/Jazz General/

>tfw you will never pop some bluchew, put on a cockring and and be Jazz dilator

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jazz getting the peepee removed is one of the greatest tragedies of our time.

So fucking disgusting, it is literally an affront to God that this thing is still alive and his parents haven't been flayed.

formerly chuck's

That dude looks sad every picture I see

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Friendly reminder that transgenderism is a mental illness

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It really is insane how a mutilation surgery is being normalized and celebrated.

Reminder that "her" "vagina" is literally an open wound that is constantly trying to heal itself. She has to dilate so it doesn't heal. And we as a society are encouraging young kids to do this to themselves.

>season six finale is Ahmir transitioning

Replace Jazz with Skylar and you're right.

>black characters can't be sympathetic-

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I'll never understand Yea Forums's unsettling obsession with Jazz. This is literally the only place I ever hear this person or this show being discussed.

And use that open wound for sex, literally inviting penises to penetrate the open wound


What the fuck is this

WTF is a dialator

A radial phaloplasty my friend

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Yea Forums is very open minded and interested about different people and their lives which isn't surprising for cinemaphiles


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We just love Sky.

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Good reply unironically

>interested about

A kid gets puts on the tranny rollercoaster because according to his mom, when he was TWO YEARS OLD he asked her "when is the fairy going to change my genitalia".
He's been on antidepressants since before puberty, then puberty blockers that made his penis not develop at all, then hormones that gave him malformed breast(Jazz tweeted about a breast malformation), then the most Cronenbergian iteration of a sex change surgery.
All of this was encouraged by the same mom that jokes about his son's fake vagina dept, and enabled by a visibly fed up dad and three concerned siblings("I look forward to the day when Jazz's genitals are not the main topic of conversation" said Sander, one of the brothers).
This is all combined with Jazz's narcissism and expectation that everyone should cater to his whims. He literally said "we'll turkey baste you" when talking about having his sister have 7 children for Jazz iirc.
I am Jazz is a modern freakshow that's absolutely fascinating to look at, and one of the best examples of clown world you can find.

Family support is key to transgenders.

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THIS. All Yea Forumsgbt need to be gassed

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based jazz deeplore form die hard fan user

What a time we live in, old /g/ would be proud.

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Whats the point in becoming a woman if you cant have children?

to get your vagina fucked by men

Did he got fucked yet ?

not everyone actually likes anal sex despite what porn might incline one to believe

Jazz is a virgin. Pure as the driven snow.

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why would doctors do that

It's called confirmation surgery. It's about transpeople fulfilling their dream of being a woman

Jazz is pretty much asexual.
He likes the idea of sex because females are supposed to like it, but he doesn't actually feel sexually attracted to anyone.
This is probably linked to the fact that he never went through puberty.

Jazz can still have a rectal orgasm.

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>responding seriously

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can they even get boners? They just have a piece of arm on their groin.

You'll need a pump, but yes, the new penis can be erect.

When's the next season and what will happen?

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What the surgeons will sometimes do is a follow up Fibula Free Flap Phalloplasty where they take a portion of the leg bone and implant it inside the neophallus to give it some rigidity

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funny thing is that the skin from the arm still behaves like the skin on the arm, so you get hair growing on it, funny pictures were posted in the past threads

You'll have to shave it, yes.

Nah man c’mon don’t play me like that a wha-

Jazz and Skylar are good friends.

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My dudes why

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

>remove sex organ
>replace it with a rough skin tube that feels nothing like a real vagina and gives no pleasure to either party during intercourse

just oil it up and get busy

I doubt it. What you are describing is a prostate orgasm, and for that you need a developed prostate, which Jazz doesn't have. In fact, trannies that used to have prostate orgasms report that after starting HRT(hormones) it became increasingly hard for them to achieve said orgasms.
The truth is, Jazz will die without ever knowing what an orgasm feels like, because he has been deprived of all means to have them.

>pull out dick
>it's covered in puss and mucous and hair

You can still tickle jazz' scrotum and get her off that way.

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ah terror looms...

Truly sickening.

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I can't imagine never having a "enjoying my penis constantly" phase growing up. There were so many good times. Putting cold waters bottles on my dick, fapping on an airplane under a blanket, enjoying the simplicity of peak early 2000s free porn, etc.

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I like horror stories

looks very sad

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Jazz will major in gender

>What are you majoring in?

>JJ: I’m planning on majoring in Gender, Philosophy, and Religion, so Social Sciences.


Harvard ? really ? she got the level at least ?


Jazz was a valedictorian.

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Please dont be real

It actually is kind of brave, really. Since he'll be throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars down the drain to effectively enter the workforce late with no useful degrees. That would terrify me. Almost as much as the concept of a Jazz and the effect it has on our society terrifies me.

Did he earn it, though? Or was it given to him because the school board was afraid of looking transphobic?

By serious standards or because it looked good on TV + would be homophobic to not to ?

dishonest fake stats

I think we both know the answer to that already

You should all feel deep, deep shame. Any attention paid to this horror show will only further its goal - which is to create more horror shows, to further denigrate life for everybody.

Stop it now.


Haven't you seen those hilarious fake cocks that they get made from the flesh? It's some hilariously oversized, perfectly round tube of hairy flesh that looks very out of place.

a tool designed to keep an open wound from healing

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Reality is nothing but the horror genre at this point anyways

>if i ignore it will go away

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she got rid of her dick
ruined it

Ah yes, user have you ever heard of the tragedy of Xie Jazzers the Trans? I thought not. It’s not a story the SJW would tell you. It’s an alt right legend. Xie Jazzers was a gender fluid shape shifter so powerful it could use the media to defend and enable the mentally ill and shape public opinion. It had such a knowledge of the left, that it found away to become a woman by stalling puberty

The only thing it was afraid of was not becoming a full woman which of course it couldn't do. It would seem that in its efforts to stall puberty it destroyed all hopes in ever receiving a real vagina. Ironic really it had so much power and support to stop becoming a man that so too did it stop all possibility of becoming a woman

Its literally a show that demonatrayes the downfall of our society

Because (((doctors))) have no ethical conscious these days

the banter is really funny and the show offers plenty of occasions; Yea Forums is the only place when you can make fun of it openly too
also some of the discussions are legitimately interesting, the lynchian post about jazz is really good

>It had such a knowledge of the left, that it found away to become a woman by stalling puberty.
Did Jazz learn this from Peter Pan?

...not from a CIS lord

i suspect he doesnt have any nigga friends to tell him what a fag he is for dating a tranny.

What in the fuck

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so... they don't pee out of it... do they?

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we could power all of Europe with how hard Hippocrates is spinning in his grave

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Nah he was always ugly.
I'm kind of sad that this tranny will cut off his dick soon tho

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You know, I could kinda justify getting surgery if we lived in a sci-fi world where we can easily grow flesh and make actual working vaginas and shit rather than just making a wound and pretending it's a cunt.

But this shit should 100% be illegal.

>people doing this surgery
>somehow NOT mentally ill

I hope God smite us all.

even emma is getting the snip?

2019 really is the year of saying goodbye to dick

Has any post-op vagina actually looked convincing? Based on some porn on the subject they all look painted on.

as soon as he turns 18

There are vids right now on youtube where a tranny dilates full view, allowed because it’s “educational”

Fun fact: puberty blockers lower your IQ by 20 points, they're literally turning kids into retards

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have a mental illness

lets see it

god here
kind of busy at the moment, this day next year works for me so it's a date

screencap this post

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if it's allowed on youtube surely it can fly here
caution is advised i made it 10 seconds in and turned it off

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I made it to right after I hovered over the link and saw the video thumbnail.

Breaking News: Tranny's are completely fucked!

It's even circumcised @

>Nah he was always ugly.
Pic ?

if you make it past the 1 minute mark i salute you

two months and the pride of norway will be gender confirmed. wonder if the she'll fly out for jazz's inevitable post-op party for all the recent inductees.


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Fucking disgusting

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No, its not. Its too much skin, and look at the top of the wound, thats not surgical. Why lie?

ah yes, that one bone in your leg

how long until ahmir necks himself?

we really really need world war 3

What noises does it make?

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Amir broke up with jazz.

>Ahmir Steward
>19 | pronouns: any | non-binary
>student, volunteer,
>witch, advocate,
>king, and queen.
i didnt know ahmir was also a troon

step in the right direction for him I guess

what's a troon?

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Amir's mom disagrees with Jazz' lifestyle and it caused a rift between them.

based mom

Kinda cruel to deny your own son happiness, wouldn't you say?

Meme tranny, basically any MtF who makes no effort to pass but still demands to be called female
See: Jonathan Yaniv

literally the greatest tragedy of our time

Do you think there'll be gender neutral toilets soon?

should just call themselves non-binary if they're not going to make a serious attempt to present female/be a woman

this shit is actually funny

Being a woman isn't just about how you look.

I somehow don't think this was put out by Katter's Australian Party, they might think it but they wouldn't put it out like this

Which one? Jazz or the black guy

I've been thinking of identifying as non-binary, all the coolest celebs seem to be saying they are and it seems fun

Jazz is Israeli-American.

You already have one at home.

Christ almighty

All trannys must fucking hang

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Personally I don't even identify as human.

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it's also kind of cruel to cut your own sons dick off

As a fag, thats fucking gross.

Jazz wanted confsurge. She was NOT forced.


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>the dilators i have seen

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intolerant and rude

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no dick, not gay

it is from an observable point of view
fortunately it's impossible to look into peoples heads to find out if they identify as a zim zam zabadooey

If you sex jazz you are straight cus she is a girl

shopped and not passing

George really was ahead of the curve on this one

You're being crude.

Sky is a strong pass, fag

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tranny + goon
a reference to how all the supremely ugly hon trannies came from somethingawful, the nemesis of this site

that's true but especially for a mtf you should try to look the gender you're identifying as. if you go into a female bathroom with a beard you're going to make people uncomfortable. another thing would be hair length, even cis women come across as androgynous with short hair, so it's not really advisable but some can pull it off like josie totah.


Someone please tell him the tale of Jazz. Maybe he comes to his senses then.

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keep telling yourself, megafaggot

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pretty close to 4 channel imo

>you're going to make people uncomfortable.
Is that a crime?

>the nemesis of this site

How's that?

he and hunter need to get back on the testosterone, stat
well the goons mass-colonized Yea Forums and created /lgbt/ so you're not wrong

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um sweaty, making a woman feel uncomfortable in a safe space most assuredly IS a crime

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Fuck it, Hitler was right and did nothing wrong.

Look mom. It's not a mental illness.

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wasn't Hitler gay tho?

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>dilate xD
>the same 12 copypastas
>epic mental illness suicide stats
>skylar totes looks like a dude xD
The show isn't even airing. These threads are all the fucking same, kys incels



have sex




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Rent free

ikr? what a trans-phobic incel


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At least incels can have sex. A tranny has naught but a gaping, fetid wound.

Not only are you sexually retarded for wanting a guy to fuck you, but you're irreparably castrated with identity problems. You know how everyone kind of cringes a little around incels IRL? When there's a tranny in the room it's like the fucking air itself is dense with radioactive cringe energy. You can practically smell the elephant.

Lastly, I cannot sanction the buffoonery of negroids and janitors.

Why are you so angry? Like a festering sore.


So they're dildos? To be honest the pussy didn't look like a complete tragedy

>pussy didn't look like a complete tragedy
It grows hair on the inside that has to be pulled out in clumps

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jazz ha male nurses for that. her family's loaded.

>antifa trannys on fire off the corner of williamsburg
>i watched c-size dilators glitter with blood near the hospital gate
>all these moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain
>time to dilate

Jarron! ..the accursed is here

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>they need to shave it or else they'll have some hairy lump of flesh
Jesus Christ

She must have a decent sized dick.

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>surgery to attach a fake penis to the pelvic area
>dream of being a woman
user what is your IQ?





I want off

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>tfw a ftm tranny tried to use her penor surgery pics as an argument that she wasn’t mentally ill

>I've... Seen things you people wouldn't believe. Dilators expanding off the vagina of Jazz. I've watched pre-teens shooting hormones in the dark near the Sex Reassignment gate... All those moments we'll be lost, in time, like... Penises in the rain

it looks like a literal open wound, are you fucking blind?

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Why brag about the size of your dick when you picked it out of a catalogue?

Being gay is not the problem here. You can be gay and not want to fucking cut your dick and balls and have an open wound forever.

Amir is a really off-brand dude which actually says a lot given the usually absurdly high peer-pressure black day-to-day. It's super unlikely he was actually paid by TLC.

I want to know just what the fuck was his deal damnit.

Made even worse that it's all for show. She'll stop dialating in college after the first desperate drunken chad loses a bet and freaks the fuck out when he pulls his dick out and it looks like Deadpool's face.

God save us.
God save us all...


> "To wear the gauntlet is painful. But it's worth it, worth it to destroy the likes of you!"

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I need to shave my dick too it grows hair all over even on the foreskin

For real? Anyway you dont get hair on the dickhead tho

They have to lie.

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>I need to shave my dick too
you're joking right?

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whay's the exact amount needed

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so thats where it all goes

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big body small head, manly body ratio

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>Teleports behind your children

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POPS in your general direction

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>tfw these men in disguise are going to abuse your children but you can’t say anything
It’s like society gave pedos and freaks a free card

>this thread
>all of these threads

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Oh look, it's the Head Troon himself.

> hands them a razor, demands they shave his balls

>parents and caregivers will be prohibited from attending