actually virgins, or just having really bad sex. Because for me sex is fantastic.
i never understood this scene. i never felt any incest vibes while watching scarface
He's overprotective of her to the point of derangement, even going so far as to kill his best friend and partner for sleeping with her. Mad with grief, she assumes it's because he wants her all to himself.
It's a different kind of fun. My girlfriend is basically a sex addict, and I still fap when I get the chance.
question for you, how is masturbation?
>she assumes it's because he wants her all to himself.
dumb bitch, he just didn't want her marrying a thug
I got metoo'd. 1 year of my life wasted and a scheduled 2 day trial that last 4 hours because it was so obvious she was lying.
Woman are cunts.
bags of sand
It's nice but often ultimately somehow unsatisfying, especially ever since I started having sex. I still jerk off a fair bit but if I compare the two there's no contest. In sex the finish is much more intense and it stays with you longer, whereas with masturbation as soon as you cum you snap out of it and there's nothing left of the feeling after a minute.
like tears in the rain
benis in bagina :D :D :D
Fuck me? Fuck you.
fuck me Janice...
yeah but women are retarded and reactionary. they can't understand any sort of ideals or morals. just look at how roasties only retort to men is "YOU'RE JUST MAD I WON'T FUCK YOU"