‘Watchmen’ Confronts White Supremacy Without “Grandiose Solutions

So yeah, guess what the Watchment show will be about, Yea Forums?


>>“There is no defeating white supremacy — it’s not going away,” EP Lindelof explained of the hate groups that populate the nine-episode Watchmen. “There are no easy answers and grandiose solution,” he added, noting this was not going to play out like your standard superheroes saga on the small or big screen.

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>stale take on a liberal fever dream
Stunning AND brave

Liar Lindelof is a hack.

Why do they want to ruin everything?

Incels btfo

Reminder that the media deliberately makes these headlines just so neckbeards chimp out and give them publicity

You goblins are easily manipulated

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Why has the scorpion stung 109 frogs? It is in their nature.

look how miserable these people are in the picture

no wonder entertainment is so soulless

dilate plz

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Good old all PR is good PR meme. If you think shitting on your main customer base is a good idea then you are retarded

captain marvel & black panther proved that deliberately provoking incels is a winning strategy

and they bank on you morons defending it so you are just as bad.

Sure my dude. Totally not money laundering for their child sex trafficking.

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Captain Marvel nearly bombed domestically and was saved by the foreign market aka brown people lusting over blonde women

Black Panther was a success yes but lets be real them releasing during black history month was no coincidence. Literally ever school in my county did a school trip so see the movie in cinema because theyve got nothing else to celebrate about nigs

this level of cope shouldn't scientifically possible

look at those sheboon faces lol

The level of jew semen you slurp down defies physics. If we could put a hamster wheel in your throat we could power the east coast.

is there literally any other topic nowadays that drives "creativity" on the entertainment media besides politics and, in such case, being anti-white?

so empowering.

Go play in a cage with a bear and an eagle

I wonder if these people honestly question why white people are getting pissed at all this shit. Like they keep forcing anti white shit, but question why white supremacy is getting more and more popular.

they are those abortions from the Leftovers show.

all 'these people' main audience are whites anyway but they have not figured it out yet. their shitty shows will tank more and more til they'll finally get tired losing money on producing them.

the minorities/diversities they pander to DO NOT watch this crap anyway.

aaaand into the trash it goes

Incels are brown, Ahmed.

>all 'these people' main audience are whites tired losing money on producing them.

Yeah, don't the vast majority of these original shows flop? Like doesn't Netflix ride off stranger things and that's about it? Especially now with over saturation of streaming services.

>the minorities/diversities they pander to DO NOT watch this crap anyway.
It's the exact same shit in video games as well, liberal shit heads who cry over sexy women don't actually play games, and if they do they play on the easiest setting with a fucking walk-through pulled up on their onions phone

Brown foreign incels saved Crapstain Marvel because they will pay to watch a 3/10 white girl in anything. Blackcels were the ones going to see Black Pander, and limp wristed cum guzzlers like you who fetishize black people.

Non whites fucking love Marvel and Game of Thrones

Yeah they love Peter Parker and Tony Stark, they love Jon Snow and Danaerys Targaryan. They love white people, that's why they all flee from their shitholes.

You're the retard one. Publicity is pointless because NPCs will watch anything.