Did he ever unfuck his shit or is his shit still fucked?

Did he ever unfuck his shit or is his shit still fucked?

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His shit seems to be unfucked since the alimony debuff wore off

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Lmao nah he’s still JUST’d. His career hasn’t picked up at all and he just looks worse and aged with each passing year. Every interview he does lately, he just seems really awkward and beaten down.

Too bad the Brendy meme died in 2016, it was one of Yea Forums‘s best

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>His career hasn’t picked up at all
What? He has that show on FX

He should have tried not to get fat. That makes people age the most. Probably hit the bottle hard.

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His own fault for falling for such a gross golddigger. Talk about shitty taste.

>morons who aren't aware that Brendan is free from alimony payments and he has a big role in capeshiit


Shitposters don't keep up with the news in order to peddle their dead memes.

Another ignorant moron.

What do you mean?

Hi Brendan/ChamCham

>they don't know

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Did you miss all the threads welcoming him back after he got free of that alimony shit? He was smiling and skipping down the road like a happy little boy.

Not him, by I did
I rarely come to this cess pool of a board

Fuck him I hate this guy

Do you mean cesspool?

that's why u never do your own stunts

: (

>a big role
wearing a mask?

u just know she was getting BL_CK_D on the regular but never married on purpose

is pussy really that worth it

No he meant Chess pool

Only literal retards would sign that shit.


poor guy didn't know that DC was gonna Shanghai him and put him in a show jam packed with niggers and trannies

nigga he lived in California good luck getting out of it

I'd rather not get married.

Something tells me you won't have to worry about that

For real though, I'd rather be a virgin until I die.

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Are you a virgin?

He's good in Doom Patrol

hell yes he he has unfucked himself

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No but I'd rather become one again. Only a cuck would marry under those terms.

Brendan's doing great
Doom patrol is a hit, he's on the spotlight again
Anyone telling otherwise is just memeing
He's losing weight and fixed his looks
I'll be in big movies soon you'll see

I hate that word. Would you want some slut who calls herself unfucked. Once you're fucked, you stay fucked. How hard is this?

What's this from?

Death Detail

some states might have alimony for that too if you live together long enough

Die Parade

America was a mistake.

I really like him in Doom Patrol, though some of the other characters and the asinine gay subplot for Negative Man and his gay-centric episodes were pretty silly.

California being one of them lol so note to self don't live with a girl in California or your fucked

Why the fuck would anyone want to live in Commiefornia?

Dont australians age horribly because of the ozone layer being fucked and the amount of cancer rays their skin gets?

>Oey vey

Oy vey! Remember the 6 million!