why do movies often portray weed smokers as burnouts or criminals?
Why do movies often portray weed smokers as burnouts or criminals?
because burnouts and criminals who are stoners make for good screen characters, or at least did until it was done to death
just ordered some pineapple express. gonna be real comfy soon
Because weed culture is nowhere near as exciting as stoners think.
Because 9/10 times they are
Because weed smokers often are burnouts or criminals in addition to being massive fucking faggots.
how many weed smokers have you met in real life? zero?
everyone I've known irl who smokes weed aside from me is normal functioning person. I'm a lazy degenerate neet but weed didn't make me that way. I was already like that. however because I smoke weed people think it's the weed that makes me that way
Quite a few and most fit into this stereotype.
it's likely that the only people you've seen smoking weed or heard talking about weed are these people. 95% of people who smoke weed are your average wagie. they just don't flaunt it
>decide to finally try the devil's lettuce
>feel good for an hour
>that's it
i've been had again boys
how much you enjoy weed depends very much on personality in my experience. some people like me really like the way it effects the way I think and creativity and immersion, where as others are bored by it because it's not strong enough a sensation. I've noticed people in the latter category really like drugs like opiates etc where as those drugs do very little for me
Most daily smokers I know about 5 people are pretty much bums, only one has a job the rest just drink and smoke every day.
There are some smokers that work and are successful though.
most of those people would be bums with or without the drugs and alcohol, like myself. I quit weed because I thought it was making me lazier. I actually became lazier when I got sober
Only degenerated low lifes smoke weed, sucessful people do cocainum.
People who smoke weed are to lazy to be criminals. Its the harder drugs that make people become criminals.
The thing with any abusable substances is that when people with self destructive proclivities blame them for their preexisting underlying conditions and behavior
Moderation is key in everything, even moderation
t. knows 0 criminals
>I derive my knowledge of people from pop culture clichés
Don't understand people who do stimulants or relaxants. In all my 25 years I've maybe had one glass of alcohol on my 20th birthday.
I just don't understand the point in getting fucked up. Why would you do it? Because it's fun? A board game is fun and you don't risk looking like a retard / getting addicted / overdosing / getting in dangerous situations.
I don't even know why people do drugs. From the day you learn to walk you're constantly reminded not to do them. So why? Is whatever relaxation weed grants you worth the potential side effects / trouble with the law? Are you actually retarded?
>a board game is fun
This x 1000
6.5/10 made me respond