What the FUCK did Tarantino do to zoomers?
What the FUCK did Tarantino do to zoomers?
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Fuck w**te men
I'm glad they're dying out
Hey I seriously need to know how to filter this shit out of my life, it's driving me insane
You’re a fucking zoomer. Tarantino has been controversial since the 90s. This isn’t news.
She looks like she used to be a man.
shes right tho tarantino is a hack, he wont be remembered like the great directors
Do people dress like this to troll other people? Really, I can only say 10/10, would like to punch in face.
A bullet to the skull
Yeah, they do. Bisexual, spiritual, they/them - anything they can do to stand out and elicit a response from people.
It’s pretty simple. Disconnect from the internet and move to the middle of Alaska. Or Saudi Arabia. The West is fucked brother.
but he's already one of the greats. He's already living legend, user. Put your hands over your ears and stomp all you want.
kill leftists
>Top Critic
It would require a final solution.
>says the SJW relic of the 2010's
Stop coming on Yea Forums, it's more outrage driven than Reddit at this point.
imagine being unskilled enough at idpol to huwite an honorary tribesman.
This cunt has to be a (trans) white middle aged guy, right?
I reject your hypothesis and I'm shutting your butt down.
>Stop coming on 4cha
this, just shitpost til you're banned for good. Jannies always ban me when I report off topic threads.
But she liked the movie. Not only that, but she was right on the fucking money about the film examining Hollywood stars dealing with their fading relevance. The film definitely has a meta element about Hollywood.
Honestly when are we forming our heritage America? I think it's about time.
yet another reminder why I can’t vote democrat in 2020
You know since I don't actually use Twitter or Reddit like most people here I Never actually see this shit outside of here.
It drives the culture around you, whether you see it or not.
they will win with all their imported voters and whites are going in camps
just stay away from my side of the gas chamber you smelly autists
>thinking Uncle Joe would pander to this woman
No matter how much jew dick you suck, no matter how much you pander, they'll turn on you.
dude lmao just turn off your computer or at least stop going on Yea Forums twitter and facebook and its gone
I love how all the critics, no matter how much they trash the movie, still have to give it a positive rating because it's a tarantino movie lmao
There is no culture in America, just capitalism and consumerism. And that is all that SJW and virtue signalling is. More ways to get your sheckels and get you to click on links and watch x,y, and z.
This sort of mentality is actually dying out, I have a media job in London with a whole lot of Gen Z interns that come and go and they're almost all conservative in their opinions and dress sense...and that's fucking LONDON.
The future's bright boys, the pendulum has swung.
Oh and fuck leftists, niggers, Jannies and BIG UP BORIS
It drives the certain mentality of people then, phrase it however you want but it's clear that social media has a big affect on masses
yeah just pretend that the problem doesn't exist and leave masses exposed to leftist propaganda
I've never met a tranny irl
This is coming from the same bitch who complained the humans in Godzilla didn't get enough spot light
Does it get boring?
he already did some “evil white man” apologetics speech. fuck that old pervert.
That isn't surprising, they're a minuscule portion of the population.
The number of people willing to use their banner to LARP as Rosa Parks, and create negative social change in the process, is much higher. And we both know you've met them, even if the typical need to argue on the internet precludes you from saying so.
>woman opinion
Cry more, loser. You're afraid, that's good, you should be
So, is that a no?
I hate him, but Trump will win again.
>being afraid of pic related
cultural appropriation
lets be honest u were never going to vote for them anyway
>says literally nothing about the film
>just a personal attack on his being
>still gives a good score
My favorite thing about this bitch is she pretends to a professional critic but can't take a lick of criticism about anything she likes without resorting to pretty insults
Yes you are afraid lol. Thats why you need your twitter hugbox
based and I will do this pilled
She sort of does have a point here, in this example.
Is it an American thing to censor yourself?
>in Berlin
based lads
Why do jews hate us so much?
I don't live in Berlin, here in the US (a country that matters) more conservative zoomers are either unemployed, on food stamps or living off their parents.
I probably make more money than you, btw. Like most liberals ;).
How so ? She didn't counter anything he wrote about and went straight to insulting the dudes cock
>a twitter screencap of a tweet, citing a dailymail article
wew, lad.
cope harder boomer, nobody cares about DUDE LMAO VIOLENCE AND QUIPS man.
Cringe. Limp wrist faggot
because his complaint was about her being too muscular, despite being fucking She-Ra.
Thank you for the response
I have no doubt at the point, and the left is doing it to themselves with their inexplicable strategy of embracing their extremists, and desperately clinging to "MUH RUSSIA". They're just ingraining the right even further, and scaring away moderates.
That's why I say they should just keep right on hitting people with crowbars, and screaming about the Russian boogeyman. They're throwing big haymakers at Trump, and hitting themselves in the face.
Lmao yeah im sure most leftards in states have jobs and aren't just college students living off their parents money
You're pathetic human garbage
Russia did in fact, meddle in the election though? Nobody makes the meme arguments that Republicans keep pretending like "Trump is LITERALLY in bed with Russia". Only crazies do that.
Of course they do it on purpose, same with W.
I hate this hack, the only film of his that wasn't just a lot of angst spaghetti was reservoir dogs
I have the past four elections. but now I know how they really feel about me and other white men, so I won’t be voting for the republicans but I for SURE won’t be voting dem.
>yeah im sure most leftards in states have jobs and aren't just college students living off their parents money
Red States have more low-skilled conservatives, more unemployed people and on average, non-conservative Americans finish higher education and make more money in Blue States. Red States are also the highest tax drain on government assistance programs.
I thought you people love facts and statistics?
Do you really believe that people with different political opinions than you, are "human garbage?" I'm taking the piss with you but relax a little. The universe isn't "us v. them" in politics.
How can that palid, pale, chubby fat piece of shit who is probably 32 and has a 18 year olds haircut.. criticize anybody?
She adds no value to anything or anybody. it's no wonder she makes a living creating outrage.
This is the thinking that allows them to win.
Then maybe you need to take a step back and look at how extreme you sound?
The ending of Hateful 8 snuck up on em and they've been pissed since
>a black racist and a white racist joining together to kill some fuckers that needed killing and making sure a bitch that needed hanging got hung
>the party that claims to be bipartisan
Why does She-ra look like teenage Ben 10 in a wig?
When you believe that a group seeks a culture and policy that will bring Orwell to life in America, any degree of resistance is appropriate. It's asinine to expect to meet such a threat with moderation.
>people with different opinions than me, are literally going to bring Orewellian dystopian life to America
see, it's easy to just call you a schizoid and the target of extremist groups to recruit you and prey on your emotions, but that's far too easy. I want you to know you CAN get help.
Or maybe that isn't happening?
>Orwellian types are really just people with different opinions! Nothing is real, and nothing matters!
This thinking is as dangerous to free society as any weapon on Earth.
I just checked and youre full of shit, at least about unemployment by state part.
Im just taking a piss w u too, dont wet your pants over someone calling you names, incel
I think you are missing a key element of what is being said to you, user. I'm saying that maybe, just maybe...your response is way out of tune to what is actually happening?
We have thought crime in America, newspeak, virtually never ending war, never ending erosion of rights...and each generation it normalizes, low IQs state that it's no big deal and just a "difference of opinion", and the cycle begins anew for our children.
Your grandfathers would recognize this country as a caricature of a tyrant's land from a propaganda reel.
>I just checked and youre full of shit, at least about unemployment by state part.
So, I'm incorrect about one thing? lol But I'm not, there are more unemployed people in Red States, bucko.
I say this as someone who hates mass-migration and thinks multiculturalism will be disastrous in the long run - maybe people wouldn't hate white people so much if you stopped voting for right-wing reactionaries who are carving the economy up from the inside and doing next to nothing on climate change.
Stop noticing things.
Is no one going to say anything about this review being counted as fresh?
he-ra probably isn't that bad a show but the uber feminists championing it makes me not want to check it out
oh, yikes. You're too far gone then I guess. Sorry.
best post
Name a single right the US government has taken away from you, user.
I understand what you're saying. I disagree with it. It is, in fact, that bad. I appreciate that you're the proverbial frog who thinks the water is just fine, but I'm telling you, we started boiling before you were even born.
>le against le own le economic le self le interest
Explain how electing a billionaire who then lies to your face about a tax cut (that he himself benefits from), while basically cucking the entire midwest and refusing to bring back coal jobs, somehow ISN'T voting against your own self interest?
>most states with lowest unemployment rate are red
>most states at the bottom are blue
It really isn't that bad. As you sit, in the comfort of your home, shitposting on what is basically a subreddit for retards. Without having to worry about starvation, an actual draft or a homeland war.
Anyone that doesn't increase immigration is acting in my nation's best interest.
>I can't read graphs either
>nothing is bad until literal starvation, or war
Not everyone can do this, but I have the brain capacity to understand that these things have a starting point, and it often isn't the same day the starving and the draft begin.
Into the gas chamber
>immigration is bad
Reagan loved immigration, zoomer.
time for a break, don't you think?
Yes, it's called the "slippery slope" fallacy user. Let me know when the government outright oppresses you and does (literally anything illegal) towards you.
Getting called retarded online isn't an Orwellian apocalypse unless you are super sensitive.
why do we let them exist is a better question
You posted a graph that shows the same thing, kek
This is getting hilarious, please keep on going
Pro-Trump arguments are basically just the western equivalent of saying ooga booga, yet they don't get properly refuted because liberals have crawled so far up their own ass.
His wall is an all around terrible idea, even someone who despises Mexicans should realize that it's nothing more than an impractical symbolic gesture. Dems could have pointed out that wall funds could be spent on improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers across the country. Instead they just endlessly repeat the word "racist" ad verbatim.
Trump's trade wars are going to fuck over Americans bad, and basedbean farmers are already feeling it. You wouldn't know that from the Dems, though, because his monkey brained tweets take priority over the global economy.
Trump cozying up with the country behind 9/11 is a pretty bad look. Luckily for him Dems are too drunk on identity politics to call an Islamic terrorist attack an Islamic terrorist attack. They'll lightly jab at KSA for its sexism and authoritarianism, but KSA is the Death Star for Muslims, and muslims are oppressed so that means KSA is good guys. Funny enough, this angle also applies to Israel. Trump has sucked their circumcised dick dry, but the holocaust happened to them so Dems don't want to look like antisemites.
I could go on, but it's just bitching at this point. Many people are proud to not be Republican, but nobody is proud to be a Democrat
>I don't care if he's personally profiting off of the Presidency and writing tax codes with international banks
>he's upholding the immigration laws that are already on the books, so I'll vote for him
Found the chapocel
What the FUCK did Tarantino do to Yea Forums? They absolutely seeth whenever he drops new kino.
I like how you are just ignoring all the corroborating data I keep showing you from the fucking Bureau of Labor, that says on average, there is higher unemployment in Red States.
>Found the chapocel
I don't even know what that is/means. I vaguely know "chapo house" from all the /pol/cel insults here and there. But I literally have no context to what that means.
Muscular women still look like women, not trannies with feminine faces. Shave a third of that bitches width off at the shoulder and you get to come back and say "they're being perverts", until then that's a fuckin man baby, yeah
It's not the Democrats who bring these real issues up, it's progressive liberals and JDs. They are literally the only saving grace for liberal-leaning parties in the US.
That's called a fallacy fallacy. Mapping a statement to an online pictogram of fallacies, doesn't invalidate the statement.
If you think the sum of current events is "getting called retarded online", maybe you'll see my point when you graduate middle school.
i like you
>Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, but won in the Electoral College thanks in large part to victories in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan, which all voted for Democrat Barack Obama twice. Employment edged up year over year in all three states.
I wish niggas would read shit before they post it.
You. I like you.
>That's called a fallacy fallacy.
No, it isn't.
>the sum of current events
Which is what, exactly? The same old political tension with an unpopular President? I lived through 2 terms of Bush, zoomer. It's the same shit. Only difference is social media. Grow up.
That doesn't change anything I said?
Rising unemployment is not high unemployment you fucking retard lmao
Thought this was a meme but damn you leftists really trust your feelings over facts
>Katie Rife
This fucking trash! All her reviews are just garbage. Found her when I was looking at reviews of The Perfection or whatever that gay cello playing "thriller" with a """twist""" was. Movie reviewers are garbage
If your statement is a literal fallacy, it's not fucking valid you idiot.
>Rising unemployment is not high unemployment
wut? I already showed you data from the government labor statistics that on average, more Red States suffer from unemployment. What I then did is called providing auxiliary evidence, showing that rising unemployment continues to be an issue in said Red States.
Those are all bipartisan facts, not sure why are calling me a leftist. Unless you feel personally hurt by numbers.
>I already showed you data from the government labor statistics that on average
You didnt
It is.
"Only difference is social media", that's quite a difference, one you're really underrating because you haven't really thought about this. But sure, go ahead and boil real slow, little froggy. Everything's fine, and this water hasn't been getting warmer since WW2, no sir.
Yea this...the pendulum swings both ways
There have always been unpopular presidents and vocal groups sounding off about him.
You dont hear much about it now, but JFK wasnt as popular as is often portrayed. A significant number of people thought since he was catholic that he would be obedient to the pope. There is a whole things surrounding his debate with nixon and it being televised in a way to favor JFK, nixon had a fever etc.
Its always been the same bullshit, just now we have social media
Read a book
I'll speak in faggot, a language you know very well.
That article's headline is inherently written in bad faith, ie it's presenting that exclusively red states are experiencing higher unemployment.
And you make it sound like it's some substantial unemployment gains. Your entire argument is in bad faith
Nowhere does it say "exclusively" you fucking baby. Just that these Red States have seen a rise in unemployment, which is factually true. Largely in part, by Trump's shitty war on the midwest.
>muh pendulum
>I'll speak in faggot, a language you know very well.
I audibly exhaled in amusement
Yes. Leftist propaganda is boring as shit.
If my entire argument was just "I'm not going to listen to you because you made a fallacy", sure. But I'm only pointing out that you using a literal, textbook fallacy, is not BY ITSELF a valid position in an argument, which it isn't.
You read a book, faggot.
Then OH SHIT I'M GOING TO SAY SOMETHING THAT WILL TRIGGER YOU, how about talking about the unemployment in blue states?
You're pulling some real pravda shit with your twisting of language and data to fit your bullshit claims.
>just now we have social media
That's a sea change, not a flippant "oh yeah, that too" item.
Do you prefer if we make rightist propaganda then? To placate you?
That isn't what happened, though?
>how about talking about the unemployment in blue states?
...and how it isn't as high as unemployment in Red States?
>with your twisting of language and data to fit your bullshit claims.
you literally pretended to reword an article you disliked because the facts hurt your feelings for some bizarre reason. Imagine being that loyal to some nebulous political category that you dislike numbers. Do you think they shit gold?
It is, your earlier "point", was a slippery slope fallacy. So either rework your argument to avoid it, or admit you're out of your depth.
Stop clicking on obvious bait threads on Yea Forums. Articles like the one in the OP get very little engagement and are generally published by sites that will be defunct in a few years, you'd never see them if you didn't come here looking for the bait threads.
>Carter, Regan, GHW Bush, Clinton, GW >Bush, Obama, Trump
Yea totally not a pendulum....
The grumblings, rumblings, and voiced opinions on social media have largely always existed. There just wasnt such a massive and simple way to express it. Nothing has changed other than the medium.
Why is basically 99.99% of white and Indian women like this now? I rarely see an Asian chick acting this way unless she has some frumpy problem glasses white chicks hanging around her.
White women cry white men down as if they are the devil, and EVERY feminazi """lecturer""" or """professor""" is always the same 40-50 something fat Indian lady.
How did two entire demographics turn against another one within the space of less than 10 years? What is happening??
>His wall is an all around terrible idea, even someone who despises Mexicans should realize that it's nothing more than an impractical symbolic gesture. Dems could have pointed out that wall funds could be spent on improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers across the country. In
There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with a physical barrier. It is not a "symbolic" gesture, anymore than the Berlin wall was. Physical barriers are permanent force multipliers that cannot be parred back with budget cuts by future hostile administrations like "improving the working conditions of law enforcement" can be. There is a reason prisons, military bases, nuclear powerplant ,and airports have fences topped by razor wire around them, It is because barriers work at keeping people out and funneling them toward controlled entry-points. I genuinely don't understand how people don't get this.
>but they're not 100% effective
Nothing is 100% effective. Soldiers and police officers still wear body armor even though it doesn't stop all bullets. You still lock your doors at night even though a thief can break them down. You still wear a seatbelt even though car crashes can kill you even when you wear them. Why do you think a wall needs to be 100% effective?
>It's expensive!
and what letting literally millions of illegal aliens walk across the border and enter our country putting a strain on our resources isn't?
how many times have people written "most personal film in X" and "confronting his own impending irrelevance"? how can you keep churning out these weak cliches and believe you're still saying something that is worth reading and listening to.
Literally just stop looking at things with your eyeballs or thinking things with your brain, stupid.
look up "fallacy fallacy"
It's not a pendulum swing you dumb retard. Most Democrats aren't even that far left.
The overly protected sons and daughters of the wealthy. Bolstered by anxiety ridden narcissists.
They just happen to have latched on to extreme left ideals.
Why don't you? Saying "FALLACY FALLACY" doesn't just validate shitty arguments.
Why would I? I already know what it means, you're the confused party.
Why do the stupid always get so offended at the idea that they should research something, and better understand why they're stupid? Do you want to be stupid forever?
Crackas in cages pls
>I genuinely don't understand how people don't get this
Maybe it's because we already spent billions on barriers that already do the job and have caused a significant decrease in illegal immigration over the last decade? (recent events being outliers).Real border control starts and stops at airports, not some Mexican comically running at the border.
You're just dodging now. I've asked you to make a better argument. You literally tried to pass a slippery slope as a point, I told you it wasn't. It's not just magically valid.
Are you going to engage with the argument at hand or shitpost again? I'm getting tired of this stupid faggot shit.
>imagine still being a Trumpfag
Leftists and SJWs won't get excited for Biden at all even if he panders to them half heartedly. He'd basically be a conservative president by their standards, which is why I think things would calm down a lot if he won. I'm still voting for Trump though.
What are you even actually trying to say at this point?
You're inability to read at an adult level, or reason at an adult level, doesn't then translate into me needing to make a "better" argument.
What you mean by "better" is, most likely, "something I can understand", and that's a big ask, which becomes more and more evident each time you post. If you're too dumb to understand the concept of a fallacy fallacy, that's bad, but being too dumb to even research it, and understand what it means to your malformed abortion of an """argument""" is REALLY bad.
Life's too short to bother with shit like that. This is why Yea Forums always degenerates into someone just saying "faggot" and leaving it at that, because all it takes is one persistent moron, like yourself, to basically bring conversation to a halt, so why bother?
Do you really think leftists want 1984? And why?
I don't see RT dying so soon unfortunately.
you're really trying to get away with a slippery slope and avoid any sort of revision when called out, huh?
All you had to do was make a more cogent argument. It's not a fallacy fallacy to point out that YOUR fallacy isn't in/of itself an argument, which it fucking isn't. I'm not sure why you are this dishonest about it.
Fallacy fallacy just means that you can’t say an argument is incorrect because it uses fallacy to reach its conclusion right?
>Maybe it's because we already spent billions on barriers that already do the job
Except they clearly don't do the job.
>Real border control starts and stops at airports, not some Mexican comically running at the border.
So all those Mexican "comically running at the border" are imaginary? Is that what you're saying?
People like this tranny are in for a rude awakening. Even "experts" don't seem to realize what's currently happening in American suburbs right now.
Why can't you just avoid using a slippery slope to get your point across? Why not just make a better argument? With a valid and concrete point?
I'm not a "Trumpfag", I'm a realist who is amazed by the fact that there are people who unironically became convinced that walls don't work because a talking head told them they don't.
"Want" is too strong a word. I think they pursue policy and cultural change that brings it about, though, however inadvertently.
I don't think anyone reasonable can look at the American left, especially in the media, and state that they aren't in the nascent stages of newspeak, or thought crime. They redefine words for use in social propaganda and engineering, that's pretty 1984 IMO.
>Except they clearly don't do the job.
immigration statistics beg to differ.
>So all those Mexican "comically running at the border" are imaginary? Is that what you're saying?
I'm saying that for over 10 years, it wasn't happening as often as the Right fearmongers you into thinking. Illegal immigration is most prevalent with overstay visas and fake IDs on airbound flights. Not on foot.
Walls don't work because it's easier to get on a dinky commercial plane in El Salvador, user.
>only the Left does this
We just had a President stand in front of a camera and tell an American Congresswoman to "go back" to her country and then proceed to fear-bait conservatives.
>If your statement is a literal fallacy, it's not fucking valid you idiot.
Entirely wrong idiot. It just means he used a poor argument to back his statement. The real world doesn't go away because somebody made a logical error when justifying his statements.
Holy shit you people are retarded.
I'll ask you again, what right/law/rule has been violated by your boogeyman "left" villains? What has been DONE to you?
We had a president say a wandering bandit was his son.
It wasn't that he just made "a logical error" to justify his statements, it's that the STATEMENT itself was a fucking fallacy and therefore not a valid position.
You're all brainlets. Truly.
Look, you're not going to understand this. A multi-million dollar public education has left you too mentally feeble to handle a google search and five minutes of self-reflection, so what exactly do you expect me to do with you, using only a Yea Forums post? Come on. You aren't going to understand this, just like my dog isn't going to understand algebra. Some ideas are just beyond some creatures, and while it's pretty embarrassing for something this simple to be this far beyond you, well, there it is.
Extrapolation from observed trending and historical precedent isn't a slippery slope, and simply jumping around and chanting "HA! SLIPPERY SLOPE FALLACY, I GOT YOU!" like a monkey doesn't "invalidate" anything.
If you stopped trying to play stupid redditor "gotcha" games, and actually took the time to try and read and understand simple statements, you might not be like this.
What’s an example of the left redefining words for propaganda purposes? And what makes you say we’re in the nascent stages of things becoming thought crimes?
How are they even the fucking same things? He goes on tv and just blatantly lies about elected Congress members. Who are literally American.
>Extrapolation from observed trending and historical precedent isn't a slippery slope
kek, yes. Yes it is.
user, all that is being asked of you, is to make a better argument to avoid obvious fallacies; fallacies that by themselves, are not valid arguments. You might HAVE a point somewhere, but you can't just semantic the conversation dead in its tracks because someone called you out for arguing in bad faith.
Which is what you are doing, arguing in bad faith. You and I know this.
Retarded lefty opinions being shit out into the air for mass consumption daily is what's been done. Are you fucking dense? We don't need 200 bespectacled, yet highly uneducated fucktards vomiting their dumbness out into the air via clickbait farms. If this were 20 years ago they'd be ostracized in their respective local communities and rightfully fucking so. Malcontents without solutions are fucking garbage.
get off Yea Forums
Okay, so no law has been broken? No rights have been trampled? People just have opinions you dislike?
Okay, retard.
is it just me or i saw similiar post on the other day at the other thread
Pretend real things aren't real.
tarantino is trash tho desu senpai
>What’s an example of the left redefining words for propaganda purposes?
The word "racism" is a great example. Racism used to mean (and still does, among reasonable people) simply a bias, based on race.
But in the left's world, it now means "power + privilege", with intention being to create a situation where racism against white people is impossible, as they (allegedly) hold the power and privilege, and thus those without can't possible exercise racism.
This allows the left to use the word "racism", and benefit from the emotional weight of that word, but when called on the word not fitting, they simply point to their new definition. If you read anything, hell even online, you've certainly seen this in the last few years.
As to thought crime, look at the UK, where it's a literal criminal offense to make "racist" statements, and wonder aloud how many democrats would be willing to be seen on TV voting "no" on a bill to bring that here.
Same bro
>immigration statistics beg to differ.
What's that old saying? Something about correlation not equating to causation? You can't just hold up a random statistic and then confidently point at a variable and claim that it's the cause. You have to prove it.
>I'm saying that for over 10 years, it wasn't happening as often as the Right fearmongers you into thinking.
>The report released Wednesday by the Center for Migration Studies of New York finds that from 2016-2017, people who overstayed their visas accounted for 62 percent of the newly undocumented, while 38 percent had crossed a border illegally.
38% is still a substantial percentage. If I cut your throat and you manage to stem 62% of the bleeding you will still die. Furthermore saying that "people who overstayed their visas accounted for 62 percent of the newly undocumented" is a weasel statistic, and it simply assumes that all "newly undocumented" are equivalent, putting a tourist that decided to stay for an extra cheeky week in the same category as an actual illegal alien here to make a life in this country.
Use your brain.
Don't just swallow soundbites you hear on NPR (or anywhere else) uncritically.
>Racism used to mean (and still does, among reasonable people) simply a bias, based on race.
That's not what the word means, faggotron.
We're at an impasse, I can't understand things for you.
Again, you aren't going to understand. Dog, meet algebra. It doesn't work, you've demonstrated that. Go to bed, or try to read something educational so you aren't stuck this way forever.
Lefties and righties might both argue from a place of earnest but goddamn you people really shouldn’t even be allowed to talk about politics whenever and where ever you decide to. There needs to be a board to contain this crap.
Perfect example. The left is changing the very language, such that the simple statement "murdering people for being white, is racist" will be seen as factually incorrect in 10 or 20 years, assuming this continues unabated.
Have sex
>not knowing how to ban evade
Could be true, might happen yeah, but you just pulled that from your ass without any evidence user.
focus on what makes you happy as much as possible while ignoring the negative things. gaming can help as gaming isnt that political for the most part, especially simple games with minimal plot.
>What's that old saying? Something about correlation not equating to causation? You can't just hold up a random statistic and then confidently point at a variable and claim that it's the cause. You have to prove it.
...are you saying that our strict border security played no causal role, in decreased immigration? What?
>38 is still a substantial percentage
Absolute fucking WEW at you, overstay visas are over 60 percent, your argument is fucking abysmal. You btfo yourself.
>Furthermore saying that "people who overstayed their visas accounted for 62 percent of the newly undocumented" is a weasel statistic
Do you not know how percentages even work now?
>and it simply assumes that all "newly undocumented" are equivalent, putting a tourist that decided to stay for an extra cheeky week in the same category as an actual illegal alien here to make a life in this country.
No, nowhere in any of these data sets is that conflated.
>use your brain
Why do you? Dense retard. It's like you're honest to shit, allergic to factual information that doesn't conform with your /pol/shitter sensibilities. Overstays are the SINGLE largest percentage of illegal immigration cases and that for whatever (partisan reason cough cough) clearly mystifying reason, you're ignoring that.
You're a useful idiot.
The goal is knockout game world.
A statement cannot be a logical fallacy in itself moron.
i am literally going on a 14 month deployment to the south pole for this reason
>. If I cut your throat and you manage to stem 62% of the bleeding you will still die.
What sort of insane analogy is this? Here's a better one: A guy is both shot 60 times in the chest, and hit in the kneecaps 3 times. Which is the reason you immediately bring him to the fucking hospital? Which do you write on the medical form?
>A statement cannot be a logical fallacy
I honestly can't figure out if you're baiting now.
Just make a better argument in good faith. You've had the floor to do so. You're doing christcuck-tier dodging.
>Perfect example.
Racism, in the dictionary is not just "bias" against a race you mutt.
>...are you saying that our strict border security played no causal role, in decreased immigration? What?
I'm saying that your claim that the old border barriers were sufficient is unsubstantiated.
>overstay visas are over 60 percent, your argument is fucking abysmal. You btfo yourself.
You genuinely believe that 38% isn't a substantial percentage. Unbelievable. You should tell your landlord to raise your rent by 38% since it's such a non-issue percentage.
>No, nowhere in any of these data sets is that conflated.
>A tourist or traveler is considered a "visa overstay" once he or she remains in the United States after the time of admission has expired.
lol you're an idiot and you're out of your depth
I'm going to start posting links youtubes of urban unrest unless you settle down.
>Racism, in the dictionary
i suspect "gender" isnt just what you were born with in the dictionary anymore either.
that's why i moved to 4channel
No better argument is needed. By "better", you mean "something even I can understand", and as I've said, that isn't a realistic goal.
No more (You) for you, go to bed. You're a troll, or authentically stupid, and either way, not interested.
>here's the argument
>(one point is a logical fallacy)
>"hey, this is a logical fallacy, perhaps you can rework your argument?"
>(proceeds to not move the argument in any direction at all)
>A guy is both shot 60 times in the chest, and hit in the kneecaps 3 times. Which is the reason you immediately bring him to the fucking hospital? Which do you write on the medical form?
wow at least my analogy got the percentages right
>"words are being redefined"
>"no they aren't faggot, I looked up the definition!"
> nooooo stop badmouthing based nigger and jew loving wop
>I'm saying that your claim that the old border barriers were sufficient is unsubstantiated.
Based on what? We have had the lowest influx of illegal immigration of any first world nation.
>You genuinely believe that 38% isn't a substantial percentage
No, I don't. Since I'm not an absolute fucking retard who just got into "baby's first politics". The pressing issue (that encompasses over 60 percent of illegal immigration) is overstay visas. What did you do to your head to meme yourself into thinking that this isn't the pressing issue at hand? Oh, it's because Trump's not screaming about it?
>A tourist or traveler is considered a "visa overstay" once he or she remains in the United States after the time of admission has expired.
Aren't you the party of law and order? That literally makes you an illegal alien.
Jesus, you're something. Imagine refusing to address a problem causing 60 percent of all immigration grief because no talking head prepped you yet.
nah i noticed that too. highly the same guy
nobody voted for trump because he was trump
republicans just voted republican
people are way dumber than you're giving them credit for
I accept your concession then.
That's pretty circular.
so he hasn't take a break from here yet?
the only place I ever come in contact with any of this shit is Yea Forums.
I imagine Yea Forums makes up the vast majority of your non-sleeping time, so I'm not surprised.
You forgot building the wall and deporting illegals, that thing the left refuses to do. Faggot.
Gender has meant something different from biological sex for almost a full century now.
What does being white have to do with anything? I couldn't care if Tarantino was black or Chinese or whatever. Nobody chooses what race they are.
More illegals have been deported under Democratic Administrations and Presidents though. So you don't even have any clue why you are voting the way you do...
>laughs in Obama and Clinton
Tyler, The Creator actually put it best.
>Don't fucking look at it, dawg
It's that simple. It really is that simple. I have, personally, seen many things that got me driven up the fucking wall and you know what? Looking back, I don't remember what they were. I don't remember the name of the movie or the details of the scene, I don't even remember what day I saw it on. These things, these moments that ruin your day or get you upset, they hold no power over you - not really, they're just emotional landmines. Swoosh over them, my man, and jump into a Sneedposting thread, or a thread about feet, or heck, try /tg/! They've got some real sweet ditties (and ditties rhyme with titties and titties can be found on /aco/, hey-o!)
you know it's not that easy. for example i gave up on this shitbox for two months and when things started getting worked at real life i decided to coming back thus stuck again. the longest streak for me on not using internet was just two days since then
I just told you why. He's building a wall to keep illegals out and ICE is doing God's work by rounding up illegals in cities across America to deport them. By the time Trump leaves office, he'll have deported way more beaners than Obongo or Clinton.
>based blackman said it best
>Based on what?
Based on the fact that you can't establish a causal link between immigration levels and prior border barriers, as opposed to border patrol staffing levels, a hypothetical expansion in the use of flir technology, a change in the economy, or even fucking global warming. You're literally just grabbing a random variable and holding it up as the cause without actually doing any work to prove a link.
>The pressing issue (that encompasses over 60 percent of illegal immigration) is overstay visas. What did you do to your head to meme yourself into thinking that this isn't the pressing issue at hand? Oh, it's because Trump's not screaming about it?
See here's the thing though m8. No one that supports tackling the 38%, opposes also tackling the 62%. While people like you that love to change the topic to the 62% are obstinately opposed to doing anything about the 38%, and to be perfectly honest I wouldn't be surprised if you started opposing doing something about the 62% if the government started moving to address it.
>Aren't you the party of law and order? That literally makes you an illegal alien.
>equating someone that is going to leave the country by their own volition in a week, with someone that intends to illegally spend thirty years in this country
Could you be anymore dishonest and disingenuous?
>What does being white have to do with anything?
"Middle-aged white guy" carries a different mental image than "Young Black Male" or "elderly Chinese woman." She's trying to evoke that image, my man, she's trying to make you see Tarantino for what he is, a middle-aged white guy. Personally? I quite like her highlighting his race, too many people don't. You know what I do when I need to describe somebody? I mention their age, their race, their gender and what they were wearing. In that order. Skin color's important.
Lurk 3 years before posting, newfag
Trump already backed off on massive deportations though. You have no idea what you are even talking about.
>Stop complaining and just drop out of society goy!
Walls don't do shit unless you're willing to do something to enforce that barrier. The Berlin Wall didn't work because it was a wall. It worked because it was manned 24/7 with armed military personal who would machine gun down any would be violators. The political will to do this in America doesn't exist and never will exist. Ergo, the wall is merely symbolic.
as a neet who sleep for 12 hours per day i don't do anything beside keep coming back here. like 2 hours for stuff and 10 hours on internet with 8 hours on here and 2 hours on any other side
So you want me to support a more right wing candidate next election? Okay, will do dawg.
Yeah let's just pretend the subtext that middle-aged white guys are irrelevant doesn't exist there.
Based and wisdompilled
I only see that shit when I'm awake, that's why I'm fixing to go to sleep soon. You all should join me, I hope you all get a good night's sleep.
Also "not Hilary Clinton" was a large part of his vote count.
Hell, you could have left his name off and literally had the ballot say "not Hilary Clinton" and the numbers wouldnt change
You appear to be flustered, user. Emotionally compromised, and why? Because I mentioned the shadow people? They sometimes say good things, you know what they say, give an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters and you get Shakespeare. Well, replace the typewriters with cell phones and it's the same concept. Take what works, throw away what doesn't. Worked for the Romans, it should work for you.
I said nothing of the sort, muchacho. I said don't walk down the path that's clearly lined with brambles, because you're going to get agitated. Life is about finding where you are, where you should be, and do you want your life to be surrounded by things that agitate you?
>Walls don't do shit unless you're willing to do something to enforce that barrier.
Yeah it's called the Border Patrol. It's an actual government agency that was set up to do exactly that!
> The political will to do this in America doesn't exist and never will exist.
>Democrats are traitors that will oppose and obstruct all attempts to defend America's borders
>that's a "good" picture of her
i wish i don't have to ever wake up again
THIS. good night all.
>No one that supports tackling the 38%, opposes also tackling the 62%
So here's how your a disinfo agent, m8. You're obfuscating the entire immigration debate by flat-out sidelining the MAIN drain on resources and the reason for most of the illegal number of aliens in this country: overstay visas. You keep not making it your main priority, I sure do wonder why...but I don't have to wrack my brain too hard, it's because that's not the issue Republicans want to tackle, otherwise their boogeyman would be gone. Instead, you go after a 38 percentile figure of kids, the sick, elderly that run in 100 degree fucking heat to ask for asylum. It's a political dodge, user. You're the rube. You didn't ask any questions when the Trump admin ramped up the fear-peddling days before the midterms? Isn't it odd to you that we aren't doing anything about the biggest net drain to our resources when it comes to illegal immigration? Why hasn't Trump passed any comprehensive visa reform bill?
Use your fucking braincells, retardo. You're being played. Conservatives always get played.
Only correct post ITT
When you see a screenshot of a tweet on Yea Forums, don't click it.
The "Right Wing" is dying. Let it go.
Finally a sane person in this dumb ass thread. Nighty night and sleep tight, man.
>I said don't walk down the path that's clearly lined with brambles
Are you stupid or just a conniving Jew?
The "path that's clearly lined with brambles" is our social and cultural landscape. How exactly does one not walk down the path of our social and cultural landscape without dropping out of society and culture?
based. sleep tight user.
>if you disagree with the executive branch, you are a literal traitor now
You're in a literal cult.
You've never lived in a border town or near the border. Most people haven't so I'm not surprised you don't know this, but even where we don't have a wall in place, the border patrol closely monitors areas where illegals frequently cross over into the US. The problem is that it's a 24 hour job and we don't currently have the technology to babysit every square inch of the border. The border patrol utilizes lots of different methods, including drones and other aerial surveillance, and even motion detection technology where they find regular activity, but again, they can't babysit every inch of the border. They even have special units that roam sand dunes in off-road vehicles, and horse-mounted units for more rocky mountainous territory. The wall would help with that. It's not going to guarantee that 100% illegals will be stopped, but it will stop the vast majority of them from crossing so easily. And if they can implement more motion detection and surveillance technology across the wall, they could have even higher capture rates.
t. desert dweller that has had illegals trample through his backyard and on his roof at night
>sidelining the MAIN drain on resources
There is literally no evidence of this and I have already explained how focusing on "visa overstays" is statistical sleight of hand.
You're a dishonest shill and there's no point in engaging with you further.
only good post ITT
sneed nigger based cringe incel tranny redpilled woke yikes lefty Trump cuck faggot soi based onions zoomer boomer doomer clown world racist sweaty umm unpack Chuck's fuck and suck
formerly entertaining
62 percent of all illegal immigration is not a "slight of hand" you absolutely stupid cunt.
>If you oppose the President, you are a traitor now
>If you support the idea that America should have open borders you are a literal traitor.
You dispute this?
Please don't waste our time by claiming that Democrats don't support open borders, when every democrat candidate for president publicly came out in support of decriminalizing illegal immigration.
she's not a zoomer you retard, zoomers are
>There is literally no evidence of this
You're joking, right? You just posted the data, yourself. The biggest net drain comes from illegals who come here on overstay visas. I'll ask a third time, what do you propose we do about that very real problem? I'm fiscal, I want that net drain to drop significantly.
Does your Daddy have a EO he's going to sign? any visa reform? What is he going to do you brainless faggot?
I've already explained how it is, I'm not going to do it again.
Seriously this. This is OUTRAGE central.
>If you aid and abet the invasion of America you are a traitor.
You find this statement controversial?
>>If you support the idea that America should have open borders you are a literal traitor.
I don't support open borders, but please explain how that is treasonous?
>please don't waste our time by claiming Democrats don't support open borders
They don't though?
>when every democrat candidate for president publicly came out in support of decriminalizing illegal immigration
That didn't happen, they want to make a single payer healthcare system applicable to illegal aliens. There is a difference there, but I'm sure you don't care.
>Trump cozying up with the country behind 9/11 is a pretty bad look
Yeah the jewish shilling he does is starting to turn lots of people off.
And I'll explain again for you why it was a retarded point. Nowhere in your data does it say that the overwhelming statistical number of overstays are "cheeky tourists", they don't even account for half of all overstays. So the majority of overstay cases, are valid aliens. Even so, anyone who overstays (regardless of reason or background), who isn't an American citizen, is by law and literally...an alien.
Go kill yourself.
>muh invasion
Do you even know what constitutes an invasion, Sio?
What percentage of visa overstays are in the country for longer than a year kike?
Can you even tell me?
What does it matter if it's a year, a month, a week? It's all illegal. Why don't you care about our fucking laws? It's only when it suits your political narrative. I want overstay visa reforms, I want less abuse of our visa application system. I'll ask you a fourth time now you shiftless faggot, what does Trump plan to do, in order to address that?
>wahhh wahhh you Jew
Save it for Trump's literal Jewish family if that bothers you so much, bootlicker.
>this is real
>an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.
Beaners are unwelcome and they're intruding on our land.
>how is letting anyone at all come and move into your country without restriction treasonous
>that didn't happen
Yes it did.
>All but two Democratic presidential hopefuls backed a proposal to decriminalize unauthorized border crossings on the second night of the first 2020 Democratic debate,
Oh gee I guess you got me there, it wasn't all of them. It was just all of them but two.
just take a step back and LISTEN for once in your life
filthy goy
>literally have a federal law stating they can seek asylum literally anywhere
>get taken in regardless
okay, Trumptard.
The political party of wholesome conservative Christian values everyone!
The question was about family separation policy, user. Nice clickbait though.
Do you know the definition of treason or are you just doing that thing that SJWs do with the word racist now?
>Nowhere in your data does it say that the overwhelming statistical number of overstays are "cheeky tourists
I never claimed it did, my point is that it makes no distinction,
> they don't even account for half of all overstays.
[citation needed]
>Even so, anyone who overstays (regardless of reason or background), who isn't an American citizen, is by law and literally...an alien.
Yes and?
Which is the bigger drain on the country and therefore the bigger issue? They guy who stays in the country an extra year, or the illegal immigrant family that collects government assistance and sends their kids to American public schools for a decade?
esoteric 3rd wave nazism is what all the kids are all into these days gramps. thats paganism btw.
>>when every democrat candidate for president publicly came out in support of decriminalizing illegal immigration
Literally not what your own article says:
>Immigration violations and punishments, including detention and deportation, are generally enforced under civil law. But crossing the border without permission is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in prison. To carry out the family separation policy, the Trump administration systematically prosecuted migrant parents arriving with their kids at the border on criminal immigration charges ― leaving their then-unaccompanied children in the hands of civil immigration authorities.
>The proposal met with wide approval. Eight of the 10 candidates on stage raised their hands, including three who appeared to go on record backing the idea for the first time: Sens. Kamala Harris (Calif.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), as well as former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper. U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell (Calif.) had previously told The Washington Post he would only favor decriminalizing unauthorized border crossings as part of a compromise to get comprehensive immigration reform passed, but he joined the majority on stage.
>“That criminalization is the basis for family separation,” South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg said. “You do away with that, it’s no longer possible.”
>if they're not me they're conservative Christians
it's fun watching the gears in your NPC head turn
>Why don't you care about our fucking laws?
That's ironic coming from the guy that is content to ignore 38% of the illegal immigration in this country?
Pilpul doesn't work on me kike, I have a high verbal IQ and I went to an elite school with Jews.
>seek asylum
You realize that's meant for people fleeing oppressive governments that want to kill them, right? Can I "seek asylum" into your place of residence for a few weeks too? It's a dumb loophole illegals are attempting to use to gain entry, but it isn't working. I live in a border town and thousands of beaners pour in every month seeking asylum, and then when they're given the paper work and a path to asylum they shy away and change their minds. Why? Because they can't actually prove their lives were in immediate danger via their government.
>and refusing to bring back coal jobs
Coal jobs are dying because coal is a dying industry. What Trump has done is make it easier for the remaining coal companies to pollute the waterways where they dump their shit, making people in those areas sicker in the long term.
Providing aid and comfort to America's enemies.
>my point is that it makes no distinction
So you're just inventing a cartoonish argument based on feefees and the "possibility" that maybe they don't account for the ten faggots in their data sets, that are just vacationers?
>[citation needed]
your fucking article.
>Which is the bigger drain on the country and therefore the bigger issue? They guy who stays in the country an extra year, or the illegal immigrant family that collects government assistance and sends their kids to American public schools for a decade?
The illegal immigrant family who flies here on a short-term visa and then disappears into the throngs of Amerifats. It's like you're purposefully being fed disinformation; the reason we have these entire families, is because they FLY HERE ON VISAS.
Jesus fucking Christ, are you actually on the spectrum?
just met an asian girl who hates trump so much but loves hitler, anti zionist, and support aoc
The polution coming from the first world is irrelevant on the global scale. But I agree with you that we must truly tackle the chink menace once and for all.
>Dems could have pointed out that wall funds could be spent on improving the working conditions of law enforcement officers across the country. Instead they just endlessly repeat the word "racist" ad verbatim.
They say both. But people get triggered over the racism bit, which is true, and only focus on that because they hate being called, truthfully, that they are racists for supporting the dumb ass wall the Mexico was supposed to pay but obviously they were never going to do it.
>killing one of two sides
Keep drinking that fluoride water, inbred.
>he question was about family separation policy, user. Nice clickbait though.
The question was literally “Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense, rather than a crime, to cross the border without documentation.”
Only a court can decide if an asylum claim is valid, not your feefees.
>your fucking article.
Quite the section.
> It's like you're purposefully being fed disinformation; the reason we have these entire families, is because they FLY HERE ON VISAS.
So once again we've gone back to pretending that 38% of them don't enter the country through illegal border crossing....
>I know this is a problem that makes up almost the entirety of illegal immigration...
>but like, you're a Jew and stuff and muh 38 percent should matter more because uh, uh uh...Trump said so and feels over reals
You're a drone. You're brainwashed.
>loves hitler, anti zionist, and support aoc
Don't stick your dick in crazy user.
No, that's not what the question was. Read your own fucking article. The video is embed IN your link.
Right, which is why I said beaners aren't trying to seek asylum. They can't make a convincing case that their lives were in immediate danger via their hostile government. Which is why they're changing their tune and getting deported instead.
>So once again we've gone back to pretending that 38% of them don't enter the country through illegal border crossing....
I honestly can't tell if you're being serious anymore. It's this bizzaro world where someone who is allegedly conservative, is straight up ignoring a major fiscal concern because of partisan hackery.
How do you even know that, Mr. Anecdote? The immigration courts are backed up for months, hardly processing anyone.
Based globalist shill
do moronic, dyed hair people in "statement" accessories think they are respected? Or do they realise 99% of people think they are a complete joke?
>globalism is bad and hasn't been the greatest force in reducing worldwide poverty
I"m sorry we can't go back to a pre-Industrial society with a single lord and fiefdoms.
Because I work for Arizona Customs and Border Protection you fucking clown.
We can safely say that 100% of that 38% are illegal aliens entering the country for the purpose of immigration. Tourists are not sneaking across the rio grande in inner tubes.
We however can NOT say with 100% certainty that the majority of visa overstays are illegal aliens entering the country for the purpose of illegal immigration rather than just tourists or students.
Considering that Mexico and Central America don't make the list for highest overstay rates or numbers its safe to say that visa overstays as a source of lasting illegal immigration are deliberately overblown.
yes, nice larp.
I LITERALLY got that quote from the article you lying kike.
>people don't have jobs or have to pay bills
You must live a very coddled, comfortable life my incel friend.
>it's overblown because I feel it to be so and it doesn't fit my argument
You're like a flat-earther, I'm done with this. You're a absolute joke of a conservative.
>major fiscal concern
Disingenuousness like this is why your kind end up in camps
decriminalization at the border and making it a civil offense, is not "free and open borders".
that's not an argument.
>I'm done with this.
yikes, I sure do wonder why your party isn't popular anymore.
you're on Yea Forums at 5am.
>what are time zones
Oh so now you're shifting the goalpost?
What happened to "democrats never came out in support of decriminalizing illegal immigration"?
Do I have to explain how removing the law illegalizing unauthorized border crossings opens up the border next?
>I sure do wonder why your party isn't popular anymore.
lol ok bro
I guess that's why my party is going to hold onto the presidency in 2020 right?
this is why I no longer pay any attention to these people or the anti-sjw posts here. You see them complaining so much that you assume they must have some complicated rational argument.
But when you actually talk to them you realize they don't know anything about the situation and they will just stall and argue forever without saying anything. It sounds harsh to say certain people's opinions don't count, but honestly no one should take them seriously and your time is better spent laughing at them then trying to "debate" them since they don't recognize the idea of debate or logical argument.
I really hsould just abandond this hread and go to sleep
I have provided statistics and evidence.
Your kind have responded by insisting that 38% isn't a substantial percentage.
>decriminalizing illegal immigration
So you're posting at 2am on Yea Forums not 5
How does a thread about Tarantino devolve into immigration?
just type the word "nigger" many times in Yea Forums and your madness and frustration will disappear!
Is that past your bedtime, squirt?
Because if you're redpilled your whole life revolves around immigration, jews and SJWs
Does it get boring?
>not greed of upper class
>not the death of the middle class
>unspoken of lower classes
>cluserfuck taxes
>disappearing jobs
>dismantling of unions
No wonder this country is fucked. You're talking about bullshit instead of real issues.
You really don't think immigration is tied to any of those problems?
>complain about death of unions and lower class then proceed to call democrats evil and defend republican president who passed a 1 billion tax cut
bravo user you've really shown us the light
It's not the 80's anymore. Immigration isn't nearly as bad as it use to be. We are at historic lows
>proceed to call democrats evil and defend republican president who passed a 1 billion tax cut
Who are you quoting?
you country is already completly mixed
>historic lows
so trump is doing his job?
>Luckily for him Dems are too drunk on identity politics to call an Islamic terrorist attack an Islamic terrorist attack
This is such bullshit. The real issue is how white dudes doing terrorism never get labeled, or even prosecuted as a terrorist, and the right always goes "LONE WOLF! MENTAL ILLNESS! DON'T POLITICIZE IT!" when one commits an atrocity. But when a Muslim guy with mental illness background does a lone wolf attack, it's always talked about as a giant orchestrated terrorist attack by Jihadists.
It's been steadily declining for the past few decades. Which is a reversal from what's happening in Europe. But 1st world problems caused this in the first place. You cant shit on undeveloped countries and not expect consequences
>One president talks about a dead kid whose death shook the country in a metaphorical speech about how we should try to see the victim of such shootings as our own loved ones to feel empathy and understand the anger and sorrow that stems from such violent deaths, which are an epidemic in for the unity of the nation.
>Other President literally tells American born citizens to go back to their home country in a blatantly racist tirade
Totally the same thing. There's blame on both sides. SAD!
Yeah, if we just stopped doing that, then all our problems would be solved. Thank god we have you to sort out what the "real issue" is.
this, but in Minecraft
Remember when Obama got the blame for increasing racial tensions?
Nah twatter has that tittle
Go to sleep rekieta